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    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - February 27, 2020

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - February 27, 2020

    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - February 27, 2020

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

    Newbies / Returning players please visit our newbie-help channel on the /r/eve discord: https://discord.gg/uHpxFaA

    Alternatively check out reddit.com/r/evenewbies

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Meanwhile in Eve

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:51 AM PST

    After gating the superfleet into range Legacy+Provibloc feed to ex-Legacy FC Seddow and friends

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:05 PM PST

    A close fight over a fort anchoring in Providence called "Seddow says Hello" causes legacy to be batphoned by proviblock along with FIRE.

    Reking Crew batphoned Horde/NC/PL/Tri/Slyce mostly in lokis and munnins from horde.

    https://www.twitch.tv/1dinoegg2 - Twitch channel streaming legacy gating their supers into range from catch

    Current BR - https://fleetcom.space/battlereport/LguiRJraGtSC3FGYk

    Fort survives after legacy losses over 130 munnins and killing 25 lokis in the final BR. Legacy never drops their super fleet or caps beside the dread wave to kill the Subcap fax for the lokis, that got left behind and killed when legacy subcaps bailed.

    Seddows fleet was all of Reking Crew, Tri, Slyce, Siege Green (80 lokis/tengus)

    NC/PL brought their own loki fleet(38 lokis) and horde in their own munnins. (70 munnins)

    Legacy formed 120 caps+supers, 140 munnins + 50 munnins from CVA

    Test did not show up in force seems they are going to see if their legacy allies can hold their own without test always holding there hand. Clearly they cannot

    submitted by /u/Ms-China
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    To everyone REEEEing at CCP for selling a fitted destro and thinking it's PA doom, you're really quick to forget CCP has done that for years with explo frigates, industrials and PvP frigates (namely the Punisher).

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:19 AM PST

    But hey, better blame PA for something that has been done for 10 years.

    submitted by /u/C5WormholerBTW
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    [Game World News] Federal Elections Suspended After Presidential Candidates Attacked and Federal Networks Collapse

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:34 PM PST

    [Game World News] Federation Under Election Eve Comms Network Attack as Terrorists Target Presidential Candidates

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

    [Game World News] Minmatar Republic Launches Surprise Offensive During Break in Southern Floseswin IV Rains

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

    No taxation without reincarnation!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:07 AM PST

    So with the upcoming broker relations patch upwell structures are going to have a minimum 1% tax rate. Why is it that the taxman can find their way into wormhole systems but jump clones can't?

    submitted by /u/justanastral
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    Gallente Presidential Candidates Assasinated: Emergency Villore Accords Mobilization

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:25 PM PST

    Left Abyssal proving grounds after enemy ship showed up

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:49 PM PST

    I accidentally took the wrong gate in my t3 abyssal gila and ended up in the proving grounds. It was a heart pounding 5 minute way before the cache unlocked. Just 1 second before it unlocked, an Ikitursa showed up. I thought I was screwed but the cache still unlocked and the gate unlocked right after. I then just burned to the gate and left. Is this normal? I thought that if there were 2 ships in the proving grounds, the cache and the gate won't unlock.

    submitted by /u/Darkislife1
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    [Highlight] Small-Scale with CCP Alpha by Lussy Lou \ iBeast

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:28 PM PST

    HAWs gone from Titans

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:16 AM PST

    zkb-search-tool is live

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:51 AM PST



    Tool for advanced search on zKillboard. Feedback is welcome.

    submitted by /u/LTLPU
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    2020 | Notoras News | S1E3

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:45 PM PST

    Remember when CCP Promised Directly Paying for SP Would be a One Time Thing, 'Rooks Only'? What About the 250K SP Packs we Have Now?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:26 AM PST

    o/ Greetings

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:46 PM PST

    I've been trying to get hooked on EVE ever since I first heard of this game. Needless to say, I never quite got the hang of it. Lately, family life and the job got a toll on me, and I find myself spending less and less time playing the usual games that I've been playing. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to give one final try to get into this "experience" because it's so much more than a game from what I've been reading. What would be a good place to start looking for some veterans who want to take a rookie under their wing? [pun intended]

    submitted by /u/EventHoryzen
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    New Permanent Needlejack Filaments | EVE Online

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:04 AM PST

    QOL Suggestion: Hold Button + Click Chat Functions

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:44 PM PST

    I want to be able to hold down a button, click in a chat window, and have it link my current destination.

    I want to be able to hold down a different button, click in the chat window, and have it link my destination.

    I want other people to suggest other awesome stoner friendly functions CCP could allow us to set hot keys for.

    submitted by /u/Hisx1nc
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    As a Chinese player, I have few words to say

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:30 PM PST


    To be honest, as a Chinese player, I am not offended by the name Coronavirus, instead I feel sad. One of my high school friend is suffering from this virus, when I heard people are making fun of it, I felt really bad. In my opinion, this is different from saying "Free Hong Kong", "Taiwan Number One ", personally I am totally okay with any of these political statements, I don't mind if you don't like Chinese government or making funny jokes about them. But this is too much, people are suffering from this virus, not only the people in China but also people from other countries.

    I think we all agree that Chinese players who are saying stuff like "Happy 9xx" are shitty people, I hate them too, I will report, if I see one. We all hate shitty people like them, but we CAN chose to NOT be part of them. Please, just imagine if you see an alliance named as 911, what an insult to the people who lost friends and families in that terrible disaster.

    EVE is a game that I love to play, I truly hope I can enjoy this game while playing it, and I hope this is true for every eve player

    submitted by /u/PlayerMCMC
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    Foxholer Creative Writing AAR - Small Gang

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:19 AM PST

    I occasionally write creative posts to our Discord when the mood suits me, and figured I'd share a fun post I enjoyed making, with you all. If you enjoy the story give a shout! (Yes it's abit wordy but either way I hope you like!)


    Tim's warp drive accelerated towards the tackled Porpoise deep in null space. A connection had opened not far by, and it was time to capitalize on the weakness and laziness of other miners. The ore hunters, were about to become the hunted.

    The radio call came in from Fox Agent Midein. "Target Porpoise is immobilized & warp drive scrambled. He's not going anywhere Agents Smoke & Jak. Bring in the pain"

    Jak radio'd in "We're dropping in now," his thick accentuated voice came crackling in over Smoke's radio. Agent Smoke grinned and adjusted his pilot's headset in the cramped cockpit of his Wolf; he looked outside the viewport at Agent Jak's wolf aligned to the coordinates; Smoke did the same. The warp speed tugged at Tim's face as he adjusted some nozzles and buttons preparing for the Porpoise's demise.

    Suddenly, a shrill voice came over the visual diplomatic channel and an ugly, fat, neckbearded captain wearing a bright red tricorn hat began screaming insults. "AI Valeria," Smoke said indifferently.

    "Yes, Fox Agent Smoke?" the AI's smooth, robotic voice responded. "Could you disable all diplomatic channels and block future communications from that burning Porpoise over there." As his Wolf landed on grid with the disabled Porpoise, Valeria's programming measured his eye's visual alignment towards the Porpoise he was glaring at, and her response came through. "Now blocking all diplomatic radio contact from disabled Porpoise. Would you like to lock onto the target, Agent Smoke?"

    "That'd be grand, Valeria. Prep autocannons with Barrage and fire at will." Valeria remained silent yet chimed a small beep to register the command, and the Wolf began firing away, its autocannons weakening the Porpoise's shields. Within a minute, the shields fell, and the armor began to catch fire and explode in various areas of the frame...

    Whilst the barrage of the Porpoise continued, a deeper, unknown voice came through a separate diplomatic channel. "You Wormholers are all the same. Never thinking about how small and peasant-like you are compared to those of us living in the deep null. You'll burn today." The channel closed and Smoke's directional scan registered a Triglavian Vedmak & Vexor Navy Issue inbound.

    "We got company boys. Get ready to lock the Vexor Navy. I'll handle the smart-ass Vedmak pilot." Jak chimed in, "Are you sure Smoke? We could just warp away and get our sleek Dreks," the all too familiar laugh coursed through the fleet radio, encrypted by elite programming provided by allies Sinner's Trajectory to prevent hostile listeners.

    "Just take care of that ship, I'll take care of mine." Agent Midein chimed back "I'm in. Down the porpoise." A view from space could show the autocannons glaring white hot, as one last volley from Fox Fleet came in, and the Porpoise shattered into multiple pieces, its wreckage spinning into multiple directions, almost colliding with the vexor navy landing with the vedmak.

    The real engagement began, Jak & Midein began their assault of the vexor, whilst Tim accelerated to the Vedmak attempting to dodge Smoke's warp scram; it was already too late. Within seconds of the Vedmak aligning away scrambling to break range, its engines shut down. Tim's lights flickered as Valeria came on. "Agent Smoke, energy neutralizers causing inter-," Tim chimed in immediately, "VALERIA OVERHEAT NOSFERATU CYCLE ON THAT VEDMAK UNTIL BURNT, KEEP THESE LIGHTS ON!"

    A friendly chime registered as the lights stabilized, his wolf circling the vedmak, autocannons breaking through its shields; the wolf began to crack into armor as well. The disintegrators the triglavian technology provided began to melt into the side, and warning lights popped on Tim's dashboard. "AI cycle Assault Damage control, & cycle the ancillary rep on maximum power!"

    The battle raged on, background comms between Jak & Midein flared and the Vexor, reinforced with bulkheads exploded. Hoops and hollars of excitement roared as Jak flew past Smoke's ship, quite elegantly & Midein calmly announced, "We've got multiple Caracals inbound. Align Home Smoke."

    "Not before this Vedmak burns. I'll go home in a pod before I let him get away." The autocannons and disintegrators continued their assault on one another. If there was a time for suspenseful, space-themed music, this would be it. The caracals landed, and Smoke began his alignment back to the wormhole leading to Fox Relay Base.

    Valeria chimed in, "Armor on Wolf holding steady; The Vedmak's structure appears to be cracking."

    Smoke grinned as he prepared his warp drive, Caracals landing within 25 km of his vessel. Manually opening a diplomatic channel, he overrode the Vedmak's encryption, again a Sinner's technology boost. "One thing us WORMHOLERS, taught you today, null-sucker.... We don't.... Fuck.... AROUND!" In slow motion, the autocannon turret hummed with power, turning yellow... orange... red. And fired. The beams accelerated out of the projectile cannon, and hit the Vedmak square in the cockpit. The vedmak collapsed under the weight of all the damage. The caracals scrambled trying to tackle any of the Fox Pilots, and failed as the three man fleet warped inside.

    Midein radio'd in as the fleet splashed back into the pockets of J-space. "Fox Relay Base One, three bogies downed, three friendlies safe and accounted for.

    Agent Leader Ash radio'd back, "Nicely done you three. I might have to bake some goodies for you lot. Get your arses in here and get ready for that Caracal fleet. We have unfinished business with them...."

    submitted by /u/Smoke3244
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    Current state of eve.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Been away for a while seen that there were changes in the east just wondering what the current state of eve is. Seems 90% bluetral?

    submitted by /u/Nitdeep
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