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    Wednesday, October 30, 2019

    Eve Online T̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶I̶n̶ ̶S̶t̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ CCP News, Fair and Balanced.

    Eve Online T̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶I̶n̶ ̶S̶t̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ CCP News, Fair and Balanced.

    T̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶I̶n̶ ̶S̶t̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ CCP News, Fair and Balanced.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    EVE Onion News' Discord of Free Speech!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:51 PM PDT


    EVE Onion is EVE Online's Premiere Satire News Organization!

    Other EVE Online News discords got you muted or hindering your opinions of the state of EVE Online or the future? Then come join our Discord!

    Also, we do have some rules.. No bullying!

    Thank You!

    submitted by /u/EVE_Onion
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    No, CCP, Lachesis is not an armor ship

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    I have just noticed that the Tormentor's hull looks like a smiling face.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:52 AM PDT

    Presenting: The RvB FW (Faction Warfare) Tour

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:46 PM PDT

    CCP, how about patch notes with details?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    The patch was due today but is happening tomorrow instead and we still know nothing of the combat interceptor changes. Can we get some details?


    As /u/willphase posted below, this was a slide at Eve Vegas that I'd not yet seen. Should be in the patch notes.


    submitted by /u/zerodamage
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    Pando's FC Chat #6 - Hy Wanto Destroyer

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:40 PM PDT

    Peal Abyss Q3 Earning Release Called for November 8th - 8:00 AM KST

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 03:02 PM PDT

    Pearl Abyss Q3 2019 Earnings Release Conference Call』

    Date : Nov.8, 2019 (08:00 AM(KST))

    Subject : Q3 2019 Earnings Presentation

    Webcasting : Click link below to join the conference call

    Materials : Presentation materials will be uploaded on our website right before the presentation.


    submitted by /u/vexargames
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    CVA forgets to cyno in caps and gets dunked on by RC

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:47 PM PDT

    100% Loot drop and interceptor changes delayed until 30.10.2019

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    New/Semi-Returning Player Feedback to CCP/Community Manager - Week 1

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    To the community manager at CCP,

    For other players this will be long so don't bother reading if you have a short attention span, its directed at the developers of the game anyway, not the community.

    The idea here is to give CCP some idea of what its like for myself as a new player entering Eve so they can maybe do something about their abysmal retention rate.

    Introduction: -

    I'm a 40 year old guy living in Australia that's into Sci-Fi and technology, pretty much a complete nerd, I'm doing my masters in computing technology at the moment and like to game to unwind.

    I tried Eve back in 2015 found it highly confusing and didn't have the patience to try and learn a system that felt like it was actively working against me, there are a tonne of other games on the market so I quickly lost interest after about a week and moved on.

    Fast forward to this week and I was looking for something new to play.

    Star Citizen is still a hard Alpha product, Elite Dangerous feels empty and pointless, X4 is still a buggy mess, Space Engineers I only play to write mods for and I need a break from coding, I've played enough Stellaris for the moment and WoW is basically dead to me after the terrible expansion then the whole China/Hearthstone incident and lets not get into why I stopped playing Dota 2 but I really enjoy both PvE and PvP fairly equally when they are done right.

    The reason I mention all this is to give you some insight into who I am as a new customer buying into your product and as a person that plays a variety of games. So I see all these adverts on Steam for Eve and I see there is a new expansion and the interface has had some updated so figure I'll give it a shot.

    I logged into the old account and it fires up no problems, I've got some skills that must have finished from when I last played and as a bonus I get some free skill points from some login event which I can use to quickly add some new skills after I see where I am at in terms of flying ships - I spend them all completely wrong on things that sound cool of course because I still don't know the wisdom of doing a proper skill plan.

    Playing the game: -

    So I can't really remember the basics how to play so I go and do the career agent missions from scratch to get a refresher and it all comes back to me. OK so now I have all these skills and no money so I decide I need to make money, but how?

    The missions are paying low amounts and I look at these ships costing millions and think this is never going to be enough so I take to the internet looking how to make money and inevitably fall into the trap of mining which so many many guides suggest new players should do which is completely WRONG.

    So I fire up a venture go find an asteroid belt and start mining, I quickly figure out this is absurdly boring and start watching YouTube on my second screen. I do this for about two days while I google 50 different things to try and understand how to make enough money to pay for all this expensive stuff.

    The next suggestion is join a new player friendly corporation so I start looking for one, now because I'm a new player who has very little ISK I look for a corporation that's in high security, is new player friendly and isn't war-deccable (I knew some of these terms from the guides I read) - again this is a TERRIBLE idea as Eve is a PvP game and it gets me completely into the wrong mentality, so in this new corp, that first thing I do is go and MINE MOONS while they try to educate me on some parts of the game.

    By this point I've been playing 3 days and all I've really done is do some really out-dated and boring career missions, run some boring and out-dated barely put together combat missions with brainless NPC's, read confusing out-dated information on the internet and mined space rocks. I'm seriously thinking Eve is a terrible game, don't understand why people play it at all and think about moving on again.

    Wormhole Exploration: -

    So after reading many more guides on different ways to make significant ISK I learn about wormhole space, I have zero idea where this place is or how it works, nothing I've seen so far has indicated to me this even exists, I know about low-sec and null-sec as I went out into them before curious to see what they were about an immediately got killed both times so learnt not to do that - which again is AWFUL considering this is my first exposure to any kind of PvP and again reinforces the 'stay in high-sec' mentality.

    I read some more about how scanning works, how to get into worm holes, what type of ship I need and what fit.

    OK cool, lets go check these out, so after messing with scanning for a while I finally scan one down and decide to jump in. Now I'm a noob remember so I don't even think about bookmarks.

    I jump in and scan down some sites, I know from the guides what I'm looking for and get some Data/Relic sites, the game-play involved in doing so isn't fantastic but its about as entertaining as mine-sweeper which is much more interesting than mining space rocks.

    So anyway, I hit the jackpot and end up with about 30 million ISK worth of goods in my 2 million dollar ship I worked hard to pay for with mining and think to myself holy shit this is what I should have been doing the whole time, exploring the universe instead of watching YouTube while mining lazers cycle in the background and that I'm RICH.

    Now I know wormhole space is like null-sec and I've learnt about safe spots, d-scanning etc. but still really have no idea how players catch me but I know however I'm carrying a lot of ISK for me and it makes me a target.

    After scanning back down the wormhole I came in with I warp 70 km's out and hit the MWD to the hole with my fingers crossed, as I'm just about to exit a warp bubble or something hits me and my heart starts beating out of my chest and adrenaline kicks in, I make it through the hole back into 0.6 space and immediately warp to a station.

    This was the first time I had actually had FUN in Eve.

    So I decide at this point I have a means of making good money, exploration is exciting and it'll be able to fund losing ships in PvP in a way mining in high sec could never do with someone in a venture. At this point I have decided maybe there is more to Eve than all this really dry as paint boring stuff.

    This leads me to subscribing for Omega and becoming a paying customer. In addition I spend more money and buy a starter pack for the extra skill points as well.

    OK so good stuff, I've started to enjoy the game and CCP has a paying customer, so I do some more exploration runs make 25 million here, 30 million there and come across no other players. It soon gets fairly mundane and I'm getting bored again - I've played for about 5 days by this point.

    Planetary Interaction & Combat Sites

    So again I go back to the internet and try and find other ways of making money, I learn all about planetary interactions but then find out it makes low amounts of money in high-sec and requires a lot of skills that take weeks to learn so I end up setting up some crappy sites that make about ~2m ISK a day each. The interface was OK but some parts of it were confusing and annoying to use. I figure I can just train the skills up much later and try to find something else to do.

    I keep hearing about L3 and L4 missions and how they can be quite lucrative so with all this exploration wealth I decide to blow it all on ships. Turns out I need reputation and can only do L2 missions which I get from security agents, these are boring and mind numbing and I quickly lose interest.

    I still haven't been involved in any PvP by this point and I'm almost a week in.

    I then learn about scanning down combat sites, I learn about escalations and how I can scan down sites in high-sec that are quite rewarding so I look for ships and I found out there is a thing called a Gnosis that isn't even in the ship tree.

    I lookup how a Gnosis should be fitted out and go off and scan down some sites in high-sec (I check EveUni guides to figure out which one's I can do) and warp in, OK tough fight, have to actually think, start using armor repair, target the missiles in the back, use boosts to close distance and almost die, this is fun.

    The site escalates and I go on some confusing mission sprawl where I missed almost half the acceleration gates I'm fairly sure and ends up with me killing some ship that drops an item worth 70 million ISK, pretty happy with that, seems like a good alternative to exploration when that gets stale.

    So anyway I have some good money now and someone in my corp is organizing something called an incursion fleet so I've bought a myrmidon at this point and I'm given a fit to put on it and I join up. Looks cool, my first time in a fleet and I'm thinking this should be fun. Wrong. It was literally killing a bunch of brainless NPC ships, no-one took any damage, I didn't get fired on once and literally just cycled priority targets and hit F1 and told drones to attack.

    The loot was nice but I was bored in 15 mins and bowed out of the fleet.

    Final Thoughts

    So at this point I'm entering Week 2 and I still haven't done PvP whatsoever. There is some plans in my corporation and talk of PvP alts etc., I still have no idea how PvP even works and I've read a bunch of guides and watched some outdated vidoes - I also done some reading online and inevitably seen a bunch of posts about how good PvP fights are hard to even find, people sitting around for hours doing nothing or having people just fly off and never engage which doesn't sound promising.

    So to bring a long story to its end I'm entering Week 2 and I'm going to finally try to get some PvP done after I make some more money so I don't stress about losing the ships by doing more.. you guessed it.. PvE.

    The long and short of it is this.

    The PvE feels completely tacked on, a confusing mess and feels like busy work to just make ISK instead of engaging content so it won't be enough to maintain my interest. The skills required to do more complex things take months to learn and I need a lot of ISK to buy and fit out expensive ships which I apparently have to run this boring PvE content to do so.

    If I don't find engaging PvP inside the next few days I'm probably going to uninstall Eve again, unsubscribe as a customer and move on.

    Thanks for your time,

    - Stollie

    submitted by /u/Stollie69
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    I'm in 0.0... where is the ISK Wagon?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:17 AM PDT

    So I am out in 0.0, mining ice and ore and putting up compressed ice, ore and even refined minerals up for sale - but nobody is buying it. The prices are always close to others. Nobody is buying the items here in 0.0.

    So am I better to ship this to Jita? What am I missing about 0.0 life here?

    submitted by /u/kladskull666
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    PSA: Apparently suicide ganking ships don't drop 100% of their modules!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:51 AM PDT

    [EVE] More AFK Astero please

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:51 AM PDT

    Hi, small corp ceo there

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:02 PM PDT

    Anyone knows a 0.5 system with a public Tatara, or do i have to talk to other corp/Alliance to give us access. sorry if i am new to all the corp stuff and sorry for bad english

    submitted by /u/lolurlsr
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    Why is not a good idea to left a super in a POS

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    Today i wake up and see there is a super in a POS

    Someone in the Alliance give me the passeword

    that is the result



    that why i think people shouldn't play eve online without the basic

    BTW they have a keepstar to put those big things secured

    Maybe FXR gonna learn from there mistake

    submitted by /u/UnnamedFrozenhearth
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    First PvP experience and a bit confused

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:57 AM PDT

    I would consider myself an absolute noob at EVE (25 hours of playtime) but yesterday I decided to enlist in FW to see what it's about. I couldn't be bothered to go to the FW agent's mission ~20 jumps away so I went to a system closer to me, Ouelletta, in my Atron.

    I jumped in and decided to have a look at an abandoned battlefield. There were some Serpentis ships and I start taking lots of damage so I panic and decide to warp out to the gate (it is possible the person who killed me was there as well but idk). I turned on my armour repairer and was about to go and have a look at what else there was in the system when a thing pops up saying I've done something illegal in sight of a sentry drone. Subsequently I blow up and jump home in my capsule. I assumed the sentry executed me or something but the killmail said it was someone else.

    After looking at zkillboard, I saw he has killed 50m ISK ships so I don't feel too bad about losing my 400k Atron.

    I'm confused about a few things; what illegal thing might I have done? And how can I do better next time?

    submitted by /u/Asam3tric
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    Seems like Matterall from TIS is toeing CCP's line

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:33 PM PDT

    " CCP and TiS Tone This is a personal message from me as the founder of TiS. The tone of TiS has always been upbeat, emphatic, and interested in EVE. We welcome everyone to our talk space, but we do not want the tone changing to pessimism and cynicism. Groupthink is a real thing, and a few people smack-talking CCP/EVE invites more of the same, creating a dispiriting environment that drives actual players away. It will drive new arrivals away. It drives me away. Moderators will take measures to preserve TiS tone, including blocking the ability to type in channels. Negativity means smack-talking CCP, concern trolling their financial stability, name-calling CCP devs, and fatalism about EVE development. This "tone watch" will be an ongoing judgment call to keep TiS a place where ideas and stories are surfaced in a way that is productive to EVE and the fans of TiS."

    Watch out on Discord folks. Got muted myself this evening

    submitted by /u/SatelliteMind89
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    Is this how i use a Mining ship?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:45 PM PDT

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