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    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    Eve Online True power

    Eve Online True power

    True power

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    CCP - Please do not grandfather the existing Ansiblex Structures.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    This is the only structure change that is set in stone to happen in a few weeks time, and moving Ansiblex from 200km to 500km was actually the most exciting thing announced at Vegas - Yeah BOSON nerfs, 2 week balance cycles, AF nerfs, Combat ceptor buffs and a slight dromi nerf are all good too. But the most exciting thing to me is the fact that structure changes are actually on the cards.

    Ansiblex's should have been peak content generation. They gained so much more power over jump bridges (no fatigue) and also a bunch of other stuff that I disagree with, like being able to take them while HIC pointed in caps, taking them while having an aggression timer, taking them while bubbled or tackled. But they would be a "doorbell" to ring for fights, 'fight us or lose travel convenience in your space'. Unfortunately, due to the fact that they are able to be placed in Keepstar Doomsday range, that never happened.

    In V0lta we actually got a lot of fights on Ansiblexes that were anchored on Forts or Tatara's etc. Because it wasn't 100% instant kill on any ship in point + DD range, and with 2-3 logi you could easily camp an Ansiblex and ring it like a doorbell for the fight you wanted, or else they lost their jumpbridge for the day, and that could also lead into further content like camping chokepoints etc. that an Ansiblex normally bypasses.

    The grandfathering aspect is really bizarre to me. Having watched a lot of the presentations, it's clear that the NPE is a huge focus as is "Income Inequality" in eve. The grandfathering change means that new entitys, new alliances and people moving into nullsec or being evicted are punished harder. Entities that already have their Ansiblex networks in range of Keepstars continue to keep their advantages of being unassilable by roaming forces, and I feel like we shouldn't be promoting stagnation.

    Please move all Ansiblexs to 500km on November the 12th. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/suitonia
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    "Hold at the sun and await further orders."

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:44 PM PDT

    CCP games needed to SHOW, not tell

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:01 PM PDT

    With Eve Vegas behind us its become abundantly clear that CCP Games reputation is taking a huge hit because many years of hollow promises has served to make people more bitter/divided, but there is a way to fix this.

    TLDR : they need to learn key lessons from other developers and begin **showing*\* the playerbase they actually care by playing their own game for more than a day or two and actually focus their passion into their product. Lastly, If you want new players to stay then you need show both new and old players that you respect them. That will go a long way in keeping players because a player who feels that the developer ignores them and the game eventually decides to quietly leave and seek fun elsewhere.

    First a little back story

    In the beginning of this year I walked away from eve, it wasn't an easy decision but I couldn't justify spending 100$ x4 to play this game with four accounts. So I told the CEO of my ingame corp that I was taking a break and stepped down from my leadership role and stopped logging in.

    After a bit of time I started playing through my steam library and remembered that I had gotten no mans sky from humble bundle and started playing it. This was before their latest update came out and I found myself really enjoying the laid back nature of the game, then their update "beyond" came out. I was impressed for a studio which I discovered was only 20 people strong to put out an update that took them a year to make which had over 400 changes to the game and at the time that update dropped then they worked for a month straight putting out hotfix after hotfix to ensure that the game didn't end up in a broken state for long, in three weeks time this small studio put out 22 updates which fixed every reported bug and added in updates to new features plus adding new community events for players to play with.

    While I consider no mans sky to be essentially an art piece at this point in time instead of a game, I did eventually move on and I stumbled upon a streamer who was playing FF14. I found the game interesting and decided to research it further. I discovered that the current day final fantasy exists because square enix almost went under with the first iteration and so they formed a team of their trusted and best developers who realized the problem with the game was pride which required the company to removed those who could do no wrong from their respective teams. The person who determined the issue with FF14 1.0 would go on to be affectionately called Yoshi P. by the playerbase but his leadership and organization skills allowed square enix to literally rebuild final fantasy 14 from the ground up in a year and a half and make an experience worth enjoying,
    The way they do this is that they have a strict schedule in which half of their team works on a new expansion with the rest of the team works on balancing the game and keeping the story and game play fresh, these balance passes come out every three - four months and can sometimes include 300-400 different changes and job fixes that add new story and content, and after five patches they release the next expansion.

    There are two really good documentaries on both games but the key factor here is that both studios showed with actions that they held their players in higher regard after realizing their failings. Through actions they redeemed their reputations.

    The point is CCP, Develop a plan, stick to the plan, and show don't tell and you will earn your fans back so long as the things you have planned respect the players.

    Because right now the average player doesn't feel like ccp games respect them and that in itself goes more into losing new/old players than the NPE.

    NOTE: I know that this may not be proof read and coherent but at the time of this posting its 2am, so not the best time to be posting on reddit.

    submitted by /u/Soulprovider17
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    UPDATE: Better Prizes! - Trick or Treat - PushX Edition

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:25 PM PDT

    Hello New Eden. Cassie Helio here, CEO of PushX. This is an update to the original Treat or Trick - PushX Edition post. You guys gave me some really good ideas. I've made some adjustments to the treats!


    Trick or Treat in Eve Online sounds like a great and fun idea. In honor of the 100% loot drop Halloween week in Eve, I'll play a trick and you can get the treats. Sometime around 0100 2019.10.30 Eve time, I'll be in a Providence somewhere in the Amarr system with 10b of loot in my cargo hold. Look for Cassie Helio in system in the Providence "Trick or Treat".


    To make things more interesting I've decided to split up the treats in a certain way.

    Top Damage on kill mail - will receive 500 PLEX

    Final Blow on kill mail - will receive 250 PLEX

    In the cargo hold are,

    2 Medium Standard Containers - each contain a Skill Injector

    2 Large Standard Containers - each contain a Skill Injector

    Loose in the cargo hold - ~4b of PLEX and Skill Injectors for any quick trick-or-treater to grab.


    Proof of the treats!

    Note: The containers are in Plastic Wraps because the only assembled containers that can go into a freighter are Freight containers and they were too big.


    Happy Trick-or-Treating capsuleers!


    See you in space,

    Cassie Helio


    Quotes https://www.pushx.net/quote.php

    Rates https://www.pushx.net/rates.php

    Delivery Times https://twitter.com/PushXnet

    How to get SOV service: https://www.pushx.net/sov-service.php

    In Game channel: PushX

    Discord https://discord.gg/S4Vsux2

    PushX API ( https://api.pushx.net )

    MyPushX ( https://my.pushx.net )

    submitted by /u/Puzzlecars
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    CCP for the love of god why do we have to wait 3 weeks to repackage station containers ?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    That's so 1950, CCPlease.

    submitted by /u/Logan-Aigaion
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    Trick or Treat. PushX edition

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:08 AM PDT

    EDIT: There is an updated version of this event. I've updated the prizes from your wonderful suggestions. Please see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/doi49n/update_better_prizes_trick_or_treat_pushx_edition/?st=k2b40be0&sh=a9a450ce

    submitted by /u/Puzzlecars
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    CCPlease: Special Mission Offering Bug??

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:57 AM PDT

    Factional Warfare Eve Vegas Core Gameplay Update Announcements

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:23 AM PDT

    TLDR : While absent from the Friday keynotes, Faction Warfare got some announcement by CCP Rise at the Saturday Core Gameplay Update !

    18th century painting depicting the last moments of FW Farmers

    o/ all,

    The system of Auner has fallen. Wait you say : isn't that the third post with the same introduction, stop spamming my Reddit wall !

    Yep, that's our third post in little time but this one is to conclude our own Eve Vegas weekend and launch a discussion about the announcements made at Eve Vegas but also about the proposals the FW Discord cooked up.

    Two days ago we announced the final countdown before our own home brew patch : the mission agents would be no more. As promised, this is now done with the fall yesterday of the Auner system successfully concluding the countdown during the last day of Eve Vegas : all Low Sec TLF and 24th agents are now locked down.

    What about the two militias ?

    Well the Amarrs keep going proudly with their tradition of having the best civil wars. After their conquest of Auner, they are even distributing the proudest medal they could dream of :


    As for the Minmatar militia, they organized Saturday evening a RP event opened to all Minmatar players to discuss the present situation.

    "Half the U'K members were drunk off their arses before the moot even started and once underway, couldn't even respect the concept of turns to speak let alone traditions." quote by a eyewitness propagating false rumors.

    You can still find a draft analysis of the blockade impact on FW stores here. TL/DR : no FW item can reach a too high isk/lp ratio without killing its own market.

    CCP announcements at Eve Vegas :

    While absent from the Friday keynotes, Faction Warfare got some announcements by CCP Rise at the Core Gameplay Update.

    Capture from the CCP Rise presentation


    Twitch link to the presentation ( FW subject starts at 00:42:55)

    Twitch link to the question about FW during the AMA ( 5:21:47 ) followed at 5:45:47 by a question about LP

    Written summary :

    - FW Missions will surely have their payout nerfed ( "most obvious way" CCP rise quote) but will not be deleted

    - Penalties for FW citadels in enemy FW territory ( "leverage the low power changes" "warzone state affects your citadels' performance, like not having tether" CCP rise quotes). It's important for us because citadels made system ownership irrelevant.

    - Gate sliding will be back ( gate sliding was a mechanism preventing people from tackling you when warping to and then sliding the entrance gate of plex. Since it disappeared people pad their zkillboard by camping the entrance gate of frigate plexes).

    - Overview will be fixed ( especially important to prevent friendly fire between militia members).

    - Plex Shakeups. Battlecruiser plex for the win ! ("more diversity" "battlecruiser" "further from the beacon" "we can do a lot with this" CCP rise quotes)

    During the AMA :

    - Timetable for those changes : "sometime soon" "sometime in the next couple of months" CCP rise quotes

    - Integrate more FW with the NPC "bigger kind of hopes for integrating it more in the NPE" CCP rise quote

    - Also at 5:45:47 someone asks about changes to LP system ( "possible" CCP rise quote). Whereas until now any discussion about LP, especially LP corp tax, was stopped by "sry legacy code" until now.

    For those who read our previous post, as you can guess we are of course enthusiastic, cautious but enthusiastic, by those announcements. Those are changes that we have been wishing for since a long time.

    A love letter to CCP :

    Thanks CCP for giving us Saturday a bit of your love and for giving us hope. We love you back. But you know hope is a fragile flame which easily flickers and dies : you have to foster it. Also we really appreciated your letter from Vegas but as says the proverbs : out of keyboard, out of mind.

    Work with us.

    You have hundreds of players who have been ready to spend their days and nights in plexing fleets just to organize and apply a gameplay change to mission agents. Just because faced with the dying state of their gameplay, it's the only thing they could hope for right here, right now.

    You have thousands of players who have been debating about what would be best for their gameplay, hundreds who since April have formulated and voted upon those proposals in the FW Discord.

    You have the leaderships of both Amarr and Minmatar militias on board for changes to the warzone and able to mobilize their members, pushing information from the ground.

    You already have a FW Discord where all the discussions and information from players are centralized and summarized making it easier to work with it.

    We can launch further discussions to fine tune some of the proposals, we can launch votes to see between the similar proposals which one our members prefer, we can organize feedbacks, we can brainstorm about the possible exploits.

    For instance applying penalties to FW citadels is meaningless if we can anchor and dock in alt corp citadels. Just to quote an example. If LP runs dry between both warzones, we need to rethink together the ( on a side note snowballing ) Tier system to keep the LP flowing or how items are balanced between FW stores and alternatives.

    The less you talk to us, the less concerned will our members feel about the game and giving feedbacks. The more you talk to us in a shared and constructive gameplay engineering, the more our members will feel invested and will participate to work groups, proposals and feedbacks.

    We are in 2019 : co-construction can be a thing, a productive thing for you and for us.

    Eve Online is the most amazing existing game. Let's not give up on it.

    The work in progress proposals :

    Dear Reddit, a lot of you are former Faction Warfare members or pirates with whom we have been fighting for years. You will find below a summary of all voted and accepted proposals since April in the FW Discord. The blue coloured ones are the various proposals which are possible solutions to CCP rise presentation from Saturday. Changes we don't know for sure about are left white.

    To see the long term projects ( frontline system, seasons of warfare, target systems etc) hastily summarized here, you have to go to the Discord since trying to transcript their discussions would take entire pages.

    We post it here to launch a discussion in the comments. The more feedbacks we have, the further we can fine tune those proposals, especially if there are some possible exploits or side effects around them. Also we are all part of the same sandbox.



    You can find the full pdf of all those 70 voted proposals here and its excel version here.

    Thanks Reddit for you support. Without it, things surely wouldn't have happened the way they did : thank you all.

    The only struggle you lose is the one you abandon.

    submitted by /u/Strepan
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    Seddow’s Corp - Star Frontiers - leaving TAPI re-forming BOSS alliance in venal

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:31 AM PDT

    Grr bloody goons, the boogiemen of EVE [Halloween?]

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:34 PM PDT

    PIRAT During 100% Drop Week

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    CCPlease: Make novice plexes NOVICE

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:41 AM PDT

    Make novice plexes NOVICE.

    (edit for clarification - five year vet here thinking back..)

    New player experience - learning solo PvP (based on actual play).

    (ahead of time) Get some Atrons, Tristans, etc. fitted up for low sec FW.

    (ahead of time) Ship/Travel.

    Find a novice plex.

    Go in, sit, and D-scan.

    Garmur - run away

    Fed Navy - run away

    Fed Navy - run away

    Atron - solo fight / win!

    Navy Hook - run away

    Fed Navy - run away

    Punisher - killed going in by cloaked Loki (make that a bait Punisher)


    Slasher - ganged up on / die.


    Didn't mention all the plexes where no one showed up, sitting bored for 5-10 mins each hitting D-scan.

    3+ hours - one fair fight.

    And you wonder why new players quit?

    Make novice plexes NOVICE. Split them from screwed-up FW mechanics. Put them in a few high sec systems close to Jita. Offer their own small time rewards. Only two T1 frigates can enter. Or WHATEVER - don't care. Give new people somewhere to learn how to solo fight.

    submitted by /u/ZyrusZuu
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    What do you think are the biggest reasons why people leave before even starting the game and after finishing sisters of eve?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    What do all you think?

    submitted by /u/microtrEAnsactions
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    New Halloween Rewards!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:13 AM PDT

    Upcoming WH changes

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:20 AM PDT

    Finally. This is something wormholers have been asking for and not one person is angry at the fact it's happening. Astrahaus farming is terrible and subcaps mjd'ing out of sites as soon as a sig spawns limits content. New statics and more wandering holes is awesome as are scrams in sites. I look forward to dying more often.

    If CCP added these style of changes to nullsec it would be campaigned against and shot down by its residents. Make anomalies give aggression to stop insta tethering, add scrams in sites and remove local to make eve great again. Balance it by increasing the rewards until player count stabilises. Blackout was the best month in nullsec for years and it's gone straight back to how it was before - sure more players are in systems but fights aren't happening only ganks of the odd guy who doesn't fit a warp core stab or is afk farming when you enter local.

    submitted by /u/CraftyCrocEVE
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    PSA: Headhunter skins available in New Eden Store

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    Why fit a core probe launcher to a viator?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:40 PM PDT

    Hey there, I cant seem to find out why the fittings on eve uni for the viator include a core probe launcher with core scanner probes . . If it was for scouting gate camps ahead wouldnt you want to use combat probes? Is it for scouting warp bubbles? What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/25c-nb
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    Chat bug, dealing with it for years

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    Anyone else have this bug? I've submitted tickets about it, and bug reported it. Yet, it is still not fixed.

    I have old chats that I used to have in my player channels window. But, they went inactive for various reasons. Some I can rejoin, some I can't. But they are years inactive, so much so that I couldn't tell you if their moderators still play to ban me from them and get them removed via the ban.

    I stopped using the chats, but they lingered in my channel list for years, until I decided to remove them. But when I try, they don't disappear. I right click -> remove, and they don't go away.

    I have cleared my cache, reinstalled the client, and moved to new computers since starting to try to remove these chats. Yet, they won't go away. They're like a chat STD.

    submitted by /u/Sunflier
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    ELI5: Why don't Ansiblex structures have same anchoring restrictions as stargates?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    They're basically stargates so why don't they have same restrictions?

    submitted by /u/Aquila_Sagitta
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    Why did Tier 3 Battle Cruisers fall out of use? How can they be brought back?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    When they first came out I remember seeing mainline doctrines making use of these ships. Oracles with Guardian Logi was a particularly beautiful sight to see. Then they kind of fell out of use in part I think due to Bombers and battleships pretty much just doing a better job all around. And Tier 3 BCs became relegated to ganking, small gang or niche gameplay. I always thought they'd be great for a lowsec doctrine or just something up and coming alliances may find good use for. I wondered what exactly could bring these ships into more conventional use and I think it needs to be some kind of AB bonus.

    "Safe option" would be just giving an AB speed bonus increasing their mobility while helping them tank a little better. Crazy option would be to give them powergrid reduction for AB modules allowing them to fit oversized ABs much like how they fit over sized weapons. They wouldn't really over power your usual Battleship or HAC doctrines but they'd be an alternative. The more variation of doctrines we see in Eve the better.

    submitted by /u/Man_whosoldthe_world
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    Flower Fallen / Solo pvp / 'Leshak ; Elf Queen Returns'

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    Why did wingspan tt stop making YouTube videos?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    Fell down the rabbit hole of watching his videos but saw that he hasn't made any in a year. Anyone know why he quit?

    submitted by /u/Ancientdollars
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    Love the new background! But please... For the love of BOB can we get new music? So tired of the current one.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:30 PM PDT

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