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    Saturday, November 16, 2019

    Eve Online Just started playing and I'm having so much fun!

    Eve Online Just started playing and I'm having so much fun!

    Just started playing and I'm having so much fun!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:21 PM PST

    I started playing yesterday, just on a whim. I needed a new game and I thought, why not. I'm just an alpha clone but I am having so much fun.

    I've dabbled a bit in mining and that was an ok way to play but by far the most fun I've had is doing exploration. I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm thankful that the community is so nice (kinda rare in mmo's games).

    And the hilarious thing is that I've literally made no money doing exploration. Everytime I get some decent loot (?), or at least for me 700k haul was decent, I get blown up by doing stupid stuff. It's still so fun.

    I've died by going to a combat site (the tutorial makes it seem way easier).

    I died in a wormhole cause I didnt realize most or all of them have sleeper or awakened enemies. That was fun, I had to self destruct to get out.

    And my last death I was just hacking a relic and got instantly blown up by some NPC, I was in 0.6 security space, so I guess enemies are more frequent.

    Luckily I'm just using a probe and basic analyzers but damn I'm having a blast! Cant wait to see what else I can do I as I learn more about the game!

    Edit: Changed NBC to NPC

    submitted by /u/eldeebee90
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    If CCP repaid you all the money that you have spent on EVE and in exchange you could never play EVE again, would you do it?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:52 PM PST

    What would you do?

    submitted by /u/Sajuukthanatoskhar
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    Been playing EVE for 1 month and I’m honestly amazed with this game. I always wanted to play EVE , since I was a kid. And now , I’m almost 25 years old and I’m loving it so much

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:16 AM PST

    . UFC. - Summer Changes to Winter

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:09 PM PST

    Bless the firm but helpful hands of wormhole explorers

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:02 PM PST

    Recently returned to EVE after a three year hiatus and made a new character since I've basically forgotten everything. Wanted to do exploration 'cause I remember enjoying it before.

    Got my little baby setup going on the Imicus and I was off. 0.7+ space was a lil easy so I decided to try wormhole sites after hearing the stuff in them was pretty good. Well I went in and was markin' my wormholes all the way through like a good lad should when one of them that was the only way home collapsed as I was scanning for relic sites...Oh God...

    Then for the next while I was frantically hopping through wormholes trying to find any kind of system near Gallente space so I could go home, but nope. Figured I may as well try getting relic sites on the way and I found one in a C2 wormhole I thought I could do. Then while doing it I got jumped by a sneaky Astero that seemed to hit me with everything. On one hand damn, I just died but on the other hand thank God I'm back home, thanks Astero. Then I got sent 5m ISK (which doubled my money at the time) and a friendly message to keep on exploring...just not in wormhole space for now :^ ).

    I don't recall really having much interaction with folks when I played a few years ago so this was a pleasant interaction and I'd say a pretty good show of the "EVE spirit" I read about every so often.

    submitted by /u/Kottery
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    I hate this game...

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:01 PM PST

    Famous last words!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:00 PM PST

    [20:31:05] Lithium Cifer > get me tackle on anything and ill reimburse your ship if you die....


    submitted by /u/therealGROUNDXERO
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    Discovered EVE and it looks cool how can I get started

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:18 PM PST

    So I've know about eve for quite some time in articles and such stuff. But the YouTube algorithm showed me some eve videos and it seems cool. How can I get into it and what is necessary things to know. Thanks guys(and gals)!

    submitted by /u/TopcodeOriginal1
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    Is it possible to live in Nullsec and not be affiliated with the huge alliances?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:31 PM PST

    I've browsed this subreddit and read a lot of things off of google, but I can't seem to get a very good feel for the lay of the land here. I would like to be in a lowsec/nullsec corp that maybe has sovereignty over a few systems in nullsec but is not beholden to a giant alliance. I don't want to be in a renter/pet corp, nor do I want to have to answer a CTA for a huge battle I care nothing about. I know I sound like a total newbro, because I am.

    Do these corps/alliances even exist? I've read about the big blue donut and I from what I understand all the big players in nullsec basically have non-aggression pacts? Maybe? I can't seem to get a very definitive answer here. Do these smallish corps even exist? Would it be foolhardy to even try because one of the big boys is just gonna smack you down if you try and take some space? Is everyone out there affiliated with one of the big alliances in some way?

    No one in the corp I'm in will really even venture out into lowsec unless it is into one of the systems they rent and even then they jumpclone down there instead of flying the handful of jumps because they are so scared of a fight, it seems. I am tired of mining/krabbing in highsec and not being able to learn to pew because everyone in my corp is so scared of a fight. Is that how everyone is? I like these guys but I can't just keep doing fuck all in like 10-15 different systems. Aren't there thousands of them?

    I'm not trying to talk shit here, I like a good krabbing session too, I just want to experience more of what this game has to offer and I don't really know how to go about doing this. I've looked through evejobs and a lot of the corps that seem even somewhat interesting to me are either a part of one of these alliances or have skillpoint minimums that I won't hit because I will be long gone before I get there if I have to keep playing by myself.

    A lot of people say the game is dying and this and that. I don't care I still enjoy it and want to play it, but I can't really find my niche, be it in a corp or activities. What did you all do? How did you land where you did and what things did you do to get yourself there? Don't bash the game. Don't bash the big alliances. I have nothing against them, I just don't want to be in them.

    Sorry for the long post and the newbishness. I just need some help.

    submitted by /u/NC-Catfish
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    Analogous color set art project i did today (I know, too much glue on the merlin)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:21 PM PST

    Just started EVE with a friend, and it’s Korean?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:11 AM PST

    I remembered playing EVE alone for like 10 hours sometime last year, and I want to give it another try again with a friend this time. But this time, the chats and every name that I can see is either in Chinese or Korean. Am I playing the right server, or even playing it right?

    submitted by /u/FrozenColdFire
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    I don't need another wallpaper...

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:37 AM PST

    Dear Santa (CCP)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:31 PM PST

    I have been a good pilot all year long. I always finish my rat sites and mining belts, I always finish what is on my plate plate before having dessert (pvp). I have so many things I would like you to give me for Christmas because I have been a good pilot. Too many things, so I am only asking for one thing that I would like the most. Please,Please, Please, let me re-do my experience tree. Take all the skills currently in my skill trees and put them in a basket on my charcter sheet so that I may redistribute them now that I know more about EVE and know how to better allocate the experience. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou for considering this gift to me for being a good pilot all year long.

    submitted by /u/MuddMouse
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    [ARTWORK] The Gallente Nyx by Lloyd George

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:09 AM PST


    For all you EVE art lovers out there, prepare to have visual orgasm.

    submitted by /u/CaileyLovelace
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    EVE pilots, what’s your favorite ship to fly?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:52 PM PST

    PVP or PVE, it doesn't matter. What hull do you have the most fun in and why?

    An AAR blaster Enyo has to be one of my favorites. Assault frigates have always given me those hands-on, heart-pounding fights for cheap.

    submitted by /u/Juris_Pheonix
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    New Triglavian email

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:29 AM PST

    For you Avatar lovers out there, here is a homemade GIF!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:03 AM PST

    Skilling Spree - Permanent?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:21 AM PST

    Has anyone seen an end date for the current Skilling Spree? Or are these dailies just permanent now?

    submitted by /u/ambassador_spock
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    Jin'Taan and Suitonia discuss the Beat Around the Boosh update

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:02 PM PST

    Fellow pilots I need your help!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:34 PM PST

    As someone who has played on and off and never been able to fully submerge myself into this game I want to know if being an alpha toon who has been switching between omega and alpha is worth it? I have some decent skills nothing worth bragging about. I can't really pked my account because of irl and money being tight with my wife outta work. But seeing a post of a new bro flying in dying in an Armageddon made me want to play again. I miss this game. Is it still worth as an alpha after being omega for 3 years?

    submitted by /u/Travh9
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    First super kill as an FC - AAR

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:51 AM PST

    Good day ladies and gent's

    First the first time last night I managed to FC a super kill. So here's a little story of what happened:

    It started off by coming home and wanting to take an old fashioned whaling fleet out because of the nerfs. I didn't know how many numbers I was going to get but I was hoping for around 100. Didn't get 100 but in the end had 60 on the dot. I thought that it was just about enough as a group we had about 45k dps. I was mainly looking for carriers because they would of been a quick and easy kill. We had some dirty T3 BC as a mixture with bombers and some tackle(even a few logi just in case). We went to a hole that I knew went to Fade. It was a VL so I knew I could get the entire fleet in there and back without a problem. We all got on the hole and waited for out hunters to find something nice to jump. I gave them a jump range of max 12 jumps as we didn't want them to be tackling something for more that 8 minutes.

    Before long one of our hunters said (very calmly I might add) "Oh there is a super here tackled by some mun's." So I got everyone to start burning. As we did I got one of the guys to whisper the FC from Hazardous Company to say we was coming to help kill it and to not shoot as and we wont shoot them. I'm glad they did because they or us probably wouldn't of been able to break the faux reps on grid individually.

    We got to the gate and I told everyone to wait for my count down before going in as I wanted to make the super pilot panic and crap his pants at more hostiles coming in. I think it worked as out entire fleet jumped in after 0 second countdown. The super was 100km off the game so we had to burn to get over there. The super was being repped by the faux but I knew that our combined dps was cracking it as they had a Mino on field and the shield on the Nyx was fairly beefy, even for a super. At this point I told the bombers we had to bomb the faux with focused void. They did and the Mino started to lose reps on the super. We carried on pounding into the super until it got into armour and absolutely melted. Once it popped I ordered the tackle to grab the pod and blow it ASAP while the rest of us moved onto the Nag.

    The Nag gave up a little bit of a fight but died after 2 minutes and the Mino as well. Was really overheating his self rep. The Moros actually went down the fastest out the lot.We let Hazardous Company loot the field as they found it first and we all got back home. I lost 1 oracle on a gate because he was lagging behind. When he said I'm tackled, I just sent him 100 mil and told his to file for SRP as well.

    All in all we came out with 24 billion killed (Just under) losing 1 orcale that costs 120 mil. Got all the lads, ladies and kids home in one piece. Give the guys that did the business some props and had myself some "Emotional Man Time" in the corner.

    Thanks very much to everyone for coming and hope to see you all again VERY soonTM. Also thanks to Hazardous company for not being dicks and fighting us after even though you could of wiped our fleet, easily.

    Here is the BR:



    submitted by /u/Shandaila360NoScope
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    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:54 PM PST

    Im looking at getting into capital production, i have been buying BPCs for a while now, but am looking at getting the capital component BPO library started. My question is this. Would it be better to buy unresearched off the market, or completely researched off contract. and what are the pros and cons of each in your own opinions

    submitted by /u/mobiusonegto
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    Nostalgia, Thoughts, and Feelings on New Eden

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:04 PM PST

    o7 everyone!

    Long time lurker, and a rarely ever poster on Reddit in general here. I wanted to make a post to express a few feelings I've had about the game after I've been observing it from a safe winning distance for a few years now.

    For a little back story, I started my Eve journey in 2011 with a character named Static Avis. I was 14 years old and going through some classic high school bullshit. Life at home was pretty rough at the time and blasting off into New Eden was a perfect escape from everything going on around me. I started at Eve University and stayed there for far too long. Frankly, I think I just loved the atmosphere. People were kind and respectful, and they accepted me even though I was a naive little high school twat that hardly knew how to talk to people older than me. They were willing to answer the hundreds of questions of I had about the game, and let me fly with them even though I was a serious scrub. I don't really remember names, but I do remember making some great friends online (something I was severely lacking in real life at the time).

    I was (and still am) a terrible Eve player. I was terrible at making ISK, getting kills, not getting killed, etc. But I still loved every minute of it. I remember signing up for Eve Uni for the first time thinking "Holy shit, is this what a job application and interview is like?" (I started playing right before I started looking for my first real job). I remember going on massive blob fleets through low sec in the Metropolis region in my good old fashioned Drake. Just flying around following orders like "Align to this gate", "warp on 0" and "jump jump jump" over and over again for like, four fucking hours straight. It was incredibly rare we'd ever find a proper gank, but I had so much fun on those fleets just bullshitting and talking Eve with people I could almost call friends. And the times we did get something? Amazing. I would be literally shaking with excitement. They even let me FC a few times. I was intimidated and nervous but I did it anyway. My fleets never found action, and I often requested help and advice from other players, but I did something that scared me and I think that was important. I think I came out of my shell a little bit because of those experiences. After Eve Uni, I found wormholes to be the most interesting thing to do in the game. Unfortunately, also the most tedious and I would get burnt out real quick just trying to make ISK and scanning down sites. I played on and off every half year for about 3-4 years, bouncing around to different corporations that would accept me (The Suicide Express, Brave Newbies, Pastafarian Fan Club, and Wormbro are the main ones I was in). All of these only lasted two to five months before I would get burnt out and just stop logging in. Then I'd come back, find a new corp and rinse and repeat. My latest winning streak has lasted me two years now, and as tempted as I am to break it, I don't know if I can... which brings me to the next section of this feelings and nostalgia post.

    Now that we have some back story, I guess the point of me writing this is to share some feelings I've experienced browsing this subreddit and looking at the state of the game as of the last few years. To be blunt it's very disheartening. I read through JesterTrek's AMA yesterday and it brought me a profound sense of sadness. Now, I do understand that this subreddit can be toxic and just a cesspit for negativity and shitposting. That's true for a lot of gaming subreddits honestly. However, reading from a former CSM's perspective on the devs and management was depressing. I've been playing this game since I was fourteen. This game helped me process (or at least get through and ignore) a lot of the problems my family and my teenage self experienced during that time in my life, and I hate to see it dying. I know "Eve is dying" posts have been made since literally the dawn of the game, but it seems pretty real this time. Either way, I'm very happy to have grown up and played through some of the best and worst times in Eve Online and I hope for those of you that are still here that you are still finding joy in the vast expanse of New Eden. I hope I can come back to it as well some day.

    Anyway, this post is mostly just me processing and sharing some experiences and emotions that I've had over the last couple years and maybe hoping to hear something positive on this subreddit. I love this game, and I love this community even more. I sincerely wish the best for Eve and I would like to keep my hope up that the game can shine again at some point. Thanks for reading a sappy feelings post and I hope you enjoyed some good nostalgia. Feel free to ask me questions and start a dialogue as I'd love to just talk about the game a bit to some folks. Fly dangerously out there. o7

    TL;DR : I grew up with this game and it's current state makes me sad so let me tell you about it.

    submitted by /u/Statiknoise
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    When the New Player Experience fails spectacularly.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

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