• Breaking News

    Monday, May 3, 2021

    Eve Online Apparently this is one of the rarest sights in Eve. Tom's Shuttle.

    Eve Online Apparently this is one of the rarest sights in Eve. Tom's Shuttle.

    Apparently this is one of the rarest sights in Eve. Tom's Shuttle.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    And they never figured out how to fix it

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    How it feels when your rorqual warped right into the bubble

    Posted: 02 May 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    The Lesser Delve Game Preserve in the 1DQ Constellation is one of the best curated hunting experiences in New Eden!

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    Industrial Change only for Ships but not for Structures ?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Down with Grandfathered Titans and Supers

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    Full disclosure going in. I own 3 Titans and 3 Supers. If the prices of them settle out at anything like what's being projected, my net worth has gotten a significant buff for free.

    Out of all the hurf contained in this week's meta show, one thing was said that I think is very true. The current changes are a huge buff to "old money". It was described as old dudes like me having climbed the wealth ladder and now CCP is pulling it up behind me, leaving newer players at the bottom with a hard climb ahead. I don't think that's right.

    What if, with these changes, CCP also produced an "Upgrade" blueprint that would essentially require you to add the new materials required for building a Titan or Super to an older one? If you chose not to upgrade, your old Titan or Super would be debuffed in some substantial way until you did. Kind of the way that they started requiring cores for structures. If this isn't done, I think the consequence will be that no new Titans or Supers will be getting built for a long, long time, and those who do have them will become hyper risk averse when using them.

    To make things a little more interesting, give current owners of these old Titans and Supers a one time opportunity to scrap them, and recover the materials from them to use for something else if they choose not to upgrade.

    submitted by /u/MarcusMurphy
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    For all the Park & Rec fans...

    Posted: 03 May 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    How much ISK supercapital manufacturers have earned with the recent industry update

    Posted: 02 May 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    Fit Kitchen: Hecate

    Posted: 02 May 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    after careful consideration I've decided not to endorse your pod

    Posted: 03 May 2021 01:48 AM PDT

    HS carebear with 13M SP who keeps dabbling in low/null and is starting to get the itch to go outside empire, but I have questions on who I should look at.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:57 PM PDT

    Older player, on and off regular player, generalist. Each day is a "what am I feeling today?" thing and one day its exploring, then mining, then half-assed industry, then tenth-assed PVP, then solid PVE (L3 level). 13 million SP, I've been in and out a bit for ten+ years. Some weekend days or evenings I can knock out 1-5 hours and 30-60 minutes here and there on weekdays and weeknights. Sometimes I'm out for days and sometimes gotta log out like a hot potato with no warning (work on call, etc).

    I stayed out of player corps for a long time after my old one drifted apart. I went in and out of the game after in an NPC corp. I came back more regularly last year and ended up with a nice corp that focuses on high sec industry and they're wonderful but that's all they do; everyone pitches in on upkeep on the swell POSs and then go our separate way but for chat and moon mining in our home areas. They are very nice but there's not many active at any given time and there's no fleets outside mining. My old long ago corp used to run WH ops and send fleets of Ravens out to rampage through L4s routinely, dragging newer players in whatever they could fly to 'pitch in' even if just salvage. It was fun.

    I started dabbling in low sec and null at long last and I guess I'm getting that itch finally. I can't do stuff where I'll be expected to do mandatory fleets at whatever scheduled time with live voice regularly, but would love to have someplace I could pitch in when I'm available, and where there's enough people and action that if I have time on a Saturday night I can do stuff like hop into a fleet for PVE, PVP, cov ops (I'm starting to fall in love with that!), and similar. Bonus if it's areas where I can do solid exploring in my free time and solid PI possibilities as I figure that out.

    I understand the ISK can be a lot better in null too (true...?), and more ISK to be able to waste on frivolous ship purchases that will soon be forgotten by the next whim or exploded is a nice bonus. I'm working my main and main alt up to Cranes right now and was thinking about transport past that with my own PI setup. I'm kinda sick of mining outside of semi-afk on the side screen during WFH. I'm even half tempted to dump $50 on plex for a stockpile of ISK that'll take me years to burn through on the 50M ISK and less ships I tend to like. ISK is just a means to an end, not the end, just like real life money.

    I'd probably prefer a big alliance that's likely to outlast me and where I can be one of many. I want to see hundreds or thousands of names constantly instead of a dozen during a hot night. I suppose routinely I'd be one of those guys that just lives deep in the guts of the alliance space and goes out on fleets sometimes. I've done the high level leadership thing in other games several times over the years, for some big groups. I really just want to be part of the team now and add my token contributions, and have some fun people to fly with, with regular activity options beyond high sec mining.

    Chill/fun/active is desired with options for regular "pick up" PVE, PVP, or even mining fleets during the day.

    What are some alliances or corps I should look at where a generalist type like me could pitch in when I'm online and have a long term home? I had looked at the Goons, Pandemic Horde (I took a cruise in their vicinity exploring and was floored how many clusters of huge activity were in so many apparent areas), and a couple of others mostly around the northwest and northeast of the map on Dotlan when I was looking at who controls what. I do not know the pros and cons of any of them and any reddit or forum research is basically wading through years of shitposting and half-assed hilarious propaganda.

    US West time zone for activity level considerations.


    submitted by /u/AFqueryThrowAway666
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    <10 Smallgang PvP Podcast Ep44 Featuring Stitch Kaneland

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    Home Sweet Home

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    Y'all want some of your own coasters?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    Hello my fellow degenerates.

    It's been a few months since I posted my EVE coasters. I've seen that a lot of the people who wanted them actually wanted them for loved ones so that was pretty awesome. Anyways, I wanted to give back to the EVE community. Through your continued support I was able to justify my 3d printing and continue working on it, mumbling curses and all as I spent entire weekends getting educated on thermodynamics (lvl V).

    Anyways, the whole reason I'm here. I want to give them to you. My coaster design isn't revolutionary so the core concept is well... a circle. But I put some EVE stuff on it and made them super cool coasters! Please, go check them out, I even made a ThingiVerse account just to put 'em up there for y'all so I hope you enjoy them. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4845049

    Fly safe o7

    submitted by /u/NerdModels
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    No resorting after logging in with another char on the character screen.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    Seriously the amount of times I login with a character I did not want because the screen resorts when I logged in one time with another char. It drives me crazy. CCPlease.

    submitted by /u/Korrak
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    CCPlease let me fly this ship

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:45 AM PDT

    968bn and counting...

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    I've been keeping a tally of ship losses in each full calendar day (00:00 to 23:59) in the active warzone, thought others may be interested to see it.

    It's compiled of all Imperium and PAPI ship losses in the 1DQ constellation, plus T5Z and E-V. I've linked the source BR's at the bottom for your convenience.

    Here's a summary of the data - ship losses are in billions of ISK;


    Note the percentage is of ISK lost, not 'efficiency', so higher is worse.

    What's really remarkable is how dead-even the losses are. 90% of this fighting is over a single jump bridge too, in 3-D. These numbers are sure to skyrocket once we get to substantial fights over the exit of Imperium structure timers.

    Before anyone says 'stupid goonie spinning, didn't include Sunday'. That's because Sunday still has over 9 hours left to run. If you include the fighting earlier today it doesn't materially change the picture though - 686bn to 621bn, still quite evenly split. I will update the figures with Sunday when the day is over.

    Source data:







    Overall, this is turning into by far the most consistently content-rich time period of the war, with impressive form-ups on both sides. The level of action has hopefully quelled any doubts about Imperium's fighting spirit or willingness to commit what it takes to defend 1DQ.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Mibbles
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    Anger Games Day 4: All Elimination, All The Time!

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    The Anger Games is live once again at 1845 EVE over on the EVE_NT twitch channel!

    Day Four's matches are all in the elimination bracket, with some big names potentially leaving the tournament. The full bracket is available on Challonge, but today's match schedule is:

    Game 41@1900 EVE: Forklift Certified Goths vs. Waffles.

    Game 42@1920 EVE: Wolves Amongst Strangers vs. Odin's Voicemail

    Game 43@1940 EVE: AP Stole My Fit vs. Spectre Fleet

    Game 44@2000 EVE: Fwaming Dwagons vs. Ramrod Shenanigans (AKA Boundary Shenanigans)

    Short Break/Commentary

    Game 49@2055 EVE: JOVCO Mining Division vs. AP Stole My Fit

    Game 50@2115 EVE: WE FORM V0LTA vs. Fwaming Dwagons

    Game 51@2135 EVE: Aggressively Midtier vs. Waffles.

    Game 52@2155 EVE: Sudden Vydra vs. Wolves Amongst Strangers

    Can Ramrod boundary their way to victory? Can V0LTA count when the chips are down? Will Aggressively Midtier continue to be both Aggressive and Midtier?

    Find the answers to all this and more live on Twitch from 18:45 tonight!


    Forklift Certified Goths

    Odin's Voicemail

    Spectre Fleet

    Ramrod Shenanigans

    Jovco Mining Division

    Fwaming Dwagons

    Aggressively Midtier

    Wolves Amongst Strangers

    submitted by /u/DirkStetille
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    Bought the top line skill injectors but they never showed up in station. I checked assets and they are no where to be found. CCP please help me! I’m to poor to lost 1.2 billion oak.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 05:05 PM PDT

    Cant Uninstall eve completely

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    I downloaded eve via steam but altough I can delete the launcher I cant actually seem to delete the game. I tried pretty mutch everything but ik not allowed to delete the files myself amd there is no eve uninstall anywhere.

    submitted by /u/Flint__Stone
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    blood raider combat sites

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    hey so I'm looking at combat sites and wondering what would i need to do stuff like the blood forsaken dens and up. I have a budget of 150 mill isk and am still an alpha. thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Holiday-Town8223
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    Exterminate: Outer Ring Edition - Black Ops & Hyper Super PvP

    Posted: 02 May 2021 05:56 AM PDT


    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Hello ...me again!

    Had to post about another awesome public roam that we ran last night.... not quite as dank as last weeks, but pretty darned awesome!

    ~12hours after letting the pod goo settle, i just thought I'd do a super quick write up... yet another 20BN destroyed!

    We formed up the usual public roam from the "EBWF public" channel at 1900 and headed out after a quick formup with 4 inties, a trio of dictors, a duo of booshers, and twin logi with around 30 raptors and a half dozen T1 frigs / faction frigs.

    We took a Thera hole to Oasa, and then burnt to where our scouts had eyes on 3 Marauders and a Phoenix thrashing it about with a x3 Hurricanes with x3 Exeqs and x1 Rodiva. The Canes deaggressed and hopped in right as we landed, and i opted to engage the Canes as opposed to the Marauder / Phoenix just because the Marauders are completely insane atm, and had a good little skirmish with them i believe without loss.

    The Marauders got safe, but our hero dictor (youdaman!) got a bubble up on the Phoenix and eventually afetr deagressing after the cane fight we hopped on through to whittle the Phoenix down relatively quickly without loss once again.

    Not a bad start - 22mins into the fleet - ~6BN destroyed!

    We pushed fairly quickly in and around Oasa where we took a well deserved bio and then headed out into Venal for some more FUN!

    After our hop in from Thera - our scout got eyes on a fleet moving relatively quickly through Venal and we just had to engage! - a fleet of 6 mixed combat BC, 3 cruisers, 1 HAC, 1 AF, and assorted support.

    1 raptor loss and 1.63BN isk destroyed

    We took a bio and lost a few people - around 12-15 iirc, and then had a bit of a push through Deklein where we caught some broken gila botters, a drek, a cerb, a bifrost, which were duly reported and also a Rattlesnake all of which were killed!

    We then found a drifter hole to Geminate and then eventually into Kalevala where we had some more fun... We messed around with a tengu pilot in S-LHPJ who was bouncing tacs, but was very ellusive. As we left local he undocked a Thanny and was clearly wanting to play. We hot footed it back and then got his aggressed and killed him! It became fairly evident that he didn't understand docking mechanics on a structure!

    Kudos to Odins Call on the next kill - they temp blued us and we assisted them killing a nice Vargur

    All in all a cracking roam - nearly 6 hours from formup to docking - 19.75BN isk destroyed and lots of happy NPSI-ers!

    1st Skirmish 886.65m isk destroyed

    Phoenix 4.02BN

    Gila 208m

    Vedmak 276m + pod 477m

    Gila 208m

    Gila 209m

    Gila 210m

    2nd Skirmish 1.63BN destroyed

    3rd Skirmish 1.60BN destroyed

    4th Skirmish 3.92BN destroyed

    Thanny 2.57BN

    Praxis 216M

    Vargur 3.16BN

    There are loads of other kills... nearly 2 pages again on zkill!

    Highlights video coming really really soon!

    If you fancy coming along to a roam - please drop onto discord here > https://discord.gg/78CS3Aa, and come fly with us! o7

    submitted by /u/keacte
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