• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Eve Online This is why I maxed charisma

    Eve Online This is why I maxed charisma

    This is why I maxed charisma

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:15 PM PST

    Would you rather PVP in a ...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:02 AM PST

    Ushra'Khan : 15 years birthday

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:48 PM PST

    TLDR : We come for our people

    Today at 16h44, Usra'Khan turned 15 having been created at this exact time and day, fifteen years ago, in 2004 by the Amarr Will Eat Itself corp.

    Below is a list of the fifteen oldest surviving alliances of Eve Online ; the full 3000 alliances list is here.


    But this story begins earlier in 2003 with the creation of corps like SMaK Enterprises ( future T.R.I.A.D), Oracle and The People's Front of Minmatar ( later merging in June 2004 into Masuat'aa Matari), Freelance Unincorporated ( future Mirkur Draug'Tyr), Matari BackBone and many others.

    As for their foes already existed to fight against : the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris, Imperial Dreams and 1st Praetorian Guard corps. Those would officially found CVA on the 30th of November of the following year.

    At that time, war was waged in empire space and especially for those groups in Molden Heath. Yulai was the trade center of New Eden, not Jita, and the Throne Worlds-Yulai-Molden Heath trade route important.

    Concord alliances didn't exist yet. Following the early 2004 Khumaak controversy, most of those Minmatar RP corps decided to form the People's Republic of Minmatar government with its council and the Friends of Matar strategic alliance.

    Clashes between the Friends of Matar and CVA would increase. In the early dawn of Eve Online, a battleship skirmish was worth a post.

    Those ties between the Minmatar groups became stronger during the mid 2004 Jovian artefacts event, which saw the return of Oracle and The People's Front of Minmatar from Curse to help the war effort.

    All those events led to the creation of Ushra'Khan the 25th of November 2004 and now the oldest surviving Concord alliance of New Eden. The forum announcement describes the gathering of the tribes and the creation of the alliance.

    This was the beginning of a long history mainly fought for in the region of Providence during five years then for a decade in the henceforth FW Bleak Lands, Devoid and Metropolis.


    Even if they don't exist anymore and were removed from the game, Unity Station and Karishal's Defiance station will always be a part of our history. The war for providence raged for five years : its feats won't be forgotten. Past history remains history and memory.

    Providence U'K propaganda video from 2006

    Ushra'Khan almost died several times. The closest call was of course in 2012 when the alliance CEO, Tempest, announced the disbanding of the alliance. This could have been the end of a RP alliance lost without purpose in the new and ever changing null sec politics.

    But Factional Warfare became its new home and its new purpose fighting once again Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris and Amarr corps like Dirt "N" Glitter, 44th Recon Unit, Team Amarrica, TMOC, Yondu Federation for the years to come. We fought alongside Smile "N" Wave, our Russian brothers in arms, against those slavers but also outgunned against the warzone gentlemen of fortune : 0-Cal, No Handlebars, Shadow Cartel, Siege Green, Did He Say Jump and many others.

    The RP didn't die either : The first and only DED lossmail ( GM loss during the Kahah RP event).

    Even if this new FW home is now threatened of disappearing. Press F if you haven't already for DnG in their last announcement linked here : DRINK | PLEX | WELP | REPEAT !

    In a few days, our old foes CVA will also be 15 years old and despite all those years remain loyal to their NRDS policy based on their original anti-piracy stance and roleplay operation Deliverance.

    From the start, neither alliance were the biggest fishes in the pond. Curse alliance, Bob, Stain Empire, Xetic were far more powerful.

    Sometimes winning just means surviving while keeping your principles intact despite the new dominant realpolitik, fighting your own fight.


    To celebrate our birthday, a tournament will be organized next week : slavers of course not welcome.

    On behalf of Ushra'Khan we would like to open invitations to all of the Matari Tribes, Minmatar Militia, our Friends and our Allies to celebrate our 15th Alliance year with another Tribal Tournament!

    So the call is out ! On the 5th of December 2019 Ushra'Khan will host an explosive event in Minmatar Style.


    Date: Thors Day 5th of December 2019

    Location/Time: System - Dal. Gather at 19:30, fight starts 20:30 (EVE-time)

    Entry: FREE - open to ALL who support the Matari people and their fight for freedom (system will be in place to negate pilots losing sec status)

    Ship Rules: 1. T1 Minmatar Cruiser of choice. 2. No ECM modules / ECM drones 3. No inplants - empty clones only allowed, pods will most likely be destroyed

    The format is a 1 round deathmatch within given borders where the last warrior standing will take the first price. No ship modules may be started before the start signal of the event, and once it started we fight until there is only one ship still (somewhat) intact. Burning out of the arena will render instant disqualification. Any non Minmatar cruisers will be kindly asked to disappear in true Minmatar fashion.

    Prize table consists of : 1st: Vargur 2nd: Typhoon Fleet Issue 3rd: Hurricane Fleet Issue 4th: Stabber Fleet Issue 5th: Republic Fleet Firetail Places 1-25 all receive a Bloody Hands skin. Special mystery prizes for most kill(mail)s received and being the first one to explode!

    submitted by /u/Strepan
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    CCP, why are you nerfing the Dramiel?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:04 AM PST

    "Angel Cartel Role Bonus to Warp Speed and Warp Acceleration has been decreased to 25% (previously 50%)"

    I can understand the logic in reducing the bonus for the Cynabal and Machariel, to bring them back in line with their pre-warp speed buff levels (although I disagree with it). However, the Dramiel did NOT get a buff at the same time, and is now receiving a straight up nerf.

    R I O T

    submitted by /u/KalaratiriS
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    11.10.2019 Lazerhawks vs. Ehefkae in J133011

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:49 PM PST

    Blood Raider nerf when?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:21 AM PST

    News Brief: Imperium vs Legacy in Catch, TEST Titan Down, Legacy Fort Saved, Streamfleet Charity & DNG Closes

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:05 AM PST


    Imperium roam fight running battle with Legacy in V-3YG7.

    Test Alliance Please Ignore lose a titan to a Winter Coalition dreadnought attack.

    Legacy successfully defend fortizar final timer in Avair.

    Streamfleet plan weekend charity stream to raise funding for mental health group Take This.

    Dirt 'n' Glitter closes doors upon the retirement of its CEO.



    Between approximately 1945 and 2120 today, an Imperium roaming fleet engaged Legacy in V-3YG7, Catch. The fighting began at 0 on the GE- gate in V-3, when several Imperium battleships opened fire on Legacy forward elements. The Imperium FC decided to stand and fight there, rather than sacrificing those ships and escaping through the gate.

    Two Legacy dreadnoughts responded initially, and the Imperium fleet focused on them. However, as enemy reinforcements including carriers, FAX, and a Machariel battleship fleet came onto the field, the tide turned. With their logistics ships under fire, the Imperium fleet broke free and warped to the HY- gate out of V-3. Unfortunately, an enemy picket was present in HY-, and so they decided to keep fighting in V-3.

    The second phase of the engagement allowed them to pick off multiple enemy Machariels, before disengaging as Legacy capitals arrived on station. The final phase of the battle was over the GE- gate again – this time, Legacy interdictors ensured there was no escape for the Imperium forces. They were promptly crushed by the enemy capital squadron.

    Despite some memes on reddit, it is apparent that the participants thoroughly enjoyed the fleet. The toll stands at 21.62bn ISK lost by the Imperium, vs 5.04bn ISK lost by Legacy.

    Thanks to u/InhabitedSoup, the Imperium FC, for writing a comprehensive AAR.



    At 1325 EVE time yesterday, TEST pilot Maxtuno Stone lost his Ragnarok-class Titan in V1ZC-S, Esoteria. A Winter Coalition bomber fleet, approximately 50 strong, went hunting this afternoon in Esoteria. Around 1253 EVE, they engaged a number of TEST Rorquals. TEST carriers were on grid to respond within ten minutes and began routing the outmatched bombers.

    The next TEST wave brought in a significant number of supercarriers – and one titan. WinterCo had clearly been trying to bait such a response. At around 1323, a cyno was lit and 21 WinterCo dreadnoughts jumped in. Two minutes later, they had destroyed the titan. They then tried to extract, but ultimately lost the entire dreadnought squadron.

    By 1331, the fighting was all but done. The toll stands at 72.72bn ISK lost by TEST vs 36.98bn lost by Winter Coalition.

    Thanks to u/TurbulenceZERO for pointing out a zKill glitch that led to underclaiming WinterCo dreadnought losses.



    In the early hours of yesterday morning, Avair in Domain, played host to a clash between Legacy and a lowsec coalition led by The Rogue Consortium. The objective? The destruction of a Legacy fortizar in its final timer.

    Legacy deployed 127 vessels, mostly Abaddon battleships with some dreadnought support. They faced off against 70 lowsec ships, mostly Rattlesnakes, with some dreadnoughts. The first few minutes of fighting, beginning at 0251, went poorly for Legacy. However, at 0254, they destroyed two of the attacker's FAXes, allowing them to even the score.

    The battle settled down into a grinding attritional contest. Though Legacy lost more ships, they had spares – one commentator thought as many as 400 pre-fitted Abaddons – in the fortizar. By contrast, the attackers could not easily reship. With their force failing fast, the attackers jumped in a dreadnought squadron to kill the Legacy dreadnoughts and assist the Rattlesnakes.

    Unfortunately for them, even this commitment could not turn the tide, and the reinforcing dreadnoughts were picked off one by one. Fighting concluded at 0332, with the fortizar saved. The toll stands at 50.3bn ISK lost by Legacy vs 65.7bn ISK lost by the attacking coalition.

    Correction: u/DrDeaf has pointed out that this fortizar is not an official Legacy structure & operation, but a content magnet for some corps into the New Year.



    Two days ago, Streamfleet – a loose collection of streamers from across New Eden – announced that they will hold a charity streaming event starting at 1800 EVE on the 29th of November. Their intention is to raise money for Take This. Take This campaigns for greater knowledge and support of mental health in the gaming world. It also provides resources and support on mental health to game developers and communities.

    Streamers confirmed to be participating include Rahne, BjornBee, Jin'Taan, RonUSMC, Spectre Fleet, Erstschlag, Manic, and Open Comms. If that wasn't enough, Streamfleet have arranged for hundreds of billions of ISK in prizes. This includes a fully fit Nyx, a Nidhoggur carrier, and a collection of rare skins.



    Dirt 'n' Glitter (D-N-G), a storied corporation – particularly in factional warfare – has been shut down. The reason for this is that the CEO, Tristan daCuhna, is stopping playing EVE. The decision to take the corporation down with him was not done out of spite. As daCuhna said in a statement on reddit:

    I've handed control of DNG to others before and the corp ends up being handed back as good as dead. It's not due to the people who run it, it's due to the nature of the content the corp is part of. I love FW and I can pass that enthusiam on to others. Other ceo's have chased content in null or as pirates and that is not the niche dng fits into, its nearly killed the corp on multiple occasions. It may sound big headed and a dick move but on this occasion I'm holding the corp, if I come back I'll try to rebuild it for the fourth time. [sic]

    This decision appears to have met with widespread approval in the community. Though some were upset and considered the decision egotistical, the majority think it right that the story end gracefully. Moreover, as daCuhna ran the corporation for 7 years, most agreed it was reasonable he take the corp with him into retirement. D-N-G had a good ending, but it will be missed.


    For now, that's the way it is. Goodnight.


    NB: Seemed like a shame that the 1900 News reports stopped, so I thought to myself 'hey, maybe I could have a go at something like that? How hard can it be?' (pretty hard, as it turns out, but also fun).

    If I've got something wrong, comment below and I'll fix it! If something cool happens which you want covered, drop me a DM (or just post it on /r/Eve, I'll see it either way) – only way for me to write about it is if I know it happened! Any and all tips are completely confidential. Can't commit to a schedule on this but I'll try to keep things regular.

    Oh, speaking of names, if anyone's got suggestions on what to call this, fire away!

    submitted by /u/HappyPinguHat
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    Traveling from Branch to Fountain and..

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:44 PM PST

    Every every system we see this group.


    And they are all in Isthars or Vexors, and a VNI, and instantly land on the citadel as we enter the systems. We being in Cynabals, landing on the structure first only to see 1, 2, 3 guys all land and dock up as we watch it. (no bubble with us, but they would already be in warp).

    I mean, we reported them.. but it's so frustrating.

    submitted by /u/SharnhorstDW
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    Korean NPSI Roam in Provi

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:28 PM PST


    It's been two weeks old, but it's posted for fleet advertising.Every korean speaker can join my fleet, Sunday 22:00 (KST)

    submitted by /u/Esiz_AL
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    Nov Patch Notes Updated with Rapid Fire details

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

    EVE Online Interview with CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:08 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    Some of you might remember me asking for some of your questions about ten days ago as we were preparing to interview CCP's CEO.

    Well, the article is finally live now. You can find it here. I hope you'll enjoy it - cheers!

    submitted by /u/PcGamer85
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    Public Indecency (Tusker's Public Roam Highlights)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:59 PM PST

    Which one of the four empire races do you most identify with?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:12 PM PST

    Bloodlines are also welcome!

    For me, I love the Tribal Traditionalists of Minmatar. Hard work, working together, tradition, and growing your own food seemed like the way to go. Never let the Amarr compromise our Republic <3

    submitted by /u/Juris_Pheonix
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    CCP Announces: Alliance Logo Skins!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:35 AM PST

    Triglavian Dread Has No Siege Module? :bigthink:

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:45 PM PST

    <10: Battlecruisin' - ep. 13

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:46 AM PST

    How Tech 2 Blueprints get invented

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:54 AM PST


    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:07 AM PST

    Koreans practicing pvp with Merlins

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:39 AM PST

    EVEs little quirks which are really annoying

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:04 AM PST

    What transporting your own ship should look like:

    • drag ship into cargo
    • fly to destination
    • unload ship from cargo

    What transporting your own ship actually looks like:

    • create contract to alt char to give him the Ship
    • accept contract on alt char
    • create courier contract to main char to destination
    • accept courier contract on main char
    • drag courier packet into cargo
    • fly to destination
    • unload courier packet into hangar
    • complete courier contract
    • create contract from alt to main char to give him the Ship
    • accept contract on main char

    Want another one? Here:

    What clonejumping to help another player should look like:

    • dock
    • go to character menu
    • select clone to jump to
    • (if clone is already on Station, select the one to keep)
    • jump to destination (new clone should be automatically created)
    • get into ship
    • undock

    What clonejumping to help another player actually looks like:

    • dock
    • wait for the 10 second session timer
    • leave ship
    • wait for the 10 second session timer
    • go to character menu
    • select clone to jump to
    • oh no, you'd kill an implant clone
    • switch into implant clone
    • wait for the 10 second session timer
    • yes, i want to kill the empty clone
    • jump to destination
    • create new clone
    • wait for the 10 second session timer
    • get into ship
    • wait for the 10 second session timer
    • undock
    submitted by /u/Gerier
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    What Should I know?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:10 PM PST

    I am just starting the game and was wondering what I should know, so I do not make mistakes that ruin the game experience and just how to play the game correctly.

    submitted by /u/ShaodwPhoenix
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    Got this from my chatroom: a day's catch from a NS newbro

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:41 AM PST

    "I think I had about 80% of what was there within 6 jumps from my home."

    This explorer grinds more ISK in one day than the days I lived in Teonusude farming Nomads. Hats off.

    Edit: this was not my loot, my account's cake day is 2014 so I am too old to be called a newbro. I was just proud of what I saw. These newcomers are having fun.

    sure, why use bots when you can grind loots yourself?

    submitted by /u/erised10
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    Redeemed random items

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:56 AM PST

    So me, my father and my brother started playing eve online. I made an account and fooled around a year ago and just made a new character now, my brother and dad made new accounts. We played for 2 days; I completed the military career missions as Caldari on my new character, my brother completed 9 advanced military missions as Amarr and accepted the 10th one. My dad couldn't play a lot so he just finished the tutorial. We were counting our loot (fairly equal) when suddenly my brother noticed the redeem items icon flashing. He clicked it and redeemed 15 items some of which were:
    - 2 mining lasers
    - salvager
    - 16 scanner probes
    - probe launcher
    - civiliian turbo warp drive (like an afterburner but stronger) or something
    - some kind of Data Analyzer
    - Artifact Analyzer
    - something like an Asteroid/Gas Belt Scanner
    Also we are pretty sure he got from it a packaged Venture and Magnate.

    These all seem very good for starting in exploration (which my dad likes) and mining (which I am looking forward too), so we would like to know how my brother got this stuff. I'm guessing its some kind of make your first account thing so I won't get it. Also I should say that although my brother played on this account only for 2 days, he had 2 characters as the first's frigate got blown up and he decided to restart.

    Sorry for such deep and confusing details, just want to know why he got all that. Was it for completing advanced military, but then why in redeem items?

    A Noob

    submitted by /u/AlexStonebrae
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    Jovian theory.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:06 PM PST


    I am by no means a lore expert or anything like that. However, I will theorise one thing:

    • The Jovian corporations have no Jovian-race CEO's.
    • Devs used to play as a Jovian-race.
      - I will stipulate that they didn't always have Jovian characters, they did change it before the new graphic client.

    My theory is perhaps a wild-idea.

    They never implemented the Jovian race into the new character models. It simply doesn't exist.
    Which is why the NPC heads of Jovian corps are from non-Jovian races.

    submitted by /u/-LuciferMorningstar-
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