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    Monday, May 10, 2021

    Eve Online Minmatar Engineering

    Eve Online Minmatar Engineering

    Minmatar Engineering

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    Last Week: The painful truth

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    Init please let your FC know we hate him, thanks.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Went to bash a fort down a 25 jump pipe. It was a long hard bubble bath the whole way. Got there with 27 seconds on the clock and A fleet minus some slow beans.

    God shit team, I hate you all.

    submitted by /u/gotemike
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    Last week - A recap

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    This last week has been fun. Thanks everyone in Delve for showing up and fighting.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:01 PM PDT

    I was kicked from Dreddit without any sort of warning or reason. Here is my story.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    As the title says, I was abruptly kicked from Dreddit this past Saturday with no warning or reason given.

    After roughly six months of being in the corporation, going on countless fleets, and spending numerous hours bashing structures I was for some reason, unbeknownst to me, removed from the corp and had my pleas for help completely ignored by leadership. This sudden action led to me becoming stranded in Delve with billions of ISK in assets spread out across the region with no way of accessing any of it. After having my questions ignored by every member of leadership that I messaged, I had no other choice but to firesale all of my assets in Delve and make my way to NPC space.

    I don't expect any sort of response from Dreddit leadership, but I wanted to come here to spread the word to you, the good people of /r/eve, and to any potential new players looking for a corporation.


    Dreddit might say they're recruiting, but after going through what I have just experienced, I would recommend keeping your options open.

    tl;dr I got the Mibbles Experience™

    submitted by /u/SmugfaceMcGee
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    Drink Quafe!

    Posted: 09 May 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    Templis CALSF wins Anger Games: Rebirth

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Our glorious captain, Thelastsparton, has lead us to victory once again. After going through the tournament without losing a single ship, Warlords memed us pretty hard, but after feeding for bob we came back to win the finals 3-2. I would like to thank everyone that came together to make Anger Games happen, all our practice partners for making us better, and Mikal for spamming. I know speak for everyone on the Templis team when I say we all had a blast and we look forward to next time. Also I was taking shots for every ship we lost, so I would like to directly thank sparton for single handedly destroying my night.




    also CALSF is recruiting.

    submitted by /u/shipmaster1911
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    Magnate out of Sib

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Anger Games Results!

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:56 PM PDT


    The Anger Games has concluded tonight, with a spectacular Best of Five finale!

    The final day saw Goondra Unloaded, TEMPLIS CALSF, and Warlords of the Deep duke it out for final podium positions.

    The first match of the final day was in the winner's bracket (Goondra versus TEMPLIS) and it was a dominating performance from TEMPLIS. Goondra made a valiant attempt, but took a shoulder-check to the losers bracket regardless, losing in a clean sweep match.

    The next competitive match was a loser's bracket grudge match - Goondra had previously knocked Warlords into the elimination series, and unfortunately Goondra's luck ran out. Warlords won the Elimination Semi-Final 100 points to 4, and progressed to the Best-Of-Five Finals. Goondra took third place as a result.

    The Finals...

    Speaking of the Finals, this was a back and forth series on tenterhooks all the way. The Finals also had a unique ban structure: all bans were based upon the most-popular bans throughout the tournament.

    Finals Match 1 had Curse, Bhaalgorn, Barghest and Gila bans, and was a slow match to start, but Warlords took an early lead and held on, taking a 1-0 lead in the series.

    Warlords 1-0 TEMPLIS.

    Finals Match 2 had Bhaalgorn, Gila, Sleipnir, Blackbird bans. TEMPLIS took the first loss on the chin and fought back, sweeping against Warlords in six minutes.

    Warlords 1-1 TEMPLIS.

    Finals Match 3 saw Curse, Barghest, Rattlesnake, Etana bans. TEMPLIS fielded a double Widow setup supported by a Zarmazd, and went up against a double Paladin team supported by a Rodiva. TEMPLIS clawed their way to a kitey win here.

    Warlords 1-2 TEMPLIS.

    Finals Match 4 had no bans according to the rules, and took a long while to get moving. The first loss was a TEMPLIS Sacrilege four minutes into the fight. TEMPLIS then lost a Maller 5m10s into the fight, and things slowly snowballed from there; by 8m45, they had lost everything but their Zarmazd and Scorpion. This match ended with a Warlords win, and TEMPLIS lost everything but a Scorpion.

    Warlords 2-2 TEMPLIS.

    Finals Match 5 also had no bans, with TEMPLIS taking a double Abbadon, double Oracle comp against a double Hyperion, Zarmazd, Curse core. TEMPLIS dominated this match from the start, killing both Hyperions and then slowly working through the support ships.

    The final result was TEMPLIS CALSF 3-2 Warlords of the Deep.

    If you missed out on the Anger Games live, you can catch VODs on the EVE_NT Twitch channel, and also find the full broadcasts on the Anger Games YouTube channel too.

    Prize Breakdown...

    Overall, the Anger Games: Rebirth bracket sees prizes go to:

    1st: TEMPLIS CALSF - 27,900 PLEX, plus 60 EDENCOM Victory SKINS.

    2nd: Warlords of the Deep - 15,500 PLEX, plus 60 EDENCOM Victory SKINS.

    3rd: Goondra Unloaded - 7,750 PLEX, plus 40 EDENCOM Victory SKINS.

    4th: AP Stole My Fit - 4,650 PLEX, plus 50 EDENCOM Victory SKINS.

    Joint 5th: Sudden Vydra - 3,100 PLEX, plus 40 EDENCOM Victory SKINS.

    Joint 5th: TEST Alliance - 3,100 PLEX, plus 30 EDENCOM Victory SKINS.

    Further rankings are available at our Challonge page, and the full prize breakdown is available on our prize breakdown spreadsheet!

    In Conclusion...

    We will have a full organiser-perspective report of the Anger Games coming soon!

    In the meantime, we'd like to thank all our support staff, the commentary team, and every participating player who spent time putting so much effort into making this an incredible tournament. Special thanks go out to the EVE_NT team for allowing us to use their Twitch channel to broadcast this event, and for helping us manage the first weekend's technical difficulties in such a fantastic manner.

    We could not have made this event happen without all these people, and we cannot fully express our gratitude for their support.

    We look forward to seeing you all in the next Anger Games!

    submitted by /u/DirkStetille
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    Just Test Things

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    (WIP) Tactile Control Panels for EVE

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    I've been dreaming about this for years, inspired by the incredible home cockpits from flight sim world. Finally got a laser cutter & made it happen!

    4X 3 mm acrylic sheet, painted & engraved on the K40 in my kitchen.

    submitted by /u/ascenttotranscendenc
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    You have been tasked with developing one module/ship/feature to fix Eve once and for all. What is it?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:03 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/HellkerN
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    Picture of a group of friends just moments before they got thrown out of the Casino empty handed

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    Plz halp

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    I left my Sigil parked in a deadspace pocket in Josameto and went into a Guristas brothel last Friday. Just woke up and now it's gone. It was named CORP ROLLER 13, has a white Purity SKIN, and my favorite black pants are in the bridge. No killmail found for it. Please dm me if you know its whereabouts. Could also use pants and a shuttle home.

    submitted by /u/The_River_of_Slime
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    Why are PI links and routes two separate things?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    I am never going to link two buildings without routing something through that link. Just let me do the routing step in one go and cut the clicks in half.

    submitted by /u/Ayara_Itris
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    With 1DQ now the prize the papidoples need to hope that servers get reinforced. Huzzah for Monday!

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:51 PM PDT

    Some tech3 skins for u/stateofthings312

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    Confusion about reasonable safety expectations or assumptions for setting up "safe spots" between celestials outside of dscan radius.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    I observed a debate in a channel that left me wondering about a game mechanic and how actually reasonably safe you would be in each of these simple scenarios.


    Huge system where each cluster of celestials is far apart that any dscan ping can only cover one cluster. E.g., each is more than 14.3x2=28.6 AU distant from their celestial cluster edges. We've all seen big systems like this.

    Scenario 1:

    • Fly between cluster and another.
    • Save a Location midway.
    • The saved Location should be beyond the dscan range of any celestial in either adjacent cluster.

    If someone warps between the two celestials, or close enough, they'll see you on dscan, parked somewhere between. Assuming this location is far enough off either celestial that no one is directly subwarp flying to your spot in any sane length of time, the only reasonable way to find this person and get on grid with them is running several passes back and forth, saving (if you can) Locations to get closer and closer on your dscan pings until you can manage to possibly get on grid... and then hope the person stays put.


    Scenario 2:

    Same as #1, but now from that location, warp off towards a random celestial in a third cluster, and save a spot midway there, so you're now warping to celestial #3 from this random arbitrary location. Assuming this new location is similarly off of the edge of any dscan radius, the odds of someone actually ever landing on grid are all but nil, right? How would you even efficiently find this ship?

    Scenario 2 alternate:

    From that new arbitrary location, spend a couple hours blazing away from it on MWD in a random direction up or down, getting at least several grids worth off of that new location, so even if someone lands on that new spot, they'd have to go chasing you off into the black and hope they get close. Short of the old mythic "deep safe" that's 15+ AU off the edge of a system, is this the safest you can be without a cloak?

    I honestly couldn't think of an efficient way to hunt down someone in any of these scenarios.

    submitted by /u/AmHoomon
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    My best score in-game so far

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    I managed to crack two cans on a Superior Serpentis Covert Research Facility before the rats came and blew the site. I didn't even check the can contents before I clicked 'Loot All' due to time constraints, but when I got back to base . . . man, this made my day.


    submitted by /u/OneLonelySpud
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    TAPI: If you remove our losses, we won the fight

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:55 PM PDT

    Turns out goons have been the pubbies all along

    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:56 PM PDT

    Trading from one station to another ?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    I am kinda new to the game and I have a question. Is it possible to make ISK by buying certain materials cheaper in, lets say, Jita and sell them in other areas where the price ranges higher ?
    Does someone here make ISK that way or just buy seeing the charts and waiting for the price to go higher/lower depending if you are looking to buy or looking for a sell opportunity . .

    Thank you for your replies :)

    submitted by /u/DedGalo
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    Posted: 09 May 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Whoever is the owner of eve-pi.com, your domain expired. Pleaseeeeeeeee renew, it was the best PI planner out there I think

    submitted by /u/raikia
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