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    Friday, November 29, 2019

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - November 28, 2019

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - November 28, 2019

    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - November 28, 2019

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:05 AM PST

    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

    Newbies / Returning players please visit our newbie-help channel on the /r/eve discord: https://discord.gg/uHpxFaA

    Alternatively check out reddit.com/r/evenewbies

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    walking in stations but casinos pls

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:18 PM PST

    When you see your old homie across the battlefield

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:58 PM PST

    "Go back to your wormhole before you get hurt"

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:05 PM PST

    We were roaming with some nano and ran into a Slyce fleet bashing a Fort. FC told us to go back to our WH, so we did. We came back and murdered them.

    Video of the fight.

    submitted by /u/atomdeathstroke
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    "The Parthian" - Tornado watercolour, 12x9"

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:32 AM PST

    [NER] The 1900 News on Thursday 28th November

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:35 AM PST

    Click here to read the article on the NER website



    NER Local News at 7 o'clock. This is Theodred Alabel. Good evening.

    • The Next Chapter of the Invasion Expansion Released
    • 133B ISK Destroyed in Martoh
    • Test Titan Destroyed in Esoteria
    • A statement from NER

    The Next Chapter of the Invasion Expansion Released

    On Tuesday, November 27th, CCP Games released its latest expansion to the EVE Universe, EVE Invasion Chapter II. This latest release from CCP Games introduces new triglavian sites, in which capsuleers can choose what side of the conflict they choose to support as the triglavians escalate their efforts against the empires. With the release, CCP also released mid-grade and low-grade variations of a new implant set, the Mimesis set, which focus on increasing the damage output of triglavian weaponry.


    The update also brings the long awaited Shareable Bookmark system, which allows people to share locations with alliance members and other people they want via an ACL based system. Most notably, introduced a brand new triglavian ship, the Zirnitra, a triglavian dreadnaught. Apparently upon release, the stats associated with the dreadnought were not the correct ones, and they were mixed up during deployment. CCP addressed this by fixing the stats to the "correct" ones. However, since no capsuleers have fielded the dread yet, It is fair to say there will possibly be further changes after it gets used by capsuleers in combat.*

    *Correction to the article stating the manner in which the dreadnaught was altered. Feedback was given by Exooki from the CSM, thank you for pointing it out.


    133B ISK Destroyed in Martoh

    On the 21st of November around 02:00 eve time, fighting broke out in the system of Martoh between Pen is Out, Villore Accords, and Malevelon Roe Industries and Federation Uprising, Aggressively Average, The United Federation of Conifers, and Templis CALSF over an Templis CALSF astrahus hull timers in the system. The attackers formed primarily in Machariels, while the defenders had a mixed composition of Machariels and Loki's. Both machariel fleets utilized apostles to serve as the basis for their logi, but as the battle progressed and the attackers battleship fleet was coming under pressure, a cyno was lit to bring in dreadnaught forces. The defenders countered this dreadbomb with their own. Ultimately, the attackers disengaged and the astrahus timers were saved. The butcher's bill for the engagement stands at over 133B ISK, 93B ISK of which was lost by the attackers in their efforts to kill the astrahus. A YouTube video from the FEDUP perspective shows pretty nice visual for the breakdown of the fight.

    Test Titan Destroyed in Esoteria

    On November 24, in the system of V1ZC-S in Esoteria, fighting broke out between WinterCo and TEST Alliance Please Ignore forces over a tackled Rorqual in the region. Initially, Rorquals were caught by a Fraternity blops fleet, which dropped a couple mobile cyno inhibitors to prevent reinforcements from coming in. Fraternity were able to easily kill two of the trapped rorquals. TEST forces placed a priority taking out these inhibitors to get assistance to their pinned rorquals. Upon successfully doing so, TEST brought in carriers to assist in clearing off bombers, and escalated further bringing in a squadron of supercarriers, including a Ragnorak Titan class vessel as well as a Vendetta faction class supercarrier. At this point WinterCo responded in kind, lighting a counter cyno which dropped over 30 dreads onto the field. They were able to quickly dispatch the Titan, however, they were unsuccessful in extracting from the field with their dreads. After the dust settled, nearly 117B ISK total was destroyed, with TEST forces losing 79B in the defense effort of their tackled Rorquals.

    Local News:

    Ushra'Khan turns 15 years old

    On November 25th, Ushra'Khan turned 15 years old. It stands as the oldest surviving alliance still in the game. In the reddit post commemorating their birthday, they also pointed out the other 14 oldest alliances still active in the game (Stain Empire, CVA, Red Alliance, and RAZOR just to name a few). Happy belated birthday to Ushra'Khan, I hope you guys kill lots of stuff and continue to do great things as you make your way to 16 years! For the other alliances that will be celebrating their long time on this game, I look forward to seeing what you guys get up to.

    CCP Introduces the HyperNet Relay

    On November 27th, CCP Games Introduces a concept called HyperNet Relay in SISI. In doing so, they are effectively legalizing gambling in EVE again. This has led to a wide variety of responses from the community from excitement to criticisms of the unintended consequences such a system could bring to the game. NER will keep you posted as the concept continues to move forward.

    Notable Kills

    On the 25th of November, Mcsteamer Sheppard and Linnn both lost their titans running a blood raider site in Oasa. We Form Volta used a bunch of sabres to keep the Titans bubbled and they were not able to keep themselves up with their faxes dying too quickly and getting reinforcement would take too long. All told, running the site proved to be very costly, with total losses exceeding 170B ISK between the two titans and five faxes that died.

    https://zkillboard.com/kill/80105348/ & https://zkillboard.com/kill/80105430/

    A Statement from NER

    Normally we don't really issue public statements, but given the length of time and circumstances, we felt it was appropriate. Quick version: back in May, I lost my job, it was not expected and it kinda threw everything reeling when I thought I was in a more stable position. Originally, I tried pushing through it, but as my job search continued to turn up dry it became increasingly difficult to ignore my real life while producing the 1900 News. As I have stated in the past, and even a recent post attempting to do the format can tell you, compiling such news is not easy and it is time consuming. I was easily spending 15 hours between research, checking discords (#spai), talking to contacts, writing and editing.

    Eventually I made the decision to put my job hunt on 100%, effectively putting the 1900 News on hold. My plan was to come back to doing the 1900 News after I settled into the new job. It took a little longer than anticipated, but I am settled into my new job after moving halfway across the country. Ironically enough, part of my irl job now covers newswork so it always makes me laugh. I really enjoyed writing the 1900 News, never meant the break to last this long but I want to assure you all that I have not given up on the great work we have been doing here at New Eden Report, and you can expect the 1900 News from NER more consistently going forward.

    That's the news in New Eden. Thanks for reading.

    If there are inaccuracies in any of the above, please let us know so that they can be fixed.

    Would you like to write for NER? Maybe writing isn't your thing but you're a hotshot in Photoshop. If you have any skills to lend to our cause of unbiased journalism then hop onto Discord and speak to a member of staff.

    Featured image credit: Adan Dimaloun

    submitted by /u/Sgt_Slice14
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    Korean update November 28, 2019: They have discovered wormholes

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:16 PM PST

    In my two years of gameplay in Eve Online, ive'd never witnessed such salt in a long time.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:42 AM PST

    From: Jana Xouzi

    Sent: 2019.11.28 19:28

    To: Callibre,

    I hope you're jacking off, get up to take a piss and when you're standing in front of the toilet, a lawnmower jumps out of the toilet and your dick gets stuck in it and blood splatters everywhere. Then you have a seizure and your eyes roll back, a horse rapes you with it's gigantic horse cock and it splits you in half. Then your parents hear the scream and they open the door and see you having a seizure being raped by a horse with blood everywhere. You think they're going to help but they take a chainsaw and cut off the horses head, shove it up your ass while the horse head is bleeding into you. You're screaming at the top of your lungs while the horse head is flailing somehow, trying to escape but it's stuck in your tight ass. You're still having a seizure and the lawnmower is still running. Your dad records it because he always had a secret fetish for this type of stuff. Six hours later when your body is limp he jacks off to the video, rapes your bleeding rotting diseased corpse, cooks it into dinners pasta to discretely dispose of the body and the rest of your family eats it like everything's normal.

    Hauler's channel, best channel.


    submitted by /u/Ronald_McDonaId
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    Salvage from Triglav Dread: literally unplayble!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:41 PM PST

    8 months ago, I made a post calling the Triglavian billboard video a recruitment film. We are now deliberately killing empire ships, for Zirnitra blueprints. We Are Zorya Triglav.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:39 AM PST

    CCPlease just let me keep my bookmarks lists expanded

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:21 AM PST

    This is so annoying. Prolly is was mentioned over and over again but its a really bad design. On certain actions (saving bookmarks, changing systems, dropping stuff in space...my list of bookmarks randomly closes...and its really really frustrating.

    Cmooonn CCP!

    submitted by /u/Kano_Black
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    Oh, it was a mechanic to profit from people's gambling habits! Silly me!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:42 PM PST

    Emerging Lurkers present: Dirt Cheap Solo Emerging Myrmidon

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:54 PM PST

    I present to you a sub 180Mil Emerging Conduit runner. This fit is suited towards ppl who want to try the content out or are very tight on isk or just need something cheap to start out. It is not meant to be used for a prolonged time as it will cut into your earnings after a while.

    [Myrmidon, Peasantry]

    Reactive Armor Hardener

    Medium Armor Repairer II

    Medium Armor Repairer II

    Medium Armor Repairer II

    Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

    Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

    Cap Recharger II

    Cap Recharger II

    Cap Recharger II

    Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery

    Cap Recharger II

    220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II

    220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II

    220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II

    Armor Command Burst II

    Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II

    Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II

    Medium Anti-Explosive Pump I

    Federation Navy Hammerhead x2

    Salvage Drone I x5

    Federation Navy Ogre x3

    Republic Fleet Fusion M x1

    Rapid Repair Charge x300

    Agency 'Hardshell' TB5 Dose II x4

    Use the Hardshell drug as needed. I recommend having Repair Systems V and at least Gallente Battlecruiser IV.

    If you have an Asklepian clone, feel free to use that, dont get one for this fit though, the ISK would be better spent on a better fit.

    Depending on your Drone Skills you might find that your Heavy Drones won't track well enough. It's no problem if they occasionaly miss, but if you feel that they miss too often you can either change the heavy drones to faction Berserkers, as they have better tracking or just use 5 Hammerheads from the get-go.

    This is a cheap fit, however its rather skill intensive, so keep that in mind. If you are struggling in the sites, you can easily just overheat your armor-reppers as needed, but then again, the skill Thermodynamics is important to have.

    If you have any questions regarding the fit or Emerging conduits in general, feel free to join the ingame channel "Emerging Lurkers", there you will find a bunch of other people also interested in the content and you will also find many other fits to try out!

    submitted by /u/LeFayssal
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    Help me get better at solo pvp

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:41 PM PST

    Hello there. Lately dwelling in wormholes got kinda boring for me, so I started roaming nullsec alone to see if no-content meme was real(it kinda is). I've been dying a lot, but I've also been killing some things, like yesterday this guy fed me his entire mining fleet for no reason. Overall it's a lot of fun, you should also try it!

    Anyways, my goal in all of this has been to learn fighting outnumbered and staying on grid to pick off small targets like interceptors. So my humble request to all of you is, please give me links where I can learn tricks for this specific thing. What youtube videos other than Chessur and Suitonia should I watch? Add your own tips as well!

    submitted by /u/JustThatLuke
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    Emerging Conduit - Solo Prophecy fit (122m)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:38 AM PST

    Getting back into Eve, where do I start again?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:38 PM PST

    I played Eve back in 2016-17, where do I get started with this again?
    54mil Skill Point character, (Small issue of having a -8.4 Sec Status) :-p

    submitted by /u/Iam_Atom
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    What Is The HyperNet Relay?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:42 PM PST

    Another one bites the dust

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:59 AM PST

    Not to be outdone by other lowsec alliances, Shoot First is disbanding. It was a wild ride, we got good fights, stirred the pot, and left our mark on lowsec. Best of luck to those who remain, and to all our former members.


    submitted by /u/Chosenone-
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    Happy Thanksgiving

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:43 AM PST

    Happy Thanksgiving guys

    submitted by /u/RScam
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    I wish CCP had added hypercores to the LP store

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:24 AM PST

    Hypercores could totally be the LP sink that would allow CCP to remove attributes and attribute implants. Its super frustrating that CCP finally stumbled upon a solution to an age old problem and went for the $ instead of the health of Eve and removing one of the most harmful game mechanics for newbros.

    submitted by /u/Aliventi
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    Overview, CCP will do it simple one day ?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:03 PM PST


    Please, CCP, change this mess.

    Overview is such complicated today, with all these NPC.

    Make it more simple and user-friendly.

    submitted by /u/QsiSensate
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    New BM functionality broken?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:37 AM PST

    It seems that the people and places\locations window is now very buggy, with some issues not there when the new BM features launched. I've raised support tickets with CCP but would like to know if others are experiencing issues and whether I captured them all:

    1 - You can not drag BM's to an empty folder, a BM must be saved in that folder before you can drag items to it, this was not the case on launch day
    2 - any action in the window (make folder, save BM, move BM etc..) results in all folders being expanded despite previously being collapsed
    2 - Once expanded it takes 2 clicks with the mouse to collapse the window again. On the first click it seems like the UI is trying to expand the folder again, the second click collapses the folder
    3 - UI draw bugs when copying BM's
    4 - Scrolling with the mouse or using the scoll bar eventually stops working
    5 - Eventually the whole locations window fails to load displaying the never ending spinning circle. Relogging does not fix the issue

    I have been trying to sort my BM's after the changes but I am now unable to view them at all.

    submitted by /u/SabersKunk
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    Can Eve do better for a fellow gamer? (Darkness member)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:54 AM PST

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