• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 30, 2020

    Eve Online Edencom is jamming lowsec systems!

    Eve Online Edencom is jamming lowsec systems!

    Edencom is jamming lowsec systems!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    All my homies hate em

    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    New Merch

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Procurers go brrrrrrr

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Gate bubbles

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    So today I was exploring in null, and finished all the sites I wanted in my system. I jump through a gate, and the first thing I noticed is the two ships sitting at the gate. I think, ok, I'm in a instawarp sunesis, I'll be fine to get out quick. What I didn't know is, there was a bubble around the gate.

    So, as you can guess, boom goes sunesis. (Actually sucks, now I have no money left) not really mad, just annoyed that I didn't notice that. So I was just wondering if you can counter a bubble, or if you just die unless you kill your attackers?

    submitted by /u/Jekmander
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    PSA: Listen to Stellaris music

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    I'm a big fan of the Eve background music. Sounds very futuristic and spacey and definitely compliments the theme of the game.

    However, I still think Stellaris has one of the best OSTs of any space-themed game of all time; change my mind. I regularly run the Stellaris soundtrack in background over the Eve music because it is just so damn good.

    If you haven't heard it and have some spare time, I suggest you give it a listen. o7

    submitted by /u/dbush3039
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    Raravoss seems to have a new Triaglavian site.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    Answer the Call

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    Triglavian forces are fighting to keep Warouh from falling in to the hands of Edencom.
    Strong Triangle presence in system, cleaning through Imperial Scum at warp speed, but we need more to push deeper and hit the harder sites. Bring your logi, bring your drones, bring your ARMOR tank.

    Edit: For UP TO DATE invasion information, join the Triglavian Community text channels and follow the Discord links! Acting FCs will be happy to hear you join and will tell you where you can be most effective! You can get a channel invite by joining the invasion channel and asking for a link.

    Be cautious. Join comms before undocking. Nefarious actors will invite you to fleet and fleet warp you in to a trap if the sec is low.

    Implicate yourself.

    Extirpate the squares.

    Fly safe, Angular Allies o7

    submitted by /u/Daroph
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    The pretty gets prettier?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Unpopular Opinion: Trigavian Rats

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Even though I am a miner by profession I wish that the roaming Trigavians would come back. I say this to my own demise. now, why do I think they should, well it was a great way to prevent people from going AFK for an hour in a Retriever Or Mackinaw in High-Sec. kinda like the Null-Sec Blackout helped reduce the number of Bots that ratted in Null I fear that without strong NPC's to take out AFK miners we will see a rise in Bots Mining, this is also compounded by the fact that High-Sec ore prices are rising too, making it even more worth wild to bot.

    submitted by /u/Gameable17
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    FEEDUP has Trouble WARPing to save Rorqs. Feeds Enemy Intel Instead

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Warped Intentions has a rorq tackled and their best buds FEEDUP can't get in because of the Jammed System and Bubbles on the gate. In their frustration. They take to their Voltron Immensea channel and try to hash things out. Little does FEEDUP know, they have a Director Level Spai. Much like the spai that robbed them of their riches weeks ago. Spai shares the below message:

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: @[W4RP]Miranda Leigh Okay, one step at a time here, lets walk through this

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: A ping goes out for a tackled Rorqual in W4RP space

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: You form as the responding FC and start getting your region's signature rorq save battleship comp formed

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: armor cruise phoons

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: What happens next

    [FEDUP]Silver Suspiria: first off let me explain, I am not upset about the loss, shit happens. What I am upset about is how discussion in command channel went. Ya I am sure Miranda wasnt happy getting stuck in that situation. But telling me first I am in the wrong ship when I am not and then when we want to discuss the bubbles and the cyno jammer told "its not my space"

    [FEDUP]Silver Suspiria: so ya triggered me

    [FEDUP]Silver Suspiria: because I believe we might have been able to get in there had we not been blocked like that

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: That's not what I asked

    [FEDUP]Silver Suspiria: ya well people seem to think I am upset about losing my ship when its not that

    [W4RP]Miranda Leigh: You know i was Doing my best ..... I am sorry you think we are stupid and they should die

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: @[W4RP]Miranda Leigh Please explain the sequence of events form your perspective, from the point where you started forming immensea-voltron to respond to the whaling fleet in O7-7

    [W4RP]Miranda Leigh: But i form for all your saves and everything else

    [W4RP]Miranda Leigh: SO I tired and i am sorry i failed but I will own it and

    [W4RP]Miranda Leigh: I tired to form a reposnse with just my guys.... Cuz 95 of the time when we ping for saves no one comes anyway

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: Was that before or after you had a proper dscan of the enemy fleet

    [W4RP]Miranda Leigh: I didnt have enough people with what was coming in so i pinged for The bigger response fleet

    [W4RP]Miranda Leigh: they kept Trickled in

    [W4RP]Miranda Leigh: it was 9 guys to 45

    [FEDUP]Silver Suspiria: again youre missing the point, I dont care about a fleet that died, all I want to discuss is the bubbles and the jammer

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: No

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: Because FCs have no control over that

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: Those are alliance command decisions

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: And this isnt the channel to talk about that

    [FEDUP]Silver Suspiria: ok so then can we not make her rehash the fleet and discuss what really went on?

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: We're going over the engagement right now, and what path lead to gating a battleship fleet into a cyno jammed system without support or proper eyes

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: There's a point to this

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: Which we'll get to once we've gone through the sequence of events

    [FEDUP]Silver Suspiria: perfect thank you

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: Because right now Immensea Voltron is a dysfunctional mess

    [FEDUP]CaseyLP: The rorq was already dead pretty much as soon as we came into system

    [BRAVE]Shattered Armer: and if you guys can't start identifying whats is tripping you guys up, then having to worry about whether or not a system is cyno jammed is the least of your problems

    [FEDUP]CaseyLP: I didn't realize it at the moment but I think the better play would have been to camp the gate and either make them safelog or kill them on the way out

    FEEDUP being unhappy with the outcome of the conversations, requested that the enemy shitpost the feed in the Trash Talk Tuesday discord on their behalf


    FEEDUP #1
    Warped Intentions BAD

    submitted by /u/Freeziepopz
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    EVE PULSE - Invasion Ch.3, Graphical Update, CSM15

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    Pandemic Legion Clap Cats

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Solo pvp highlights 9

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    Question for explorers

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    When you see something appear on D-Scan while hacking cans, and it's time to GTFO, what is the quickest way to do so? Right click a safe and warp to? Is there any kind of hotkey magic to hasten this? It's the moment I fail at 100% of the time. My brain turns to mush and that low align time so carefully fitted means nothing without pilot skills.

    Any tips on overview settings as well?

    submitted by /u/bootsand
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    I suck at this game.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    And so does Test's mom.

    submitted by /u/fizzlehack
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    Thanks for the advice.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    After recently starting an eve online account, i asked you guys "What Peice of advice would you give yourself back when you started out" and the responses were overwhelmingly helpful.

    As suggested, i have speced into scanning, and this time tomorrow, it will be maxed out before omega. Thanks again everyone.

    Might o into gunnery next, but who knows.

    submitted by /u/Captain-Crunch1989
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    Increase standings from -8 & -5

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Have a -8 & -5 standing with 2 factions and I'm looking to get that back to -4.9. So I can roam the universe again with out getting zapped. From what I can gather I'll need to do the following.

    • Train diplomacy to V
    • Do certain special agent missions to get a small standing boost (going from a list on eve uni wiki)
    • Find a lvl 1 agent and start doing missions for them

    Before I start doing this I would like to know if there is something I'm missing that could help me in this endeavor.

    Possible to do this without getting the other factions below -5?

    Recommended to do security missions or delivery missions or other missions?

    If anyone has done this before what kind of a time frame am I looking at? I know this depends on how much time I can spend on it but a rough estimate would be nice.

    Thanks for any help & info you can provide.

    submitted by /u/vvallaria2
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    FC Chat #33 - Cainun & Murray Rothbardo

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    PSA: People can decloak you by warping "over" you.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Was sitting @ 100 and a friend warped @ 0 from the same starting point.

    submitted by /u/poeFUN
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    Okay so I'm a noob...

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    So I'm a fairly new player and I was mining Jaspet in a 0.4 system in a Catalyst. My Catalyst had around 1,600 shield, 900 armour and 900 structure. Suddenly, this other catalyst comes out of nowhere and just destroys me in like 2 seconds flat. Then for some reason I got a timer for aggression? I'm confused how it went so badly so quickly when we had the same ship and I'd appreciate any tips you feel like giving to a beginner as well as any explanation on this situation. Obviously I know I don't have tons of details in my explanation but comments like "oh they probably had X type ammo and X module fitted" would be really helpful and still appreciated.

    submitted by /u/thr1cekill
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    Mining Advice

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    So I'm looking at starting up a little mining fleet of my own and doing production on the side so I can have some isk flowing while I'm blowing stuff up.

    From the perspective of some of you experienced indy bros, is the profit margin from HS-LS-NS that much different to make the reward worth it vs the risk?

    submitted by /u/Scytes
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    alpha account is easy and fun..)

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:37 AM PDT

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