• Breaking News

    Monday, June 1, 2020




    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:00 PM PDT





    submitted by /u/PlanetaryGenocide
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    Low-sec pirates be like:

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    My new best officer drop!!! ENAM, Smart Bomb, RCU - 40-55b value

    Posted: 31 May 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    My Potato PC

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    I feel like CCP ignored basic player behaviour when designing the event

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    In theory it's simple, you have two sides duking it out in space and you can kill either of them until the system is permanently taken over. But at the time of writing this, six systems are already EDENCOM fortresses(with another likely becoming one before downtime) and no systems have reached Final Liminality.

    So why such overwhelming support for EDENCOM? There are many reasons:

    • Triglavian loot/salvage is simply worth more than the empire ships loot/salvage.
    • CCP teased new ships, and most people believe they will come from EDENCOM LP store or equivalent(even though they're Upwell ships...)
    • Trig system bonuses are bad. Bonus to armor rep, then bonus to shield rep(so that's already one bonus wasted because you don't dual armor/shield tank) and then two PENALTIES to warp speed and lock range. WTF? Conversely, an EDENCOM fortress gives you a 10% mining bonus. That's worth fighting for even if you're a miner.
    • Trigs reaching first milestone puts the system into lowsec status which is a huge "speed bump" for progression. Most outposts/emerging conduits are ran in kitchen sinks or even by single players multiboxing/in blinged Rattlesnakes. But once a system hits lowsec status you need an organized fleet and even then the attacker is ALWAYS at a disadvantage because if enemy players show up you'll be fighting both enemy fleet AND spiced up NPC ships simultaneously.
    • No one even knows what are the results of Triglavians winning. Do they keep the systems they've taken? Is the security decrease permanent? Or is everything just rolled back? Is it some global score thing? If Triglavians win, will they become the fifth empire? What would that even mean, will you be able to make a triglavian character or will it be just few systems with red background and triglavian NPCs at the gates? What is the motivation to help Triglavians other than petty spite?

    My prediction: Raravoss will be the only system to go to Triglavians simply because people are curious how Final Liminality looks like. After that, it will be total empire victory. Hotspots like Niarja, Osmon or Jita will reach Fortress status before downtime.

    submitted by /u/Zippo-Cat
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    CCP Request: add a ship tree section for special/limited edition and etc ships

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    As the title says. Theres quite a few "hidden" ships in game you'd never know existed. Would be nice to have them in their own tree and drool over them.

    submitted by /u/JustAnotherNate228
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    This is why Triglavians are not winning :)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    We get it, you bought an avatar.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Black Ops: "The Jackpot"

    Posted: 31 May 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    I looked over the hull of my Marshal, Stop Resisting!, and admired the work the unwashed line members had done. Dutiful were the callused hands, the worn out F1 fingers, as they tended to her graceful keel. They scraped the remains of their fellows from her proud profile, their fear equal in measure to the anticipation of their meager pay.

    Today was the day.

    I had been in talks with my battle brothers for days, and long had we spoken of the hunt to come. We had put our time in elsewhere, helping the alliance with the sweat of our brow and the satisfaction of another stratop completed. Our balls were blue, but the echoes of our war poems, composed and recited in the midst of bloody combat, would resonate in the hearts of men and women across the alliance.

    Nearly twenty of us undocked on that fateful day, our ships and souls alight. We drank, we sang, we anchored up, and we activated the filaments. An hour we rode, leaping from one system to the next, and by the end of it, with four filaments spent, we had not yet made it more than 20 jumps beyond our home system. Unacceptable.

    I felt the morale begin to dip and I regaled my fellows with stories of old, telling tales of men as tall as trees fighting giants the size of mountains. One by one, my battle brothers sat at my feet, their eyes attentive and their minds sharp. The next filament could not come soon enough.

    Neutral space! We found a convenient staging area and set the hunters to their task. Anomaly by anomaly, Kronos sent out his combat probes, frightening his quarry well in advance of his arrival. Time and again, the anticpation rose and fell. Only Harold remained silent.

    Harold remained silent, for Harold hunted.

    Here walked a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will. A taciturn man whose quiet and gentle voice belied the mind and spirit of a true warrior. When Harold spoke, entire channels would fall silent.

    "I have two Covetors and a Rorqual on scan. Warping now."

    We undocked, anchored up, and waited.

    "Cyno up."

    We lit the bridge, determined to kill the Covetors and leave the Rorqual. Surely, we couldn't break it. The Covetors fell without a fight, and when I had jumped off field, I looked over my shoulder. What I saw filled me with wonder.

    There stood my battle brothers, unwilling to give up the fight. They held tackle on the Rorqual as he dropped indy core and shredded Harold's Nemesis. As Harold's ship exploded, he gave me a calm smile and a crisp salute.

    Harold smiled, for Harold knew the truth.

    "We're breaking the Rorqual!" Gordaine cried.

    We set to our task with renewed fervor, shredding his shields, armor, and then chewing into his soft hull. Surely, this was bait. Surely.


    The Rorqual pilot, in his shame, self destructed his vessel. Our laughter was long and loud as we continued our assault, and at long last we were rewarded with the brilliant blue of his exploding ship. The pod was icing on the cake, and we began to scramble our fuel truck to grab what loot we could.

    "I have an...Ark...on d-scan," one of us said. "He's...dear God...he's on the cyno beacon."

    Our laughter commingled with our battle cries as we warped at zero, and there it stood: a jump freighter. We fell upon it with reckless abandon, ignoring the pilot's cries for mercy. Just a minute more, he pleaded. Ransom, surely!

    He died as they all die, kicking and screaming. We grabbed his pod out of space and crushed it in our collective fist, the yolk of his precious egg leaking out between our fingers.

    We refueled our ships from the Helium Isotopes left in his wreck, and used that fuel to grab more loot. The freighter dropped two cargo containers that we couldn't access. Attempts to salvage the wreck with the drones the Rorqual dropped were unsuccessful. Likewise, our attempts at ransoming the loot. We destroyed the wreck and its billions within, gave the Rorqual wreck the same treatment, and left.

    Popping two more filaments, we ended up one jump from home and docked, our hearts content and our bellies full.

    25 billion ISK destroyed. 43 million ISK lost. Op success.


    submitted by /u/DjavakAndrard
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    Innocent dinos build freeport for triangle boys but attacked by twitch streamer

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Test pro triangle boys anchor fortizar in Raravoss to support the efforts but the anti triangle presence decided to fight the triangle progression.

    GF was had Bjorn, snuffed and all who showed up! Building a BR atm(totally unrelated to smart bombing attempt hour before)

    edit: new BR might be less shittybr.inyour.space/triangleboy its a shitty BR but have funedit 2: words

    submitted by /u/Starlord_Arthie
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    Speculation: The Triglavian Invasion will end with the Triglavians being established as a 5th "empire". Chapter 3 serves to pick the regions of space they claim as theirs.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    The map will be permanently rearranged based on the the outcome of Chapter 3.

    submitted by /u/icaaryal
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    Omega And Friends Medialabs lose 70+ POCOs in first week of Wardecs

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    Did you want more info about the Trig invasion?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    (Question) What effects how fast you exit warp?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    Is it your inertia modifier/agility?

    The Warp Speed?

    submitted by /u/Gendrath
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    Dank Fights in the North, probably?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    Uh, so there was a BOOM astrahus timer coming out today. Deepwater Hooligans and V0LTA showed up to attack, BOOM called in Vindictive and NSH I think? Then we showed up with C0NE and helped BOOM but then we shot NSH (wally shot first!) and so then the astrahus was saved and everyone went home.

    What a fantastic clusterfuck

    Probably the most relevant battle report:


    submitted by /u/cactusjack48
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    EASY Moracha ;D

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:26 PM PDT


    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    Highsec Miners Complete Unsolicited Contract

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    CSM 15 - Candidates - Some thoughts by Steve.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    Should i come back? Or keep winning Eve?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    Been gone from Eve for around 3 years now. Last thing i did was have a carrier and a dread docked.. somewhere... can't remember now.

    Should i bother coming back, or do i keep winning Eve?

    submitted by /u/Sean_Crees
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    [Vid.] Solo and Small-Scale on Serenity. VS Faction BS \ Capitals \ AT Ships. by Lussy Lou

    Posted: 31 May 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    EVE Online's colossal player-built stations are starting to decay

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    2020 | Notoras News | May 31st

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Jita's Workers on strike!?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    CCP's sense of humor to show a server error or is a "trailer" for tomorrow's new Jita's look?


    submitted by /u/Maxnami
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    Question about Solo PvP

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Hey y'all

    I used to fly some Solo PvP many years ago, and it was fun although very much 'against the grain' in Eve's overall view, as the game was clearly made for fleet PvP and that's 100% fine, I had no problems with that, each game is suited for other types of people of course.

    Recently I had an incling of maybe coming back for a bit, but I'm not sure...

    I haven't followed whats going on in Eve, on the meta evolution, or the game updates at all. How is Eve solo these days? I'm not talking about Faction Warfare, I'm talking about taking a BC or something like that into low/null sec and just trying to get nice fights.

    Lowsec pirates giving good fight? or blops gangs still drop on any 20mil cruiser because of boredom and nothing to kill? updates in last few years give soloers more or less of a chance to get fights? I mean logistics/ecm/ewar wise.

    I used to fly when there were endless solo PvP videos coming out like every week with people flying BSs/BCs and not just frigs, in the times of "Bringing Solo Back" and "One Man Crew" contest and all the podcasts were praising soloers and articles were abound. Then I remember the solo rush kinded of faded and I ended up leaving, I wonder how it is now compared to that time? Because I tried checking out what kind of solo PvP videos are showing these days and I didn't find much, so I was wondering if its due to solo really dying, or because people just don't make videos anymore (and just stream for example) and solo (with hulls of cruisers+) is still totally around.


    submitted by /u/fear2trust
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