• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 16, 2021

    Eve Online Some people doubted how well I did in my last thread, so here's some proof of how easy it is to make isk as a new player!

    Eve Online Some people doubted how well I did in my last thread, so here's some proof of how easy it is to make isk as a new player!

    Some people doubted how well I did in my last thread, so here's some proof of how easy it is to make isk as a new player!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:32 PM PST

    Hello everyone!

    So in my last thread here:


    I talked about how I had a lot of fun in my first months and spread some tips, but there were a couple people that seemed doubtful, and in game a number of people were doubtful of how well I did in Linknet. So I made a little video to show something!


    A lot of people ask as a brand new player "How do I make lots of isk", they never seem to like my answer of "Do t0 abyssals", even though for me I felt like it was the best answer. But they always were worried they would lose their ship.

    So I showed that in a 2 million isk ship you can do a T0 Abyssal in about 10 minutes. Meaning you'll make between 15-20 million isk an hour, using just a 2 million isk ship.

    Is it a ton of isk for an older player? No, of course not. But with that money you can do a TON of things as a new player. You can invest into a Faction Navy frigate to do T0s faster, you could do even more and buy a Worm and do T1s until you can buy a Gila and do T3+ sites.

    Or you can use that to invest into other things! Buy a gnosis and do combat sites. Purchase a small fleet of exploration ships and throw them into null (What I do)!. Heck, you can buy a retriever even in just like 2-3 hours of running these, compared to trying to earn a Retriever in the mining frigate. Invest it into transporting goods around trade hubs.

    In Eve to make isk you need to have isk, and I feel like this is many times better than running level 1-2 missions that most players start with that you can use to invest in other things. Battle cruisers and multiple cruisers probably feel a lot closer when you're making 10+ million isk an hour

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

    submitted by /u/ericbomb
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    Goon Economy failing?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:17 PM PST

    Latest reports indicate SRP requests for Goon losses yesterday took upwards of 2 hours, which is a dire warning to the state of Goon Economy. Usually SRP would be paid out in under 90 minutes, so an increase of 33% in response time is a clear signal the Goon Economy is finally getting near to the last breath (before the next one).

    Also, in other news, the TEST pilots that had losses yesterday will have to wait upwards of 2-3 weeks for those losses to be reimbursed. This is also a clear signal that papi economy is stable and full steaming ahead while those poor goons are stuck not being able to rat or mine (outside of doing abyssals and stripping belts in High Sec)

    submitted by /u/bay_cee
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    Jita the C3

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:43 PM PST

    Seems Yodik wants to pass on the burden hmm

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:50 PM PST

    Proving ground arena should provide Trig Standings

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:49 PM PST

    CCP, everyone is rightly complaining about the lack of ways to get Trig Standings for Pochven and shit. Don't get me wrong, Pochven actually needs more for it to be useful, but why not make the Proving ground arena give standings to participants and winners? The whole lore behind the thing is that we are "proving" ourselves to the Trigs, right?

    submitted by /u/Vendrin
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    Guristas invaded my desk

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:10 AM PST

    Delta Sqad is Furious in Querious

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:54 AM PST

    Reminder to Core your Structures!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:31 AM PST

    Titan pod extraction from M2 gone wrong

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:16 PM PST

    [zkill] Definition of "smallgang" ?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:29 PM PST

    So, I want to add a new tag to zkill for small gangs. However, I can't even agree with myself1 on how many involved on a killmail would define a small gang. Would it be <=5, or <=10, or <=25. What about instances where gangs are in the hundreds but only 8 people actually got on a killmail?

    I'd love to get feedback on this please!

    1 arguing with myself is a favorite pasttime

    submitted by /u/Squizz
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    FC Chat #58 - Killah Bee & Mister Vee

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:17 PM PST

    Cruiser Crew CEO fail drops Titan, loses Marshall saving cyno instead

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 07:46 AM PST


    Cruisers Crew, a Pandemic Horde corporation, has been living in Placid for the last two months (I thought everyone was supposed to be involved in the war right?) presumably under the PH banner in order to quietly move supers etc over to their new home. They just kinda showed up unannounced and started shooting some of our structures and played third party to a few of our offensive timers.

    After being contacted by certain individuals this happened: 50 billion lost for a shitty athanor

    After some back and forth as well as some autism from the local retard King Greene, Cercis decides to grow some balls and drop his Titan on a missioning carrier that warps off. Seeing that he's about to lose his cyno he proceeds to jump his Marshall by itself to save it and thisbeing the end result.

    Is this normal behavior for these guys? WTF are they even doing here?

    submitted by /u/Professor_Khaoz
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    Nightmare & Phantasm Small Gang PvP - Sansha Supremacy

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:25 AM PST

    What is a good cheapish ship for level 4 missions

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:43 PM PST

    This is not necesserally solo, but the better the ship the easyier

    For contest rn I do the missions in a group I use a brutix fit will be below.

    It gets about 567 damage and has 8000 shield, 5600 armor and 6250 structure


    [Brutix, Simulated Brutix Fitting]

    Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

    Power Diagnostic System II

    Tracking Enhancer II

    Tracking Enhancer II

    Damage Control II

    Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

    Multispectrum Shield Hardener II

    50MN Microwarpdrive I

    Large Shield Extender II

    Cap Recharger II

    200mm Railgun II

    200mm Railgun II

    200mm Railgun II

    200mm Railgun II

    200mm Railgun II

    200mm Railgun II

    Drone Link Augmentor I

    Medium EM Shield Reinforcer I

    Medium EM Shield Reinforcer I

    Medium Hybrid Burst Aerator II

    Warrior II x12

    Salvage Drone I x3

    Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M x2052

    submitted by /u/dblaz42
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    Endless Nightmares V | IRC & Slyce

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:41 PM PST

    The Smoothbrain Drifter

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:09 PM PST

    Started EVE yesterday night, it's addictive and I love it thus far. Any tips for a newbie, what missions to run to make isk, important upgrades, things you wish you knew when you started ? I play Minmatar and I use a Rifter as my main ship. Thanks in advance!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:41 AM PST

    Are POS Still Viable for WH?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 07:52 PM PST

    I am a player who has grown a bit tired of activity in nullsec with the people I hang around with, and was looking for something else to do. Because of my time zone I usually play solo which I am fine with. I was considering trying out a life in WH space for a while, and wanted to set up a personal POS. However, I have read that they are being phased out, and that certain parts of the POS don't work anymore.

    Should I avoid touching POSs? Are they going to be gone in the next 12 months? Has any primary functionality been removed that a solo player would need living in WH space?

    I haven't spent much time with this part of the game, so just wanted some answers from someone more familiar than I!

    submitted by /u/Sinful_Lifestyle
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    Issues Working Out NPC Damage Via Dogma Data

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:32 PM PST


    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:11 PM PST


    Why is it that the packs that come with multiple character trainer are instantly attached to your profile instead of a separate item? I would rather sale it than use it... Seeing I don't have multiple characters on one account?

    submitted by /u/RicJur
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    papi Leadership Refuses to Accept M2 Results, Blames CCP and Servers

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 01:26 PM PST

    So after reading the mind numbing drivel that is Polygon, it seems to me that papi (no caps) leadership is still adamant that it was the servers/CCP that really fucked it up for them.

    A direct quote from gobbins (no caps) himself: "The servers broke first. The future of the war hinges on CCP being able to guarantee a reliable playing field and the conditions to fight, otherwise [these large-scale wars] will stagnate because coalitions can simply grow until they are 'too big to fail.' In other words, to the size where bringing enough people to defeat you breaks the server before the fight can happen."

    gobbins (no caps) and most likely the rest of papi (no caps) leadership are still blaming the server limitations for their own incompetence. They refuse to accept it was them who fucked up and tried to cram 6000+ people into a system with 5000+ people already there.

    papi (no caps) is running around, trying to convince everyone that alliances will soon be "too big to fail" when that is simply not the case. papi (no caps) had ample time to disrupt the IMPERIUM'S move op in, yet they sat around with their thumbs up their asses.

    So no, gobbins (no caps), it is not that we are "too big to fail" or that it is the servers/CCPs fault, it is your own and the papi (no caps) leadership's fault. The faster you realize this, the easier it will be to move forward (and lose).

    submitted by /u/Schwartzkof_Family
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    Some drops for your viewing pleasure

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:42 AM PST


    A few clips from a recent deployment :)


    Welshy Rl, Philipius Maximus, Dark Fellor, and Odin's Call

    submitted by /u/Kittehhhhhhh
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    Some questions from a newbie about newbie corps

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 11:09 AM PST

    I have just completed Career Agent Missions and am looking around for a newbie corp to join (maybe after Sisters of Eve arc?). I want to ask some newbie questions about corporations:

    1. My first thought was to join Eve University, but there are a lot of negative threads about it on this subreddit, mostly about closing of different camps. Does Eve University still maintain good Low Sec, Null Sec and Wormhole camps for newbies? I asked in game Eve University chat, but did not get any answer.

    2. Do corps have a certain timezone they play at? I live on a Moscow timezone, does it force me to play only in russian corps? I just want to take part in group activities whatever they may be.

    3. How does the current war affect new players in corps like Brave Newbies, Karmafleet and Pandemic Horde? Is the current war good or bad for new players?

    4. How do activities get organised in such large corps? Like exploring wormholes, roaming low sec, etc. Is there like a common chat where you look for groups to join or gather your own group?

    submitted by /u/InkyPinkie
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