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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    Eve Online Be A Hero, Fly Logi!

    Eve Online Be A Hero, Fly Logi!

    Be A Hero, Fly Logi!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    Another successful Op!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Maybe this time it’ll work

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Thank you Dotlan! Can now view ihub ownership and tcu ownership

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Jita - All day, everyday

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I need your clothes, your boots... and your hurricane

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Dirt is the "killmarks" of a Rorqual

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    Horde baited on a free ferox fleet

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:29 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    This post is not a post of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valuable is here.

    There are, excluding both Factional Warfare and Resource Wars (yes remember that?) 164 LP stores within the world of EVE Online. A number which while trivially confirmable via a quick ESI-querying script, is deceptively large. Compacting down identical stores (removing UPK BPC offerings since they were distributed seemingly at random and aren't exactly used much) we reduce this down to a mere 44 groups of identical LP stores.

    44 LP stores still might sound like quite a bit, but this number too is deceptively large. Most of the contents of most of these stores is shared, with the actual variety found in only a few items.

    So how is an LP store constructed anyway? Almost all LP Stores are, in their entirety, defined by only two traits:

    Their Faction - currently there are 18 Factions with LP stores, as listed here: https://pastebin.com/LTsqpWjK

    Their Type: This is slightly harder to understand. There are three types; Security, Distribution, and Mining. This does not relate directly to Security, Distribution and Mining Agents (well, it may, but I haven't done that project yet) but rather what in lore the company leans most to. AKA; Amarr Navy is Security, Minedrill is Mining. Not rocket science here. This can be most easily checked by looking up a corp's LP store on Fuzzwork and searching for "Connections" and seeing whether Security, Mining, or Distribution Connections shows up. It is rarely possible for a corporation to have two types, and it is also rarely possible for one to have none. So how do these combine to make an LP Store? The answer is here:


    To explain the above, all LP stores ingame are the simple sum of three sets of LP store offers.

    The first set is the universal set for their faction, or the Faction set, which consists of what you'd expect; faction items, ships, etc. You can find faction sets on that sheet by finding the sheet named for the faction you want and looking at Column 1.

    The second set is the universal Type Set, which depends on the corporation's Type. These solely consist of 1,3,5% implants (CONCORD gets the 2,4,6%'s) and the aforementioned Connections books. You can find these as sheets named Mining, Distribution, Security. Unsurprisingly, the implants in each set relate as you might expect. Since as previously mentioned a Corporation can have no Type or two, it is possible for a LP store to have none of these, or two of them together.

    The third set is the "Intercept Set", which consists of faction-based items which only appear in LP stores of that faction of a specific type. A store can only have one Intercept Set, hence Amarr Constructions is dual-type Mining and Distribution but has only the Mining Intercept set. The Intercept Sets broadly consist of:

    • Security: Faction weapon and drone Specialization skillbooks, hull BPCs, faction highslot BPCs
    • Distribution: Faction midslot module BPCs
    • Mining: Faction lowslot module BPCs, Faction "Ship Chips"

    Not every faction module available directly from an LP store (as part of the base faction set) has a corresponding BPC. Unfortunately, no real pattern as to what gets a BPC or not has been found, so I can't state further. You can find the intercept sets listed on the named faction sheets in the above link.

    Now for the interesting part; the Exceptions.

    Lai Dai Corporation, a Caldari/Mining corporation, has for some reason a quantity of Security Set Implants in its LP Store. Even more curiously, these implants are missing from Lai Dai Protection Services (Caldari/Security) almost as if they had been stolen. The pattern of which implants have been taken is unclear, and for some implants it's not even an entire set but only the 1 and 5%. My money is currently on this being a bug due to a seemingly arbitrary nature but who knows.

    Duvolle Laboratories is Gallente/Distribution and has both of those sets, but instead of the Gallente Distribution Intercept Set it has the Gallente Mining Intercept Set. In seeming parallel, Pend Insurance (Gallente/Mining) has a Gallente Distribution Intercept Set instead of Mining. Again, I suspect this to be an unintentional mixup, but it's a bit less arbitrary so it could also be intentional.

    The Sanctuary, the SoE branch that manages Thera but also has one station and a corresponding set of agents in Nullsec, has a 20% discount (ISK and LP) over the base SoE store on SoE Hulls, and a 33.3% discount on their BPCs. This is almost certainly intentional, altho a question of "why" does remain. Before you rush to run their agents, it is also worth noting they have only a single station in NS and precious few agents, and the ISK/LP ratios are still poor compared to other NS LPs. That said, it might be an interesting way to get Asteros/Stratioses in Thera (Thera stations have no agents but do have LP stores), especially if CONCORD LP conversion works (I see no reason why it wouldn't work at the SoE rate, but I admittedly haven't checked it). As far as I know, this is the only example outside the FW stores of the same item having a different price in other LP Stores.

    Normally the base +1 to +5 implants are either part of a Faction Set or aren't, but in the case of Thukker Mix, they are present despite them being not a part of the Thukker Set (since they aren't in Trust Partners, a Thukker corp)

    Despite a significant quantity of code and automation in this work, a fair bit was manual and then prone to error (hell, even code is prone to error) so if you see anything you think is wrong or that has been left out, please comment and tell me, or PM.

    Happy to answer questions about other aspects of the LP store system to the best of my ability in comments, altho I think I've summed up how things are pretty well in this post.

    Shameless plug time; If you've actually read this mess to the end, you're probably fairly interested in EVE's internal workings and content. I'm hoping to put together a group to try and test/tease out further other parts of EVE. Thanks to the sub no-recruiting rule, I won't post a forum link, just PM if interested. To any mods reading, I would like to make it clear that the purpose of this post is much beyond just recruitment, and in fact, the idea to attempt to form such a group is newer than me starting this project.

    submitted by /u/Lorzonic
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    Copypasta ban has been REVERSED.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    I couldn't edit my title of my previous post - and I didn't know how to pin a message - so I just ended up deleting it - not wanting to fuel further outrage over something that had been rectified.

    I was told earlier this morning my ban was reversed after I had sent a few more messages of earnest contrition. This was an unexpected, but welcoming turn around. I am a meagre purveyor of memes and pasta, and I will now return to the stars.

    submitted by /u/Cwpatter
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    Goons: "We didnt want those Jackdaws anyway"

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Setting up PI production chains for anything that isn't P1

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    CCPls, fix failed commands.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    It happens all too often. click dock once and think it will work? no. Spam that shit because the game will randomly fail to execute the command even though you're sitting at 0 on the station, de-aggressed and not in a session change of any kind... It does it with jump too. If I click jump on a gate, when i drop out of warp there's a 50/50 chance i'll just sit there until downtime unless i look back over from my browser or other eve client and spam that jump button. Seriously. Even AUTOPILOT will sometimes NOT JUMP ITSELF and just hump the gate.

    submitted by /u/SquareShopping
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    Remember his name

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    [Dev Blog] EVE Security Update

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    What happened to Eve's marketing dept?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    I'm watching this EVE Online ad on youtube. It followed an ad for a game called Raid: Shadow Legels, some f2p-p2w mobile game, typical stuff.

    The EVE Online ad, with some boring infomercial-like narrator, made it seem like the same type of game. "Play for free, big universe, lots of people".

    How do you go from This is Eve and Build Your Dreams, Wreck Theirs to what ever I was watching? I can't find the specific ad, but it was pretty sad and uninspiring.

    submitted by /u/i_ate_god
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    Change my mind

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    Triglavian Sentry’s Instkill pods

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    So jumped a gate in lowsec my frig dies to triangles and I was instantly podded while my frig was exploding by a Trig sentry. Working as inteded or WTF why do they instalock pods since i was spamming warp out while this happened.

    submitted by /u/SanshaLord
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    QOL Suggestion: Copy Missing materials

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Can we get an option that will copy the missing materials for a particular build (and if the items could be linked that would be dope too) in a tab-delineated format so it's a little easier to make notes? k thx

    submitted by /u/Buttsaggington_Bowap
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    +1 FC wat bring? Whos anchor? Armour or shield boosts?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    My First Exploration, Found A..wormhole?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    TL;DR I read up and realized I fucked up, warped into null sec, and got insta-gibbed in a sleeper site

    I've never done exploring, and I'm waiting to train on a T2 mining rig. I've mostly just been mining and raising some capital, learning the game, etc. I've been playing for about 2 weeks.

    I knew of the 4 types of sites I just didn't know what was in each of them. I found a wormhole on my FIRST trip out exploring just by chance, jumped in, learned they could close, then went to the first thing I recognized. 'Oh a sleeper thing, yeah I know those.' As I was warping, I pulled my reference page back up and saw the 'heavily guarded' part and realized I was probably going to die, which I promptly did.

    Very intriguing though. This was a super fun experience and I'm about to go kit out another Heron and try again. Maybe be a little bit more discretionary with where I jump.

    submitted by /u/Hollowpoint357
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    Work good for PH

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    What is life like for the average human in the eve universe?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    I've heard before that 1 isk is a ton of money and could sustain the average family for a year. In some of the pi building descriptions it also mentions that you have workers for the buildings. Where else in game or out of game can I learn about what life is like for normal humans?

    submitted by /u/Kouriger
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    My kid asked me what I was doing managing my PI....

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Dear Jane...

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    I write this to you from a sector I am oathsworn to keep secret, but you will be glad to know the fighting is far and away from you. It is startlingly close for me however. I recieved word from high command that we are mobilizing for war, yes war; the big one. WWB2. I know that to some I am but a sweet summer child yearning for that which he knows not, but I feel compelled to fight; I cannot say why. Perhaps it is the jolt I feel when lasers rock my shields or the imagined snap-hiss of my own artillery firing into the silent voids of space that tug my heart towards what surely must be doom, perhaps no man can say what drives him to war against his fellows? Perhaps no words are needed, except these my love; I will fight and surely I will die but I will do my duty.

    Sincerely, X.redacted.X

    PS: I installed cameras in the house so I know what you and Jody are up to. Stop "fixing the sink" on our bed.

    submitted by /u/holocloak
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