• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 7, 2020

    Eve Online First ihub of the war dies to a newbro in Brave soloing it in an atron

    Eve Online First ihub of the war dies to a newbro in Brave soloing it in an atron

    First ihub of the war dies to a newbro in Brave soloing it in an atron

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    He is the messiah!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    CFC fails every single Paragon Soul IHUB timer

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    Day One Pt II: Sir Molle Sends His Regards

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    First of all, the amount of positive support is overwhelming. I am truly humbled and honored by the greater Eve community showing support with upvotes, reddit gold!!!, kind comments and DMs. Thank you all so much. I am honored to be able to serve the Eve Online community in this way.

    I am attempting to post an end-of-the day report each day of the war so far called World War Bee II. I'm attempting to catalog the various skirmishes and events in a simple easy-to-read format. While there are many layers to any conflict, some not seen and others showing themselves in various chat channels and propaganda, I would like to give the most people possible a layman's understanding. I have done my best to give the best battle reports and context but if you would like to submit corrections or feedback, please DM me on Discord at January Valentine#9887. If you like, check out my new blog: https://somethingyoushouldknow.substack.com/ where I'll be cross-posting this and other stories I find interesting.

    Corrections in previous post:

    • Hophib was misspelled 'Hophip'
    • Sentence in introduction was rewritten to clarify and correct grammar 'announced the breaking of the non-aggression pact or NIP between Legacy Coalition and The Imperium would formally end on July 5th' → 'announced the ending of the non-aggression pact or NIP between Legacy Coalition and The Imperium. The NIP would formally end on July 5th.'
    • Fixed incorrect keepstar onlining time from Sunday July 6th 2200 to the correct Sunday July 5th 2200
    • Adding missed BR in the Fountain and Aridia section as well as put more detail in that was given later

    Sunday July 5th could go down in history as Talkshow Sunday as more than several alliance figureheads appeared on various news and media outlets to drive the narrative for their sides. Among the notable include Fu1crum, a high ranking leader in Army of Mangos and Noraus, the alliance executor of Fraternity. Both entities have a past conflict that lasted for a year that was encompassed in the 2019 Extinction War PT II with Legacy Coalition fighting over the southern regions against Winter Coalition. Pandoralica, strategic FC from The Initiative appeared on the Sunday episode of Talking in Stations, supported by TiS Senior Engineer and Executive, TheMacCloud. TEST Alliance leaders Progodlegend resurrected his Twitch channel to give a state of the coalition address, Vily appeared on a special Sunday edition of TrashTalkTuesday and RonUSMC, strategic fleet commander, hosted a nine hour stream looking at various points of the conflict. Here is the recap of the war from both sides for the second part of Day One.

    • Multiple Skirmishes The day continues on as multiple fleets from both Imperium and Legacy + Allies take shots in the following regions of descending alphabetical order. Please note that this by no means every fight, just anything I could find that was over 1billion in losses. There might be overlap between the previous tally as battle reports finalize and timezones change.
      • Aridia
        • The Initiative forms a Munnin and Jackdaw fleet composition, augmented with Lokis and support frigates continues their harassment of Panfam staging in Hophib. The fleet, well suited to fast fighting, deals 2.5b in damage, killing 67 ships of various sizes and cyno ships losing only one command destroyer totalling 108mil in losses.
        • Returning approximately 3 hours later a similar fleet led by Dark Shines, continues the aggression, killing approximately 2.1bill over 66 ships while losing 1.8bill losing 15 ships.
      • Catch
        • A fleet of Caracal-class cruisers from Brave Collective killed a gang of stealth bombers from Imperium as they attempted a bombing run in HED-GP. Imperium lost 1.3b and 34 stealth bombers and 1 Sabre to 364mil and 27 ships from Brave.
        • Five hours later at 1600, a 130 member Imperium Ferox-class Battlecruiser fleet rocked through 4-07MU, killing a Cormorant-class destroyer gang from Legion of xXDeathXx which lost approx 760mil and 38 ships. It is unclear if the Ferox fleet was reinforcing a structure when they pushed off the XIX fleet.
      • Delve
        • A three-way went sideways for Panfam as they met the wrong end of a smartbombing group of Proteus-class strategic cruisers led by Goonswarm strategic FC John Hartley in the Goonswarm capital system of 1DQA-1. The remaining ships and capsules were killed by a stealth bombing run by a small neutral gang of Fwaming Dragons.
        • Two kitchen sink gangs - one from the wormhole corporation, Odin's Call and an Imperium fleet - collided in K-6K16. The battle was narrowly in the favor of Odin's Call with 1.9b in isk over 12 ships destroyed while losing 1.3b over 10 ships.
      • Esoteria
        • The region of Esoteria saw multiple smaller scale skirmishes throughout the later part of the 5th. For clarity, the battle report follows fighting in three constellations: the constellation of KUSW-P which directly follows U-WLT9, the entrance into Stain from Esoteria, 3WN-1T, the constellation that holds the D-PNP9 system, one of the capital staging systems of Legacy Coaltion and finally E-ILCH which is the constellation directly following JI-K5H, the entrance into Paragon Soul. Legacy Coalition lost approximately 3.7b isk over 65 ships to an amalgamation of fleets from The Initiative and Good Sax altercations. The latter lost 2.9b from 91 ships.
      • Fountain
        • The majority of fighting took place in D4KU-5, the entrance system of Fountain from Hophib in Aridia. The first fight at 1300 saw two fleets, one from The Initiative clashing with Panfam and TEST, both in heavy Muunin and support based compositions. The fight went to The Initiative, who killed 3.4b and 35 ships lost 1.9b of their own 10. The second fight at 2000 was more even with Legacy bringing a Talwar-class destroyer gang and The Initiative with a handful of Muunins and support ships. INIT lost 1.1b over 16 ships while the attackers lost 962m over 18 ships.
      • Paragon Soul
        • ShutUpandShave led a Muunin and support fleet in O-MCZR, gaining 2.5b in kills over a Kikimora-class destroyer stuka fleet. The TEST fleet lost 977mil over 7 ships. He then traveled two constellations over to O4T-Z5 and O-97ZG to fight against a smaller Imperium Jackdaw-class tactical destroyer gang. It was unclear what the initial catalyst was but the entire Imperium gang was wiped out, losing 3.1b and 47 ships to TEST's 1.5b and 10 ships lost.
      • Period Basis
        • Probably the biggest fight of the later half of Day One was an op to reinforce the Goonswarm Ansiblex Jump Bridge in TCAG-3. The Imperium flew a heavy Baltec (Megathron and Bhaalgorn-class battleships) with Jackdaws and support frigates against a Muunin fleet stacked with Basilisk-class Logistic cruisers and Claymore-class command ships from Legacy. The jump bridge was successfully reinforced with Imperium losing 28.3b over 120 ships to Legacy's losses of 3.6b over 26 ships.
      • Stain
        • The Imperium have some allies across the regional gate of Period Basis into Stain. The Stain Russians including groups such as Ferrata Victrix and Good Sax, evicted from the south in The Winter War of 2017, are set up to be quite a thorn in Legacy's side. Reports have come in that the TEST fortizar in 9U6-SV has been reinforced to its final timer. Setting up a gate camp in LGK-VP with Dead Terrorists, they took 6.3b in kills from Legacy and Fi.Re (Final Reunion) Coalitions while only managing 282mill in losses.
      • Querious
        • Brave Collective and Evictus. lost 2.4b over 120 ships in a caracal heavy fleet in OGY-6D. Engaging them was an Imperium Jackdaw fleet that traded 550mil over 10 ships to them.
    • Pandemic Family Supercapital Fleet The Pandamic Family supercapital fleet was seen leaving G-QTSD in Etherium Reach at the beginning of their 2+ hour journey south to aid Legacy. Bringing over 200 Avatar, 110 Erebus, 46 Ragnarok and 7 Levithan-class Titans as well as two Molok and six Vanquisher-class faction titans, they are supported by over 300 Apostle and 15 Minokawa-class Force Auxiliary ships. In addition, 275 Nyx-class and six of their faction cousins, the Vendetta-class,supercarriers were brought as well.
    • FAT-6P Keepstar Onlines Successfully While some were unsure what would happen given the bold opening move by Legacy Coalition, all went well as the keepstar anchored, repaired and came online successfully. Vily, alliance executor of TEST Alliance was the first titan to cyno onto the new keepstar while it was still repairing with 4 minutes to go.
    • Keepstar Transfer, Second Keepstar and Sotiyo Anchors in FAT-6P At approximately 2300utc, the new keepstar was transferred to the Northern Coalition., who immediately set the new keepstar's name to 'Sir Molle Sends His Regard'. This name is significant as the system FAT-6P was one of the last holdouts of Band of Brothers, led by Sir Molle, in the 2006 Great War which saw BoB disbanded by a high level director who turned for Goonswarm. The 'descendents' of which are back 14 years later for that vengeance as well as many others inflicted over the last few years. At approximately the same time, a new keepstar was anchored several hundred km behind that one as well as a Sotiyo-class engineering complex.
    • Stagings
      • 1DQ1-A - Imperium Capital system
      • IGE-RI - The Initiative
      • 9GNS-2 - Imperium staging
      • FAT-6P - replaces 7R5-7R as the Legacy and Panfam supercapital fleet forward operating base staging
      • Hophib - Panfam subcapital staging
      • PUIG-F Imperium staging
    • Multiple Timers
      • 5V-BJI - 2x INIT Fortizar, Raitaru and Athanor Unanchoring, time unknown
      • JD-TYH TEST Pharolux Cyno Beacon reinforced, Monday July 6th 1800 UTC
      • 35-JWD - GSF Fortizar anchoring, Tuesday July 7th 0629UTC
      • 4-07MU GSF Astrahus reinforced, Tuesday July 7th 1630 UTC
      • TCAG-3 GSF Ansiblex reinforced, Tuesday July 7th 0152UTC
      • 8QT-H4 GSF Fortizar anchoring, Thursday July 9th 1845UTC
    submitted by /u/JanuaryValentine
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    World War Bee - TCAG-3 Show down -Battle Report

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    The whole battle is based on what I can see from the Killboard with respect to the value of loss.

    Legacy seems to have formed with their full force to reinforce TCAG-3 I-HUB as their primary objective. We need to remember that TCAG-3 is a hotspot now that both Imperium and Legacy are fighting it out there often.

    The Battle started pretty well for Legacy, to be frank it was an awesome start for Legacy.

    Legacy started hacking the I-HUB during the window of vulnerability and started to have upper hand by having about 600+ players from 10 different alliances in the system at one point. By the looks of it, the composition had Eagles, Jackdaws and multiple munnin fleets supported by Bombers and Smart bombers.

    The initial efforts to tackle the invasion from Imperium looks like a Interceptor fleet with Burst Jammers to jam the Entosis ships from stopping their progress on entosis. Cheeky and seems like they did break the entosis while the actual fleets were arriving.

    20:28 - Imperium lost 1b in Ceptors and Legacy had 0 losses (Pretty bad start for Imperium even thought it is interceptors)

    When Imperium Sacrilege Fleets entered TCAG the I-HUB seems to have already making progress with Imperium. The TiDi was at peak stopping any fleet from making major progress but Imperium fleets were not able to make it into TCAG-3 for defense quicker.

    20:37 - Imperium lost 1.8b and Legacy Started taking their first losses standing at 600mil

    A good bomb run can turn the battle around, we had it in this battle

    20:38 - Imperium stood at 13b loss after a successful TEST Bomb Run and Legacy were standing at 850mil loss

    At this point Legacy did extreme damage to Imperium Fleet, Both Fleets started engaging while bomber fleet made a huge dent on Imperium Fleet.

    20:45 - Imperium stood at 22.5b loss and Legacy were comfortable at 3.5b loss due to the loss of Smartbombing macharials. The trade was at 126 ships lost from Imperium and 29 from Legacy

    20:50 - Imperium kept losing ships standing at 30.2b loss and Legacy was at 4.9b loss

    20:55 - Imperium Lost about half their fleet with 36.8b loss and Legacy was getting scratched at 6.8b

    21:00 - Imperium Kept getting hammered due to loss of DPS on Field with 41.3b loss and Legacy was at 9.6b mostly not losing any of their main line DPS ships

    This point the defense fleets usually bail out and reduce the loss but the Imperium stood their ground for some reason.

    21:05 - Imperium lost more than half their fleet and support ships with 47.5b loss and Legacy stood at 11.4b loss still not losing any of their main line DPS ships

    21:10 - Imperium started regaining control with their early loss even with less than half of what Legacy had on field. Imperium lost about 48b and Legacy started losing ships slowly standing at 13.5b

    Till this point for some reason Imperium decided not to drop their capitals even though they were losing heavily on the fight and Legacy had way more numbers on the field. A mistake?

    21:15 - Imperium Decided to use their home advantage and dropped Capital ships like Carriers and Dreads, standing at a loss of 49.4b and Legacy was at a loss of 17.4b

    21:20 - Imperium were slowly regaining from their bleeding standing at 49.9b and Legacy stood at 18.1b. TiDi made sure no one can do anything at this point, it was bad earlier as well but Capitals!!!.

    21:25 - Imperium lost few more ships with a loss of 53b while Legacy started pulling out of the fight standing at 18.5b loss.

    This point Legacy Lost their Objective and the strategic goal but won the ISK war. Bailing seems to be the only right option ensuring no further loss is had.

    21:30 - Imperium Kept losing their ships while legacy pulled out of the fight standing at 58.2b and Legacy stood at 20b loss.

    Legacy bailed from the fight and went G-M4GK to ensure taking the ISK trade victory which stood at 3:1

    21:35 - Imperium stood at 59b loss and Legacy retreated to Paragon Soul with 23.3b loss at least that is what everyone though

    At this point the battle seems to have come to an end with Imperium Saving TCAG-3 while Legacy had a ISK victory over Imperium retreating to try again on the objective of Capturing the I-HUB later

    21:40 - Imperium chased Legacy to get some kills standing at 59b loss and Legacy losing some more ships standing at 26.3b

    21:45 - Imperium Maintained the 59b loss but for some reason Legacy started getting killed on the gate standing at 28.8b. Possibly Legacy decided to give a fight or someone did a mistake (both are mistakes at this point)

    21:50 - The Battle seems to have come to an end with no losses on both sides.

    22:00 - Loss report closed at 59.1b for Imperium and 29.5b loss for Legacy


    End of the Battle, Imperium seems to have won the strategic battle by stopping the invading Legacy forces from reinforcing the I-Hub but had to sacrifice double the ISK to Legacy.

    At one point Legacy had 3:1 upper hand on ISK trade which looked an awesome outcome of the Battle even though the objective is lost. Eventually at the end, the ratio came down to 2:1 but still having Legacy winning the ISK battle even though losing the objective.

    Legacy fielded about 800 players from about 10 alliances losing 294 ships standing at 29.5b loss and Imperium Fielded about same 800 players from 6 alliances even though half of them either came very late or died very early losing overall 367 ships.

    Imperium having an Home advantage should have dropped Caps pretty early but decided not to, costing their side dearly.

    Legacy could have counter dropped but at that point it was not worth it as the objective was already lost and the loss trade was at 3:1.

    By the looks of it Legacy used their Bomber runs effectively to decimate Imperium Fleet but if my source is correct Imperium used their Interceptor fleet to delay and disrupt Legacy's Objective.

    Imperium also looked to have got invaded by other Alliances part of the Legacy or Blued by Legacy (Don't have the current list) in various system around Querious, Period Basis, Fountain but not sure if a major number of systems got reinforced.

    Goonswarm Federation currently have 4 I-Hubs reinforced in the Sov they own and TEST Alliance have about 25 I-Hubs reinforced according to timerboard while I am writing this post.

    I tried my best and the details might not be correct or exactly accurate but the best I can do.

    submitted by /u/VasGamer
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    EXPOSED: NSH beating their child

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Too good for this shit

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    TEST on their way to Delve encountering the Imperium for the first time.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Baltecs are so yesterday

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    PAPIfam Summer Vacation 2020

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    Meanwhile in TCAG-3...

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Post Cards from the War

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Inner Hell disbands

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Artist Rendition of Siekus bombers Shitting on Goons HAC fleet

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Classic Villy

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    *Urge to "UNITE" intensifies*

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Goons Sacrifice Sac Fleet to Save TCAG I-HUB.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Feature Request: Project Discovery on Mobile

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Mobile app that allows you to connect to EVE just for the purposes of Project Discovery on your main account. Would you use it?

    submitted by /u/MindlessPresent
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    Suicide Baltecs

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Best way to spend my ISK

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    I'm a jack of all trades, master of none type player.

    I have about 3b that took me yonks to build up.

    I've set myself a goal to double it in a month. Is this possible or just a noob's dream?

    If it is possible, what's the best way of doing it?

    submitted by /u/TiberiusGreer
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    Removing Valkorisa's Mask

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    I stand before you all today knowing full well how much the eve community idolizes Valkorsia for his great leadership skills, diplomacy and elite PVP. However today I shall tell you news that will rock you to your core.

    Today was the final straw, I have been in SPVG for the better part of 3 years, was a dedicated line member and even stepped up to FC corp fleets. All I ever got in return was belittlement, emotional blackmail and abuse. Today, after spending 3 hours putting things in place for corp fleets, I got this from him.

    I sincerely hope this doesn't come across as yet another disgruntled ex SPVG member, actually the contrary, I have had a great time both in Test Alliance and SPVG. I just simply cannot continue to allow the great EVE community to think that he is some flawless demigod knowing what I now know.

    Before I release the below information, I wish to state my intent to join Ferra Victrix should they have me, also it was me leaking the discord posts to them for the last month. I have been polishing up on my Klingon for this moment so I will not disappoint you guys.

    I shall bid you all in Test a huge farewell and most likely will see you on the other side of the battlefield.

    and here it is.

    submitted by /u/Ahura_kalord
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    TCAG-3 fight video

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Today Test Alliance tried to reinforce TCAG-3 IHub. Initially Goons were just annoying with burst jamming ceptors. Then Bee Lords decided to throw smth bigger and fleet of Sacriledges arrived. Over time we had enough kills thous entosers were dead. When capitals arrived - there was no point in staying on the field.

    Link to battle report: https://zkillboard.com/related/30004937/202007062000/

    Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35N3JTNhSNo(lags hard at some places even on x4 speed).

    GF and see you in new battles :)

    submitted by /u/Miamato
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    When did you realise Goons would loose the war?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    For me it was when they made the obvious mistake of naming their home 'Fortress Delve' instead of the obvious choice... 'Citadelve'.

    submitted by /u/CircusPilot
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    The Mooooooooooooon

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 02:58 PM PDT

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