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    Monday, July 6, 2020

    Eve Online How the dank have gone normie

    Eve Online How the dank have gone normie

    How the dank have gone normie

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    ATTN: all members of the Imperium

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Your leadership has failed you once again. "We are prepared" has turned into:

    • the Mittani asking your FCs to coddle your emotions because he knows you can't handle criticism very well
    • seasoned and battle-hardened FCs losing fleet after fleet to only TAPI, before the rest of the galaxy descends upon you
    • organizing vote brigades and shitposts to try to discredit your enemies
    • ADM fleet after ADM fleet while you are disallowed from ratting and mining in your home region
    • cracks forming between you and your biggest ally

    The reality is that your leadership is lying to your faces just like they always have. They are not prepared. They are shitting themselves right now because they know they lack the competence to prosecute this war that THEY (not you) started. They know that their massive Keepstar wall will crumble the first time things get hard. They know that Pandafam will eviscerate all of the Initiative the second they get bored of propping up Mittani's incompetence and Asher's ego.

    The thing is, we get it. You didn't understand you were going to be pressed into service as fodder for a cabal of psychopaths and their greedy delusions of grandeur. You thought you were going to a safe area of the galaxy to play the game, krab, and get the occasional "gud fite", but instead of tossing an "o7" into local as you fly between anoms, you're going to be shoveled into the grinding slaughterhouse that is World War Bee 2 to sate the insane social curiousity of the Mittani and his ilk. Instead of zooming across the galaxy on a drunken roam op with your favorite FC, you're going to be hellcamped in your own staging listening to apple pear rant on comms about how much better he is than you. It's going to be a miserable, unmitigated disaster that will likely see the final blow fall not from the righteous defending goon, but from your erstwhile allies when Initiative decides they've seen enough and brutally stabs you in the back under the banner of "we're resetting everyone", as they have done to so many others in the past.

    But there is hope for you yet! Abandon your blundering leadership as they clumsily attempt to sacrifice you on the altar of "content". Don't go on fleets. Move your assets out of Imperium space. Tear down your structures and find a new home for them. PAPI have no quarrel with you! We only desire to see your insane masters brought low, humiliated, and cast out for their traitorous ways, exposed as the bloodthirsty, backstabbing scum that they are. The only alternative is to offer yourself up for slaughter in an unjust war and see your coffers and will to play drained by futile conflict, only to be betrayed in the 11th hour by your so-called "friends".

    Do the right thing for yourself, for the game, and for your future.

    submitted by /u/Redline_XIII
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    Back to your cage little man, or piggles will go for round two.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    It’s really about Nulli. Not stagnation

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    Day One: ‘You are the new TEST, welcome to the new age.’

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    I am attempting to post an end-of-the day report each day of the war so far called World War Bee II. I'm attempting to catalog the various skirmishes and events in a simple easy-to-read format. While there are many layers to any conflict, some not seen and others showing themselves in various chat channels and propaganda, I would like to give the most people possible a layman's understanding. I have done my best to give the best battle reports and context but if you would like to submit corrections or feedback, please DM me on Discord at January Valentine#9887. If you like, check out my new blog: https://somethingyoushouldknow.substack.com/ where I'll be cross-posting this and other stories I find interesting.

    On the quiet Sunday of June 22th, a forum post from the alliance Test Alliance Please Ignore would set the fate of many in motion. Titled 'The Die is Cast', co-alliance executor Vily of Spartan Vanguard, announced the breaking of the non-aggression pact or NIP between Legacy Coalition and The Imperium would formally end on July 5th. Since then, the propaganda has spilled forth and slights against the other resurfaced as accusations have flown from both sides. Here is the recap of the war from both sides each day.

    • State of the Goonion July 4th 2020 The Mittani announces the offensive begins at 0001utc July 5th accusing TEST for bluing over 100 different alliances to 'grind them out of the game'. Also in the announcement, after The Great War against Band of Brothers and countless northern invasions, he formally closes the chapter on 14 year grudge with Northern Coalition and Panfam and opens a new chapter with TEST Alliance Please Ignore.
    • Setting the Stages

    At this point, the following stages is as followed:

    • 7R5-7R, Stain - initial staging for Legacy Coalition prior to move op
    • Hophip, Aridia - Pandemic Family
    • 1DQ1-A - Imperium Capital system
    • 1GE-RI - The Initiative
    • FAT-6P - anchoring Legacy keepstar, onlines at 2200 Sunday 6th
    • Paragon Soul and Esoteria For the opening moves, several Imperium fleets set out to entosis the Imperium/Legacy border regions of Esoteria and Paragon Soul. The final report shows 626 ships and 56.1b isk lost by the Imperium to 273 ships and 19.3b lost to Legacy. Imperium created 35 timers in Paragon Soul and 6 in Esoteria. An unknown amount of structures were reinforced.
    • Period Basis and Paragon Soul An Imperium fleet possibly attempting to reinforce a TEST fortizar-class structure in G-M4GK. The battle reports 5.6b in losses to Legacy as the fight is dragged over the regional gate into TCAG-3. The Imperium fleet loses 1.2b and 30 ships to the 74 lost from Legacy.
    • Fountain and Aridia Pandemic Family engaged an Imperium fleet perhaps over a Goonswarm Fortizar-class citadel around 0100 in Hophip. The battle came out to roughly the same isk lost with Imperium losing 54 ships and 14.9b to Panfam's 69 ships and 14.7b. Four hours later around 0500 The Initiative kills two Raitaru-class engineering complexes belonging to Irritatingly-Forward Reactive Aggressive Coalition with an Archon and Thanatos-class carrier fleet with Nightmare, Sacrileges and Kikomora support wings. The Initiative continues to harass and kill the cyno ships of the invading forces off the undock of the NPC station. At the end of the day, between Hophip, the regional gate into D4KU-5 in Fountain, the Legacy and Pandemic Family family lost 433 ships and 39.7b isk lost to the defending Imperium forces 211 ships lost 28.9b isk lost.
    • Querious Smaller skirmishes in Querious, especially in the systems of 49-U8U and 5V-BJI leave Legacy with 109 ships, 3.3b isk lost to Imperium's 20 ships, 1.4b isk lost.
    • Daily Overall Accounting for the regions of Aridia, Esoteria, Delve, Paragon Soul, Period Basis and Stain, Legacy lost 594 ships totalling 35.9b isk to Imperium 883 ship 69.8b isk loss.
    submitted by /u/JanuaryValentine
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    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Headlines From 1DQ1-A

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Elo Knight's Titan pilot in GEWNS??????

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    Goon Baltech Fleet Gets Dumpster'd in Period Basis. GF Was Close

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    The Mountain of Fountain

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:36 AM PDT


    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    When you are warping between stargates and there is a PVP right in front of you, as a Rookie:

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    TEST Russians say hello to Goons ...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Meanwhile in a shady private chat somewhere,,,,,,maybe, probably, could be....

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    PandaFam on the move, going south bois

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    What could possibly Goon wrong?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    Sponsored by SPVG and blessed by almighty Valkorsia.

    TCAG-3 fight with goon footage - https://zkillboard.com/related/30004937/202007052100/


    submitted by /u/Miamato
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    Anyone would be shitting bricks

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    Quick clip of PanFam supers jumping into 7R5

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Hell Dawn Attacks Funeral Procession

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Recently Binette Evingod - one of the leaders of The Kairos Initiative and Deep Space Alliance - passed away unexpectedly. Yesterday, our coalition took a funeral procession to Molea to anchor a can and say our last goodbyes.

    On our way, we encountered a Hell Dawn gatecamp in Kor Azor. We asked them for a bit of respect: To wait 15 minutes to engage anyone through killrights or war while we conducted our funeral. We proceeded to the Molea gate, and Hell Dawn followed. On the other side, they activated a kill right on the person carrying the can, Jo Andries. Despite repeatedly telling them what we were doing and asking them to show respect for a fallen friend, they killed the ship, looted the can, and said "That's Eve."

    While I agree that this is indeed Eve, this was one of those moments where our game goes past being a game - and this response not just from other players, but from other humans, is disgusting. We were saying goodbye to a friend - a real friend - that we knew. We were honoring his life and everything he brought to us, and we were doing so in a way that the Eve community knows, understands, and has generally respected in the past.

    I'll leave the rest of this up to the Eve community, but I feel this is worth bringing up publicly. Perhaps the time of respecting those holding a funeral in Molea has passed, but I think for many of us it still holds meaning - and those who deny this Eve tradition to others do not deserve our respect. Hell Dawn does not deserve our respect, or our business.

    Martin Lockheart
    Hardly Competent + The Kairos Initiative

    submitted by /u/MartinLockheart
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    ICYMI - Legacy Coalition Meeting

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:22 PM PDT


    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    Legacy's Dream

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    �� watch out, we are coming for you!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    OK people, next stop...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:47 PM PDT

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