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    Saturday, August 8, 2020

    Eve Online Hot DREAD ON DREAD action in Lantorn

    Eve Online Hot DREAD ON DREAD action in Lantorn

    Hot DREAD ON DREAD action in Lantorn

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    Fan Art - Astero.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    Fan Art - Jackdaw

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    stop feeding you idiots

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Any interest in these Polystone models from 2008?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Giving EVE ANother Try… What does this mean?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Hi ALl,

    I'm interested in giving EVE another try, as someone totally blind, but am wondering about something. Last time I did this, I got in touch with a player who apparently used a combination of Dragon dictation software and a screen reader to play. They weren't really able to provide many technical details of their setup, however, and so I was wondering if anyone here might be able to understand a bit better what this was about.

    "When i play EVE i use the TTV to read a very steramlined [sic] overview and some of the other windows that are linkable text files behind the scenes. I did not creat the links myself. it was done for me 10 years ago when i started playing. This is one reason i havent changed or updated my software."

    Does anyone know what he's talking about by "text files behind the scenes?" I know EVE does produce log files of some game events, but I wasn't aware they were detailed enough for the tkind of thing he suggests. HE claims to be able to switch certain windows to text mode, but I'm not sure how this can be done.

    "my overview is not the standard one. i have gone through the settings and removed almost everything except distance, name and type. this gives the reader fewer things to tell me. TTV tect to voice. For some things, just having my mouse over the window causes it to start reading it to me. for other windows, like chat, it is connected to the underlying logfile. again, i have to have filters set to minimize what is being read to me."

    I'm aware that the overview is incredibly customizable, but the part that confuses me is the idea of being able to have the mouse read what it passes over. I know my screen reader can do something like that with ordinary Windows apps, but it's hard to understand how it interacts with EVE because as far as I know it's just drawing direct 3D on the screen, which the reader can't interpret without using OCR.

    I'd love any clarification anyone is able to provide. I ran into a bit of a wall last time around, where I couldn't easily parse what was going on, but I'd love to figure out a solution.

    submitted by /u/BlindGuyNW
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    DBRB pulls off flawless bombing run against Legacy

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    FC Chat #41 - progodlegend & KillahBee

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    [Triglavian Invasion] EDENCOM Abandons Kino to Triglavian Invaders

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Fountain Keepstar gets reinforced but not before dropping phat lootz

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    The new Proving Ground formats have been announced

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Hell Dawn announces the stop of highsec war declarations

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Hell Dawn's leadership has announced today that due to the lack of time to play Hell Dawn will stop operating in highsec, and then will move to lowsec. Members are free to stay or leave. Miners and mangos rejoice.

    submitted by /u/SleeplessStratios
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    Imperium Propaganda Best Propaganda

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    Tier 3 Firestorms - Solo Worm fit

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    Weirdest Eve Info Ever

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Okay, so I was searching for moon mining information in Eve and came across this: https://www.mbm-teterow.de/23761/ore-mining-on-eve.html#

    It is a Chinese website offering real life mining products, but if you scroll down it is all talking about moon mining in Eve. I think someone screwed them over big-time xD They need new copy ASAP.

    submitted by /u/HolydemonUK
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    According to my napkin math, one point of damage in Eve represents 1.43 Tj of energy released, or .34 Kilotons. Can someone double check me?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    TL:DR: Four rockets release 50% more destructive energy than the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated on Earth

    So, I made a post here a couple days mentioning that I'm working on a combat reporter, and I wanted to know the actual energy represented by shields rather than just saying "hit points" because that's sort of immersion breaking. Of course, in order to know how much energy a shield can absorb, you have to establish some sort of benchmark for the energy of weapons striking the shield.

    I decided to set my baseline by finding a weapon in the game with a modern analogue(though the modern version is probably less devastating than the tech in New Eden would be), figure out the energy released by the modern weapon when it strikes, and then take that amount and divide it by the amount of damage that the weapon does in-game. That would give me a flat "energy per damage point" that I can plug in anywhere.

    I wen't to Minmatar ships, seeing as they use projectile weapons. I don't have any projectile weapon research, and the basic light turret research. I selected the 280mm Howitzer Artillery I. I spent a while considering the different ammo types, but I was only able to find two analogs that exist in the present day. Just to walk through the process, we don't have Proton, Phased Plasma, or EMP ammunition, so those must be ruled out. I've never heard of a carbonized lead projectiles before, so if that exists and is used in large calibur cannons please let me know. Depleted Uranium and Titanium Sabot rounds exist IRL, but we use them on 90-120mm main battle tank cannons, and that's an order of magnitude off of the 280mm artillery gun in game, and my math isn't good enough to scale up a 105mm shell to a 280mm shell, not without serious errors. That leaves Nuclear and Fusion ammo.

    Conveniently, the American government actually built(and I could not believe my luck here) a 280mm nuclear artillery piece which is literally a perfect match for my comparison. Now, I checked-I wanted to make sure that the "nuclear ammo" was actually a fission warhead and not just a dirty bomb or a radioactive warhead. Here is the description on the ammunition type:

    Small Projectile Ammo. Nuclear weapons are considered by most races to be crude and primitive. However, the Minmatar still favor them over more sophisticated weapons due to the abundance of materials for plutonium production in Minmatar space.

    This pretty clearly seems to confirm that it is in fact a nuclear explosive.

    The American nuclear artillery piece fired a shell with a 15kt yield. For those unaware, the "kt yield" is used to compare the energy of the blast to TNT, so the blast was equivalent to 15,000 tons of TNT. The warhead was an inefficient 'projectile' bomb(the same as little boy and fat man) instead of the more efficient implosion type which came after it. Presumably, the projectile was a Uranium bomb as well, whereas the description text on the Ammo specifically mentions Plutonium.

    Now, I fell down this rabbit hole trying to figure out the energy that a shield contains/can absorb, which mans that I needed to convert the output from kt into a better expression of energy, and that's Joules. Each ton of TNT releases 4.184 gigaJoules of energy. Seeing as the warhead was worth 15,000 tons, we end up with 62,760 gigaJoules of energy, or 62.76 teraJoules.

    Now we can go back to our Minmatar ship and our digital shell. Eve calculates damage by adding modifiers from a weapon to stats on a projectile, and because this is a game mechanic and not an interaction which happens in the real world(on the scale of cannons at least), I will ignore it an simply take a baseline with the default 280mm gun equipped with nuclear ammunition.

    The 280mm Howitzer Artillery I, loaded with Nuclear S ammunition, deals 9 Kinetic and 35 Explosive damage, for a total of 44 damage. So now we can divide any of our prior numbers by 44 damage and we'll get the energy per damage point expressed. 15,000/44= The Equivalent of 340 TONS of TNT for each individual point of damage. We also get 1,426 Gj of energy per point of damage, or 1.43 Tj per point

    Now it can be hard to maybe put this into scale, one point is one point after all. Here's the numbers from my shitfit Kestrel, running navy rockets and navy rocket launchers, with 2 guidance computers. It volleys for 211 damage. 211 damage, in "real" energy expression, is ~72 kilo tons of energy.

    Now, I won't be upset if the math is correct here, I'd actually really like the idea that two frigates plinking away at each other are really unleashing genocidal amounts of energy on each other, but I want to run it past some other pairs of eyes and see if I made any mistakes. Alternately, if you have suggestions to figure it out a different way I'm open to it.

    P.S. I know I didn't separate the Kinetic and explosive damage types for the artillery. You might argue that the nuclear explosion was only 35 damage, meaning that the amount of energy per damage point is much higher, but I interpreted the split damage as a mechanic and not a realistic emulator

    Edit: It's been suggested that I use the power demands of shields and work backwards to weapons. Seems much more solid than my nuclear speculation, but I had a good time trying to work it out

    submitted by /u/Legolas170
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    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Thanks for the gud fights Odins Call, even if you had commitment issues :*

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Which ship do you think is most "realistic"?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Bearing in mind that obviously nothing in EVE is really realistic, which ship design do you think might make the most sense IRL?

    submitted by /u/SierraTango501
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    Noob question

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    Just starting out. Enjoying the game quite a bit. Have gone through tutorial and did all the career agent missions. So I started a security agent mission "Denial of Reconnaissance ". In the mission, I have destroy an Elite Federation Pelekus. Not having much luck. Can knock the shields down, no problem but the armor just constantly regenerates after getting it down to 85%. Can't make any headway. Weapons I currently have is 4 dual afocal light masers and using microwave crystals. Maybe my setup just isn't cutting it? Current ship is the Punisher.

    Appreciate any suggestions.

    submitted by /u/JCeezzyy
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    The Lantorn harvest

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    battle camera

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    greetings capsuleers,i'm my alliance's designated battle camera for our fleet fights to make promotional videos.i'v been trying to take some cinematic camera like shots for the footage and couldn't get very smooth results.so i was wondering if joystick support for camera movements in tactical and orbital camera modes either is possible or could be added.this game looks amazing and i'd like to be able to show that in my videos any feedback or help y'all could provide would be fantastic!


    submitted by /u/gman32bro
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    Is it considered roleplaying?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    You will not be told twice to fit a nuet to your carriers. KiATolon doesn't repeat himself. Comply or get out.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:31 PM PDT

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