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    Thursday, September 24, 2020

    Eve Online We are just all sacrifices for the blood god

    Eve Online We are just all sacrifices for the blood god

    We are just all sacrifices for the blood god

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    49-U Battlereport

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    Couple days earlier, the 49u fortizar is reinforced. When it comes out goons indicate they are willing to go all-in over it. We are amazed and confused. We have the numerical advantage then, but choose to stand down anyways, there is no need to fight this fight when we are still waiting to do our mass move ops the next days. We put the information in our back pocket and move on.

    Yesterday, we take a fight on a tatara. We test out some tactics and strategies and gauge their reactions. We also end up getting a small/medium dread battle and a huge victory. We swing momentum of the week heavily in our favor.

    Tonight. Goons have been talking about how this is the "important" timer. They do a couple pre-pings, we do a bunch. Five hours before I begin prepping all my ships for final combat. I get a nice cache of cyno ships readied and we push more dreads into a readiness state.

    4 Hours before. I spend 1-2 hours making a unified coalition bookmark pack for the fight.

    Cynos are ready, bookmarks, ships. I organize fleet motds and layouts. We do one short prefight meeting and then another with all PAPI commanders. We lay out our plans, go over some tactical points, comms and other details.

    Imperium forms earlier, Rokhs/Baltecs with Fax. But tonight they have all their supercaps and dreads ready to go from minute one. They give every indication they are willing to commit all-in. They bridge into system first and setup a standard battleball with fax on the fort. We bridge in our fleets. We outnumber them in subs significantly. We warp in at range to avoid bombers and move in.

    The timer is out now and fire is being exchanged between Rokh/Baltec/Abaddons and Nightmares, Muninns, Eagles and more. The key however is no hesitation, horde begins the escalation, dropping a dreadpack of 25 on their FAX. We will struggle to break BS under FAX reps so we can lose slowly or call the game.

    Goons counterescalate with a larger dreadgroup, maybe 40-50? And horde pushes 3 more dreadpacks in to counter.

    The fight is on and its heavy now.

    Goons jump in Armor Supercarriers.

    A supercapital fight has now started. We drop both our armor and shield supercarrier fleets at range.

    A spy Cyno nets one friendly super who jumps to the a spy.

    The enemy supers are in the middle of 80ish horde dreads with basically no fax. So horde just starts deleting them instead of the remaining 15-20 dreads. Our supercarriers start burning fighters in as good as we can.

    Imperium tells their supers to freefire on dreads and does an ok-ish job at killing. Meanwhile our fibo's start to arrive and we are chewing through Nyx as quick as we can lock them (which isn't quick) Almost instantly somewhere in Imperium command they are realizing how badly they have fucked up and within minutes of Initiative jumping in supers they are all trying to warp out to their keepstar.

    We would kill a vendetta and a couple more nyx's.

    Then the enemy is calling out for their pilots to tether, jump out or warp out. The battle is all but over at this point. A rout. We will kill another dozen supers before the core of the group can get tethered. The final tally is believed to be somewhere around 16-19. We are unsure with zkill down.

    At this point we have lost maybe 60 dreads from primarily Heavy fighter damage, Reships are taking place but there is no real need for more dreads. We begin extracting.

    The imperium decides that suiciding dictors at us for an hour will result in the death of an entire dreadfleet. The forts 20k dps is however casually repped up on all but a couple of dreads who are disconnected/unspoken for. We eat what we believe is 300 ish dictors.

    A friendly Nyx is lost to pilot fatigue. Disconnected, aggressed and unable to be fleet warped since mid-fight, we give him an honourable trip home.

    We save the 49u ihub and moonwalk, smug in the first truly major victory of WWB2

    i will edit in a zkill BR whenever zkill comes back up

    submitted by /u/Vily_R
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    Just doing tasks

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Emergency Meeting

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    The war will continue but this battle will be added to the Eve history books. Happy that I got to participate.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    GF Goon, See you next time - Dread/Super Brawl 49-U6U 24/09 Screenshots

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    Tengu, watercolour on 12×9" paper

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:58 AM PDT


    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    49-U AAR

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    We decided to fight on a Fort because PAPI has told their FCs to not ref any keepstars because fighting on one gives us an advantage. We didn't hype at all until Travis Keikara pinged Horde saying Goons had been "hurf blurfing all day" and then I sent out a ping saying we hadn't done that but we would be forming up.

    We formed up good numbers for us but we knew PAPI had a significant numbers advantage. Still we are eager to fight and make every bit of land they take painful. We have a significant advantage in the fact that our supers cost far less than anyone else in the game, fit supers cost about 3.5 dreads worth so we can trade them at rates that wouldn't work for other alliances, also supers trade really efficiently with dreads.

    Fight kicks off with our subs vs their subs, our numbers are much lower in subs but we do have the fort and some faxes. We know PAPI is eager to fight us and I'm expecting them to drop dreads but I would be surprised if they would be willing to commit supers at close range. The dreads come in and we escalate to our supers. As expected they put their supers at long range, which is the safe play. We align our supers out and kill hictors and we are absolutely nuking their dreads. They are vanishing incredibly fast even in crushing tidi.

    The fighter wave is getting towards us and it's time to make our exit and we press the PDS to clear the bubbles and press fleet warp. Only nothing happens. The PDS on the fort just refuses to respond. Our gunner waits for the next cycle but nothing again. Some people got damage notifications but the bubbles from dictors stay there. About half of our super fleet catches the warp but the other half just sits there, bubbled. We try for about 10 more minutes real time then make the call to have the gunner leave the seat. It takes about 25 minutes real time for him to exit, then the new gunner grabs the seat and it takes him about 30 minutes real time to get in. PDS finally cycles.

    By this time we had lost about 10 more supers than we should have if the thing had worked but that's space weather, sometimes it works for you, sometimes against. Zkill is still down so no one knows the total number of ships killed. We aren't concerned about the isk because zkill values supers at a number that doesn't reflect anything that we pay (also one baller died in a Vendetta, no one told him to dock up - he was the same dude who brought his Vehement into G-M, the absolute chad).

    We spent the next few hours waterboarding their dread fleet and popping dreads through Test shield logi reps. Comms after the fleet were really excited, with that happy chatter that as an FC is super rewarding to hear after an op - there's no feeling quite like that in the world I think. We lost total victory due to space weather but even with that we still did well enough that PAPI will have to take every ref very seriously. We are willing to fight on every single one which is the point and one they must prepare for. We like to say that there are 180 keepstar timers, but this wasn't even one of those where we will have more advantages. Overall a great fight for us, see you guys at the next one.

    submitted by /u/Eve_Asher
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    Pretty Things Exploding

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Touching the Hive with the D

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Goon 'detta in the absence of zkill working, you're welcome

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    You know its some heavy TiDi when you have 5+ minute OutStanding Calls

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Live coverage of the ongoing fight in 49-U

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:55 PM PDT


    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    In the dark...

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Zkillboard down?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    For me zkill wont load and gives me an error

    This page isn't working

    zkillboard.com is currently unable to handle this request.

    HTTP ERROR 500

    Anyone else having this problem?

    submitted by /u/GamingGuy099
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    Just finished this. Spray paint art. Glows under a black light. Pics dont do it justice. This one came out beautiful so thought I would share... you can find more of my art at Sweet Heaven Art on Fb and Instagram. Stay frosty pilots

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 02:49 PM PDT


    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    In the End... It Doesn't Even Matter

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    A letter from Dracarys CEO about the War.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    To my brothers:

    All this stuff you've heard about the IMP Chinese not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung.

    Dracarys was raised by the flame of battlefield. We Dracarys seek the flame battle.

    During the "Blackout" period, Dracarys once managed to defend a total of 76 sovereignty structure in Fade and Deklein day and night, with less than a dozen members. We sticked to our principle and never stepped back, even when we were against many, even when the enemies were attempting to tear us apart from inside. When we retreated from the north, we followed the principle of personal asset first and corporation/alliance asset second. We stood together and left none behind. After resettled to Period Basis, facing a harsh production environment, we earned ourselves many great KMs with flexible strategy. It is the first year after Dracarys borned from the flame, and we had always been in the center of fights. We became stronger after each battle, and proved with our action that anything standing in our way could become the stair we step on to reach to our success. Every brother that walked through those with the alliance was a priceless treasure. Loyalty and the strong will were the greatest insurance to the principle laying under the expansion of our alliance. We together fought back to back, and I'm so pleasure to have all of you standing with me and our alliance.

    Looking into the history of Tranquility, all the alliances grow stronger in battles and perish when they become pussy. The jungle rule was presented lively in New Eden. Dracarys as a dark horse had lived under the thirsty sights of the beasts for a long time. Comparing to those ambitious plans, We Dracarys only has one dream-Survive. Surviving in this cold and dark universe then live wonderfully and proudly.

    This War had set the fire on the entire New Eden, 90% of the players were involved. Stepping into this tug of war for two months, Panfam was not able to maintain their position in Fountain in the north. Apparently, Fountain is now back to Imperium's control. In the south, in Period Basis we settled, with the help of our Imperium allies, we were able to push them back and did not lose a single system. The enemies knew it would not be a good idea to wait it out like this. So, they changed their plan. They want to break us from lowsec and Querious. They had built their fort in northern Querious. Meanwhile, the Imperium made the plan and had the deployment completed. Both sides had their forces in fists, the last fight could break out anytime soon.

    The most charming aspect of EVE is that the history is written by the players. Undoubtably, this war would be memorized forever. During this time, what were you trying to do? Do you want to be a cringed spiritless spectator or a ratting machine that cares nothing but your production environment? Were you trying to be that "smarty" who waits the enemies to take over and surrender? We had many people like that in the history, but they never end well. I do not want to see we Dracarys use any excuses to hide behind their comrades. Please remember: We could have no land, we could have no wealth, but we could not afford to lose our courage and pride.

    So, what should we Dracarys do next?

    We should enjoy this grand war. To the alliance, it would be an excellent chance to train our military. To our brothers, it would be a great war experience you would barely get in years. The young Dracarys would try our best to fight every battle. We would win the respect from our enemy. And we would win the trust from our allies.

    The alliance will frequently update our deployment plan. All you veterans jump in your caps and assault cruisers. Newbies put all your SP in your character to fly an ECM/Interception/Covert Ship. Every brother in Dracarys was an irreplaceable power to our alliance.

    We treat our friends with wines. We would as well treat the invaders with our guns. No matter you are a newbie or a veteran, we could defend our homeland with our strong will and every ship we could fly. The most regrettable thing in life is choosing the easy way and retreating from the difficulties. The most precious treasure in this world are the comrades that fought back to back with you in a hard time. The flame could burn any throne, but it could never destroy a heart strength by will. We will win eventually, and we will stay together to see the victory comes.

    --D.C Gone With Windy

    submitted by /u/TonyRao
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    Is this what it's like to be a vet?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    A song of stones and glass houses

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    "One who is vulnerable to criticism regarding a certain issue should not criticize others about the same issue"

    TL;DR for people that don't like evidence

    Greetings, it's your resident shitposter here to write an actual effort post.

    From the moment this war started, the goon psych/spin machine has been grinding through multiple gears to find a narrative to nail their banner to.

    It started with "Test are backstabbers because NIP". Then shifted to second with "TEST are doing nothing". Soon after the tactic shifted to drive wedges between allies: first between test and horde- praising horde as 'pulling all the weight', then when that failed spun to the TTT telling BRAVE to quit legacy and that "goons will treat them fairer".

    Now that this latest iteration of dank psyops had failed- The out of control freight train labelled "Goonpost narrative" has jumped the tracks completely and begun linking the allies to the most hated and destructive cancer in eve:


    We caught a whiff of this as Asher tested the waters. The reason behind HORDE ratting ticks being higher than Delve was because:

    There are some AI innovations involved in this. Do you ever fly to Cobalt Edge?


    That's right, goons are losing because they're the true force fighting the Botting menace alone.

    How true is this? Well buckle up buckeroos, grab a cuppa, grip and sip that monster energy drink- because we're about to go back in time

    Time travel sounds,

    It's February 2020. The war hadn't begun yet. All was peaceful, stale, and Reddit was back to crying at CCP.

    Then along came Imperium News Network with the latest news: Ranger Regiment is to join the Imperium


    Who is RR? Well I'm glad you asked: a former Garbage Co member that had a track record of pathetic levels of Botting and RMT


    Two months prior- A leak sprung in /r/eve with the following info:

    "As a Chinese player im so sorry about this.i ll statement the facts.a new player join the alliance and the manager told him should fly super and wanna to help .then the fresh pay 760yuan RMB to the manager.the manager promise give him a super.two day later the fresh didn't get the super .then they're start argue.and they have a group .in the group .plain code marks a price. the large skill injector 32yuan."


    "Ranger Regiment, Dracarys. and Iron Crown have all bent the knee and switched their milk titties from Sort Dragon to Mittani.

    All three are blatant major botting/RMT alliances, who's been running massive amount of super/subcap botting in the northern region. Ranger Regiment for example, has a known policy to reimburse ratting super losses with real life cash payouts.

    They are currently moving their (botting) supercapital fleets, filled with ratting ships and accounts down to Delve at the time of writing."

    "Well of course, they need a place for all the goon bots so that they can continue to say "there are no bots in goonswarm.""

    That's right. Three members of the Imperium have a known history of blatant Botting and RMT.

    The same RR that was bought for by RMT money after a new CEO was "elected into the position"


    "The investment is totally personal action"

    It's only fitting, in 2018 The Mittani told his members in his Fireside chat: do not report goon botters


    "It's happening again in tranquility! Seriously you guys may not understand what this shit means but i want to tell you that i had heard and seen these things many years ago in serenity before its death

    I love tranquility since i immigrated here after years of afk and i am enjoying the time here.but seriously guys drop those memes and consider this as a warning: something once destroyed this game in serenity is happening now again in TQ. the formula is not "botting + rmt ", it is "botting + ambition " and this means apocalypse"

    Goonswarm are quick to point the finger at PANFAM and LEGACY for being temp blue with FRT- Known to have Botting krabs. We all know it happens, TEST fought them. The Ishtar bots were frustrating to kill.

    But they conveniently ignore the full members of imperium in their own backyard that have a history of perpetrating the same crime + using RMT to buy CEO positions and SRP ships.


    Looking at this graph, they stammer and cry "FRT are 5% of Botting bans!" they leave out Greater Co- which was a goon renting alliance- and INIT Mercs who recently folded into INIT proper also totalling 5%.

    Add iron crown, dracarys, and RR... Well, nuff said.

    In closing I have a simple message to Mittens:

    If you claim to be a force for good, the good guys of eve, fighting alone against the unwashed Botting masses: You'll put your money where your mouth is and kick RR, Dracarys, and Iron Crown from the imperium.

    If not, there's an old saying:

    "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones"

    So whenever you see a goon mention PAPI and botting- Think of Imperium members RR, Iroc Crown, and Dracarys.

    I now leave the floor open to Goons: I look forward to the Olympic levels of mental gymnastics that will no doubt be performed below.

    TL;DR- Imperium have RR, Iron Crown, and Dracarys as full coalition members. To cry about PAPI being temp blue to FRT is incredible hypocrisy.

    submitted by /u/Cpt_Soban
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    Just a few queries!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Hi folks!

    I've been playing Eve for a few weeks now and I really am enjoying myself so much! I've started off pursuing mining as I've always enjoyed making money in this kind of way, I find it strangely de-stressing (I work in quite a high stress profession so Eve has been a great kick back!) I'm now at the point I'll be looking to pick up my first procurer and I'm very excited! I've already dabbled with running small contracts and picked up a miasmo for ferrying my ore around to more profitable stations.

    I just wondered if anybody could fill me in on a few blanks I've had so far.

    What's the most efficient or easiest way to reduce my huge broker / sales fees? (I set up my own corp already!) I'm not accustomed to having to flip items for almost 30-40% mark up, just to have to turn some profit, it seems extortionate haha. I've only done the industry tutorial so perhaps i'll unlock some standing if i finish the others? (I'm caldari, if that matters)

    I really like to play solo as my time is very limited and maybe Eve can't be played optimally as a solo player but that's okay. I take great pleasure in doing silly contract runs, even if they're woefully inefficient and sometimes plain stupid. I loved doing something called trade pack running back in a game called archege, I find ferrying items around relaxing, in the same way I do mining. However some of the contrasts are beyond stupid (as are the collaterals) and I wondered if there are any NPCs I can ferry items around for in the game?

    Finally, I often take my wee venture and fly into all sorts of crazy places, just for the adventure really. I was mining in nullsec last night and made a few really profitable runs before being blasted to pieces :D How do I find access to these wormholes I keep hearing about? I think it's via scanning but I was wondering what the requirements are for this and how far I am away from it already.

    Thank you and I know I'm probably playing eve counter intuitively but I just like to do what's appealing to me and discover things in pieces I guess.

    submitted by /u/ArticulateDesign
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    Addressing the current MER and Oasa

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I don't want or wish to point fingers however even when goons were in their ratting prime before the anom changes and the cyno changes even they couldn't pull in the numbers of which a certain alliance that lives in that region are ratting and are well known Botters.

    Throughout the entire eve community we are all aware of this bad egg, We talk about it and address it atleast once a week and we have all came to the same agreement it is getting out of control. This isn't a few bad eggs within a certain group however the majority of the alliance due to cultural different on such activities this view on cheating/botting isn't just an eve thing but has plagued a lot of other games.

    When will CCP address this, Are they even aware of how much this is getting out of control, I understand they cant make a comment on this due to internal affairs and how they will combat this but it is honestly becoming a huge talking point to the stage more than the war that is current going on itself.

    Hopefully when serenity comes back they can go back and destroy that server again but we all know that group that is plaguing Tranquility were evicted from an entire server. Perhaps they need evicting on this server so we as players can finally combat the address and problem or does gobbins enjoy that money he is getting paids to much?

    submitted by /u/TheZzBug
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