• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Eve Online AUTZ in this war.

    Eve Online AUTZ in this war.

    AUTZ in this war.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Goons open a ticket

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Pochven = dead

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    In less than a week. Solid content CCP.

    What a joke

    submitted by /u/Idiotb0x
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    Vagabond watercolour painting, loose style (HiRez picture)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Drew my hubby's char in Procreate

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Meanwhile in Vale of Silen(c)e

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    [Video] YZ9-Meme

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Serenade me

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Me, a new player doing Sisters of Eve missions, and trying to learn more about the game on this sub.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    The Amount of Refugees Evacuating Into YZ9 Is Impressive

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Sounds like a successful anchoring

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Finally delivered...

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    Views of The Old Jove Observatory Near The Eve Gate

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    National Goonographic Channel: LIVE

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Why gutting SRP is a good thing for an alliance

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    I know from the title that many people here are assuming this is a troll post. The thing is, alot of groups in this game do not really do srp except on support stuff and big expensive stuff. NC is a good example, we don't get srp on our muninns and jackdaws and what not. It is a huge relief tbh and if we were to start srping muninns, it would hurt our fleets because when you are under the umbrella of srp, people fuck around alot. In NC, yeah someone falls asleep here and there, and every alliance has a few resident idiots, but by and large our people align on time, jump on time, warp when aggrod, broadcast on time, etc because they have an incentive to not die. As someone who spent alot of time flying logi, I can tell you I catch people in the same ships alot more in my own alliance then I do in random coalition fleets where it doesn't effect peoples wallets if they die. Low sec alliances and wormhole groups are famous for the lack of SRP, but many of them are also famous for their pvp (I am aware that some groups have srp)

    Other bonuses to selective SRP include but are not limited to:

    People who want srp fly support like logi and links (Im cheap AF tbh and want srp, so I only fly mainline dps when its really needed, which is quite a bit since in our fleets people actually fill out the support role without the fc asking 50 times, although that does happen sometimes)

    Your fleet comps look better

    Your alliance takes less losses.

    Your people are more inclined to pvp even outside of strat ops, because they are not accustomed to the idea of pvping without srp.

    Your pilots actually improve at the game. This is a huge factor.

    So in conclusion, I think that alot of the elite pvp groups got there because of the need to be frugal about losing shit, and it is in the best interest of a serious alliance to move toward selective SRP. Allowing people to corp wallet tank their endless suicide bullshit is really bad for everyone involved.

    So while people are leaving Init over this, all those people are trash at the game and cannot live without srp, the people staying in Init are going to be the dedicated pvpers, and tbh Init will be better off smaller but with better quality pilots. Best thing they can do here is to never go back to full on SRP.

    Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.

    (Side note, I understand new players want srp too, and this post is not meant to call you trash or anything. There will always be a need for new player corps to have new player friendly policies, this post is more directed at groups that are more geared towards people who have been in the game awhile.)

    submitted by /u/H0n0ur
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    How to treat your allies 101

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    • 1) Don't defend any territory or structures of said ally, let it burn and call it a floodplain.
    • 2) Expect the ally to defend your territory and structures by suiciding trillions of ISK for zero benefit.
    • 3) Wait for the ally to run out of money and have to reduce SRP to 25%.
    • 4) Begin poaching of corporations from your ally :



    • 5) Tell the ally to go home and fix their lack of ISK themselves, without them having any infrastructure.

    • 6) Repeat until Wildly Inappropriate.

    CO2 knew when they were being taken for fools and did the right thing for their members, will INIT do the same?

    submitted by /u/Michael_Jove_MkII
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    Goonswarm Stigma?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Hello! I am a new player and was considering joining Karmafleet since Goonswarm is the big corp that I heard about that made me want to start playing Eve, but now that Ive been playing for a while in Highsec I've had people warn me that I'll be stigmatised if I do join one of their Corporations.

    Is that a real thing or have I just fallen for propaganda/memes? If it is, why Goonswarm specifically?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Psychedelic42069
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    Another Vagabond painting, loose watercolour video

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Delve Will Founder

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Let’s take a moment to appreciate one of the best game trailers ever

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    On why this keepstar got anchored, without spin and salt

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: this is my personal reading of the whole situation

    EDIT: I got wrong the dread build time, so the "suicide economics" part might be different.

    After this final successful attempt at anchoring the keepstar I think that there was some grand scheme methodical plan in place to get it done, and all other 4 attempts were a part of that plan. I'm going to argue my case:

    1: Suicide economics and logistics.

    Imperium, being outnumbered, had to develop a strategy to kill these keepstars. As we know this strategy consists on suiciding everything to it (in a well thought manner). It takes a long time, it is painful, can be seen as cheesy (and that's okay), but it works and that's the important part. For that purpose you need a diversification of DPS ships, and to have several of these DPS sources in grid at all times, to avoid losing the objective when one of these DPS sources gets countered. That's why we saw battleships, battle ceptors, dreadnoughts, carriers, etc.

    Everything below dreads can be rebuilt in no time (a battleship can be built in 2.5 hours and 20-30 indy players can rebuild 2000 ravens in 24 hours). So there is no immediate problem with suiciding any number of these as long as you are already building the fleet for the next keepstar round. With dreads the story changes. Dreads take 2-3 weeks to build so you can't lose all your dreads in a single round. This means that right after the first keepstar died imperium was probably building a huge dread buffer, getting enough numbers to allow them to suicide an effective portion of them every 2-3 days. However, well, you need 2-3 weeks to get to that point. The first keepstar died about 2 weeks ago. Yesterday was probably the worst day for imperium in that regard, where they lost a big part of their dread fleet in the previous fights, with no physical time to replenish it. In a few days the first batches of dreads will be ready and they will be able to sustain that kind of suicide tactics, but well, it doesn't matter anymore.

    2: The dynamics of the keepstar fights.

    You can read these battles as equations. On one side you have Imperium pumping some amount of DPS flow. On the other side PAPI is trying to drain that DPS flow. Imperium wants to pump as little flow as possible, or they will run out of ships. Remember, they don't want to resort to dreads, that's the hard to rebuild ship. Ravens do an amazing job with this. The less they pump into grid the better chances they will have in the next keepstar fight. However at the same time, if the DPS flow is too low or inconsistent the more they risk leaving gaps in the DPS and the keepstar may repair, so it is a very challenging task managing this DPS flow.

    Another thing that makes it even harder is TiDi. Imperium need to forecast the DPS needs that they will have 30 minutes - 1 hour later, to start pumping that DPS now. So this is a very complex matter, very hard to manage.

    An extremely important part of this "DPS flow management" is having a fortizar in system. A fort undock can't be bubbled (PDS) and the tether range is big enough to allow cynoing in sizable fleets safely. Astras and other smaller structures can't provide that. They were using these forts as their primary way of controlling the DPS flow. A nice "staging point" where they can gather their forces safely in tether and warp them in as needed. Fast reaction time as they don't need to forecast too long into the future their DPS needs, and organize warp ins at the right time. Without a fort they must resort to smaller structures, cynoing people to random spots in system, gating people... All of that is way way more challenging, require preparation, will get countered, and the DPS flow will be messy.

    A messy DPS flow can result on inconsistencies in keepstar damage, leaving gaps, and losing the objective as the keepstar may repair in one of these gaps. We've seen this in several keepstar fights. The 4th fight saw that, after a quite effective counter to battleships by PAPI forces. Imperium quickly corrected, overcommitting forces, as they were ready to do so by having them staged in the fortizar. The keepstar died even faster than before the unpauses as a result of that "DPS flow" overcorrection (which was the right thing to do).

    3: Putting it all together.

    We have 4 keepstar fights where both teams learned and improved at each round. PAPI forces got very good at countering the battleships with tackle and EWAR, and spreading their DPS evenly through grid. You can get an image of their positioning and draw optimal range cones from their fleets and you will see how things overlap nicely and PAPI DPS is spread evenly. At the same time Imperium gets better and better at this "DPS flow management", achieving really cost-effective performance in the 4th keepstar (until it unpaused and they had to overcommit), and also clever DPS diversification.

    Let's say that Imperium dread numbers were struggling. I don't necessarily say that their overall dread numbers were low, but at least, the part of their cache that they wanted to commit to this strategy, was clearly struggling. One can argue that titans were a big deterrent, but you can only fire so many DDs in heavy tidi. Given how long they take to build, you can't expect to have "suicide economics" with dreads from the first day. So the closer we are to that ~2.5 week time from 1st keepstar, the lower Imperium dread "commitment" will be. After these 2.5 weeks new dreads will be built, and the balance will change in favor of Imperium. So, yesterday was a really good day to fight for PAPI, specially considering that one day before we had the 4th keepstar fight, making this even harder logistically speaking for the Imperium. Maybe 3-4 days later Imperium gets their "dread suicide economics" up and it only becomes harder for PAPI over time... So it was kind of do or die for PAPI too maybe.

    At the same time, the most important part of Imperium tactic, the fortizar in system was taken down the night before. You can see that Imperium recognized its importance given how hard they committed to defend its shield timer with that crazy awesome boson trap (really a shame that it didn't work). I can imagine in my mind their reasoning: "Okay we NEED to buy some time until we get our suicide dread economy going. We HAVE to save that fortizar or we're in big trouble. Even if we lose some titans, we need to defend it". They tried and failed, so PAPI was in the best possible position to drop a keepstar. Sunday, lots of people at home, Imperium is weakened after the very recent keepstar fight, the fortizar died the night before...

    4: And the bubbles?

    There is a reason why PAPI did not use the bubbles before. That reason is that it is a very very good tactic, so you don't want to burn it for nothing. Bubbles were carefully positioned (in an awesome hexagonal-spherical pattern) and they would pull battleships to them if they wanted to warp directly in range. You want to use it when you have all the possible advantages, as a final nail in the coffin. It can be countered for sure, but it requires some creative thinking and quick response time. You need to be able to change plans fast to deal with the bubble wrap. And, remember, what provided good reaction time for the Imperium? The fortizar.... So, PAPI, I think, used the bubble strategy knowing that Imperium would have no chance to adapt as their reaction time was far too low. Bubbles might have worked in previous keepstar fights, but Imperium still had control over the situation, maybe it could get countered, and once Imperium finds an optimal way of doing that you have effectively wasted the bubble tactic for nothing in return. You have to use the winning tactic when your opponent is at their weakest. And that was yesterday. Everyone in grid saw that.

    So, all other keepstar fights served the prupose of messing with Imperium logistics, learn how to counter Imperium tactics, and specially the 4th, leave them a bit weakened as it happened only one day before the 5th. At the same time it bought time for PAPI to kill the fortizar. Then everything came together. You can clearly tell that the 5th was the real one. All the others were a bonus if anchored. If PAPI had waited more Imperium would get their suicide economics with dreads too. Yesterday in that sense was a bit of a do or die for PAPI. Everything looks like a grand plan to me, and not just 5 isolated attempts.

    What do you think? I'm sure I've got some things wrong.

    submitted by /u/victorsaurus
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    Roflstomped by RC

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    Render female character with big breasts

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    Enough tolerating this!

    In game on high graphics bad render clothes on female character if she have big breasts.

    Needs add female breast polygons and smooth to make it look more natural.

    I wrote about this problem in support, there I was told to involve the public in this issue, so to get the attention of developers.

    Round & smooth boobs are not less important than the face!

    This is bad

    This is terrible

    this is strange


    submitted by /u/INEDI
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    Monthly Economic Report - September 2020

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Resub and join the war?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    Old co2 line member looking to get myself some bee shaped scalps. Is this still the best place to contact dreddit?

    submitted by /u/MOS_Crunkit
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