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    Saturday, October 31, 2020

    Eve Online friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    Eve Online friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    you know the rules, it's friday so it's time for this week's friendship friday nice thread. in this thread, we post without any caps at all and we post what we appreciate about eve and the people who play it. (◕‿◕✿) here are the rules:

    • do not use any capital letters. if someone forgets this rule or does not follow it, don't be that guy/gal. we're all about positivity and acceptance here, no matter the grammar (✿◠‿◠)

    • talk about what you appreciate or what is good with eve, or life, or whatever else you're appreciative of this week (◕‿◕✿)

    • players will agree with you in all lowercase

    • talking about what we appreciate will form a positive relational bond in the eve community

    happy friday friends, hope you all have relaxing weekends (◕‿◕✿)

    submitted by /u/Windsigh
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    New Player: How do I stop my cargo from filling up so quickly?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    The state of the Blue Donut Coalition

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    RIP Another Veteran Pilot

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    For those that have been around since the beginning, I discovered today that one of the earliest members of Black Nova Corporation, TKLonewolf passed away in July this year. Some of the old ex-BNC, NORAD and BoB members may remember him.

    He was a great guy that we had the pleasure of meeting in real life a few times. A real larger than life character, who was a well known resident DJ at a night club in his home town, he brought a lot of joy to a lot of people's lives and it's a terrible shame that he has tragically left us way too early.

    I'm posting in case anyone remembers him so you know but also to remind us all about the importance of looking after our own and each other's mental health, as unfortunately TK took his own life. I don't know what his struggles where or why he made that decision, I just know that it happens to too many men and we've still got work to do looking after ourselves and each other.

    Look after yourselves, reach out and talk if you are struggling. We lose too many good men every year.

    Fly safe TKLonewolf o7

    submitted by /u/Blacklight_Eve
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    When the duct tape saves your life.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Happy Halloween from your friends in the Goonswarm federation.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    Sansha pilots be like

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    There's always a bigger fish...

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Man defaces gourd with WAFFLES logo

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Why not buy ore and minerals in Hek?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    This is an ad. Buy ore in Hek. Its cheaper than Jita and just a skip hop and a jump! CMON DOWN TO HEK! Shits chill and the ore is flowing!

    submitted by /u/brendansimms
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    We Went for a Y'ee'ta Roam in Hac's for Somebodys Birthday. We were not prepared for the fight we caused.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    Less than 24 hours away! Eden Trades Halloween Event �� �� ��

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 11:44 PM PDT

    WAFFLES. Drunk Birthday Roam Leads to FRAT. Dread Feed.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Dear RonUSMC

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    My newest 3d print! Sending it down to Delve.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    Gohin's Expanded/Nano-Gang Guide

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Hi all - This is a written expansion on my Nano-Gang Visual Guide


    Flying in a nano-gang can be some of the most frustrating but rewarding gameplay in Eve Online. It is both mechanically and strategically difficult, and relies heavily on teamwork and communication with your fleet mates. With superior ship speed, damage, range, and utility, the profile of engageable situations greatly increases. A competent nano-gang can fly out numbered while being able to pick up kills and escape with out losing a ship.

    Links - Provides links to the fleet


    • Bifrost - The skirmish speed and propulsion disruption range bonuses make the perfect ship to fly to provide links to your fleet. Often used on a alt as a "backpack" that follows around Support DPS and Main DPS ships.


    • Hurricane Fleet Issue - With two available high slots for links, the Hurricane Fleet Issue is a great addition to your fleet if you do not have an alt which can fly links. That being said, please don't fall into the trap of bringing this ship as your Main DPS. While it has decent projection and DPS there are other ships of the same size and cost that do the job better!!!!!

    Tackle/Screen - Tackles enemy ships and protects your DPS and utility ships.


    • 1. Stiletto - Best shield tanked option that is not a Ram Jag
    • 2. Malediction - Cheap nano option is good but there is an expensive 2b+ set up which is virtually unkillable. Only recomoned for experience pilots.
    • 3. Ram Jaguar - Speed and tank for days. Great when you need to scram down something. Risky if your fleet needs to bail and leave you behind. Interceptors are better in this respect.
    • 4. Garmur- Basically a non-interdiction nullified expensive interceptor. It can still do the job but at a higher cost. Only on the list because of it's ability to apply missiles to enemy interceptors.


    • 1. Vagabond - Protect your DPS and utility ships from things like blaster Brutix Navy Issues. It's tank allows it to live long enough, in most scenarios, to kill high threat targets.
    • 2. Phantasim - AB speed bonus allows it to burn in for scrams without the risk of getting itself tackled.

    Support DPS/Anti-Tackle/Anti-Support - Your primary objective is to eliminate enemy support ships such as a Keres and interceptors. When none are out of position, shoot primaries.


    • 1. Orthrus - The Orthrus serves a dual purpose - which is important when you're fighting out numbered. It's speed, long range point and scram coupled with it's Rapid Light Missiles make it an essential ship in any nano-gang.
    • 2. Cerberus - Slow but just does TONS of DPS.
    • 3. Osprey Navy Issue - Basically a knock off Orthrus - Tanky, fast, and tons of DPS.
    • 4. Omen Navy Issue - Bit of a learning curve to learn how to track properly with it's pulses, but it's lack of a reload timer put's it on par with the Rapid Light Missile Ships.
    • 5. Caracal - On the list as a new pilot friendly option. Cheap, good dps, decent speed. Would rather have a Maulus tho.


    • 1. Kikimora - Tons of DPS.
    • 2. Jackdaw - Secondary role as a damping ship.
    • 3. Confessor - Secondary role as a damping ship.


    • 1. Retribution - Tons of damage. Upgrade the point and fly it like an intercept that does DPS.
    • 2. Wolf - Arty is great for baiting small stuff into chasing you.

    Support/Ewar - Damps and webs are kings. IMO every small gang fleet should at least have a Hyrena and a Keres. Avoid bringing jams because that is a massive deterrent for getting people to fight you.


    • 1. Keres - Live to win. Damp key targets and warp out to stay alive.
    • 2. Maulus - Highly recommended to put a new player into this. Low SP requirement and a great way to learn about the game.


    • 1. Loki - An artillery Web Loki is probably the best possible web ship you can have in a small gang. It's a bit costly but the combination of Webs and DPS make it hands down the best.
    • 2. Hyena - Great mobility and very cost effective. I'd swap down from a Loki if you are comfortable with the amount of DPS you have.

    Tacking Disruptors/Neuts

    • 1. Sentinal - Only TD ship worth it if you really want to bring one.


    • 1. Kitsune - Fast and cheap. Only one worth it if you want to bring one.


    • 1. Bhallgorn - Neuts + Webs. I would only bring this if I was going to fight guys that always brought out big toys. If you're heading out to blob space, leave this at home.
    • 2. Vindicator - Webs + DPS. Same as above. Only bring if you know you'll likely run into bigger ships.

    Main DPS - These guys carry the team. All other ships in the fleet should work together to make sure these ships can apply their DPS.


    • 1. Gila - Drones are just broken on this ship. Toss on a Drone Nav. Comp and you can hit almost anything.
    • 2. Vigiliant - A rail vigilant is very deadly. The bonused Web can come in handy but only in emergencies.


    • 1. Drekevac - Can fit 2 links and has the best DPS and tracking under 45km.
    • 2. Oracle - Pulses have the best DPS and tracking out to 70KM. Align out and burn! Pew anything with shit transversal.
    • 3. Talos - Slightly worse than Oracle, but still good.
    • 4. Brutix Navy Issue - Rails and 1 link slot. Fly if you have no one that can fly T2 large guns.
    • 5. Harbinger Navy Issue - Pulses and 1 link slot. Fly if you have no one that can fly T2 large guns.


    • 1. Machariel - Fastest battleship
    • 2. Barghest - Second fastest battleship. Missiles are OP ATM
    • 3. Typhoon - Fast and good missiles. Great cheap option. Fleet version is good but not worth the additional 400m

    Logistics - While the point of a nano-gang is to run away, sometimes you need logistics! Dropping in a Scimi or a pair of Kirins increases your engagement profile and survivability drastically!

    • 1. Scimitar
    • 2. Kirin - Best in a duo.


    I recommend everyone to start has two roles that they specialize in but has a ship in each roll listed above. Not only can you hand them out when needed (THIS IS SO IMPORTANT), you can practice flying different roles. By doing this you'd surprised by what you can learn by living in someone else's shoes. This also helps you anticipate your fleet members movements with out them having to say anything!

    To learn more come hang out in the Waffles Recruitment channel in game or hang out on our recruitment discord

    submitted by /u/GohinPostale
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    Bee ready for the grind!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    True gentlemen use Among us terminology in EVE

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Pochven residents are being terrorized by looters shooting mobile tractor units in an attempt to steal loot

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    ESS Release devblog

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Tired of the mainstream media and looking for a highly reliable news source? The Notoras News

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    ISK/SP event accelerator compared

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    SP gained current SP Universe Buy ISK/SP
    50000 Daily Alpha Injector $42,900,000 $858
    500000 Large Skill Injector <5M $660,300,000 $1,321
    400000 Large Skill Injector 5-50M $660,300,000 $1,651
    17280 Basic 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator $30,120,000 $1,743
    34560 Potent 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator $70,000,000 $2,025
    300000 Large Skill Injector 50-80M $660,300,000 $2,201
    432000 Expert Cerebral Accelerator $1,004,000,000 $2,324
    43200 Master-at-Arms Cerebral Accelerator $124,300,000 $2,877
    150000 Large Skill Injector 80M+ $660,300,000 $4,402
    25920 Extended 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator $120,700,000 $4,657
    submitted by /u/Xafenn
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    Crimson Harvest Daily Rewards

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    Delve IHUBS

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 09:53 AM PDT

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