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    Thursday, November 5, 2020

    Eve Online *Confused bean noises*

    Eve Online *Confused bean noises*

    *Confused bean noises*

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:01 PM PST

    A new players' attitude is so refreshing

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:03 AM PST

    I am a God

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Courageous PAPI forces fight under Goon Jammer

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:05 PM PST

    I just started playing today and

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:14 PM PST

    and i cannot understand a single thing you guys say or what you guys meme about, this sub feels like im learning a completely new language

    but im having fun and space looks nice

    P.S ALSO I HAD THAT GM TEXT ME and boy i felt so special, he asked me do i have any issues or questions and i told him that im getting lost in missions and interface, so he gave me a few tips and after some time he emailed me some gifts and it made my evening.

    submitted by /u/prodolphinplayer
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    Battle in 8-YNBE

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:06 PM PST


    GF Imperium thanks for a fun fight after what generously could be called a tense day in the U.S. All bullshit aside having this at the end my day to enjoy and forget about the world was really nice. Thanks for showing up and fighting us.


    submitted by /u/dexxness
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    The Hard Reality of EVE

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:34 PM PST

    EVE is dead - press F to pay respects

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:33 AM PST

    Press X if your bridge destroyed twice in 1 hour )

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I think no one is aware about us (who are those unknown/noname banderlogs?)

    Banderlogs Alliance is russian speaking newbie/mass recruit alliance. We are living in the north at NPC. And own some space in Pure Blind and a year ago got couple constellations in Deklein. We are not part of powerblocks and have a few blue alliances. We were together with FXR and UFC forming kind of community known as Pure Blind Madness (which was actually a bit weird due FXR is part of Imperium and UFC was blue with a lot of PamFam members and it ended a bit quick).

    Now how I see what happened in region.

    Recently Volta decided to settle in Nullsec and attacked UFC which is mostly US TZ and for last months had much less activity (I think once GOTG fall, UFC got a lot of blues and lost a good source of content like Darkness/Dracarys/RR caps/supercaps, and got so much space, so people just lost interest). UFC had several friends/pets which were given space.

    So Volta attacked them, and after several fights which UFC lost they made deal, and handover most of space to Volta. Most of UFC friends/pets (often even without a fight) changed side and became Volta pets/renters.

    Volta given some other small alliances space, some alliance took space themselves (like XCom/Trailer Park Illuminati also known as newbie/mass recruiting alliances).

    Seems like after that Volta was looking was content and decided to attack us. They deployed on forti next to our constellation in Deklein. They invited other newely created russian speaking alliance to join their attack https://zkillboard.com/alliance/99010356/

    Their pets also joining them from time to time.

    So for almost month Volta attacking our sov/citadels, cloack camping all our systems in Deklein.

    Our timers are set in morning tz (due we had experienced several attacks previous 2-3 years from mostly Euro tz alliances like Triumvirate, Trigger Happy).

    Volta is alarm clocking and have more dreads, what we found out at fight when volta rf our hubs using caps https://br.evetools.org/br/5f8851dce8fc750013f11e09

    Currently we lost 3 hubs in Deklein. Volta and their pets acitvely using cap superiority entosing with caps, always dropping activ subcup dreads and fax in fights.

    https://br.evetools....da5df0013c78a96 that was their first attempt to destroy hubs, they had 3 fleets, Volta main armor Macha fleet, Hide Nodes Cerber fleet, other Volta pets Hurricane fleet. + Volta caps. We had only our main cerber fleet, our newbie highsec pilots on talwar/corax. We lost isk eff, but protected our sov.

    Second time they prepared better destroyed hubs https://br.evetools.org/br/5f93eebbcc4b79001322db0f

    Volta keep attacking our sov/citadels, rf our sov and often using caps to entose nodes/hubs https://zkillboard.com/related/30002899/202011031000/

    Siberian squad came couple times to help us to get content.


    We also make counter attacks

    Their pets we anchoring azbel, and we assumed to get fight vs Volta, they but they didn`t shown up


    And now we got to subject of the Post.

    Yesterday our newbies attacked Volta bridge nearby their staging, near to Volta prime time.

    Volta brought munin fleet at first, but our corax fleet returned once munins left after bridge repaired, and attacked it again. Second time Volta brought small gang with 2 leshak and 3 guardians, but this time we jump in on fresh formed cerber fleet.


    Volta jump gate timer was coming in 1 hour, but that was Volta prime. We decided to try it anyway.

    Seems like they didn`t expect us to form, so Volta fleet expected armor Machariel fleet with fax jumped in on 30% hull.

    Once they jumped in we got several successfull MJD with command destroers and could get some ships and destroyed bridge.

    Once we left system, Volta anchored new bridge. But we didn`t leave far. So we return to system and destroyed second bridge as well, and killed some more volta ships but lost several cerbers as well due volta brought more machas and ceptors.

    That was quite fun and seems like Volta was a bit surprised ).

    We could get much better isk efficiency, due cerbers could tank if they press ADC/shield broadcast or at least warp towards align and our ceptors could catch 5-10 machas which were driven away with mjd, but as I said we are merely newbie/mass recruit alliance and a lot of our members still newbies and still learning how to play eve.


    Anyway Good fight guys. And Press X if you lost 2 jump gates in 1 hour at same system.

    submitted by /u/TibariusB
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    You show your 12in Tengu and all i have is my tiny shriveled Egg

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 12:07 PM PST

    Just saw u/Revanche1371 post on their eve ship models. I figured I'd show my 12 inch Tengu.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:16 AM PST

    RIP server hamsters

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Y'all have those big ships of yours. I want to see how small I can go.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:52 PM PST

    Clarifications about dynamic bounties and ESS from the stream

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Dynamic bounty system:

    • bounty multiplier in systems can range from 30% to 150%
    • base (equilibrium) bounty multiplier in systems with DBS will be 115%
    • it only drops if system detects ratting value (not raw # of npc kills; depends on "ship sizes", so maybe isk value) beyond some threshold
    • heavy ADM boosting to high levels will probably reach this threshold
    • "70% of systems will see no change or an increase in bounties"
    • no details how much real activity you need for it to start dropping
    • values on sisi are not final, in fact might have been intentionally different from final values?

    ESS main bank:

    • takes a % of bounties, gives back in fixed 3h interval (probably something like 1500, 1800, 2100...)
    • can be stolen from in 5 minutes, drops ~70% of stored value and destroys the rest
    • drops as "digital records" items, so thief can be caught while extracting
    • info about ESS main/reserve bank value will be public, via Agency and probably ESI

    ESS reserve bank (had to guess a bit here):

    • takes a much smaller % of bounties
    • also fills up if bounty multiplier is below the base value (115%), gets filled with portion of the "missing" isk
    • no details about the keys

    Hopefully no major mistakes.

    submitted by /u/AdrianAtruin
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    We back

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:51 PM PST

    Mittens and FCs discuss strategy

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 01:25 AM PST

    <10 EVE Online Small Gang PvP Podcast - Quitters Never Win:Episode 34

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:11 AM PST

    TIL you don't set a domi for pvp

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Fit Kitchen: Interdictors

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 02:10 PM PST

    Gallente PVP fits

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 11:36 PM PST

    Hey guys im looking for good gallente pvp fits that will be able to win 1v1 or 1v2 in nullsec. Im running into alot of fast moving small ships so i was thinking double webs, but i was hoping to hop on here and see if anyone has the meta fits without going for the hecate. right now i have an algos and a thorax I havent got to test.

    submitted by /u/Unusual_Ferret
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    A HS player's second day in Sov NS [FOLLOW UP]

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Previous post HERE

    So yesterday i shared the story of my first 24hrs in Sov Null after being a strictly HS indy player for 3 years. To say that it got attention would be an understatement.>! I did it mom, i got reddit clout.!<

    I wasn't going to make another post like it, since i thought nothing could top it. Oh boy was I wrong.

    My second day was just as filled, if not more so, with content as the first, and I finally got green on my kill board that wasnt Customs Offices in WH space. Again, in chronological order, the following happened:

    1. Built an Incurus fit quite literally out of scrap. I melted down meta modules i had gotten from ratting, built an Incursus from it, then strapped whatever modules i had leftover to it. The fit was so hideous i saved myself the embarressment and decided not to take it to the PvP fleet that went out later that day. It apparentlly classifies as fast-tackle but personally i prefer "S H I T"
    2. Brought an ECM Griffin to a Macherial fleet (I was probably too small to notice)
    3. Saw my first titan that was tethered to a Keepstar
    4. Went through my first jump bridge
    5. Took part in a Mach vs Mach fight in a LS system around a Fortizar, against some rather old "friends" No Forks Given, who I had fought before when i was in a large HS corp out in Solitude over 6 months ago (GF boys)
    6. Jammed a Baalghorn and an Eos for 5 minutes straight
    7. Came back to my home region only to find out Bombers Bar was hot dropping into nearby systems
    8. Witnessed Bombers Bar hot drop my corp mates Rattlesnake and alpha him off grid
    9. During that Mach vs Mach fleet engagement, i was relaying comms from FC to another player who was also flying a Griffin via in game text converstion. He later told me he wasnt in comms because he was deaf. We both got on a lot of KMs in this fight. He scooped some loot on his way out and gave me the value of it in isk. If you're by any chance reading this mate, was a pleasure flying with you o7

    11/10 brought tears to my eyes

    submitted by /u/TheSting117
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    "Fortune Favours The Brave" - EVE online solo PvP compilation Vol. 3

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 12:59 AM PST

    Then Versus Now

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Just a wee little Astero.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 01:56 PM PST

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