• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 3, 2020

    Eve Online Just a pair of NC Moloks bashing a Goon Sotiyo in Delve.

    Eve Online Just a pair of NC Moloks bashing a Goon Sotiyo in Delve.

    Just a pair of NC Moloks bashing a Goon Sotiyo in Delve.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:57 PM PST

    [ART] [PROPAGANDA] Mother Delve.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:07 PM PST

    How to become an EVE Trillionaire in less than a week [NOT CLICKBAIT] [GONE SEXUAL]

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Can't fight back the tears in my eyes

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 09:08 PM PST

    Last night in Delve with PNN - Goonies form big for sotiyo armor timer - STANDS DOWN

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 12:45 AM PST

    As the forntline is creeping deeper into Delve, the might of the Imperial Warmachine is starting to come into question. The attacking forces has taken 4 Delve constellation in what has been annointed "fake Delve". Goonies still hold 9 constellations in Fortress Delve, an entire diffrent region. PAPI forces are using supers and capitals freely in unjammed systems within range of Imperium HQ - a thing never imagined possible just a few weeks ago.

    Last night a goon Sotiyo armor timer was up for grab. The brave goon hero, famous for never blobbing and writing huge morale posts, Asher Ellis had allegedly spent the entire day pre pinging this huge fight on a defensive, large structure.

    Goonies formed up over 500 dreads and an entire superfleet which they put on a mid point to be within strike range of the Sotiyo.

    Papi forces, known for using dishonest diplomacy to form large fleets, was first to set up on the hostile grid with Titans, Carriers and HACs.

    The Imperial might, backed up by 8 new fleet members from Red Alliance and no less then 64 inititaive pilots, had an impressive fleet. Over 500 dreads and an entire superfleet was ready for the next Bloodbath of B-R. With hostile titans deployed on a goonie structure and even numbers, surely tongiht would be the night?


    In his divine wisdom, Asher decides to return to the ancient goon tactic of "Helldunk or blueballs" and stands down the entire Imperial fleet.

    As the confusion and epic dissapointment, of Imperium and PAPI members both, died down. PNN reached out to Goonswarm legendary fleet commander Grath Telkin for answers:

    "We were DTF tonight, but spaceweather was against ut. This is actually a win for the empire" Grath says, "But we are currently waiting for NCDOT to backstab TEST. They will surely do it, any day now, they must..."

    When asked why Imperium fleet numbers seem to steadily decline each time they bluball their own members, the senior leadership member Grath refused to answer.

    Papi forces continued to reinforce the structure, putting it into structure timer. A few brave goon carriers, saddened by their impotence, decided to take the fight and were quickly doomsdayed.


    My name is Clarence Saldivar jr, and this is Last night in delve with the Papi News Nerwork - New edens only source of fair and balanced news.

    submitted by /u/ClarenceSaldivar
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    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Made a new EVE Online introduction screen wallpaper, free of payment. You're welcome.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:49 PM PST

    Came back to EVE 2 months ago, here are some screenshots that I've taken since coming back

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Sucks to be me....

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:01 AM PST

    Why ccp’s dynamic bounty system is taking null further into the wrong direction

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:12 AM PST

    Hi, for those of you who don't know me I run the alliance trigger happy, I haven't made a serious post in years but I felt the issues the dynamic bounty system will bring need to be brought to light.

    > Abundance breeds complacency and scarcity breeds war

    This is a line from CCP's recent dev blog regarding the upcoming dynamic bounty system. Despite being a tacky line meant to add flair to the blog this line is what gives a lot of insight into the fundamental misunderstand that CCP have about null and really the rest of the game.

    First of all I will go into some detail about some previous changes specifically the 2011 anomaly changes which were essentially trying to achieve the same result as dynamic bounties and the 2015 summer and sov IHUB changes which is what we've had up until the recent ecosystem changes.

    Let's take a look at the 2011 anomaly changes first, as the stated goals between both this set of changes and dynamic bounties is almost identical


    From the NEW DEV Blog:

    There are two main benefits that come from shifting to a more dynamic system:

    1. Dynamic systems and a constantly shifting ecosystem provide opportunities for dedicated Capsuleers to separate themselves from others. Learning to predict future high-pay areas, hunting in current low-pay areas (where you know there's excessively safe ratting happening), and choosing your daily ratting grounds based on a new set of factors every day will make every part of Nullsec life more interesting.
    2. Spreading income generation across New Eden and moving away from massive ratting hubs supported by very concentrated infrastructure will create movement and more conflict. Empires will be stretched thinner and guaranteed protection will come at a more tangible cost.


    From the OLD 2011 DEV blog :

    Expected consequences

    1. Some alliances will immediately start wanting to look for better space
    2. In the longer run, there'll be more conflicts going on, with more localized goals
    3. Newer alliances will have an easier time getting a foothold in Nullsec
    4. Coalitions will be marginally less stable
    5. Alliances will have to choose more carefully what space they develop, where their staging systems are, and so on (Low truesec systems generally tend to be in strategically inconvenient places)


    Comparing these two blog posts directly like this, we see in both cases that CCP want alliances and coalitions to be more spread out, and have more reasons to fight for space. Did this happen after the first changes in 2011?

    No, it did not. The reduced availability of NS anomalies meant that players chose to avoid conflict by switching to different characters in other regions (HS) to do their ISK making instead.

    None of the expected consequences happened.

    Farms and fields the summer of sov 2015 IHUB changes

    This is most egregious of all CCP's changes in the last 5 years. This change is what allowed null blocs to become what they are today. This one change turned every system into a gold mine regardless of sec status with a fully upgraded system having 75% more sites. This is what started the current day null blocs and was put into overdrive with the addition of Rorqs, citadels and engineering complexes.

    So what did making every null system worth owning do?

    • With the removal of passive moons the only way to generate alliance income was thru renters or having thousands of members ratting out in space - both of these could only be achieved by having insanely large alliances - the former still being possible when jump fatigue wasn't a thing.
    • The optimal gameplay was now to own as much space as you can and cram as many people as you could recruit into it. Making every system have the possibility to have a place to dock meant not only meant this was feasible but incredibly easy and safe for the average line member
    • With all this ore and ISK in line members hand the ease of Sotiyos and Keepstars allowing casual players to own supers meant an arms race started for super capital supremacy meaning alliances would focus on protecting alliance krabbing space over fighting other alliances otherwise they run the risk of falling behind
    • Bluing your neighbours and creating buffer regions between hostile blocs was the optimal solution to ensure safety of your space and that you wouldn't run the risk of falling behind in the arms race

    What lessons should have CCP taken away from these patches?

    • Scarcity does not breed war, proved by the 2011 changes which drove people to alternative ISK making methods while alliances and the conflict stayed roughly the same
    • Abundance doesn't breed war either as seen by the current state of eve since the introduction of the summer of sov updates

    What the dynamic bounty system will do

    Well it will vary depending the alliance but there's a few outcomes

    • Ratters will just eat the 30% reduction and keep ratting away in system
    • If the isk isn't worth it, Ratters will just shift to doing abyss filaments in small groups or solo or find other alternative isk making methods
    • Alliances will adopt the locust fleet concept in part but for ratting - rotating thru regions monthly to keep systems at a high level of income and protecting the ESS from roamers
    • Alliances already have all the space they need and are separated by buffer regions so there will be no need to try take more space seeing as they are already at maximum capacity

    Being forced to now contest with roamers to get a significant portion of their income coupled with either significantly more effort to make the same level as ISK previously or just eating the bounty reduction will just mean people just don't want to do it.

    Overall I think that ESS is good and will drive a lot of roaming content but, the dynamic bounty system will only reinforce the current null stagnation as coalitions are already cemented in their space and have no need to move or fight for more space as buffer regions are already in place and current sov, Citadel and Ansiblex mechanics make attacking incredibly tiresome for little gain, which wouldn't even be necessary currently.

    How to do the ratting rebalance instead of dynamic bounties?

    • Revert the 2015 summer of sov changes - other changes need to be coupled with this for it to be effective ( this would also cover the mining ecosystem rebalance as well)

    This coupled with some other balance changes would be the ideal way to rebalance the ecosystem to drive alliance movement and conflict.

    In conclusion

    Abundance breeds complacency and scarcity doesn't breed war. It has been proven that neither end of the spectrum works for driving conflict, instead what is needed to drive conflict is alliance goals - ratting and mining should be in the middle ground between scarcity and abundance while alliance goals should drive the movement of alliances.

    If this post gets some good attention I'll write a post about what the alliance goals should be and how they would need to be implemented to drive alliance movement and conflict. here's a little snippet.

    • Alliances would want to make moves to new space and not just hold as much space as they can under a blue doughnut
    • Rorqs would have a reason to be out in space
    • Titans and Supers would have a reason to be out in space
    • Mechanics that allow medium/small groups to punch up and mega coalitions struggle to hold massive swaths of space
    • Fighting for space would be enjoyable under Citadel/sov mechanics that weren't aids
    submitted by /u/Zesty_Memes21
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    PSA: Don't Move Skill Injectors in shitfit sig bloomed interceptors

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:11 PM PST

    I was chilling on my bed in my room with my 80 girlfriends, my wife was around too. Then this happened https://zkillboard.com/kill/88350639/

    Edit: Sorry, I messed up, this is a shitpost. I never said im good at posting :)

    submitted by /u/Quest4life
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    Xpost from r/albiononline - They don't like the EvE playstyle.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:35 AM PST

    PSA: Don't Move Structure BPOs in empty Non-nullified Interceptor

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:14 AM PST

    I was chilling in 8wa on 1dq gate with 80 friends, had some instalockers too. Then this happened https://zkillboard.com/kill/88338241/

    EDIT: Sorry, I messed up, its capital BPOs. I never said I'm good at industry :)

    submitted by /u/Nocturnal_Mist
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    This War Is Called....

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 01:35 AM PST

    When you feel the Peer pressure to Wave good bye =) "this Made me laugh a lot"

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:20 PM PST

    Sick to death of this jump tunnel bug. CCPlease fix it.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:57 PM PST

    The Initiative valued Goon allies.....

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:11 PM PST

    When you forget to overheat

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:20 PM PST

    Caldari Space

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:32 AM PST

    Working as intended?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    What is CCPs vision for null?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:52 PM PST

    The current idea of sovereignty in null sec is that the more active you are in a system, the more resources are available to you and the easier it is to defend.

    The new dynamic bounty system has the stated purpose of spreading players out.

    These have the exact opposite of stated goals. What is their reasoning for having two mechanics working against each other?

    Have they released anything saying that they have plans for updates to the sov mechanics?

    submitted by /u/snow38385
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    CCP dev lightning talk at eBPF summit

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:17 PM PST

    So, apparently, a CCP developer gave a lightning talk at the eBPF summit. The talk was about extending a Rust eBPF library in order to be able to use eBPF programs to rate-limit AMQP (RabbitMQ) connections.

    He mentions that they needed this feature because at some point, due to a faulty client, the RabbitMQ cluster was "flooded" and the nodes ran out of memory.

    Does anyone have any info / technical details about the new chat service? I'm guessing that it might use AMQP, and this might be the reason for some of the big chat service outages. I only vaguely remember reading somewthere that they run it on AWS (or perhaps some other cloud provider).

    submitted by /u/provokatoras
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    WTB Hel

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:57 AM PST

    New Super Models on SISI

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:09 PM PST

    I've created an album with side-by-side compassion of the new models which got a nice texture update as well as a larger size. Enjoy!


    submitted by /u/Arianhrod_Begin
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    [VIDEO] Small Gang Feed Train

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:48 PM PST

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