• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 17, 2020

    Eve Online So that's what a hell bump feels like...

    Eve Online So that's what a hell bump feels like...

    So that's what a hell bump feels like...

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 11:08 PM PST

    Eve IP Revenue Q3 2020 (First full China Quarter + Echoes Launch)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 03:36 PM PST

    The old REQ name will still be in our Hearts

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 05:06 AM PST

    Goons just two months ago

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 07:47 PM PST


    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Ccplz. Rank of grandtheft

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Make a rank for players who steal most isk from ess

    submitted by /u/Pigeonswarm-elixian
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    Charity Stream on Saturday w/ Darius Caliente

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 12:15 PM PST

    Hey Everybody! Darius Caliente here. I've been away from EVE since summer and, unfortunately, will still be for a bit... but that won't stop me from doing an Extra Life stream. I missed the official game day, so this Saturday (November 21st), I'll be streaming for 24 hours from noon Eastern Saturday until noon Eastern Sunday. (Yes... I have the mods permission for this post).


    Last year, with the help of the EVE Community, we raised nearly $4700 USD for SickKids hospital in Toronto, Canada. This year, I really want to break 5K and I'll make sure awesome things happen if we hit that mark.


    You can read more about my reasons for participating in Extra Life here


    You can also find my stream on Saturday here


    Stepping back for a minute, I just want to share a story. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for this. I have an EVE addiction, as I think we all do. So, for nearly a decade, EVE has been a constant part of my life. At the start of the pandemic, EVE kept me sane. When I couldn't go out or attend events, it was EVE that was my rock. As the pandemic progressed, I was lucky enough to take on additional work, to the point that I was overwhelmed and overloaded. I simply couldn't play EVE and do everything else because EVE for me isn't an hour or two here or there, it was 8-10 hours a day every day. At first, I tried to keep Discord active, but I felt like I was missing out... so eventually even that was turned off. I logged in once when I had a free night (no day job, no teaching, no film reviews, and my wife was otherwise occupied) and it was amazing, it reminded me of why I love the community. I also lost an entire night to the game, staying up much later that my scheduled allowed, and I realized I can't do the casual log in for a bit to say hey, so it's been a cold turkey break for me.


    That has been hard because I love the people I play EVE with and not having them in my life has been difficult. So, while this is a stream for charity, I'm also hoping that this is a chance to reconnect, not only with friends in my corp and alliance, but with everyone across the community. I know that when the stream ends, I've got another 30 days of craziness, before I can return to EVE... I'm only making the stream happen via vacation days. Another 30 days before I can hang out with a group of people that have felt like a second family to me. That's going to feel like a life time after this weekend, but it's also felt like a lifetime getting to this weekend. To support my cold turkey quit, I even stopped reading /r/eve... I have no idea what changes have happened while I've been gone or what ship fits are in the current meta. Honestly, I'm not even sure if my accounts are subbed for this weekend. Instead of a dread, you might see me in a frigate... but it'll be fun. I do, however, know that I'm super excited. So, this weekend is going to be a party. For me, in addition to an opportunity to raise money for sick kids, it's a chance to celebrate with so many important people. So come and hang out with us, fly with us, fight with us, party with us. Help me make this amazing because it needs to be enough to carry me through the month that follows before I get to come home to New Eden.


    I love this community and I've missed it, but I'm excited to return, even if it is only for 24 hours. I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!

    submitted by /u/DariusCaliente
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    Images for Empires of EVE - Volume II by Andrew Groen

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Together with other images from my gallery only some of these appear in the book, so expect some surprises even if you already have it!

    Flickr album - Empires of EVE - Volume II

    Official site


    submitted by /u/Razorien
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    CSM Month 3 and Month 4 in Review

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 07:19 AM PST

    The last two months saw a lot of meetings and review of CCP proposals, including a number of major items that found their way into the game, including the ESS and dynamic bounty systems, the supercarrier changes and others. The CSM continued meeting with CCP throughout September and October, with ten meetings throughout this period.

    As part of our continuing effort in transparency, here's a brief synopsis of the meetings that were held. The duration noted for the meeting is exact for those that were recorded, approximate for those that weren't.

    As with all of our review post, this information was reviewed by the whole CSM and cleared by CCP for release.

    Meeting 17 – September 4 – CSM Week 11 meeting

    Duration: ~1 hour

    This was our CSM week 11 weekly meeting, and we were joined by members of Team Ra and CCP Karkur to talk about her little things list. The entire CSM was present. Team Ra walked through the creation of tier zero and tier six content for Abyssal Deadspace. The CSM spent much of the first half of the meeting walking through this new content and asking questions about what ship types would be permitted, what the loot tables would look like and the overall goal of the content. The lack of diversity in ship types being used in high-tier Abyssal Deadspace was discussed as well.

    CCP Karkur met with the team at Brisc's request to discuss on-going "little things" iterations and fixes. She walked through a number of specific changes she was working on, many of which have already been put in the game, including fixing of fleet advertisements (an Innominate request), default squads, and other refinements to the fleet window.

    The CSM then pelted her with "little things" requests, including requests for warnings when undocking with no ammo, weapon sounds at any zoom, useable jump gates included in set-destination routing, watch list radial/clicking brings up target in selected items box, way to tell if you own a skin by looking at it, center probes on self-button, color from watch list applying in fleet chat window, typing in hours in PI rather than just the slider, delivery notification to both deliverer and deliveree, an E-warp off toggle, instant potato mode button and many others.

    The meeting wrapped up with a discussion of existing meeting requests and timelines for future meetings.

    Meeting 18 – September 11 – CSM Week 12 meeting

    Duration: 1 hour, 55 minutes

    Team Event Horizon met with the CSM after multiple requests to provide the CSM with details on the final part of the Triglavian Invasion content. The CSM had requested on a number of occasions prior to get a heads up before the final content went live with what the final results would look like and this request was finally granted. CCP Mimic, CCP Coyote, CCP Sledgehammer and a number of others from Team Event Horizon were present, as well as most of the CSM. Brisc was not at this meeting, due to a work conflict.

    CCP confirmed that the final Triglavian results were player driven, and they confirmed that they did not alter the results that happened. CCP Mimic walked the CSM through Pochven and how it would work with a significant number of questions from the CSM, including questions about how travel, LP stores, standings and the like would all work. The CSM expressed concerns about standings, whether people would live there and what the income generation potential would be, PvP mechanics like the potential for delayed local and content in Pochven.

    Meeting 19 – September 18 – CSM Week 13 Meeting – Q4 Roadmap Discussion

    Duration: 1 hour, 31 minutes

    CCP Goodfella, CCP Paradox and CCP Shreddy jointed the CSM for the meeting this week. The entire CSM except Maria Taylor was present. CCP Goodfella walked the CSM through the roadmap for Quadrant 4, which was named "Phoenix." Goodfella walked through a list of the projects included so far in the 4th quarter, including resource redistribution, continued module tiericides, the second phase of the quantum core release, the ESS revamp and dynamic bounty system changes, the supercarrier vat clone bay changes, among others. There was discussion of one proposal that has not yet been made public.

    CCP Shreddy walked through content for Quadrant Four, including the end of the Trig Invasion, Halloween and Q4 themed daily login campaigns, as well as the Crimson Harvest and some more proving grounds. Goodfella then talked about some other core experience changes they are working on, including some UI updates to jump clones and changes to the fonts.

    At the end of the meeting the CSM met with the community team to talk about CSM related issues and some larger concerns about the development process.

    Meeting 20 – September 25 – CSM Week 14 Meeting – Ecosystem Update and Mineral Redistribution

    Duration: 1 hour, 26 minutes

    The ecosystem team, with CCP Psych speaking on behalf of the team, met with the whole CSM to brief us on the mineral redistribution update. This was one of the more contentious meetings with the Ecosystem team, and the CSM had a lot of significant concerns with the changes, how the changes have been developed, the metrics for determining what is healthy and what isn't and how the Ecosystem Team will know they've been successful. There was significant discussion over minerals being locked into specific regions of space and what the impact overall on the game would be, as well as how to determine what impacts could be attributed to this change, rather than to other outside causes (like the nullsec war).

    The CSM expressed considerable frustration that these changes appeared set in stone and we did not have a chance to provide meaningful feedback.

    Meeting 21 – October 2 – CSM Week 15 Meeting – CCP Muppet Hunter

    Duration: 1 hour, 10 minutes

    After last week's contentious meeting, this week's meeting was more laid back, a discussion with CCP Muppet Hunter on the status of various projects and which teams were focused on which projects. The entire CSM was present. Muppet Hunter discussed with the team where a number of projects were from the roadmap discussion, including the mineral redistribution and supercarrier changes. Most of the meeting was focused on more high level discussion about game production and development, and where the CSM can fit into that process with CCP.

    Meeting 22 – October 9 – CSM Week 16 Meeting – Font Changes

    Duration: 1 hour, 4 minutes

    CCP Goodfella was back, along with CCP Mischief. Innominate and Gobbins were the only CSM members who were not present. The start of the meeting was based on the Phantomite's request to discuss the font changes. Yes, the CSM spent fifteen minutes talking about kerning – KERNING - with Goodfella and Mischief, who confirmed they were making a number of changes based on CSM feedback to make the font changes better. The rest of the meeting was with the community team, who confirmed that we had broken the Guinness World Record in the FWST fight. There were also discussions about abyssal deadspace and the proving grounds, including concerns about the current ruleset regarding griefing and collusion. The CSM also expressed praise that the servers worked well during the FWST keepstar fight.

    Meeting 23 – October 16 – CSM Week 17 Meeting – Team Ecosystem

    Duration: 1 hour, 7 minutes

    CCP Rise from Team Talos along with CCP Psych and CCP Bartender from the Ecosystem team joined the entire CSM for a discussion of balance updates that would be coming in the next month, including the introduction of the wubble and the supercarrier clone bay changes. There was also a discussion with the team over the failed Boson trap and issues with server performance in heavy TIDI.

    Meeting 24 – October 23 – CSM Week 18 Meeting – Team Event Horizon

    Duration: 1 hour, 12 minutes

    Team Event Horizon joined the CSM to talk about the wrap up of the Triglavian invasion, and players concerns with the content on launch. The CSM expressed players frustration with much of the Pochven content, including issues with getting access to the system, the lack of content, and standings issues that were highlighted by the standings exploit. CCP confirmed that there would be a rollback of all standings, as there was no legitimate way for anyone to have successfully gained the needed standings in the time period between the launch and the exploit being declared an exploit. The CSM continued to provide feedback and express concern that players were unhappy that the region launched in the way that it did.

    After the Team Event Horizon portion of the meeting, CCP Dopamine confirmed that CCP would be placing the nullsec war staging systems in Delve and NPC Delve on a dedicated node to improve server performance there after multiple requests. There was also discussion of CCP's work on a new content creator partnership program.

    Meeting 25 – October 28 – CCP Leadership Meeting

    Duration: 1 hour, 22 minutes

    A number of CSM members had requested a leadership meeting with the "Big Three" – CCP Burger, CCP Mannbjorn and CCP Orca, as we had not yet met with them as a group. This was a special meeting held during the week. Because of that, Merkelchen had a conflict and was not able to attend, but the rest of the CSM was present. In addition to Burger, Mannbjorn and Orca, CCP Muppet Hunter and CCP Goodfella, as well as the rest of the community team (Dopamine, Convict and Aurora) were in attendance. Because this was a high level meeting that went into detail on future plans and discussions, there's not much non-NDA material I can go over here, other than to say that Brisc did bring up the red dot again.

    Meeting 26 – October 30 – CSM Week 19 Meeting – Team Ecosystem

    Duration: 1 hour, 6 minutes

    The Week 19 meeting included a visit from some of the members of Team Ecosystem, including CCP Psych, to continue the discussions that have been on-going throughout this CSM term on CCP's ecosystem changes to income, wealth generation and resource distribution. The entire CSM was present. The CSM went over in depth the mineral rebalance changes, as well as discussed the ESS and dynamic bounties systems. The CSM continued to provide feedback and express their concerns with the direction of the ecosystem changes and how players are perceiving those changes

    Slack Conversations

    As always, there were on-going discussions and debates via Slack during the last two months. Slack has been largely utilized over the last two months as a way for the CSM to ask specific questions of specific groups and get answers they can provide back to players with CCP permission. We've also been able to highlight specific concerns with different proposals, including working to improve the new clone and implant UI, as well as concerns about the font changes, Triglavian invasion, and a number of server related issues and bugs.

    If anybody has any specific questions about the info provided here, I'll be happy to answer as many as I can within the NDA and COC.

    submitted by /u/deltaxi65
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    Forward Unto Delve [Propaganda]

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 05:25 AM PST

    [Video] Cladistic-5 'Krai Serenity' Filament by Lussy Lou

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:07 AM PST

    I think I figured out the algorithm boys.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 11:10 PM PST

    Is there exploration in this game?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 02:38 AM PST

    I come from Elite and always wanted to get into eve. Tried "exploration" a year ago, which basically meant that i went around then scanned something with the probes and entered a wormhole, then died. I want to know if this is all that there is to exploration (unlikely considering how huge this game is) because i really like exploration in Elite. And how would i go if i wanted to do that in EVE.

    submitted by /u/BeforeTheEclipse
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    SLYCE becomes mostly spanish Alliance

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 02:00 PM PST

    Settings Profiles

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 08:13 PM PST

    If I want to migrate my settings profiles from one PC to another, where in the /eve director will I find the profile, and how can I migrate them?

    submitted by /u/throwawayEEleaks2
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    There is no need to be upset (at the ESS changes)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 07:46 AM PST

    CCPlease Sort Systems in Agency ESS Tab

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:54 AM PST

    Currently systems under the ESS part of The Agency are not sorted in any way (excluding the filters you apply). They aren't sorted by jumps, name, DBS value, or main bank/reserve bank value. Please, sort this by jumps at the very least, or better yet, let us choose what to sort it by.

    Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    Edit: I do want to say thank you CCP for making this window, it is already very useful, but please, for the love of bob, sort those systems.

    Exhibit A: No logical ordering

    submitted by /u/_stnick
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    So true guys

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 03:11 AM PST

    Newest feature: Cloaking from the search menu!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 06:11 AM PST

    Gallente Federation Once Again Controls Essence

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 08:25 AM PST

    The President's Bureau in Ladistier has been liberated from Caldari occupation. The Gallente once again fully control Essence!

    submitted by /u/mdc273
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    Something I discovered when I updated to macOS Big Sur...

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 11:32 PM PST

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