• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    Eve Online The "art" of war...

    Eve Online The "art" of war...

    The "art" of war...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:34 PM PST

    Day 27 of no ore in asteroid belts in the south east of New Eden Nullsec.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:28 PM PST

    27 days ago when CCP released their ore redistribution patch the completely broke Asteroid belts. This issue and what it entailed was later highlighted in this post https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/jqus05/asteroid_belts_or_how_ccp_broke_3_things_with_a/ A week has passed and it seems a major reddit discussion post was not enough to kick CCP into gear, so here is a first of a weekly reminder that CCP has borked a essential part of nullsec, and has failed at resolving it in anything resembling due time. Have a nice day & see you in a week

    submitted by /u/Seddows
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    When The Bastion deploys to Esoteria...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:40 PM PST

    Massive setback for PAPI in K-6K16 as they lose their ihub, destroying chances at keepstar attack. Also lose isk war 2:1 despite heavily outnumbering goonswarm.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:21 AM PST

    The ESS/DBS and You: Managing your systems properly

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Hello there, sovereign nullsec citizens! I hear there's been some big changes recently, and I'm sure you have a lot of questions. How do I efficiently make money? Is defending my ESS worth the extra effort? What do the DBS do?

    Well, here's the lowdown.

    We are going to consider old ratting ticks as 100% value, for the sake of this post.

    The base level of the Dynamic Bounty System is 115%. When you account for the removal of the reserve bank money, you make around 70% of what you used to on each tick, and then receive 40% of what you used to when the ESS pays out, for a total of 110%. Not bad!

    Of course, this comes with two caveats. The first is that you need to defend the ESS from thieves and miscreants. Extra effort, but you are getting some additional value for it because of that extra 10%, and you can cause the DBS percentage to increase by killing baddies. This post is about optimal behavior, so I'm going to assume that the people defending are competent. That obviously isn't always true, but we gotta simplify this a little somehow.

    The second caveat is that the DBS percentage changes, based on how much ratting is going on. It goes down by about 7% assuming you rat more than around 500 million in raw value bounties that day. If it is below 115%, and you rat less than 500 million, it will "regenerate" back up towards 115% by around 0.15%.


    Methods to Manage All This:

    Crop Rotation Method: Doesn't work. Well, technically it does work, if you have 45+ crop fields to rotate through, and you only farm in a single field each day. However, I don't think an alliance that currently owns say, 90 systems can reasonably compact ALL their ratting players into 2 systems on a given day. So that option is out the window.


    Artificial Fertilizer: Technically, this does work. It just needs a LOT of fertilizer. In order to push the DBS up to the max of 150% you're talking on the order of tens of billions in exploded stuff. Even mitigating the 7% drop from ratting more than 500 million in a day requires a significant volume of kills in a system that would make suiciding your own ships extremely inefficient. Relying on pirates to show up and feed several billion worth of ships each day in your home system is probably not a reliable farming technique.


    Sustainable Farming: This does work. As long as you rat less than 500 million per day, per system, the system indices will not drop. You even get the additional benefit of the DBS percentage going up when you kill raiders or feed a ratting ship on accident. Of course, this has a lot of practical drawbacks. A supercarrier ratter can hit that number in 2 hours, and four Ishtars can do it in a little under three hours. So if it was a system that more than one person planned on using to make money that day, you're probably outta luck. This is especially painful for multi-TZ alliances where there were plenty of systems that didn't experience particularly intense activity, but did experience activity around the clock. It also sucks if you're a renter with only one system and a big rental bill because your income from that system from ratting is basically hard capped.


    TL:DR- Rat less than 500m / day / system. Or get shit ticks, your choice.


    Things I don't know:

    • Does a better sec status system have a higher ratting cap? It might.

    • Does the DBS degenerate if above 115% passively? It might.

    • Is the 500m limit exact? No, I don't work at CCP. If you want better numbers, pay me.

    submitted by /u/SerQwaez
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    Network Effects Nov. 2020

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Nice to see that Goons are defending their land

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:09 PM PST

    Hi friends ><

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Hi, friends. I'm Newbie, who's been on EvE for about 8 months. I made a lot of money through Project- Discovery, and I was surprised to find that it helped COVID-19. We're going through a lot of tough times with COVID- 19 all over the world, but I think it could be over soon. So I'm having a party in front of Jita 4-4, the day the COVID-19 ends. If you're having a party with me, please leave a comment!😘😘

    submitted by /u/SuperNova0412
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    After flying Drake for some time, I can't shrug off the feeling that Caldari ship designers missed a huge opportunity with that ship...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:17 PM PST

    Imperium Forces Remove PAPI Ihub From Delve Keepstar System After Fierce Fighting

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:25 AM PST

    They now have to wait an additional 35 days before being able to cyno jam the system.

    Big thanks to everyone that came out and took part, our guys had a ton of fun.

    submitted by /u/Cauldronb0rn
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    Overheat damage does not wrap

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:47 AM PST

    This is a mechanic that I continuously see conflicting information on, so I figured I'd put some data to it and clarify it in a repeatable way. Due to variance, it's easy to run into isolated cases where there's more damage further from a heated module and without a good sample can really make it look like the damage does wrap. Even in my testing, I got ~20 iterations in and thought something was going weird in the last slot, but again was just variance. Based on my tests, it seems heat damage does not wrap, and you should take this into consideration when placing modules and place the most damaging or most-heated modules on the ends.

    The Test

    Get a ship with a lot of weapon turret slots, fill with the same type of weapon, and fill only the first gun with ammunition. Overheat it and fire at something until that gun burns out. Over a big enough sample, you should be able to tell if the heat damage from that one gun wrapped. If it doesn't, the damage should, on average, decrease from first slot to last slot. If it does wrap, it should be more even, or decrease with its lowest point towards the middle of the rack and then increase again at the end (or at the very least, slot 8 should have more damage than slot 7).

    I used Catalysts with Light Electron Blaster II's and damage mods for shorter cycle time to speed up the tests. I kept two Catalysts in a citadel with a carrier hull on the undock to swap them out between tests quickly to start with 0% heat in the rack.

    [Catalyst, Heat Test] Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II 1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner [Empty Med slot] Light Electron Blaster II, Void S Light Electron Blaster II Light Electron Blaster II Light Electron Blaster II Light Electron Blaster II Light Electron Blaster II Light Electron Blaster II Light Electron Blaster II Small Hybrid Burst Aerator II [Empty Rig slot] [Empty Rig slot] Void S x20000 


    As expected, the average damage decreases from left-to-right, indicating that the heat damage does not wrap. I added a formatting rule to color instances where the damage didn't totally decrease left-to-right to illustrate how easy it is to see misleading cases (slots 7 and 8 happen to be within 1 standard deviation of each other). Feel free to copy and repeat the test yourself or let me know if I missed anything. Thanks for reading!

    Google Sheet

    submitted by /u/nickolas_ormand
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    Tuskers Smallgang - Solo Logi Loki POV

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:03 AM PST

    the purging of Delve (2020)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:32 PM PST

    What is the Marshall good for?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 01:48 PM PST

    Apart from being a 7bill loss mail, does it excel at anything?

    submitted by /u/Lisvane20
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    Cheap astero fit for a new player with dreams of becoming a pirate?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:01 PM PST

    Mainly for ganking explorers, as that seems to be a good place to start

    submitted by /u/Dr-Batista
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    Can you help me?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:03 PM PST

    I was recently contacted by a guy via evemail. He wanted to join my corporation but then withdrew his application, but he seems like he's perfect material for us. He's not replying to his eve mails :-/


    If anyone know's who this guy is, please ask him to get in touch with chossuh#8878 on discord so we can continue his application!

    thanks guys :owo:

    submitted by /u/Exarctus
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    Old ass player coming back confused as hell.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:50 PM PST

    So, about a few weeks ago I decided to come back. Back in the day I was heavily leaning into certing in interceptors as a cheap fleet support. Seeing as apparently a combat int is not viable in PVE... well I guess I'm kinda painted into a corner here.

    After all these years, I can't remember sh*t about much and trying to go back into PVE, I did all the carreer paths back in the day, so no luck there seeing what I'm missing.

    So right now, my mess of an account is all over the place cross training for an Astero fit (even though I know nothing of exploration) and the rest of my skills are either Gallente Interceptor related or Drone bot Gallente up to level 3 cruiser...

    Help a brother out here, I've been mostly sitting in station doing nothing but selling old gear to afford skill injectors or extractors or whatever with no other clue but how to twiddle my thumbs here.

    submitted by /u/Grimzkhul
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    i think gunnery needs an overhaul

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:48 PM PST

    this whole "gun grouping" thing is crazy and incredibly irrational

    every gun is its own special battlestation. not only should you have to slam f1 - f12 like space beethoven, every pilot should have to manually reload each gun and autorepeat should be removed from the game

    submitted by /u/dalmutidangus
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    CCPls Remember my window locations and sizes for a couple different screen resolutions.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:20 AM PST

    I have two monitors with two different resolutions. I often switch my main and alt accounts between the two screens. When I do this, the windows that I have set up in-game are all messed up. Please make customizable window sizes and locations for multiple windowed resolutions. It is getting annoying having to resize and move my overview, probe scan, dscan, and drone windows each time I swap between my main and secondary monitors.

    submitted by /u/LATER4LUS
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    Opinion about Crane?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:00 PM PST

    I am looking to train into Blockade Runner, so that I can haul ammo, drones and other shit to my little wh home. I don't really need much cargo space (~5000 m^3 are enough), but I am highly cautious of the "safety" of the route, so I need a cloaky cargo hauler. I heard blockade runners can be cloaky and have sub 3s align, can Crane achieve that?

    submitted by /u/KG_Jedi
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    Hey Beese, I want to buy your fortizars

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:21 AM PST

    Im willing to pay as bellow :

    3 Billion - Normal Fortizar
    5-7 billions - faction fortizar
    2 Billion - Tatara

    If they are fitted. i might give 1 more Billion above that prices ^^

    That structures will Explode anyway. why not to get some of their value back.

    Ros Ivi

    The person who transfer them to Dreddit, will get the isk.

    submitted by /u/Lertus
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    Version 2 of my Stabber Fleet Issue video! Mainly aimed at the newbro! Built with some of the critism you guys gave me

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:37 PM PST

    Breaking News! Snuffed Out declares War

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:07 AM PST

    Make T1 ship prices reasonable again. Create new ore sites spawning randomly only in NPC systems. Bring back gravi sites.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:53 AM PST

    Situation is getting bit out of hand currently.
    Not a miner here but i agree that we are getting in deepship atm.

    My proposal is to give miners again scan-able gravi sites with plentiful of ores.

    Because they are scanable and random miners will be more willing to mine them.
    They will show up only in NPC systems in lowsec and nullsec area.

    WH space is excluded to uphold the new eden traditions /s

    submitted by /u/HisAnger
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