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    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - November 12, 2020

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - November 12, 2020

    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - November 12, 2020

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Requiem Eternal rip

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:30 AM PST

    CO2 part deux?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:15 AM PST

    Closed 2020-11-13

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:35 AM PST

    They said it couldn't be done. That it was a scam. They were wrong.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Eternal Requiem members logging in like

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:54 AM PST

    It's a pretty good meme when you don't notice your in hs and try tackling someone after jumping a wh.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:39 PM PST

    Pretty cool

    rip in peace astero, you've lasted me 4 years.

    submitted by /u/Kebab_remover-
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    Absolute Order lose 20.4 bil ISK failing to kill FW Astrahus - AAR

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:17 PM PST

    Absolute Order (AO) - A collective of some 20 corporations involved with high sec ganking, Null Sec ratting and Faction Warfare farming decided to commit an unprovoked attack on a small industrial corporation, ARMTL.

    The first attack, focusing on a Astrahus Citadel quickly drew the attention of the system's resident FW PvP Alliance, Ghostbirds and their allies 7Sins. The citadel owners allowing Ghostbirds and 7Sins pilots docking and gunnery rights immediately.

    BR for shield attack here - https://zkillboard.com/br/119758/

    For the Armour timer, Ghostbirds and 7Sins once again came to defend, this time in numbers and with a battleplan. Despite heavy losses, AO were successful again... be it by a lucky last volley from a Stealth Bomber.

    Armour Timer BR here- https://zkillboard.com/br/119756/

    The final timer for the citadel was filled with tension as capitals from Pandemic Horde were seen jumping in to the system in the days following the Armour timer. However Ghostbirds, 7Sins along with allies from across New Eden finally came through victorious.

    Hull Timer BR here - https://zkillboard.com/br/119815/

    TL:DR -

    Astrahus defence successful.

    Combined attacking force losses - 626 ships - 20,486,702,913 (20.4 bil) ISK

    Combined defending force losses - 29 ships - 2,415,390,549 (2.4 bil) ISK

    Citadel and fitting worth (Jita Price) - 2.4 bil ISK

    Obligatory meme posts:





    submitted by /u/Corvus_Onzo
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    Congrats goons on taking... one fort?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 04:25 AM PST

    Basgerin? LOL Someone got scammed!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:59 PM PST

    It's funny when I have to leave my job of flying real spacecraft, to check my hobby of internet spacecraft. Oh EVE. LOL

    We, the Sixth Empire, got a message from Matteral doing good EVE journalism that Snuffed Out purchased the Vatican Keepstar in Basegrin, and that it was reported that they have paid for the station to maintain it. Nope. Fake news. They must have got scammed by someone, not us. Somebody pulled off a "Bridge For Sale" scam. I hope they find out who and get their iskies back.

    However, this gave us an idea, so if you want to purchase JITA 4-4 from us, please send your ISK bid to hold your competitive bid, all offers will be accepted. :) Oh EVE! LOL

    Send your bids now!!

    submitted by /u/MaxSingularity
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    T6 Abyssal Frigates 900M/hour in 200M setup guide

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:09 AM PST

    This is why you shouldn't get in the car with strangers!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 08:49 PM PST

    The invaluable lessons of our youth seem to have been forgotten by our dear friends in Esoteria - simple things like wiping off your feet before you walk in, taking care of the things you own or taking magnesium when you're retaining water. As the war in the unwiped asscrack of delve continues to rage on, Reveka.'s group of freedom-fighters set up shop in D-PNP9 determined to test their assumption; TEST does in fact get in the car with strangers.

    Upon arrival, Vily explained to Reveka. that this was only poisoning them, that they are a disappointment, and that their members had halved since the last time he looked. Yes, that's right, Vily himself fancy's a little Becky ass every now and then. Do you blame him?

    He was however very wrong.

    Unannounced to him, only one day prior had Becky's van pulled up, invited a Rorqual into the fleet, and sent their first victim to Aquila (their off-grid Astrahus out of sight of the Test home-keepstar). Only two hours later did a ratting carrier take Reveka. candy - Halloween was already over.

    Or was it when yet another capital fell for the promise of tasty sweets far off from the safety of their undock?

    Aquila, now in its final timer (2020-11-14 04:01) was still determined to prove its point. Army of Mangoes was called in to raise their ADM's with their bots and was ordered to kill the Reveka. scum.

    They too had forgotten their lessons.

    As Aquila awaits her fate, the lessons of her echo an eternity throughout the universe - don't get into the car with strangers.

    submitted by /u/rudazara
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    The corp wallets were looking too fat to resist

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:47 AM PST

    Req Space Before and After

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:17 AM PST

    Murder in the House

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:47 AM PST

    Matari Starship Engineering

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:29 PM PST

    The Azbel that Hartley forgot. Loot and ships to haul them away with :)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:06 PM PST

    Marauder Power creep

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 09:20 PM PST

    Role bonus is kind of dumb because 10 million isk tin can deployable does it better.

    damage wise carrier or HAW dread simply runs circles around it for similar prices.

    active tank is massive for subcap but its super vulnerable to any kind of cap warfare.

    functionally is worse then haw dread at almost everything but cost the same price.

    seems like a really forgot T2 ship line like its been years since they did any balancing.

    I think they need reimaging or like something special to make it worth the cost of a carrier.

    submitted by /u/Paldar
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    Rolling adventures

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 04:57 PM PST

    CCP can you please fix the fallout of the Triglavian cluster?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 08:38 PM PST

    PSA: Major market bug!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:53 AM PST

    Hey, a quick heads up:

    When updating a market order, it always has the value selected, and you can type a new value, hit enter, and that's that. Since todays patch, when you enter a new value, the first digit you type does NOT get entered (typing 9500 will input 500). Be very carefull about updating/making market orders untill this is fixed!
    i've already tweeded CCP and made a bug report, so let's hope this gets fixed asap.

    submitted by /u/LeiaCaldarian
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    Basgerin keepstar to have new owners!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:02 AM PST

    The basgerin keepstar is a famous freeported keepstar providing many with a market to sell and buy supers and titans. The current owners have had trouble with maintaining the upkeep costs of the keepstar especially given CCP has introduced citadel cores. An arrangement has been made for it to be purchased by Snuffed Out as we can afford to maintain the upkeep and pay for the citadel core. However, the freeported nature of the keepstar will stay the same and no fuckery will occur given Snuffed Out's history. No one but me and tau will have access to any gunning rights or tether access.

    Keep yourself safe with the Snuffed Out Freeport Chain , coming soon!

    submitted by /u/hy_wanto
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    I did 1000 Sansha Rally Points and 50 DED 6/10, here is what i learned.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:35 PM PST

    After accidently evicting Provi Bloc, i was sitting around in Providence and needed something to do. With our main content gone and boring WWB standings, i thought, lets go crabbing. Domis and Gilas are boring, so i got myself 2 Smartbombing Machariels.

    I did 1000 Sansha Rally Points (propably around 500 of each type).

    I got 69 DED 6 escalations (around 1/14,5).
    Both Machariel toons stayed mostly in the same system. I did the sites over 1 month and i have the feeling, that the escalation rate got worse (Started around 1/10 over the first few hundret sites). Friend of mine claims to have much better escalation rate, he farms other systems and not as much, might be luck, might be a hidden mechanic.
    Longest dry streak without escalation was around 50 sites.

    There actually is a faction spawn, its a Battlecruiser. After i learned, that they actually spawn and i started checking the wrecks, i found one ever 40 sites.

    If you do the whole project in a semi lazy way (2 sets of 4 Rally Points/h) a single toon would need around 125 hours and you will get around 25mISK/h
    If you sell the escalations for 60m, then you will make around 60m/h.

    With a ton of escalations, i did also run the DED sites and tracked the loot.
    Going to cash out on the Phantasm BPCs now. If we remember FrankTheBanks old data, i was pretty unlucky with the A-Type Multies.

    So if you live in Sansha space with shitty true sec, and you have too much ISK to spend on a Machariel and wanna run DED sites, then you could propably try this. With the ESS changes it might be good, to depend less on the ticks.

    submitted by /u/1000sanshaRP
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    Does anyone else do this?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Does anyone else just sit in the station staring at your ship contemplating life for around 30 minutes before you even undock and begin playing the game?

    submitted by /u/Lopyhupis
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    In light of the current Corona situation, all Gallente ships will be subject to deep cleans when entering into Amarr Space - Spokesperson for the Amarr Medical General

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:05 AM PST

    Time for some bargain hunting!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:28 AM PST

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