• Breaking News

    Monday, January 4, 2021

    Eve Online 2020 End of Year Awards

    Eve Online 2020 End of Year Awards

    2020 End of Year Awards

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:00 AM PST

    So the votes are in and we've got our list of winners of this years /r/eve 2020 End of Year Awards.

    All listed winners will receive a limited edition Astero Scope Syndication YC122 SKIN - kindly provided by CCP Aurora. Post winners please keep an eye on your Reddit inbox/EVE Mail!

    Without further ado, here are the winners!

    Best Post
    How To Move a Titan as a Mediocre F1 Monkey by u/tecnic1

    Worst Post

    Ashers attempt to rebrand Goons by u/EVE_Asher

    Best Comment

    u/thebonesinger does the maths on how badly an Avatar would fuck the Earth

    Worst Comment

    No nominees

    Best User

    u/Chinguatles, who deleted his account. F in chat. u/StainGuy

    Worst User

    Valk, again F's in chat.


    Best Propaganda Piece

    u/Ava7d - EVE Uni's article on D4KU-5 Ansiblex Jump Gate

    Best Artwork of Project

    1st - Fantasy Map of New Eden) - Ithica Hawk

    2nd - Highsec Subway Map - u/Spannr

    3rd - Notoras News - Frank Advice/u/infil_traitor

    Best Video

    1st - World War Chappy - The Fuck Cancer Fleet

    2nd - Sandrin Stone and co. saves PAPI Titan fleet

    3rd - Two Minutes Hate

    Best Drama The Valkorsia Incident

    Best Battle Report

    Fury at FWST-8 by CCP Convict

    Siege Green vs Snuffed Out in Lantorn by u/junsunmin

    Best Newbro Story

    Newbros grand experience by u/mingmadness

    Best Corp/Alliance

    EVE Scout

    Worst Corp/Alliance


    Best Meme

    1st - DoctorSwag for moderator 2020 - u/Doctor_Swag

    2nd - Yeah I play EVE - Phoenix_Potato

    3rd - How it felt dropping a super on a solo drake - u/NorBdelta

    Best CCP Smackdown

    CCP Convict cancels Xmas

    submitted by /u/ZeldenGM
    [link] [comments]

    The great /r/eve overhaul of 2021

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:10 PM PST

    Hey all,

    This year I'd like to present to you a long long overdue overhaul of /r/Eve. The time feels right with Reddit pushing their awful new web layout, to take out the brush and start cleaning the cobwebs out of the subreddit.

    There's a lot of get through so let's crack on

    New regular recurring threads
    The familiar "No Stupid Questions" thread will still be appearing every Thursday and be pinned for a week at a time.
    In addition we're adding;

    • Kill of the Week (Post/brag about your kills)
    • Weekly Recruitment Thread (Post your corps recruitment or advertise yourself to corps)
    • Meme Monday (More on this later)
    • Shameless Saturday (Self promotion - more further down)

    Friendly Friday and Rant Tuesday have been community posts and we've opted to leave them in the community realm for now so we don't steal any thunder. If people want we can schedule them as Automoderator posts.

    Meme Rule Update
    The official stance in the sidebar is low quality memes aren't allowed. Since the latest war came out we relaxed this rule via our moderation policy.

    Going forward we want to draw the lines on memes so it's completely clear what the situation is. Memes remain a marmite topic and we want to provide a space for those who enjoy them, and differentiate between high quality shitposting and run of the mill image macros.

    The situation is as thus;

    • High quality memes - Memes created using EVE Online assets, advanced edits on gifs/images/videos, creative works, etc can be posted at any time.
    • Regular memes, reaction gifs, image macros, crude edits, etc are welcome to be posted in the Meme Monday thread.
    • Propaganda has it's own separate flair but quality will be considered and really should only be used for good wholemeal propaganda and not as a way to try and offload your bad meme to bypass the rules.

    There will also be a filter option for various flairs so you can filter out memes, or filter to just memes - whatever your take.

    Memes of any quality are welcome as comments at any time. Therefore if there's a big battle going on, you can dump your quick hot shit directly into comments instead of making a new thread.

    We'll review the situation a few months on to see how it's going.

    Streamer/Content Creator Rules

    Reddit as a website has a set of rules and guidelines for self promotion which should be checked here.

    With the above in mind, we'd like to make it easy for people to promote their personal projects without having to worry about posts being removed, and without the subreddit becoming dominated by self promotion.

    Enter Shameless Saturday. Every Saturday users are free to post and promote their own content. This can be twitch streams, podcasts, blogs, artwork whatever.

    There will be a stickied thread where people can link their content. The thread will be organised in contest mode meaning the comments will be randomised and not influenced by upvotes.

    Note that News Articles or Streams for specific large events may be permissible on other days. If in doubt, consider the following;

    • Your Reddit account should be a month old and have an active history on /r/eve
    • You must adhere to Reddits guidelines, as such for every piece of self promotion you post, you should have 9 other comments/posts on the website.
    • You should only promote your content once every 7 day period, for example if you post on Monday, you should not post your own content again until the following Monday.


    User flair has been an issue for a while with our bot falling over sometime in 2019 and never recovering. Adding and creating user flair is rather tedious and uses limited space on the Reddit stylesheet.

    That said, I'm committing myself to manually adding and updating new users flairs and will be posting roughly monthly to take new flair requests for Corps/Alliances/Media Outlets/User Groups.

    There'll be a top comment on this thread that people can reply to. The request should include a small image representing your group, as well as the text you want. Flair requests may be declined if your group is too small/inactive and/or if the image or text is inappropriate. Existing user flairs of inactive groups may be removed to make space for new ones if necessary.

    Post flairs are going to be introduced and will be mandatory for all new posts. This will come alongside a flair filtering feature which should be rolled out later this month. This should let users find content they want to view and filter out stuff they don't want to view.

    We think we've comprehensively covered most submissions, but if you think we've missed any categories just let us know in the comments or via modmail.

    Content Policy

    Content policy for EVE will remain largely as it is unless the userbase demands otherwise. There's been consideration as to whether to change the rules to be stricter on things like personal attacks, insults to groups/individuals, etc and for now no changes are being made.

    Currently we already ban and delete comments that are abhorrently toxic, racist, etc, and continue to be vigilant on anything that threatens a persons IRL information. We have also cracked down on terminology used by a portion of EVE players that is unsavory.

    The reason the ruleset has remained unchanged for the moment is because though we'd like to make the subreddit more user friendly, shitslinging between groups in EVE, particularly during wartime is very much part of the game and it doesn't feel right to draw hard lines on what is and isn't acceptable.

    I personally encourage discussion on the above, if there's a solid consensus from the community that could be easily reflected in the rules then we'll take it. For now though, we'll continue to monitor user reports and use those as our guide for content moderation.

    Ultimately we want the subreddit to be a reflection of EVE whilst maintaining a welcoming atmosphere. It's a tricky line to walk so we do appreciate and read any feedback on this topic.

    Removal Reasons

    On the topic of moderation, removal reasons should be appearing on posts in the near future. Currently removals are silent unless queried and we hope that adding reasons should help users curate their posting.

    The most common removal reasons that come to mind are reposting the same content that's been recently posted, posting killmails/battle reports with no After Action Report, and posting low quality image macros.

    We won't be adding removal reasons for comments due to the excess clutter it creates in threads.

    Monthly Contests

    Following partnership with CCP, we hope to offer monthly competitions (or other regular contests) that will allow users to win exclusive skins and prizes. If you have any ideas for competitions or there's some kind of event you want to see then let us know in the comments. This month will see a contest going up regarding the Reddit redesign, beyond that - who knows?

    Event Calendar This one's a bit early doors, but we're hoping to work with various groups and content creators to produce an interactive event calendar with all the ongoing and upcoming events in EVE Online. It'll aim to include in-game events, NPSI fleets, irl events, big streams, thunderdomes, etc, etc.

    At the moment it's early in the planning stages, but once the Subreddit redesign is completed we're aiming to invest time into making this a reality. Hopefully the end goal will provide everyone with easy to access content both in and out of game.

    Wiki Update The subreddits wiki and sidebar have been neglected to a degree, so expect to see updates to them both soon.

    With regards to wiki content we're taking submissions for useful content for new players, old players, fitting resources, game tools, terminology, etc

    We're mainly looking to update the following pages:
    * List of Reddit friendly Corporations
    * Third party tools
    * In game community channels
    * Anything else we're missing

    If you know of anything worth dropping in, put a reply below the comment in the thread.

    That's all folks
    That's your lot! Thanks for all your contributions in 2020, we're hoping to really improve your Reddit experience for 2021.

    Some changes will be instant whereas others will appear over the coming days/weeks.

    All and any feedback is welcome. Have at it!

    submitted by /u/ZeldenGM
    [link] [comments]

    Dreddit is recruiting. Although, you may want to think twice about applying - particularly if you own a supercapital

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Dreddit is recruiting.

    We are all familiar with that well used phrase on this subreddit.

    Seems like a nice corp, doesn't it? But there is a slight problem. And it's a problem I feel I should share with you, my fellow Eve pilots, who may consider joining Dreddit - because it could really screw you over, and cost you tens of billions of ISK. The post is fairly long, apologies, but it's important to set the context for the events that unfolded.


    I have been playing eve for over 15 years, in many corporations. I know that no corporation is perfect, there are the usual ups and downs. So I went in with expectations of an imperfect but decent, fair corporation - so what I am about to say is based on lots of experience of other corporations, and reasonable expectations.

    The first week

    Things started out okay. I moved all my PvP ships, including two carriers, a FAX, and Super to the frontlines in Delve. It took 5 days to move everything, cyno's and all. No complaints, it's what I expected. I was eager to get stuck in.

    Dreddit had been assigned in the OK-FEM constellation in Delve, so I moved additional assets there to start helping raise ADM's.

    I noticed that the systems were perma-camped with Goon cloaked covert cynos, and we were losing ratting ships, including carriers, at an alarming pace to bomber drops. At that time, we also kept losing ihubs to Goons due to slow response times - our PvP ships were in T5Z on the frontline, and the OK-FEM constellation mainly contained Dreddit ratting/mining ships.

    My first attempt to help the corporation

    Noticing this challenge, I tried to make myself useful.

    I spent a couple of days moving down lots of cheap, thowaway Vexors for ADM raising, plus anti-bomber and anti-entosiser ships, decently fit but low SP, that industry characters could quickly swap into with minimal cross-training. The idea was to help the industry characters become more self-sufficient without needing to batphone the PvPer's who were stuck in T5 most of the time. Many, many hours of work that resulted in.. outright hostility.

    Not a word of thanks. Actual hostility. "These aren't doctrine ships" "why didn't you bring X ships instead" "you're just wasting your time". And yet the killboard spoke for itself. The industrial effort in OK-FEM needed urgent help.

    The response from regular members however, was much more positive, and the contracted ships were sold at cost price in significant numbers. It really did help us raise ADM's in challenging circumstances. But the experience made me wary. Dreddit wasn't the corporation I had expected. I almost left, and started discussions with another TEST corp, but decided to focus more on PvP and not dwell on things. In hindsight, I wish I had left at that point in time.

    Contribution to alliance/corp fleets

    In the two months I was in Dreddit, I joined fleets every single day I could. I tried to be as helpful as possible - logistics, dictors, whatever a fleet was lacking I would try to bring it. I was one of the most active Dreddit corp members in alliance fleets: https://imgur.com/a/2hlIMkT

    I proactively guarded cyno's in T5Z for long periods of time in my mino. I joined stratops. I joined roams. I put my super on the frontline whenever possible. And, it was mostly great. TEST has some great FC's - Karmen, Bella, Vily, PGL, they were all fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

    So why am I telling you this? Context. I put hundreds of hours into helping the corp, into alliance fleets, and trying to be as useful as possible. That context matters when I tell you what happened next.

    The second M2- assault

    Yesterday evening during the M2- assault, I was speaking with some Dreddit members in our 'Integarus' discord, which is a channel for the PvP'ers within Dreddit. After the failed jump-in, a lot of people didn't know if their supercap was in space or not.

    I was already in system pre-loaded, although my super char was trying to jump through from T5. I took a screenshot in M2 of the TEST supers and shared it within corp discord to help people identify if they were on grid or not. At this point Baldur Kilgannon, the CEO, who has mostly been inactive in-game during my time in Dreddit, came into the channel and angrily accused me of breaking opsec and threatening me with 'serious consequences'.

    I replied that I had shared a partial screenshot from local in M2 that 5000 hostiles could also see with their own eyes, to help corp members identify their ship. His response was then to say "oh you want to argue with me do you? let's see how that works out for you". I was then immediately kicked from Dreddit discord.

    Departure from the corp and the near-loss of my supercarrier

    I initially assumed that Baldur has misunderstood or misinterpreted the screenshot. The next day (today) I didn't hear anything so carried on as normal. Then I noticed that I had suddenly had no access to alliance comms or discord.

    Confused, I DM'd Malcoreh Vakarhn who is in Dreddit command. He didn't know what was going on either and said he would look into it.

    A few minutes later, I was kicked from the corp with no warning. I just about managed to safely travel to NPC Delve to dock up. Fortunately my super had JUST docked but things could have gone BADLY wrong, and it could easily have been lost.

    I then spoke with Malcoreh to ask why I had been kicked, without any warning: https://imgur.com/a/TQsxLP9

    As you can see from the conversation, there was no reason offered other than a screenshot of TEST ships that 5000 goons also had eyes on, and when I asked for 24 hours grace to extract assets, it was denied. Truly unhinged stuff, and a terrible way to treat any member, never mind someone who had tried so hard to help the corporation and alliance.

    So yes, Dreddit may be recruiting, but I'd strongly recommend avoiding the corporation - it could cost you your supercapital, as it nearly did mine.

    PS - may as well say, as of right now I am actively looking for a new home and have all my assets in T5Z

    submitted by /u/Dr_Mibbles
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    only a bit smug... :P

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:24 AM PST

    Every ship counts

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:31 PM PST

    "Ghost Titans" are a shitty bug, but make great canon. M2-XFE is officially haunted.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:18 PM PST

    Some say that to this day, at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, the silvery husks of long-dead Titans can be seen gliding above Big's Disco Palace in M2-XFE

    submitted by /u/coelomate
    [link] [comments]

    On our Keepstars

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:56 AM PST

    A dash of salt...

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:35 PM PST

    Amazing footage from M2 fight from PAPI pov.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:54 PM PST

    Mittens' smug overflows the meter and leaks all over the camera during Meta Show

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:20 PM PST

    People who bought Imperium war bonds right now

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:58 AM PST

    Love the latest skins... TOOT TOOT

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:25 PM PST

    CCP Cannot "Fix" The Servers - They are not Broken

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:52 AM PST

    People need to understand and come to grips with the fact that servers cannot be made to "cope" with n+1 players infinitely. CCP have done an AMAZING job so far getting the servers to be able to cope, semi stable, with 4/5/6k people in the same system fighting. Even more than that can join in with the right set of circumstances. However the EVE player base has a remarkable ability to, whenever CCP get the servers working with n people, bringing n+1 (or n+5000 as is the case last night).

    There are no other games that I am aware of that can cope with this number of players in a single area at a single time. Planetside I believe restricts their continents to 1k, and thats the next biggest MMO type game I could think of. I think the biggest battle in WoW, the game with arguably the most money ever poured into it from one of the largest game companies in the world, can do a 50vs50.

    I realise I am comparing apples to oranges here, but thats because there ARE NO OTHER APPLES LIKE EVE. Stop asking CCP to do the impossible. We might just be at a hard limit.

    submitted by /u/GingerSnapBiscuit
    [link] [comments]

    "I'd be more sympathetic about the server conditions ... maybe this is something y'all should give more thought. I can tell you that most of our high level strategy meetings has revolved around the server." - PGL 2 months ago

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    CCP it is Monday. Can we please get some update on bug/actions that duplicated around 118 supercapitals.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:03 AM PST

    Pilots got insurance and killmails were generated.
    Ships were duplicated by some other system later.

    Please CCP update us on the actions taken.

    submitted by /u/HisAnger
    [link] [comments]

    Fountain Frank Update

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:25 PM PST

    PAPI preparations for M2-XFE leaked

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:25 PM PST

    The actual cause of the latest events. This deserves a movie to be made of it.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:42 PM PST


    So, this all started, 350+ dead Titans, an invasion halted (there were 3 FAILED break out attempts today, including one an hour before the Meta Show when 2000 Goons were online already) and the biggest online battle in history (6800 in one system)...

    ...when one 6 month old newbee in a frigate got a single hit on a cyno-jammer a second before it went online.

    Ceric posted: I was with acids fleet. There was a pretty big fight on the jammer and mid way we all got told to put DPS on the jammer. We pulled back to the keep star. One guy went in solo in a interceptor but couldn't put enough DPS on it. I was on the second wave me in the last interceptor and 5 jackdaws but I don't know if they made it through the bubbles. I got one crit in the jammer (135)! Before we got welped. I know they had a second crew standing by not sure what happened I dropped after I got podded.


    The cynojammer was reinforced earlier in the day by skirmish commander Havish Montak, which put it into a repair timer. Horde anchored a new one in order to activate the jammer, but the jammer has to be full health and not repairing in order to online the jamming module. In the few ticks between when the jammer was anchored and when the module was onlined, a newbie shot the jammer with a ceptor and put the structure into it's 15 minute repair timer, during while the jammer module can not be onlined. This gave goons enough time to cyno in all the titans and set up on the M2 keepstar. Note that while the structure repairs in real time, the jammer module activation window cycles in tidi time. By the time the module was online and the 5 minute jammer countdown was started, the system was put into 10% tidi by Imperium and PAPI cynoing in their titans, which made the jammer cycle time 50 real minutes. The keep started repairing in real time, pushing PAPI to moving their titans in range to pause the timer while the Jammer was still cycling.

    Posted by Floppychop in the SA Eve thread:

    Attention CCP: Here's your next trailer

    submitted by /u/Comstar
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    EVE just topped WallStreetBets in a key statistic

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:52 AM PST

    I Have The High Ground (Grid)!!!!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:47 AM PST

    Orca mining at 2 AM listening to a podcast.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:12 PM PST

    Opening r/eve after M2-

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:56 PM PST

    Brisc, Spot On! that's how both sides should behave.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:08 PM PST

    Anyone wish there was an EVE Online politics forum?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:15 AM PST

    Like back in the Corporation and Alliances Discussion section of the Eve-O forums. I miss the great posts by SirMolle annoucning the Pendelum or CYVOK speeched

    I find it so difficult trying to keep track of what is going on with eve politics from reddit. Forum megathreads will be so much better. Would there be any use www.eve-coad.com forum where eve events and poltics can be discussed

    submitted by /u/VentureBrusier98772
    [link] [comments]

    6880x2880 image album from M2-XFE Round 2 #nopotato

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 04:35 PM PST

    Pulled another all-nighter to capture these images from the second round in M2-XFE. Worth it.

    Flickr album - M2-XFE Round 2


    submitted by /u/Razorien
    [link] [comments]

    When you already have thousands of people on grid and you see the enemy titans jumping in next to all of your fighter bombers

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:01 AM PST

    INIT. Zealots in the brawl

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:52 AM PST

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