• Breaking News

    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Eve Online As a new Eve player, for few days I have been mining around and sometimes did low level missions. Today, I risked higher level mission, almost exploded twice (12 and 26 structural left) but the mission target dropped 3M ISK.

    Eve Online As a new Eve player, for few days I have been mining around and sometimes did low level missions. Today, I risked higher level mission, almost exploded twice (12 and 26 structural left) but the mission target dropped 3M ISK.

    As a new Eve player, for few days I have been mining around and sometimes did low level missions. Today, I risked higher level mission, almost exploded twice (12 and 26 structural left) but the mission target dropped 3M ISK.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Shout out to all the supportive Wives out there

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:06 PM PST

    As a player who has played for 17 years ( and no i am not in trouble yet ) I just wanted to give a shout out to all the supportive gamer Wives out there ..These women have supported us thoughout the years and I have noticed they haven't been mentioned for a single thing ,, Not even once !

    So i feel they need to be mentioned in at least five major shotouts below . ( please add some if you can think of anymore )Thank you for ....

    1. For being married to a nerd in the first place ! .
    2. Never nagging us when we have to sit through 5 to 10 hours of TIDI and not divorcing us.
    3. All the time you have spent calming us down when we lose a JF / SUPER / TITAN to Snuffed Out .
    4. For making us coffees when we have alarm clocked for those early timers .
    5. Turning A blind to the credit card bill when CCP games appears on the monthly statement .


    submitted by /u/OhIhateNerdz
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    Hilmar: Eve has ~500k monthly users and generates about $60-70m revenue / year

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    He's speaking right now at a VentureBeat conference on the metaverse. I know a lot of this is out there already, but yeah.


    He also said the servers "crashed spectacularly" during the M2 fight, fwiw.

    If he says anything else particularly relevant, I'll update.

    EDIT: He is now riffing on where The Mittani's real-life identity ends and where his Eve identity begins.

    EDIT 2: He said 1-2 million people tried Eve last year.

    EDIT 3 : He said in a Q&A after the main session that they are slowly and quietly refactoring the code base over time, but are staying relatively quiet in order to avoid setting unrealistic expectations. However the phrase "tens of thousands" of players on-grid was used about the far future hopes/plans.

    submitted by /u/Skebet
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    Its time to kick the addiction

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:59 PM PST

    Being part of Imperium.. What it really feels like..

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:42 AM PST

    The First conversation.

    So obviously as you can guess from the title already I am part of the Imperium coalition. Almost a year now with almost 4 of these months to have experienced the chill, krabbing, regular content fleets and funny moments between not Corp or alliance members.. But coalition wide. After that.. The war kicked in. I am not a line member... I own a small-medium sized Corp that goes with the name "Public Enemies Co". We were up in HS for a while and then I started reading about these resource distribution first changes that were about to take place and HS moons were going to be not worth even the fuels of the athanors we had.. So I had to make a judgement call.. In less than a week... Risk it all and stick in HS to try and grow the Corp up and stay with HS ores and not even worth ratting or bounty taxes... Or make the big decision and join a null sec bloc? And so I did.. I had a few contacts.. Asked them if they could hook me up with their alliance diplos to start a convo with them about joining their alliance... And the communication lines have begun. My intentions were not to go for Goonswarm directly.. Even tho it was appealing.. Due to not having the funds to be able to run a corporation under Imperium needs not cause of taxes.. But for services, line members support and protection....(little I knew). So I was in talks with a much smaller alliance yet friendly enough so that my Corp could start settling up in Delve and start rolling. After a week (exactly 7 days) from the resource distribution thread.. We have Joined Get Off my Lawn alliance under the Imperium.. And started the logistical efforts to make the transition as smooth as possible. During that transition we only lost a HS carebear member and that was only cause he was playing while he was working so null sec afk krabbing was not going to help him a lot.. He is still a friend of this Corp up to this day tho. The rest of us..started settling down in Delve. Getting to know the systems, the region, the people....

    Getting to know the Goon culture.

    As many many many Eve Online players across this universe thought so did I.. That goons were kind of toxic.. Not caring... Just rich krabbers who had already replaced what they were about to lose one way or the other..... (Little I knew...again).. Me and my members started getting to know the culture down here... The mining ops, the hanging outs in 1dq KS because.... Why not... The meta shows while being in a krabbing spree.. The Theta Thursdays listening Dawn sticking it to..everyone against us really and ofc.. Giving Theta Squad vibes all along..(Join Theta today)..Push to talk shows with interesting talks... Getting to know Brisc... And Fountain Frank to its whole.. The weather reports obviously... Querious George rolling cooler than any of us down there.. And ofc.. First line on the Nightswarms on Mind1s stream jamming hard.. That is the culture... The culture of the experience from line members tho.. Right? Not really.. As I said I run this Corp so that means... Management.. Leadership... Extra channels.. Extra talks.. Extra responsibilities.. And so on. Plenty of ppl so far in this war tho think that the leadership is toxic and let's just say its the cancel culture of eve.... Well I am here to dissapoint you... Sorry.. (Not really). The vibes if you wanna call then like that on leadership levels are even better than line members... Multiple talks yes.. Constant "being there" situations.. Yes..but the ability of proper coordination between Ceos, FCs, different sigs leaderships.. And so on.... Is almost instant.. And insanely effective.. Let alone.. Friendly as hell.. So no.. The Imperium leadership is not toxic.. Is not demanding as hell.. Is not what papi leadership wants to brainwash you that is. Multiple honorable FCs from papi side have said Publicly...that The imperium as a whole is one strong group.. And it's true.. But I am here to add to that strong organized group that is also a family across members, different corporations, alliances and leaderships of those.. And this is what makes it The Imperium... What's makes us goons.

    If you are a Corp Ceo reading this.. From the other side or a neutral side.. Get Off my Lawn may be a great home for you.. If you are a line member though.. Our Corp also may be a decent change for you to experience this whole thing at its fullest.

    Mark my words... Imperium is family.. Not a coalition... Sorry if you think that we are the bad guys and no this is not a "feel sorry for us" post.. This is a living experience from a small-medium sized corporation that have grown significantly during this war which is hilarious and between all of the groups of ours in imperium combined we are rolling hard all together.. Spin this Post as you feel you need to in order to fill the needs of morale to papi members or leaderships side.. But it won't hide the truth..

    -GallacticostaR Stevens. PUBLC CEO.

    submitted by /u/Gallactico_staR
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    Where did Goons go after the great M2 escape?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:07 PM PST

    As I listened to a PApi pilot discuss their great escape of more than half of their titan pilots from M2, he brought up reddit. Specifically, he talked about how Goons were not seen posting in reddit after FWST-8 keepstar was sucessfully anchored. And after 3 weeks of reddit memes about M2, Goons once again fell silent. This pilot attributed this as a result of our loss in morale, stamina and will for this war. Yet, FWST was anchored October 5th 2020 and we are still forming en mass for major defensive timers every day. And just today, we formed against massively outnumbered odds and succeeded with more strategic wins than losses (RIP 1-smeb KS zkillboard.com/kill/90301220/). This seriously contradicts the narrative that Goons are burned out and demoralized. So what is the situation in Goonswarm? To understand this, I would like to take you back before I joined Goonswarm...and hated them.

    I created my character in 2007 and after staying in the noob corp for 60 days, it took me 7 days to find myself in Catch running with AAACitizens. I had a blast watching -a- Titans AOE fleets entering HED on the Keberz gate and the massive fleet fights of 200 players. I dreamed to be in -a- proper and chased this dream until I could fly every pvp doctrine they had, where I made a home with Black Aces (and still here running with Gree and the gang), Now, -a- had HIGH standards. Say what you want about their leadership, Russian fleetcom rages and diplomacy, (or lack there of) these guys were elites that followed ship doctrines to their maximum capacity. Plus, we had relative good relations with BoB. Goonswarm had a reputation of being the new but obnoxious lowsec powerhouse in Eve that intentionally broke every CCP mechanic they could. Example, they would bring 200+ players in t1 mining barges and shitfit t1 cruisers, force our 120 Apocalypse fleet doctrine to form against it (even cruisers with small guns and t1 mining barges with guns cause damage if left unchecked) and drop AOE titans on grid and kill everything, theirs and ours. Their average ship cost was around 10m each, while ours was 300m+ in a time where a single plex was 500m. New Eden learned about this strategy and quickly became a game breaking mechanic; form up cheap ships, drop AOE titans and hit the win button.

    Then, they pulled off the greatest gaming heist in gaming history and used spies like New Eden had ever seen before, taking down BoB in the process. Our previous feelings of bitterness towards Goonswarm only grew when the safety of our East border was taken away without giving BoB a proper fight for Delve space. Time went on, Goons fell, rebuilt, and got back up several times as did -a- but my feelings about them never changed. Our last war as proper -a- (before they failcascaded into a shadow of their former selves) was against PL and their meat shield, TEST. We were strongly outnumbered and CCP created tidi mechanics (there's a story to tidi unrelated to my point about Goons but has great backstory for players in this game pre tidi vs post, specifically from -a- perspective. Before tidi, -a- relied on fleet discipline and Russian com rages to do everything exactly correct to fight numbers as much as 3 times our fleet numbers and still pull off wins many of the times. This was because the Russians mastered knowing how long it took to kill each ship type and move on to the next target while it still showed on overview they were in full health. As the server uploaded every 5 minutes, we would kill 3-4 for every one of ours. That's the off topic backstory of how tidi killed Against all Authority before PL did.)

    During our war with TEST and PL, Goons was playing a small but important role in helping us. In an alliance that shunned away from allies, too proud to win or lose in cheap blop fests, for -a- receiving any kind of aid, even logistical, was great for morale from the member's perspective. Goons became slightly less Goon; arrogant, toxic and bad for the game, in my books. Fast forwarding to the end of the war with -a-, TEST crushed our numbers with subcaps and PL's unchecked super fleet prepared us for our glorious defeat back to LGK, where Russians are no stranger to living out of Stain. Except this time PL followed and camped us with titans for months inside the LGK station. Many, myself included, stopped logging in and -a- fell apart.

    When I finally logged back into the game, Black Aces were members with Goonswarm. I still had a bad taste for Goons at that time, but they lived in Delve, close to my assets in LGK and I am loyal to my corp as my history will prove. So I joined Goonswarm. Delve was at peace and I spent most of my time isolated in my corp comms to consider myself as a Goon, I just used their amenities and made isk. After all, I didn't want to join their cancer culture. But their organization inside Delve was spectacular and hard not to feel like they are considerate towards their member's needs. As time went on and I joined in war ops, mining ops, and logged onto twitch to watch Mittens and other Goon leaders give talking points, I started falling in love with Goon's culture. I found that Goons were respectful and supportive of fellow members. Many are IRL friends and it shows in the way they structured the alliance and communicated with their members. From a dorky internet spaceship game perspective, I felt like home. A bunch of nerds that want to be respected and have fun away from the responsibilities of real life.

    When this war kicked off, that fellowship only grew stronger. Instead of tearing each other apart, we built each other up. Starting with our leadership down to every member. We have grown closer by this experience. Our resolve is stronger today then it was 7 months ago. Mittens is a damn fish enthusiast that keeps us mused with his hysterically nerdy pings and Elysium talks that makes you love him and want him to be proud of you. Asher is the best sky Marshall i've had the honor to fly under. He is calm in all situations, can give personal stories while on fleet roams that makes you feel like a friend, yet a strong leader when he needs order and discipline. His personality is what makes me set timers late PM or early AM to be on his fleets. You want to follow him anywhere and a moments notice. In fact, when he attempted a Bosom trap on PApi's super fleet, my respect for him and dedication to fight this war grew in ways indescribable to grasp; their was a new fire inside that gave me purpose to play than killboard stats. I find myself daily chatting with my Goon friends, no, internet spaceship family, running on fleets and watching Merc rate his beer and kill citadels with Brisc and 10 of their friends. Or jamming to our DJ Mind1 in or out of game. We have awesome artists like Catlos, bloggers like Dr. Mibbles, rockstars that post Goon remix like Srisli and greatest freestyle twerkers that give shout outs to Goons like Lexi that has us excited about logging into Eve every day.

    So where did the Goons go on reddit or other social platforms? They never left from taking the outnumbered fights and growing the only culture they care for, Goonswarm. They don't play for outside praises. In fact, you'll rarely see a Goon correct the stigma that the world of Eve is eager to paint us as; toxic bad guys bad for this game. Because Goons are too busy building a spaceship family inside and outside of the game to focus on it. This is why Goons won't be defeated. Not because Delve is a fortress. We fight for our culture. We fight for our friends. We fight for mittens and asher and all our FC's. We fight for a place where each member feels valued no matter what ship they fly or what their circumstances are IRL. So while PApi runs to reddit to seek your praise for undoing half of the damage they made in M2 and spin it as a win and Goons seems MIA in forums, remember this post and where we are or what we're about. It was not server issues, or putting more numbers into a grid this war that we will win. It's our amazing culture within, the leadership that cares, the members we enjoy flying with, the good music from Mind1 and the heart and soul of Goonswarm that can't ever be exterminated.- Monseniur Khatshatou

    submitted by /u/Warm_Run3567
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    I heard Stainguy is back, how about a Povchen stargate to Stain? There is so much potential for those deactivated gates

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:04 AM PST

    FUN inc / EBWF hits 1K users...!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:46 AM PST


    Another milestone for the F.U.N.nest NPSI group!

    Another achievement for the F.U.N. inc. / Even Better With Friends server - our 1,000th user on discord!

    It is no secret that setting up this NPSI community and Corporation was the result of Agony Unleashed closing its doors and me being unsure of what to do next... but absolutely certain I would somehow continue my journey in New Eden.

    Setting it up has taken the best part of 3 years, and hitting that milestone is a testament to the awesome corpmates, skirmishers, bubblers , booshers , logibros+gals and every single pilot that come along to fleets week in week out and make the FUN inc / EBWF community great.

    Every single one of us is the beating heart of EVE.

    1,000 discord members is a huge achievement for F.U.N. inc / EBWF and the NPSI community!

    EVE is not dead, far from it.

    It is alive and well, thriving on a roam to roam basis with F.U.N. inc and the NPSI play-style.

    Fly dangerously capsuleers!

    FLY FUN!

    submitted by /u/keacte
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    BREAKING: Pandemic Horde to move SRP currency Gobloons to Cryptocurrency

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:27 PM PST

    After seeing the stunning rise of DOGECOIN over the past few hours, Pandemic Horde CEO Gobbins has made the move to create a new Cryptocurrency GOBLOONS based on the previous Horde SRP currency.

    The changing of GOBLOONS to Cryptocurrency provides incredible cost saving benefits to Pandemic Horde. As of now, all Horde line members have been asked to install Cryptocurrency miners on their computers and mine the new cryptocurrency GOBLOONS. Horde linemembers will now be funding their own SRP by utilizing their own computers to mine GOBLOONS, resulting in no out of pocket expenses for the Alliance.

    This move has been applauded by trapped PAPI Titan pilots, who can now focus on utilizing 100% of their computers to mine GOBLOONS to fund their own Titan SRP as they are unable to log in to EVE Online.

    submitted by /u/Swayre
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    Yeah, right

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:53 PM PST

    GF goonies :)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:22 PM PST

    RIP - 1NJLK. A video from ancient times for all of you. >3

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:06 AM PST

    Doing Flashpoints in Pochven when a Phoenix showed up on d-scan... Hilarity ensued

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:41 PM PST

    UFC failcascading...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:56 PM PST


    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 07:53 PM PST

    Can we please repackage multiple rigged ships at a time, add a mandatory warning that cant be turned off that says "are you sure you want to repackage these rigged ships?" or some crap. Going through and repackaging some 50+ frigs 1 at a time while waiting for the inevitable "you're going to fast" message to appear is cancer. We used to be able to repackage the entire hangar in one go if we wished.

    "You can't do this quite so fast. Please wait 53 seconds before trying again."

    submitted by /u/sabastyian
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    Is Team Talos still a thing?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:55 AM PST

    Looks like last balance pass was "Vat out of Hel" on Nov 10. I had my doubts initially about this third or fourth promised balance team and their "every 2 weeks plan" but they delivered early on. Then every 2 weeks turned into every 3 weeks, turned into every month, then seemingly disappeared after the end of 2020. Are they locked in Falcons basement with the team planning the MIA Quadrant 1 of 2021?

    submitted by /u/MrGrapeDrink
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    Defender Launchers

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:56 PM PST

    Today was a productive day for PAPI

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:54 PM PST

    Final tally:

    1 x Goon Keepstar Destroyed (1-SMEB)
    2 x Goon Ihubs taken (ZXB and 5-C, both keepstar systems)
    1 x ISK war won. https://fleetcom.space/battlereport/QuGzHYDafhF7mzdht

    submitted by /u/Lisvane20
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    Has any of you tried the mini game where you predict protein localization on a subcellular level called project discovery, in Eve Online?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:20 AM PST

    I am currently doing a science project in school where I am going to present the human protein atlas' way of predicting protein localization on a subcellular level. One of their methods has been developed through Eve Online. I haven't played the game myself, so I ask you. They have created a mini game within the game where the players help the human protein atlas to devolop results about protein localization in the body. Have any of you tried, and if so, how is it, what do you do?

    submitted by /u/george39841762445
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    Newbie Questions - Getting Started

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:19 AM PST

    Hello Veterans, Greenhorn here ! I recently finished the last tutorial mission and asked myself a purely existential question: what next? I am definitely too little experienced for piracy (anyway, you cannot ambush ships with just anything), so I was thinking about something that would allow me to have regular "income" to be able to equip my ship as well as possible do you know any good options ?- I was considering " mining ", though I'm not sure if that's for me + question about corps: Do you recommend any ?

    submitted by /u/daanby4
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    Immediate orders.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:12 PM PST

    Ive just picked up eve and have a question on immediate orders. i know an immediate order means i can get paid instantly without waiting for someone to buy, but the market says i have 13/13 filled, i know i can level up to get more, but do these ever "regenerate"? do i get to use them again or are they just gone?

    submitted by /u/prokaylime
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    INN: The Breakout Begins

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:20 AM PST


    The Imperium News Network reports on the recent breakout of M2- by the PAPI Coalition.

    No spin. Just news.

    submitted by /u/Elthar_Nox
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    Locating ships in escalation sites without probes: trick or exploit?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:47 AM PST

    Last year sometime, I was doing a 3/10 escalation in lowsec (yes, I know) in a Vagabond and a Curse warped in and killed me. While I know recons don't appear on dscan, which I had been watching like a hawk, I never saw any probes. The guy and I exchanged a few words afterwards and I asked him how he found me, as I hadn't seen any probes. He never answered. Lately, while I was browsing zkill, I stumbled across the guy again and saw a number of things: He's an extremely prolific solo PvPer with an extremely high kill to loss ratio. Some 80% of his kills, all over low and null, are against site runners. I don't know how many of them are plain jane anoms that don't need scanning, or how many are in escalations or ded sites, but a good number are definitely escalations, as I've done those same ones myself. He always uses a Curse.

    Now the kicker. The couple of times he has been killed in his Curse, he's never had a probe scanner fitted. This brings me to my question. Is there some trick in finding ships in sites that need to be scanned or in escalations which can't be scanned? I didn't have any probes out or MTU or Mobile Dock when he found me, and as I said, I never saw any probes. Or is this some kind of exploit that can find uncloaked ship locations via network sniffing or log parsing? The reason I'm asking is because I know it isn't exactly easy to get onto the same grid as someone in some random location space, especially if they're not in a straight line between celestials.

    submitted by /u/thebomby
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