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    Saturday, January 30, 2021

    Eve Online Subreddit Redesign Contest

    Eve Online Subreddit Redesign Contest

    Subreddit Redesign Contest

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 05:01 AM PST

    This months contest is focused on design aspects of the Subreddit.

    There are a few categories, the top voted submissions from each category will be awarded an exclusive Caracal Skin. The overall winners will be decided from the shortlist and have their designs implemented.

    • Main Banner - 4,000x192px - The banner at the top of the page

    • Mobile Banner - 1600x480px - The banner at the top of the mobile site

    • Community Icon - 256x256px - The circular icon that represents /r/eve

    • Inactive/Active Downvote arrows - There isn't a guide size for these provided by Reddit. There are two images for upvotes and downvotes that should represent before and after interactions.

    • Link Preview Placeholder Image - No guide size, this image is what appears as a preview for links that do not have their own preview.

    Submissions should be related to EVE, you can submit in multiple categories however the intention is to provide one SKIN prize per person.

    Submissions should be made as a reply to this thread under the relevant category heading. Winners will be announced at the start of next month.

    submitted by /u/ZeldenGM
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    Trying my hand at spaceship art, rate my ticks!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:09 PM PST

    CCP doing their best spotting bots

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:54 AM PST

    In a fleet with you - Eve Parody

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:53 PM PST

    INN broadcast hijacked

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

    PAPI successfully reinforce the M2- IHUB (with a huge battle to boot)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:02 PM PST

    Battle had been going on for multiple hours already when I joined an overflow fleet.

    PAPI dropped FAXes, carriers, and an assortment of HAC fleets. Goons escalated with HAC fleets of their own, dropping dreads to attempt a snipe at the toasting faxes, which ended up getting murdered by the carriers on grid.

    Last few minutes were uneventful as Goonswarm gave up on the timer.

    Battlereport(s), same pick your poison:

    See you on the battlefield in a few days. Should be a spicy one!

    Extra fun: don't sit in your titan pod in a cerberus (https://zkillboard.com/kill/90323809/)

    submitted by /u/Hoder_
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:25 PM PST

    I found this Item in Eve called Tritanium. I am going to Buy some because I really like it.


    submitted by /u/SnakJar
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    Solo Naglfar vs. 31 Pilots

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:58 PM PST

    No more PAPI Dreads left after last breakout :'(

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:12 PM PST

    *wink wink, nudge nudge*

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:13 PM PST

    Papi friends = Best Friends

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:16 PM PST

    Do Goons have a FC problem?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:38 PM PST

    I took part in my first fleet ever

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:56 AM PST

    And holy shit, that was awesome! I could barely follow FC fleet movement commands and by the time I realised I have to shoot at something it was either already dead or I was dead, but it was worth it just for the magical feeling of moving through the cosmos together in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Now I finally understand why everyone recommends to all new players to join a corp as soon as possible, EVE Online becomes a completely different game when you are doing things together.

    submitted by /u/InkyPinkie
    [link] [comments]

    Friend personally requested a nyx fleet for a background, but I only had one nyx. Thoughts?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:01 PM PST

    How EVE Online commandos pulled off a suicide mission to save 170 elite pilots

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:43 AM PST

    [Solo PVP] All Hail Hail: Hot Chases

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:24 AM PST

    [Fan Art] - MTU Suspect Baiting

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:53 AM PST

    HAC's shouldn't be the best fleet sniping platforms; Reduce HAC targeting range and capacitor

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:17 AM PST

    TL;DR - Nerf HAC targeting range by at least 25% and nerf capacitor recharge. No, this doesn't fix everything, but its a soft nerf to push them out of the easily accessible LR sniping role with near perma MWD. HACs should be superior skirmishers, not snipers. Battleships should be your superior sniping doctrine (yes battleships need things too, but this post isn't about that).

    HACs get too much out the box and have very little sacrifice when fitted as a "sniper". HACs currently get:

    T2 resists


    MWD Sig reduction bonus

    Range bonuses

    Above average capacitor recharge rates

    Ample Fitting

    Medium Weapon tracking (some with tracking bonuses)

    All these things combined allow HACs to be dominant in a role that they never should have been "the best" at in the first place. HAC bonuses make sense in a skirmishing role (low sig, good cap, ADCU, T2 resists) where they can dip in and out of an engagement at their preferred targeting range and use ADCU when things get hairy. Having the ability to just sit 100km+ away from each other with all the bonuses they have makes them way too efficient and lacking any major weaknesses.

    While LR weapons could use some looking at, HACs as a whole are too strong in a sniping position. So as more of a soft nerf, reduce their targeting range by about 25% (or more). You don't have to mess with bonuses (except maybe the eagle, but more on that later), just range.

    How does reducing the range change anything?

    As I mentioned earlier, this is a soft nerf, meaning the direct bonuses of the ship are unchanged and its more inline of a fitting choice decision. If you want to build a sniper HAC, then you need to make fitting sacrifices, such as putting in SEBO/Sig amp/Range rig. This effectively will lower tank, dps or speed (if OD/nano is used). Even with info links, you're still going to see an effective range nerf.

    On top of the fitting choice nerf, this then means that HAC's need to get closer to try to target support ships, since they can't shoot past the dps line as easily. Opening HAC's up to getting webbed or interdicted to allow larger ships (battleships) to counter them easier.

    If you want a relatively fast, small sig ship with good tracking at mid range and able to disengage easier, HACs should be strong in that role. As their bonuses support that already.

    If you want a long range sniping ship, battleships should be the superior sniping platform. But if you want a sniper HAC, then sacrifices should be made to do that.

    The 25% nerf would not apply to all HACS, some would receive a less severe nerf as their range is already relatively low (vagabond and sacrilege). Here is what their range would look like with -25% targeting range (minimum desired):

    (before info links)


    Current: 100km

    After: 75km


    Current: 87.5km

    After: -10%, Up to CCP, but its range isn't really a problem in its current iteration (can't fit arty reliably)


    Before: 119km

    After: 89.25km


    Before: 112km

    After: 84km


    Before: 100km

    After: 75km


    Before: 106km

    After: 79.5km


    Before: 93.8km

    After: 70.35km


    Before: 87.5km

    After: Up to CCP, range nerf could be less here as its current range is already lower than most other HACs (maybe -10% range)

    This puts their ranges in the medium to medium-long ranges that would be ideal in skirmishing still. Along with info links could help push them to their original base targeting range, but it would be harder to push past that without changing fits to include SEBO/Sig amp/Rig.

    For reference, both the cerb and eagle have more targeting range than most battleships. Admittedly, they are designed as longer range ships and that is caldari's "flavor". However, even after a 25% range nerf, they are still the longest range HAC, which retains their caldari "flavor".

    Capacitor Recharge Nerf

    In conjunction with the targeting range, some HACs also need their capacitor nerfed so its harder to perma MWD around. Muninn being a major one, especially for minmatar, being fast but having a less than ideal capacitor should be the norm. I won't throw around any figures here on what i think they should be nerfed to for cap recharge, just that each ship needs to be addressed individually as needed. Some don't need a nerf, or maybe just very mild ones.

    "But HML cerb and Rail Eagle can shoot to 140km+ with their bonuses"

    Yes, but you can also make a HAM cerb which the ranges (68km base with javelin) line-up better with targeting range, or RLML range (94km) which isn't much farther than normal targeting range. Since HML is the long range weapon option, it would be the "sniping" option. So if you want to fully utilize that range, fit SEBO/Sig amp/Rig. This also opens up other HML platforms that have the same targeting range, but maybe have better bonuses specific to heavy application (Drake Navy, Caracal Navy, Nighthawk etc)

    Same goes for the Eagle. While it doesn't necessarily apply to nullsec fleets, the blaster eagle benefits from the double optimal bonus as well. For the rail eagle, the double optimal bonus means you can use shorter range ammo at longer ranges to maintain higher dps, instead of just going for max range with spike. Meaning, if you are able to maintain range, you can do more dps than other comparable ships. The alternative for the eagle is to drop 1 of the optimal bonuses for a different bonus, but i don't think its necessary at this time. Its ok to have the option to be a long range sniper, just more sacrifice is needed.


    In the end, its up to CCP on the final details, 25% maybe be too little or too much. But, i've always been a fan of fitting choices being an important factor for how the ship performs. Having everything given "out of the box" doesn't allow as much fitting choice and creates situations like what we are currently experiencing with HACs being so dominant.

    Disclaimer: As mentioned several times in this post, this is not the singular fix to resolve all HAC/Fleet issues or this will make battleships suddenly viable and able to ignore bombs/capitals. But its 1 step in the process of multiple steps to help make the meta more diverse.

    submitted by /u/Stitch_K
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    Do fleet members still get standings increases if I complete missions?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:34 AM PST

    Mandatory text here.

    submitted by /u/PhilSketches
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    FC Chat #60 - Helsir Qyrdun & Murray Rothbardo

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:24 PM PST

    Escape from M2-

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:25 AM PST


    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:08 AM PST

    So I took about a year break from eve, is the 100mn vni still viable for nullsec ratting or is there something else that's better?

    submitted by /u/le-rumisgone
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    The Vagabond Diaries - Chapter 2

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:02 PM PST

    CCP's Battle Against Botters Pushing the Envelope of AI Development

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Is the game worth playing this game as a f2p??

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:35 AM PST

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