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    Saturday, February 27, 2021

    Eve Online CCP Games Corporate Marketing Video (2021)

    Eve Online CCP Games Corporate Marketing Video (2021)

    CCP Games Corporate Marketing Video (2021)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:47 PM PST

    Siberian Squad Supers defecting to PAPI (a couple titans jumped to the T5Z keepstar and docked)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:52 AM PST

    Grinding for 500 Plex has taught me how near-impossible it must be to become a billionaire in real life

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:34 PM PST

    I like to mine to get ISK and everytime I sell my haul I get a couple million at the very least. At the same time, it feels like ages before I'll get to around 1.3 billion ISK for the 500 Plex. Not complaining though, I'm actually ironically having fun mining. Really just saving up Plex so that when I get omega one day I'll be able to get bigger mining dredges lol.

    Yes I know mining is slow as hell to Plex but I don't mind it don't worry about me lol.

    submitted by /u/BakkaChoi
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    Guide to exploration for Alphas, made by a fellow Alpha

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:54 PM PST

    In response to the post made on r/EVE for best guides, I decided to make one about the only thing in EVE I know how to do best: exploration. This guide will show you how to do exploration, and some tips on it.

    Exploration is a pretty easy career to get into, in that you can start doing it right from the get-go, with a couple hours of training at most to fly your exploration ship well. This career is also scalable, in that you can choose to keep exploring in that Heron you got from the career agent, or slowly work your way up to an Astero or even a Stratios if you have the confidence to do so.

    So, with the intro out of the way (hopefully), lets dive into the mechanics of exploration. Exploration is the act of using scan probes to find (also called 'probe down') cosmic signatures to uncover them. They can be wormholes (temporary stargates that can either lead you into another part of the universe, or into wormhole space), combat sites, gas sites or relic and data sites (what most newbro explorers will want to find). The basics of scanning down signatures, and hacking the cans in relic and data sites, are covered by the exploration career agent, which I highly suggest any newbro to run them. As a rule of thumb, signatures will only spawn around 4AU away from any celestial (planet, moon, stargate or citadel), which makes it relatively easy to find them, should they be near a celestial with no others nearby.

    Now, on to hacking. It is one of the most important skills an explorer needs to have, besides scanning. Hacking is the act of using a data or relic analyzer to access the respective cans, by playing a minigame where the capsuleer controls a virus and has to uncover and kill the system core to unlock the can. It requires more experience than actual ingame skills, so just finding and running these sites will make it easier to find the core. Most of the time, the core will spawn on the other side of the grid where you begin (example: you initiate a hack on a can, and you begin on the leftmost side of the grid. More often than not, the core will be on the rightmost side, and vice versa). It is also important to know the different utility subsystems (upgrades to your virus) and defence subsystems (antivirus, firewall and so on), so that it will be easier to fight them when you uncover them (example: using a shield while killing an antivirus).

    So now that we have finished with the how-to of exploration, lets go on to where you should explore. It should go without saying that highsec exploration is unprofitable for a newbro, but it works well for a first time explorer. Lowsec would be a better place for a starting explorer, as stations are very common in lowsec and bubbles are not allowed, which is the deadliest thing to explorer ships. Moving on to nullsec, you will start to see bubbles, but every now and then. Contray to 'popular' belief, nullsec is actually very quiet, with little to no need of a cloak when exploring in it. Loot from nullsec is also extremely good, with loot as much as 300mil from a single relic site. Wormhole space is more or less the same as nullsec, with a heavier emphasis on d-scanning as local doesnt work the way k-space local works, as players dont appear in local until they talk in chat.

    Other than whatever I've talked about, here are a couple more tips:

    • DO NOT warp to any relic or data site with 'Forgotten' or 'Unsecured' in their name. These sites only appear in wormhole space and contain Sleeper NPCs, which can kill any unprepared explorer within seconds.

    • Remember to keep d-scan and local open at all times, to ensure that no one will combat probe you down and kill you.

    • Relic sites are usually more profitable than data sites, as salvage from relic sites are more profitable and less bulky than the datacores and decryptors you will find there.

    Whew, that took a while to make. I hope this guide will help you with your exploration career, and earn you loads of ISK. Im planning on making a series of exploration videos covering what I've talked about here, comment on this post if you wish to see it. If you have any more tips that I've missed out, feel free to type them out in the comments as well

    submitted by /u/IronForce_
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    Monthly Contest - Newbro Guides

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:58 PM PST

    Hey /r/eve

    This month we've decided to do a contest on producing guides for new players. The best voted guides will receive an exclusive Vexor Scope Skin for you to do whatever you like with it.

    The conditions:
    * Your guide can be in any format, text, video, audio, whatever
    * Your guide must be original. No copy + pasting other peoples work, no using existing guides. It can be a guide on a topic that has been covered, but should be your own work.
    * Your guides can reference or be about external tools provided they're EVE related. * Submit a link to your guide as a reply to the main thread
    * The contest will close at the end of March

    Try to consider what topics Newbros/Alphas may be interested in, and use your expert knowledge to sell the concept to them. Topics could include general ISK making, solo roaming, wormholes, market transactions, mission running, abyssals, go crazy!

    We have lots of prizes to give out, so if you submit you're in for a good chance of winning! Good luck! o7

    submitted by /u/ZeldenGM
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    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:29 AM PST

    EVE on minimal graphics actually doesn't look bad

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:56 PM PST

    My PC's able to run EVE on max settings pretty easily, but sometimes when I'm mining I like to play another game with EVE in the background to pass the time, but I also don't want to use up too much PC resources, so I've recently been setting graphical quality to minimum settings in EVE and I've noticed that the graphics actually don't look too bad. Yes of course it doesn't have the glossy high definition ray tracing look that max settings does, but this minimum settings look makes me nostalgic of some games I've played when I was little.

    submitted by /u/BakkaChoi
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    C5 sites in a Golem with Torpedos - 3600 dps

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 12:30 AM PST

    Wow, that was quick.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:19 AM PST

    [CCPls] increase maximum number of saved fittings

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:34 AM PST

    So i wanted to do the new Arena and save a few fits, so i can multifit frigs and feed them.

    I CANT HAVE MORE THAN 250 FITS, WHY? Its 2021, make it 1000!

    submitted by /u/poeFUN
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    Looking for help in regards to getting a deaf corp mate more included in ops.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:35 PM PST

    Just as the title states - I'm looking for any help or advice with getting a deaf corp mate more included in Corp stuff... Especially when we all hop into comms. Not that we don't include her but naturally a lot of the chatter ends up taking place vocally and the in game chats get a bit quiet. We work hard to keep up the text based chat but it's not always possible when out enjoying the dangers of New Eden. Does anyone know of any voice to text game overlays or anything like that???? Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.

    submitted by /u/blvckhvnd732
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    EXTRA EXTRA! NovaCat13 Kills The Best Succubus Pilot In New Eden! Who's NovaCat13? Some Guy... You too can be some guy in Notoras, the only system worth having it's own news station in New Eden

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:59 AM PST

    Where are you in the cyno circle of life?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:54 PM PST

    First you die in a venture lighting an indy cyno for jump freighters.

    Then you train into an inty and die to smartbombs trying to get to your cyno spot.

    Then you train into recons and die lighting for caps.

    Finally it goes full circle when you train cyno V and die in a prospect lighting for blops.

    submitted by /u/GwentMeUpBaby
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    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:06 AM PST

    CCPlease sort out R&D agents

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:14 PM PST

    Whats going here?

    submitted by /u/daffid_cocklefroth
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    How would i payout ratting bounties?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:00 AM PST

    so i got into ratting recentely and every time i kill a pirate a message pops up saying "(x amount) added to bounty payout" how do i "payout" or does it give me money automatically

    submitted by /u/Megareaper85
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    Astero Help

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:49 PM PST

    So I recently bought an astero, and then some dude one shot me while I was cloaked, and I wanted to get one back. I saw them on the market, and was wondering how people even got them?

    submitted by /u/Stephen0502
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    Artists doing in-game videos showing the beauty of space

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:38 PM PST

    Do you guys know some artists doing in-game videos showing the beauty of the world of EVE and maybe mix it with chill music?

    I found a few on YT but a lot are doing news reporting.

    submitted by /u/UnrelatedConnexion
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    Screenshot collage (fan art)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:15 AM PST

    I wanted to share some EVE inspired art. I'm doing vector character portraits, alliance logos, propaganda posters for ISK only.IGN:Okiroshi, e-mail me in EVE if interested .https://www.flickr.com/photos/191865287@N03/albums https://www.behance.net/raresdobrescuhttps:// www.instagram.com/okiroshi.art/


    submitted by /u/Okiroshi_Art
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    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:36 PM PST

    So I joined Eve a little over a year ago. I played for a while, built up some money with a friend and we had ourselves a 2 man Corp. He showed me the ropes of the game and while I didn't understand everything, I learned as I went. I did maybe two missions, I did enough to get the venture, that's all I remember. I had around 700m isk assets in a station we had and when we quit playing we were wardecced and destroyed by a high sec faction that targets afk Corp stations. It was our fault but I couldn't bring myself to play again. Recently I got back into it with the mindset if I lose a ship...I lose it. So I understand the basic mechanics of the game and wormholes and the like. I vaguely understand drones. I have around 33m isk. Is it worth it for me to even do missions? They just seem super boring and I don't feel like they'd give me as much isk as gas mining in a WH. Maybe a lot of that information was excessive but I felt context was important as to why I didn't do missions

    submitted by /u/Rc620
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