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    Friday, February 26, 2021

    Eve Online How I crossed the event horizon of the Anchorage disintegrator core

    Eve Online How I crossed the event horizon of the Anchorage disintegrator core

    How I crossed the event horizon of the Anchorage disintegrator core

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:20 PM PST

    Jump Bridges

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:57 PM PST

    I'd just love to see friendly Ansiblex's get taken into account when you set a course for another system. It wouldn't be that hard to program. Please make it happen.

    submitted by /u/Moce8
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    Thank you squizz for zkillboard!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:42 AM PST

    I may be slow but recently noticed the advanced search option on zkill and wanted to show my appreciation on reddit to Squizz and all the work they've done over the years!

    submitted by /u/El_Geo
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    Aged like the finest milk in new eden

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:31 PM PST

    Expert Systems are an incredibly dissapointing yet predictable move from CCP

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:19 AM PST

    CCP has been spending quite a lot of devtime on EVE's New Player Experience so this game doesnt continue to have a garbage player retention rate. From that we have gotten a few useless features, 1 or 2 actually useful ones, and now the steaming pile of shit that is Expert Systems apparently. Instead of actually telling newer players the set of skills that are actually useful and worthwhile trains to get your character up to a somewhat functional point, they are going to make you pay plex to get the skills temporarily and make them available to be applied like a skillplan to your training queue. Nothing pisses me off more than trying to monetize new players via your shitty NPE because instead of again just explaining this, you are going to make them pay for it.

    Skillplans (they arent even that good lmao): https://pastebin.com/raw/LYYvR1qe

    CCP: fuck right off with this new player monetization bullshit, im sure you can find a way to sell more plex but directly making money off of your lack of ingame info on skills is truly reprehensible.

    However, with increasing need for monetization in this game (CCP missing revenue targets and the like: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ls6177/ccp_missed_performance_targets_20192020_causing/ ) and pearl abyss being pearl abyss I cant say this was entirely unexpected. I'd expect more garbage like this in the future!

    submitted by /u/01ry42
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    Courier contract pods from station to station.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:40 AM PST

    I see no reason why you couldnt and moving clones around would give a great deal of new ideas to the game. All couriers function the same as current tabs. Inside of the wrap, you will see a body (though maybe implants too?).

    1. Smuggling fleets of pods deep behind enemy lines.
    2. Moving and maintain clones in various locations for yourself.
    3. Gives additional couriers to public.
    4. It can be an annoying endeavor as it works currently.
    5. Shipping clones allows you to create an indefinite "set home" as you pre move clones to jump to around.

    It seems simple enough.

    submitted by /u/fallenreaper
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    Snuffed loses war HQ, war against TTC invalidated by CONCORD.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:23 AM PST

    Expert Systems: No.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:35 AM PST

    CCPlz, if you have feet to put down, now is the time to do so. I can smell Pearl Abyss style greed all over this. Expert Systems is a plain and simple money grab that will cause new players to spend some money, then quickly find out that a new ship without player skill behind it leads to nothing more than shinier loss-mails.

    Skill injectors are bad enough at causing this kind of issue. The reason many people are good at flying a particular ship is the time spent learning how to fly. If you don't spend time flying tackle, or kitey bullshit, etc, you won't know how to counter it. If you never get into a cruiser, and go straight to battleships, you won't realise why you lose battleships to cruisers.

    Eve has never been a good game for instant gratification, and trying to make it one with P2W style character twinking hurts new players in the long run, and also generally pisses off the people who have been paying y'all's checks these past 12+ years.

    This reeks of the same shit Pearl Abyss killed other games with trying to milk new players, and I honestly feel it will cause retention to go down.

    Plus, to be honest, older players may decide this is the final straw that breaks the camel's back.

    Tldr: CCP, you're walking A VERY fine line if you implement this. Plus, it's just a stupid ass idea anyways. Fix the onboarding process instead.

    Typed on a phone. Excuse typos and grammatical errors.

    Update: In addition, the player then has a ship that they then have to continue to plex into, or let it collect dust in a hangar.

    It'd be better to just let the player grow in the game over time and learn why they want to stay, instead of the false allusion to instant winning in PvX because they got some temporary skills - likely based on a CCP shit-fit, and finding out that this isn't how the game works as they lose the ship.

    Also, from another thread, this is also relevant here, even though for a slightly different OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/lsedtd/npe_discussion/goqqjeh?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    submitted by /u/liath_ww
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    New Mobile Cyno Beacon's activation process in the flesh!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Faction Capitals from LP

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:51 PM PST

    Almost every ship class (except destroyers) has an Empire Faction variant that can be obtained with faction warfare loyalty points. Everyone knows FW has been a generally dead and broken area of the game for a while. Adding faction variants of capital ships would be a viable way to bring more life to lowsec. These variants would have similar mineral costs to their t1 versions but would cost loyalty points for the blueprint. I would propose the LP cost be 2-3 million (worth approx 2-3billion isk) so that the ships remain relatively affordable, but still a commitment. This would have these faction capitals be around twice the cost of the t1 counterparts. This would enable them to be an affordable option between t1 capitals and the current faction dreadnaughts. I would expect these ships to have a reasonable benefit over the T1 versions, with respect to the cost. This could be along the lines of better fitting requirements or increasing the ship bonuses such as increased damage from 5% per level to 7.5 or 10% per level. Maybe something such as an extra utility high or an extra mid/low for shield/armor ships. This would help set them apart and justify the price, without being overpowered in an oppressive way. This change has the potential to bring more people to FW, give more value to LP, and to shake up the capital ship meta in a meaningful way. Having an option to commit faction dreads on a large scale for important brawls vs only using the t1's for a dreadbomb. This adds some more depth and options to capital engagements. Also, you don't need any new modes, just ReSkin the old ones.

    Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

    TLDR: Create empire faction capitals for FW LP

    submitted by /u/Lord-Alec
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    Alpha Player current lost

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:31 PM PST

    i just worked my way through L3 security missions and can already do all of them with my BC. Since L4 missions are currently locked behind omega sub, what's a good alternative to it that would make me more money than L3. I have a combat based character. I'd probably prefer something where a battleship can be used so theres a reason why i would want to fly one, but anything is fine. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Dominuscx11660
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    Everyone keeps saying “no one asked for that.” what is it people are asking for?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:51 PM PST

    If you could choose what CCP was going to work on immediately / in the very near future what would you ask them to do?

    Personally I'd like to see them finish Pochven.

    submitted by /u/Agent__Blackbear
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    CCPThanks: Ship Balancing, done right: Dictors 2020

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:25 AM PST

    Want to give a shoutout to CCP here for doing something right. One ship too dominant? Buffing other ships is the best solution.

    For the past mmmfhmmm years, the sabre has been the dominant dictor. We all knew it. No one denied it. 'Kismeteer is always in a sabre' was a running joke. Here is easy proof from zkillboard:

    Interdictor All time rank Recent rank Ships killed Ships lost
    Sabre 1 2 5,275,112 540,239
    Flycatcher 77 36 731,892 89,250
    Heretic 105 98 487,201 61,441
    Eris 169 120 264,986 37,058

    14.6 times more Sabres have been lost than the Eris (Erises? Erii? Erioi?). And on nearly 20 times more kill mails. This is what dominance looks like in a group.

    In the past, the Sabre is the only one that had the combination of speed, nimbleness, tank, slot layout, and CPU that made it so popular. Oh yeah, there were a couple heretics for armor fleets, which it did that role poorly. And the heretic could get an expanded probe launcher on it, so that was good. And the flycatcher was the undisputed DPS king for solo work. And the Eris were for people who were like 'why are these so cheap.'

    However, October 2020, CCP Aurora announced changes with the dictors, in the best way. They didn't nerf the sabre and make it useless, the normal CCP trick. They buffed them all.

    Eris - Overhauled completely. (My current favorite, with details on the horde forums.)

    Flycatcher - more dps and tank

    Heretic - more of what it was used for, probing/armor tank

    Stasis webification probes- forcing dictor pilots to look carefully at their fits. Making you 'decide' if it's more important they don't warp or don't move!

    Thank you, CCP. This is how you repair a broken ship class. You can already see the numbers starting to change heavily on the 'recent' rank on zkill. You make the others more attractive. The flycatcher got a cpu change and new bonuses, but it is the fastest riser on zkill. But that wasn't enough! They buffed them even more with just this last patch. The things that made them good got amplified.

    So this is easy: CCP knows what ships people are flying. It's easy for them. Take the bottom 10% of ships, boost their bonus or change slot layout, and make them easier to fit. Give better variety. One is too powerful? Buff the others around it first, see change, and then minor changes like minus a little shield efhp or speed can easily change things. Don't understand a ship class? Contact the pilots that fly the dominant one and ask them.

    I don't think the current changes are balanced, for sure, but it is way better than where we were. I look forward to the small iterations that CCP always used to promise, and I see evidence of them doing this ship pass.

    So CCPlease, keep doing good work. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/goninzo
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    Statistics shitposting appreciation thread

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:41 PM PST

    Shitposting using increasingly worse graphs and charts is the best meme of the war so far, I have never before assumed that the Internets biggest bunch of spaceship nerds would have such a poor grasp of how numbers work.

    10/10 easily beats everything else on this sub in terms of quality

    submitted by /u/CenedictBumberlatch
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    Searching for an old video from maybe 2008/2009

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:33 PM PST

    I'm hoping someone can point me in the direction of an old video I used to watch when I played. I've tried searching for it based on what I can remember with no luck. Maybe someone knows the video I'm talking about or has a copy?

    Things I know about the video:

    I'm pretty sure of the following:

    This was one of the videos that got me into the game way back when and it would be great to revisit it.

    submitted by /u/Subject11
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    CCP missed performance targets 2019-2020, causing Pearl Abyss to lower buyout price by 47%

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:59 AM PST

    eve is kill

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:44 PM PST

    Someone forgot to clean up their Sotiyo.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:11 AM PST

    Alltime 4th most expensive Sotiyo loss, most expensive Goonswarm Sotiyo loss to date.

    Containing a bunch of subcaps (including 2 Golems), a Revelation, and two Freighters.

    Sadly, PApi members (half caps?) realized too late that the Sotiyo was in fact, not in 1DQ, and therefore can have no impact on the war.

    Sotiyo | KarmaFleet | Killmail | zKillboard

    submitted by /u/Cobrayi
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    Why "adapt or die" as a concept, needs to die

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:30 PM PST

    So every time carebearing gets nerfed or changed, people scream at the carebears to "adapt or die". They issue here, is that the carebears do exactly that, and they go to high sec, where they essentially vanish as content. As someone who does alot of small gang content/nano roam type stuff, carebears leaving nullsec hurts my play style, the issue is I can't really adapt or die because my play style is not high sec ganking, which I have done, and I find boring. Killing jfs is a good way to summon a sodium elemental in local, but it gets old pretty quickly.

    If you do nano gangs, carebears are alot of your content. Sure everyone wants a fight, but alot of the time you don't get a fight, you just murder gilas and carriers and hulks in anoms and moons, then bail when they form 40 cerbs and try to trap you on the way out. The hunter becoming the prey and vice versa is a big part of why I like nano ganging, and I think it is a big part of what seperates it from high sec ganking, where in high sec ganking your killing carebears, but ganking you don't have to evac your brutix when shits the fan, since concord fixes that problem for you. In small gang, after you dumpster the carebear, you need to get your brutix back down the pipe before you feed.

    So, 2 months ago I made a post that everyone raged at me about, basically about how ESS is a mistake, and ore changes were a mistake, and that carebears were all going to high, and everyone said I was an idiot, and carebears need to adapt or die. Now 2 months later, were in a situation where plenty of good hunting ground for small gang have drastically decreased in activity, for example 2 of my favorite places to kill blinged out carebears is the spire and malpais, but if you look on zkill, the activity has drastically decreased in the last 2 months, especially in the spire where zkill activity is at a third of what it was in december when I posted that this would happen. However, every hisec system has more miners in it then usual, and L4 hubs like dresi and langisi are packed to the nines in golems and RNIs.

    Ratting carrier and ratting super losses are down drastically the last few months as well. You can't blame the delve war because while yes the delve war did reduce krab traffic in many regions, there was still a decent amount of carrier and super losses in anoms even months into the war. The ESS really dissuaded supers from ratting which sucks for people who want to dumpster supers. Thank god for r64s so we still get rorq kills here and there.

    So tell me, now that carebears have "adapted or died" by going to high sec, is eve really better off? Or was it better when carebears where all over the place and there was a pvp environment that didn't involve 60 jumps and 4 yeet filaments just to frag a Domi.

    submitted by /u/H0n0ur
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    I am kinda new at this

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 07:26 PM PST

    Imma newbie player and Eve is disorienting as heck. I, however, really love this system and the community behind it. Kinda wishing I knew more about Eve or else be involved with the social aspect. Anyone do QA for this game? But so-far I love this experience and want to be more in with it.

    submitted by /u/ElijahSage4
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    Is it just me or are crashes/connection lost errors getting more frequent by the day?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:58 PM PST

    Just had a fight where I disconnected 4 times in a row on my 2 accounts ... while I dont care to much about the lost isk, it realy sucks that you kinda let the gang down and you lose the time/effort you put into getting to the point where a fight happens.


    Iam fairly sure its not on my end, router doesnt show any errors and I was on TS3 the whole time which didnt show any package loss/high ping either.

    But yhea routing could always be a problem at some point, however many people I play with(from different locations across the world) have similar issues recently.

    submitted by /u/Vendettus
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    Multiboxers: What do you multibox?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:09 PM PST


    been doing a lot of multiboxing since ... well for a while, been trying various things, setups, activities and had a pretty good time but I've been wondering what other people have been up to, looking for ideas on what else to try.

    So, multiboxers of eve: What's fun?

    submitted by /u/ArguesAgainstYou
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    Add Right-Click Fleet Formation Warping Options

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:30 PM PST

    The Fleet Formation Right-Click Menu interface is fantastic and should be expanded to include each Fleet Formation Option (Point, Sphere, etc.) in the right-click Fleet Warp options (see below image).

    Add Right-Click Fleet Formation Warping Options

    This Right-Click Fleet Formation Warp interface provides the FC in the moment verification that the correct Fleet Formation is selected just prior to hitting that Fleet Warp option... however if/when the FC realizes they have the wrong Fleet Formation is selected, it then takes 3 clicks (Fleet Formation > Select Formation > back to Overview/My Fleet > Right-Click desi/Fleet Member) to change Formation to enable the FC to once more Right-Click Fleet Formation Warp again. Please add the other Fleet Formations Warping options to the Right-Click Menu Interface.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/BrosChill
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    When you start a war to exterminate the Imperium and somehow end up destroying your own coalition...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:05 AM PST

    Tips for solo battleship/battlecruiser PvP

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:53 AM PST

    Any fits or tips to do battlecruiser/battleship PvP in as an Alpha? Would really appreciate it thx

    submitted by /u/IronForce_
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