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    Saturday, February 6, 2021

    Eve Online My problem with the current state of Eve.

    Eve Online My problem with the current state of Eve.

    My problem with the current state of Eve.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:51 PM PST

    Remember, you matter to more people than you know. Hang in there.

    I'm always around to talk if anyone needs.

    Fly Crispy o7

    submitted by /u/LargeQuafeZero
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    Nerf is easier than new content. Change my mind

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:12 AM PST

    Decided to try (badly) drawing my latest misadventure. Always keep an eye on local and dscan, kids.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:59 PM PST

    Eve lacks a Freighter with vertical supremacy

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:13 PM PST

    It’s too hard to get ahead

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:56 PM PST

    I've been playing for about 8 months. When I started out, I was mission running, worked my way up from level 1 missions to level 2 missions, up to three when I bought my first drake and then finally I was able to sell everything I had and upgrade to my first battleship for level 4 missions. It was a Praxis. On my first mission, my client disconnected me. I warped back into the rats when I relogged, got tackled, and lost everything. I'd been playing the game like a full time job, so at this point I was close to 160 hours in, and faced with the prospect of starting over again, I spent money on plex and converted it to isk. I bought a raven and did level four missions in that for another month, before selling everything and buying a rattlesnake, which I was promptly ganked out of due to a hisec wardec. I put more money into things to get a rattlesnake back. I spent months exclusively ratting, but eventually got dragged into EDI stuff and had a blast there.

    I was making 50m/hour(I'm aware that LP is supposed to be supplementary, but unless you're in Jita, the other markets are not great for many of the LP store items from mission running) meaning that a t1 battlecruiser represented about 3 hours of solid grind.

    I gave faction warfare a shot, but to be competitive you need to spend isk, so instead of using the 1m frigates that everyone claims are good in FW, you basically need to invest in faction frigates if you want to compete for plexes in any real sense, and then you're still fighting people with high-grade implant sets.

    In a hotly contested FW system, for a solo pilot, you can easily lost a frigate every 10 minutes, possibly even more frequently. An hour of PvP in lowsec requires about 3 hours of grind. So, 25% of your time can be spent actually engaging in gameplay, and the remaining 75% is soul crushing grind.

    This was unacceptable, so I looked for better revenue and found the abyss. I found a fit that was supposed to be able to handle t5 abyssals, coming in at a over 2 billion isk. Meaning that it was going to take a week of 8 hour per-day grind sessions to afford it.

    I bought plex again

    Unfortunately, even after 8 months of training and 20m SP, my skills aren't quite good enough to survive t5's on sisi, so I've been running 4's. I make between 70-100m/hour now when accounting for the price of filaments, which is marginally better and allows me to spend about 50% of my time grinding and 50% of my time doing gameplay.

    That works if you're saving money up for t1 battlecruisers or faction frigates, but if you're getting involved in wars, purchasing HAC's and battleships and doctors for the occasional roam, it's hardly enough.

    Today I just caved and dumped $100 into plex. I have less time now than I did back when I started, it's basically the only way I can keep playing with my alliance.

    I'm fine with the game being challenging, but when the game advertises itself based solely on the facilitation and execution of large-scale space battles, and then makes financing those space battles as challenging as possible, it feels shitty.

    I'm fine paying a subscription to play the game. The actual combat and hunting and tactical aspects of the game are top notch. But to sustain that gameplay, it looks like the combined cost of monthly plex plus plex for isk are going to be more than double the cost of the utility bills for the house that I live in, and as rediculous as that number is, what's more ridiculous is the fact that it's still better for me to eat that cost than actually engage in any of the isk-making activities in the game

    It's not just bad for my wallet, it's bad because I'm spending less time in game as a target, I'm spending less time in game running around looking for fights, because I might need that ship in three weeks for a timer

    When was the last time anybody ran into a real gatecamp in nullsec, aside from the front of the current war or on the edges of an active battle? Most space is completely empty, there's no targets, there's no risk. You don't even need a cepter to move safely, as long as you're dual propped you could go a week in null completely unmolested. I don't think I've ever seen someone mining in null, and the only time I see ratters are when they're on the tether.

    I get the sense that many people are doing the same thing that I've been broken down to doing, which is to say just spending money instead of playing the game to finance things. I'm sure short term it's good for CCP, but long term it's removing content from the game in a huge way.

    Right now, it's just too hard to get ahead.

    Edit: I've gotten a few "Eve isn't for you" comments so, in addressing that I'd like to say that I seem to have communicated poorly. This post is not a "woe is me" post. This is a post that is attempting to raise concerns which I expect are shared among many new players, and I used a series of personal anecdotes to explain some hurdles that other newer players may face, and highlight some pain points

    Additionally, I've gotten some "Level 4's are bad money". And yes, that's something that anyone a few months in should understand. Null ratting is much better money, as are DED escalations, and exploring can be good too for isk.

    Point by point- Null is not a region that everyone wants to live in, a large portion of new players will never go to nullsec until they've been in the game for months

    There's nothing that pushes people towards DED escalations it explains how they work, and most people will only learn about them through word of mouth or 3rd parties

    Exploring can be a good source of income, but again it often requires a veteran player to take a fledgling player under their wing and show them the ropes

    There are obviously other income sources, but I'm not going to list them all lest this post become a guide on income


    I know that with 20 million SP it's completely possible to get to a point where my gila could do more challenging abyssal filaments. Maybe for a veteran player it'd be easy. But for a new player, you don't skill optimally. I've spent the past four months training for alliance doctrines(of which there are not many), and I'll probably spend four more months training before I can fly all the mainline DPS and logistics ships at V with tech II guns. Then of course I'll need to train recon V, Gallente cruiser IV and V, Minmatar/Gallente Battlecruiser IV and V, all the leadership and command burst skills... you get the point. That doesn't leave much time for optimizing ratting fits.

    submitted by /u/Due_Goose2132
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    Cloaking devices cannot operate within systems affected by this storm.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:26 PM PST

    Can the imperium pay back it's debt in war bonds?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 12:04 AM PST

    The imperium is said to have raised 21 trillion isk in war bonds. This is a really impressive amount. I've even heard talk of more war bonds being issued. The way bonds work, is that the holder of the bond gets back the money they paid with interest over a certain period. I'd love to learn the period, interest and other terms of these bonds and how they can pay back such an enormous amount.

    I know about the TTT income, which is said to be about 600b per month per beneficiary. Even if the Imperium chooses to allocate all of this income to paying back war bonds (and none of SRP, infrastructure etc.) then it would take about 3 years to pay back this amount excluding interest.

    Can someone give some insight in how the financials for these large blocs work. And specifically what sources of income could possibly cover this large of an expense for the imperium.

    submitted by /u/amadmet1
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    Didn't want that Helm's Deep anyway.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:22 PM PST

    AAR - CTRLV and friends vs DW

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:39 AM PST


    I know there's already a few brief AARs posted for this fight, but I got a couple requests to write a more extensive one so here it is:



    CTRLV, Cruisers Crew, various minmil affiliated groups, and other token friends have made several attempts to kill Dock Worker rorqual fleets operating in Bleak Lands / Metro. These attempts have thus far been largely unsuccessful, with DW leveraging their large member count, heavy assets, and admittedly damned good coordination, to drive our fleets from the grid. Lastnight, due to an ensemble of factors that worked in our (CTRLV and allies) favor, we were able to achieve a more positive outcome.



    05:00 eve time approximate: Six DW rorqs sighted. Rorqs are reported in Hakisalki. I once again am made aware of the ping while in a Tarkov match - literally babysitting someone through a Labs run for w/e shit quest that is where you have to extract 5 raids on specific maps w/o dying. I somehow extract w/o feeding and check range. Target system is in direct titan bridge range of CTRLV staging. Target system is noted to be out of cap range from kourm and erroneously assumed to be out of Titan bridge range of Auga, from which DW typically bridge (it is, in fact, barely within range). Emboldened my this misconception, I push CTRLV and allies to rapidly form to engage.


    05:28 eve time: CTRLV is pinged to form bhaalgorns - Cruiser Crew and other entities begin marshalling space nerds as well.


    05:45 eve time approximate: It is reported that suprememe god-king and true ruller of lowsec Errestrian is indeed awake, aware of the DW rorqs, and excited to remind DW why they shouldn't mine in his timezone.


    05:50 eve time approximate: Scout enters system and reports not six, but 12 DW rorqs mining. Scout has clean zkill, has a cyno fitted, and reports that he is absolutely down to fuck.


    06:00 eve time approximate: fleet comp reports 9 bhaals, 3 guards, no links, 3 fax, and 20ish dreads. It's less than we were comfortable with to fight an entity that made a notable display of supercapital superiority less than 48 hours prior upon anchoring a faction fort, but we decided to pull the trigger nonetheless.


    06:01 eve time approximate: Things begin moving very quickly. Cyno warps down from ping and tackles 2 rorquals and lights. Titan bridges bhaals and guards from Aset. Cyno inhib immediately deployed to both control grid and telegraph weak capital presence. Three CTRLV revelations and one active armour fax are instructed to jump in, with all others instructed to hold. DW rorqs are tackled, neuted by bhaals, and gently caressed by coordinated fire from thicc amarr dreadbois.


    06:02 eve time approximate: Kourmonen local count reported to be climbing - as anticipated - rorqs being forced into PANIC one by one - a few manage to jump out. It's okay. This is eve online, not Pokemon go. Not gonna catch em all. CTRLV Dreads and Fax ordered to lock cyno inhib to ensure immediate grid control


    06:08 eve time approximate: DW cynos dreads, carriers, and token fax in at ping ~220KM off of distressed rorqs just in time to witness the first rorq casualty. Like Emila Clarke's "Khalessi", witnessing Missandei's head topple from atop the walls of King's Landing, the DW capital fleet, with rage in their eyes, elected to attain retribution by warping their capital fleet, carriers and all, at 0 on the rorquals.


    06:09 eve time approximate: DW dreads reported to be sieged and challenging our fax's reps on bhaalgorns. It matters not, as their fate is sealed. The three CTRLV dreads on grid are ordered to shoot my cyno inhib.


    06:10 eve time approximate: With the immediate grid again eligible for cyno activation, CTRLV cyno is lit and Cruisers Crew and Serenity Syndicate capital reinforcements enter the fray. Bhaals are instructed to break anchor and tackle individual rorquals while slaving their DPS to capital primaries.


    Subsequent eve time: Dreads are traded, heavily favoring CTRLV and allies. This is partially due to all but 3 anti-DW dreads coming in at once, compared to a more staggered engage by DW - struggling to pull pilots with such short notice. A lonely DW revenant pilot decides that he'd rather test his mettle on something other than an undefended POS, and jumps in at range. He quickly changed his mind after seeing SGRN HICs and machs on grid (idk when they even came in?), and reportedly finding the word "R E P L I C A" written down the side of his revenant. He was reported to have fled the grid without dignity and light on fighters.


    After it became clear that the fight was lost, DW carriers and a few rorqs manage to extract. CTRLV and allies held grid to loot, pulling in approximately 34bil for SRP.


    In all it was a fun little scrap. I throw shade at DW pretty often but to their credit, they're critical to content generation in bleak lands, and never shy away from a fight. I've fed on virtually every anti-dw rorq op to date, and been hit with "gfs" by a DW fc after every one of them. GF DW, and I look forward to more.


    For those on the outside of the active pvp microcosm of the amarr-minmil wz looking in, there's no shortage of groups here that are recruiting, regardless of TZ or playstyle. If you're interested in getting in on the action, I suggest looking into the entities involved in this engagement.


    As always, CTRLV is recruiting.

    submitted by /u/Mikal_Vexor
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    Bookmarking 101: 1 Jaspet

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:31 AM PST

    Reasons why posts are randomly being moderated?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:27 PM PST

    Can I get some (hopefully) unbiased opinions on the war between PAPI and Goons?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 05:04 PM PST

    I'm kind of worried about the health of the game in the long run if PAPI ends up winning this war and somehow Goons end up disbanding.

    As much as I dislike Goons due to their culture in general, I actually don't want them to lose this war since this this would leave us with just 2 really large blocs, Panfam and Legacy(Idk much about Winterco) and btw I have noticed that Test and Goon's culture to be very similar - just IMO. I have had the same opinion while I was part of legacy and after I left on my solo journey.

    I have always said that war is good for the economy and business, but total annihilation isn't.

    So my two biggest concerns and questions are:

    1) What happens if PAPI wins this war and what happens to Goons?

    2) What impact is the current union going to have on the game in the long run, since most of the biggest groups have gathered together to fight off goons? I assume there's a high chance that they might stay that way, even after the war - even if they're not blue I would imagine NIP agreements and mostly "friendly" fights..

    submitted by /u/R_1_S
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    Anger games rebirth tournament thing

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:08 AM PST

    Goonies form 115 men to defend Helms Deep - gf all

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:22 PM PST

    GAMEBREAKING MINERAL NERFS this has gone too far fix the game now

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:00 PM PST

    I need to preface this by saying that I've been away for quite a few years so this might already be old news to everybody else but I didn't find out until today and I'm very unhappy about it. I've lurked here for a while but never felt strongly enough to make an account and post before. Eve is an extremely difficult game for new players and making money has always been a horrible grind. Until today I had dismissed the complaints I'd heard about empty asteroid belts and missing ores as typical carebear whining from players who were unable to see the necessity of economic rebalance and too set in their ways to adapt. Eve should be hard - the difficulty and the sense of real loss was once what once separated it from other games. But it must be clear to everyone that it had become a land of plenty where titans were ten-a-penny and losses no longer stung like they used to. Before today I was fully in support of a scarcity phase, I knew the economy needed to be rebalanced and the stakes raised again. I thought the posts on this sub, and in the forums, were just the usual whiners and CCP bashers who complain about every little thing and seem not to even enjoy the game they're playing. The strong players will adapt, endure and survive by finding new ways of making money. The weak will fall by the wayside as is the way of things. Until today when I had an experience that showed me what Eve must be like to a brand new player and I perceived just how deeply the impact of these changes has been felt and how severe the economic damage is. I'd like to apologise for my uninformed criticisms - I had no idea how wrong I was until now.

    This happened a little while ago but it's taken a few hours for it to really sink in and for me to get my thoughts in order. Earlier today I was moving ships from one station to another and, as there were no shuttles left on the market (already a clear indicator of a devastated economy!), I claimed a brand new noobship for the return journey. Obviously I conducted the usual pre-flight checks before I left to make sure everything was in full working order...I'm sure you can imagine my shock and distress when I got to the cargo hold and saw it was empty!

    @ CCP where is my tritanium? I don't believe anybody asked for this change - I could have told you it was a terrible change long before it was implemented but what really hurts is that it feels like it was directed specifically at me. I have always struggled to make money in this game as you have nerfed every single possible profitable activity from afk mining to afk ratting but, until now, at least I always had the mineral trade to fall back on. Docking and undocking and docking and undocking and docking and undocking was a legitimate and engaging way of mining tritanium no matter what anyone says. I dread to think what will be removed next, the mining laser so I can't even mine or the gatling gun so that I can't even shoot? I am sick and tired of CCP nerfing my playstyle, fucking the economy and making it impossible for me to enjoy their game. It's obvious that they've done this to force me into buying plex but the jokes on them: if this change is not reverted soon I WILL be unsubbing all two of my accounts and never coming back. If you care about the future of this game then you'll sign my petition, talk with your wallet, and leave the game until this is fixed and the economy booms once again.

    submitted by /u/seeseeplz
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    A couple small features I'd like to see introduced to the game

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:42 AM PST

    - a little sound being played whenever you get a fleet invite
    - to have your weapon systems glow red hot / emit smoke whenever you're overheating

    That's it, smol post. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

    submitted by /u/Ymenoa_Merenet
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    Mobile tractor units

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:46 PM PST

    I have a question for the vets in here . I recently left a mobile tractor unit in a mission . Yes I know space case. Anyways I set out in my scanning ship to find it. Which surprised I did . But I also found like 6 more abandoned tractor units all from the se character naturally I bookmarked these and came back in a phantasm to blow em up.

    My question is all these were from the same charecter. Is this some sort of a baiting technique to get kill rights on you. Does killing a tractor unit grant kill rights to it's owner ? And also is there an amount of time these deployable remain abandoned and you can eventually scoop them yourself ?

    Thanks for any input

    submitted by /u/madhatter2284
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    Abyss T6 Gamma - Passive Gila on a "budget" (Faction Modules + MG-Nirvana) - Video Guide

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:04 PM PST


    a passive recharge Gila works rather well for T6 Gamma sites, the main issue with Gamma sites is that everything gets a +% shield HP buff. While this makes clearing the site alot harder, we can make use of this building a great tank on a buffer fit passive recharge Gila, reaching ~100k EHP and 600 EHP/s shield regeneration with just faction modules and a Mid-Grade Nirvana set.

    As already mentioned, clear speed is the biggest issue since the NPCs also profit from the shield HP buff. Since the buffer Gila is less demanding in terms of CPU/PG requirements we can easily fit Heavy Assault Missile or Heavy Missile Launchers. I choose HAMs over HMs since all spawns that are hard DPS checks get close to you anyways. The hardest spawn in terms of raw EHP is Tyrannos with Ephialtes cruisers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-I6894vUgM).

    While it is not required, this fit has alot of potential to be blinged out(as example abyss Large Shield Extenders give quite the huge boost to your tank for a moderate price tag).



    The deadspace AB is not needed, just a personal preference.

    Playlist of some harder spawns:


    So far I have completed 11 T6 Gamma sites without dying(longest run was a bit under 17 min), while this is not the largest sample size I got some of the more interesting spawns to showcase them. If you would like to see other spawns let me know and Ill try to record them. I didnt include the Overmind and remote repair spawns since they are armor tanked(they dont profit from the Gamma buff) and where very easy to clear.

    submitted by /u/Vendettus
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    Old Good Memories collection: HED-GP 2014

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:29 AM PST

    Let's take a break from the ongoing war and take a look at the our good memories of the past for honor of closed corps, alliances and friends who won the EVE or passed aways.. Video by Advocate20. Fly Safe o/

    HED-GP 2014 PL, NC. vs BRAVE, TEST, BL, The Kadeshi, DARKNESS. and whole EVE.


    Battle Report: https://zkillboard.com/related/30001161/201412050600/

    Bonus Funny Videos:



    submitted by /u/Tylerspike
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    CCP - Please listen and just stop killing the game.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:28 AM PST

    So look I was going to write a long speech about playing the game 17 years, love for the game blah blah but I'm going to get to the point.

    And some I hope will agree but I'm.aure a few won't..

    CCP you're killing the game..literally..

    The changes to mineral distribution and the implementation of ESS and DBS has killed off activity across the board. I've seen a significant drop in activity in my corp and I know many others see it too.

    You see you keep making sweeping changes that you think affect large alliances but tbh it doesn't it affects every single person in that alliance because those players are the ones that like to maybe do a bit of ratting to fund some pvp or mining to maybe build a ship.

    This was their little pastime when we not knee deep in this long war. Now you've taken that away and they simply just now don't log in because whats the point..

    You see you strangling isk making to combat big blocs is the answer its not. I simply don't get where you think that. The more isk people have the more people play.

    Now I agree the wealth of big blocs is a lot but you've gone about it the wrong way and its purely your fault.


    You removed passive moon mining.. brilliant need to be done but then big blocs just rented EVERY single moon out making them even more isk for doing even less!! They now don't even need to anchor a athanor! What it also did was affect alliance members because corps used to get moons to help growth now alliances keep everything and then tax everyone. On top of that all the decent space what used to be for corps now are rented.

    Your view was if you have space you must live in it. Haha but for large blocs that's was fuck you CCP what we will do is not live in it but rent it all out! So we got round that one and now make even more isk for doing absolutely nothing.

    Rental is literally out of control.

    Also you're seeing Fraternity now invading Tribute and Vale because of the mineral changes to be close to low and high sec.

    What we had there is some smaller groups flourishing in those regions now being evicted. Big blocs win again.

    So what you say you do to stop blocs you actually in reality make them stronger and in fact it's the line members and smaller groups that you are actually affecting.

    You're not affecting large blocs when you allow a HS Keepstar to be anchored making trillion isk a a month, you're not affecting them when you allow regions upon regions of space to be rented out for billions, and moons for the same. Do you not get this?

    You also brought in citadels that yes great they fixes a lot of past problems but you made them so ridiculously cheap they just just spammed everywhere so the what you did was stick loads of nerfing plasters to make them easier to kill. Wtf..
    Firstly old station eggs where 30b at least and that was a basic station never mind all the services and tethering and offices you get for free now. So why the hell are they only 800m isk? How can a large space station cost the same as a half bling tengu? How is that even possible??

    They should be 10x the price they are at the very least and that's not even close to what eggs used to be.

    You nerfed fighters so badly that they are useless and so squishy. Carriers are useless and can be so easily killed by a couple of ships.

    You see all these issue are of your own making, your game design your mechanics. Your game balance and design is erratic and not thought through.

    You shouldn't restrict isk making because it kills off every other player what you should.have done is make big things more expensive and longer to build.

    Eve has literally lost its awe. There are a ridiculous and I mean ridiculous amount of supers and titans that when I see one o don't been think wow anymore. Its just an oversized pvp ship. Supers and Titans should have more roless that just blast the fcuk out of something.

    Also what happened to the great community you had. You killed off the AT tournament and yes the cheating didn't help but it brought people together.

    Latest fanfest had been utterly soul destroying its been CCP in can't be arsed anymore.

    The awesome twice yearly big expansions died and what we get is trickles of random nerfs and some crappy events that you keep recycling.

    I mean ffs missions have been the same boring mess for years and years.

    Have you seriously lost interest or passion for this game? It feels like it. Bring back the fun the excitement the community fgs.

    Reverse those horrible changes, remove ess and dbs, put minerals back, in some form, and start to think again. Look at the bigger picture and how your changes affect EVERY single player because what you're doing now is so far from making eve better in fact you're killing it.

    I want to play eve for the next 17 year's but at the moment like so many players recently I can't see this being more than a year.. so many people have stopped playing surely that's not what you want.

    submitted by /u/thisiseveinnit
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    No rider arrived on the first light of the fifth day. Goonswarm Federation's Helms Deep has fallen.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 01:09 PM PST

    Why do I keep getting kill threats from the Caldari whenever I'm in Caldari space

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:12 PM PST

    So I undock and almost immediately I get a message saying that they'll [Caldari] will shoot me down, but they never do, what is going on?

    submitted by /u/Slipstream232
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    Solo Rail BNI vs INIT.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:44 AM PST

    Where to begin

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 12:56 AM PST

    I am brand new, just finished up the tutorial training. What should I know, what should I do? Eve seems so huge and daunting, but fun and a great way to spend my free time.

    submitted by /u/Semetersi
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