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    Sunday, February 7, 2021

    Eve Online Shameless Saturday - February 06, 2021

    Eve Online Shameless Saturday - February 06, 2021

    Shameless Saturday - February 06, 2021

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:00 AM PST

    Hello and welcome to Shameless Saturday.

    Today you're welcome to shamelessly self promote your site/video/stream/product etc provided that it's related to EVE Online and your self-promotion to interaction ratio is 10:1 (1 self promotion link for every 10 normal interactions.) Accounts should also be a month old and have prior interactions with /r/eve.

    Now what are you waiting for? Go out there and sell your ~~soul~~ self!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    In today's news

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:42 AM PST

    Have you watched The Expanse?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:21 PM PST

    The new season just ended, but I keep saying this show is basically EVE Online in TV format. Yes, it was originally a novel, the adaptation to a TV show seems to borrow many elements from EVE.

    Even the plot line between factions is eerily similar to EVE's, because as humans spend time in space they drift apart and start looking/behaving/talking different.

    The ship command, fleet battles, and scenes of space fighting look almost identical to EVE's interface as well as the jargon with drive signatures, ship classes, physics. Then there's the aliens, who is basically the Jove.

    I highly recommend it if anyone's looking for a TV show to binge. Check out this artist rendering of one of the UN ships:


    submitted by /u/keitherson
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    My 10 hour shift during WWB2 from the perspective of a PAPI line member

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:46 PM PST

    Since I had no time to watch the Meta Show today, but having read the summary on reddit, I want to draw a picture of what the war looks like from the trenches.

    How does it feel to be one of the "dregs that nobody else would have"? What am I, a skull-fuckingly dumb line member, doing and how does it feel to be in an Alliance called the "toilet bowl sinking gall bladder ejection vent"? [TBSGBEV] for short.

    Well, let me tell you.


    The evening started with a very relaxing structure bash my Corp pinged for. With the help of NC. we managed to kill the Fort pretty quickly without any resistance and after about 30 minutes we were on our way back home. Shoutout to our NC. Friends in this constellation.



    Since some of us were quite bored, we decided to reinforce some unanchoring structures in the M2- constellation. So while we were bashing some more structures with my corp mates we were having some fun chatting on comms.

    This took a little longer since we reinforced 3-4 structures and destroyed a Cyno beacon. Our small Drekavac fleet was even streamed by a Goon who decided to show up and man the structure guns. Even though we were one jump away from M2-, no one cared to stop us.


    First ping of the evening went out under Vily, M2- was coming out of reinforcement. I was ready for a fight but, no one was there to fight against. We won the timer in about half an hour and to my surprise, Vily didn't seem as mad as the enemy believed him to be.


    Since we were done so quickly I and many others were able to instantly join the Fleet in Catch. It sounded promising, the enemy was forming, ready for a fight. In 3GD6-8 we warped onto a Zealot/Deimos fleet of Dock Workers. In the heat of the fight I was surprised we were doing so well and was asking myself, wasn't Init forming as well? Enemy ships were dying quickly, and our fleet seemed to be holding really well. The enemy warped off.

    Turns out, Init was 100km off sniping at our fleet and I didn't even notice after someone in comms said, they were part of the fight. That was hilariously disappointing. Shoutout to Dock Workers for a good brawl, sorry your allies didn't want to make their hands dirty.

    On our way back to GE-8JV Vily warped our fleet saying "Overheat Starburst, lock up closest targets and free fire the closest 10". That we did. Turns out we were warping directly into a bomb setup but were able to completely negate any losses and destroy 15-20 ships in the process. If I had to describe how it felt, this is how.

    Shoutout to our friends in Brave.



    But the evening was not even close to over. Another ping in Eso, same fleet. We formed a tackle fleet and made our way to D-P but since the enemy formed bigger ships we decided to switch to the TFI doctrine.

    We made our way to D-FVI7 to shoot the Ansiblex with not much resistance but some ineffective Tornado attacks. After shooting it for a while, we couldn't believe our eyes. Ten Leshaks, three dreads and the Tornado fleet decided to engage us. They were hitting hard but we were hitting harder. Our Logi pilots were quick at work keeping us alive and even though the enemy was able to do quite a lot of damage, Logi repairs were holding steady. Enemy ships were dying one by one and we destroyed most of their fleet. Two dreads managed to jump back through the Ansi, one didn't make it.

    Shoutout to our Logi bros in TEST.



    We made our way back home, but were informed that there is another fight going on in an area formerly known as Helm's Deep. Well, I've been in fleets for the past eight hours, what are another two in comparison.

    When we made it back to T5Z we instantly got a bridge into the middle of an ongoing fight. An enemy Muninn fleet was trying to defend the area but they didn't stay long since a whole other fleet just came in to join in the action. It didn't take long until they left the field completely and we started reinforcing Cyno Jammers on our way out.

    Shoutout to all our Alliance friends, fighting for the same cause.



    Since I don't want to bore you with a long outro,

    Here's a TL;DR: Ten hours of fighting, ten hours of winning. Grr Goons and if you are interested, come join the dregs.

    My shift has ended.


    submitted by /u/SciFiSage
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    Mind1 ft papi - The UM [Dimitri Vegas - Like Mike Mashup]3

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:21 AM PST

    Welcome to NS Dock Workers.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:16 PM PST


    Next time don't pick up the Bat Phone.


    Dock workers come to Catch to help goons and co. attempt to capture GE- IHUB. Get welcomed to NS accordingly.

    submitted by /u/ilsewizard
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    Secret Goon plan to not pay back War Bonds revealed

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:21 AM PST

    Hello, my name is Mukami and I own a laptop repair shop in Nigeria.

    A few weeks ago, a person showed up in my shop to deliver a laptop for repair. I dutyfully repaired it and tried to contact the person for the return, but he never showed up again. Trying to find a way to contact him I looked through his e-mails and found the following message.

    From: Mittens To: Illum Lol we're going to make so many trillions from the warbonds and then instead of paying them back I'll buy so much cocaine with it. Don't tell Vily I said this! 

    After reading this I knew I had to tell the world of this man's dastardly plans and I hope I am not too late in warning all you people.

    submitted by /u/gandraw
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    Caedes gets Vonholed.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:10 PM PST

    i try build sabre

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:15 AM PST

    Siberian Squad joining Imperium to live in Querious

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:52 AM PST

    Go listen for yourself

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y90yaLFoYoA :dance:

    ~~~ This was a broadcast from the_mittani to all at 2021-02-06 15:55:17 EVE ~~~
    SIBERIAN SQUADS JOINS THE IMPERIUM: It is a great honor to welcome Hanzo Viper and his alliance Siberian Squads to the Imperium. We got to know Hanzo and his skilled crew back when they were part of Deadco. They impressed us back then, and have continued to do so while being on the opposing side of this war; when Sibsq left Legacy several weeks ago, I immediately extended them an offer to join the Imperium - and I am delighted that they have accepted. Their bravery and warlike spirits impress me greatly, choosing to join us and moving directly to the front line of the hottest war in the history of gaming thus far.

    Hanzo is a fantastic FC and as he is based in Siberia, he and his people will be reinforcing our cn/rus timezones. Siberian Squads will be settling in Querious and working with our allies and squads in that area to take the fight to the enemy. Welcome to our new brothers and sisters!

    ~~~ This was a broadcast from the_mittani to all at 2021-02-06 15:58:11 EVE ~~~

    submitted by /u/Bijouz
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    Any love for bronze ships? Open to ideas for what to do next

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:10 PM PST

    My humble idea.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:51 PM PST

    I think it would be cool if we had an item slot for drugs. As we do for weapons/mods. Load the drugs you want into it, and be able to press a button to drink them all. Instead of fumbling the cargo every time.

    Something simple, maybe a button next to the capacitor where you can drag/drop drugs into and set a hotkey for it. Or just click the button.


    I hope everyone is having a great day :)

    submitted by /u/LargeQuafeZero
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    Frat vs The Freemen of the North - Week 5

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:44 AM PST

    Crabe bleu non dominant.

    (Author's Note: Hi. I'm here with the weekly report for your mastication on this fine Saturday. Forgive me if this is disjointed, I was on nights this week and missed some things, also, maybe had the 'rona or whatever new hotness my kids picked up from licking every surface at school. Energy levels didn't recover til Thursday, so we're playing some heavy catch up. )

    Week 5

    Week 5 started with Frat and pets reinforcing the M-OEE8 ihub, pushing a timer to the early hours of 1 Feb. The timer was a relatively good time for the USTZ contingent of the Freemen, and we set about preparing for the battle ahead. We blanketed the pocket with jammers to force their ingress through either E-O or Taisy, which were secondarily bubble wrapped in order to slow down any movement of heavier assets into the pocket.

    I'll supply you with the overall battle report for the fight to give the big picture, and we'll break it down to the constituent components further on.

    M-OEE8 02:40-03:35: The initial fight we elected for Sacrileges with capital support. We had full scans of their fleet and honestly a bit too much trust in the ewar mids of the Sacs to give us the edge. The initial warp the Freemen Sacs fleet was solo with Dreadbomb. Cerbs still a few jumps out. As it turns out, 150 Munnins have enough punch to knock out a Sac, ADC or not. We were forced off relatively quickly, losing primary link boats and having to leave the caps to their fate while we waited for Dreadbomb to arrive to even the numbers from a 1:3 to a 1:2.5 ratio.

    As the Cerbs got onto field we warped back to re-engage the Munnins and Ishtars in concert. Throughout the engagement there was multiple warpins as both HAC fleets jockied for position to either be within their optimal or outside the enemies. The HAC fight over this ~30 minute period in M-O is actually pretty even in terms of how well each side traded. Which ultimately is a testament to the amount of work the Cerbs were putting in. Some bad warpins got them in some bad spots but overall their on field performance and ability to throw down was outstanding. Good shit Dreadbomb.

    As these fights with attrition go: it all comes down to numbers. With the trading being relatively even, both Freemen fleets needed to reset and re-arm for the next fight in FY0.

    FY0W-N 03:38-04:07: We reshipped from Sacs into Dominixes, got new fax, and went to engage Frat and pets in FY0W-N on a node. Due to the impressive nature of Dominixes they are slow to get off gates, and we took the fight at the J-GAMP (incoming) gate as the Muninn fleet came to engage. Here's this section of the battle report. As mainline boats the Dominix did well, but the support fleet getting gutted from underneath FAX reps and the Cerbs getting into some bad spots and taking a beat really shines thru. The Dominixes circled the wagon as they do, and things stabilized as the Munnins continued to make warp ins and attempt trades. Eventually both sides would run dry on light tackle, and with reports of dreads gating in from lowsec (and subsequently being stopped by a well-timed bubble), we'd make the move to extract to a friendly structure.

    We reshipped into nano and continued the fight, with multiple mid-tier plays leading to some more feeding but also catching stragglers who no longer could find an FC to keep at range. All in all, it was a good fight.

    Final Thoughts: From a personal standpoint, I hadn't felt the shakes since the Alliance Tournament. Best part of the game, in this pilot's opinion. Staring down the 3:1 odds was surreal but ultimately after taking the first capital losses, everything washed away and it was time to go to work. The biggest of thanks goes out to Dreadbomb for throwing down a good chunk of isk and doing flat out work through the fight.

    Some quick lessons learned: Sacs and caps don't really work out when you're facing that many HACs. Neither was a wrong choice alone, but combined, not the correct option. Dominixes are neat, I miss battleship fleets, but not the triple DD tanked monstrosities from ten years ago.

    Ultimately, we took a decent hit in the nose, but that's to be expected as an eventuality. The more interesting stories here is that Noraus brought up Elo from retirement in Goons to fight his battle. Personally I find it telling that a 15k member alliance needs helps from the outside in order to beat up some Dads and their French neighbors. Secondarily, the fact that Frat and pets supplied 7x the amount of characters for this fight vs the Delve action earlier in the day is pretty solid evidence, despite their pings stating otherwise, that their focus is solidly on expanding the RMT farm in Tribute, but more on that later.

    The rest of the week would see multiple battles and setpiece fights as Frat and pets tried one of two things: attempt to nano or attempt to bait out a cap drop. I'll list a few more for your perusal, but without context, hate me later.

    TP Cerbs vs FRT Munnin/Gila

    Rip Valencia, you shining star

    Rip Jumpbridge

    Frat Cynos within Optimal of Sacs, Goes as expected

    Frat Pets Attempt to Blops

    Rote are Dirty Blobbers

    Frat Nano gets the Baguette

    Ultimately it has been a busy week for both sides. The USTZ contingent of the Freemen has been taking the brunt of the aggression over the past week but have made up for it with a hell of a blops campaign. I am certain the rhetoric will be going around pretty heavy in the comment section, but since I have your attention now: Frat and pets place a high value on our 'capital' of M-OEE8 and to somehow mark Feb 1 as the 'real' start of the war. We'll counter that with the initial push to put a fort in D7 and the commitment made there. Can't have it both ways just because you were ill prepared for what's to come. So, yeah, Frat took the M-O ihub, anchored a Keepstar there and another in 4-H in Vale where they plan to make their Vale primary staging.

    All of this is punctuated by general moping within the botting ranks about how dangerous Vale is.

    In the end, we don't deride Frat for using the sole advantage of numbers to make timers go their way. It was expected to happen, as the battle reports show that in the case of less than 2.5:1 odds in their favor they have been struggling, and that doesn't even hold true in all cases.

    Onto the numbers!

    The Scorecard

    Week 5 - 29 Jan-4 Feb 2021

    Current Hubris Tax Level for Frat V Rote Kapelle: 2021%, for TP: 1357%

    Current tallies are:

    Team Frat Freemen
    Isk Lost 670b 315b
    Ships Lost 4090 2545
    Supers 1
    Dreads 15 7
    Fax 6 4
    Carrier 7 3
    JFs 2
    Rorqs 3
    Orcas 1
    Forts 3 1
    Azbel 2
    Athanor 1 1
    Ansiblex 10 3
    Tenebrex 4 2
    Battleships 123 48
    BLOPs 2
    HACs 146 87
    Botters 481

    And some graphs to go along with it:

    Rote V Frat

    TP V Frat

    As previously relayed, these numbers do not capture the entirety of the forces involved in this fight. We here at the FMOTN feel that doing so would challenge their decrees of independence. But as usual, a lot happens during the week, I know I've missed some dank frags and good battle reports in there somewhere. Shoutout to BOSS and TH for tearing things up towards Venal, as well as TP for keeping up the EU pressure.

    If you have any further questions for us feel free to hit us up here or on Discord as usual.

    The biggest of thanks to the following:

    • Dreadbomb.
    • No Vacancies
    • Hardknocks
    • Odin's Call (all 600 of them)
    • Triumvirate
    • Pen Is Out
    • Brotherhood of Spacers
    • Arkhos Core
    • /u/_DJtanner for these slick visuals
    • Anyone I missed: I love you

    Edit: Fixed graph image links, derp.

    submitted by /u/Savanted
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    negotiations between papi and the imperium

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:07 AM PST

    Wikipedia Updates Fast

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:08 AM PST

    Got My Corax Fitted ��

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:07 PM PST

    Scared to Start.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:01 PM PST

    I have always wanted to play Eve but never commit because I am alone. Ive got no clue what to do and would like a buddy. Im aware the game is heavily focused for playing with others. Is there anyone I could co-op with? Or a community I could join to get help?

    submitted by /u/thereal_caveman
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    Frat vs The Freemen of the North - Week 6

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:55 PM PST

    We lost harder this time. We were unable to defend the Ihub, literally in our staging system.


    Goodbye, Rote Kapelle is disbanding due to our inability to win.

    Here's a thing for the nerds:


    submitted by /u/maladvice
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    For the 453735127 times in the last few years, local and chat are down

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:03 AM PST

    How are we trusting a company to run servers and a game when even something as basic as a chat functionality can't work properly after 16 years is beyond me sometimes... ah well, at least got a chance to rant :-P

    Update 1: after waiting 10 min, some appeared but without names (just count of people), then names appear, but local still fucked

    Update 2: rebooted (again) and now it worked for 3 min before everything crashed and all chat disappeared

    Update 3: not relogging until this mess is fixed. Have other things to do than looking at a black screen and a blank chat hoping it will maybe potentially work at some point


    N.B: Also managed to trigger myself by using poor grammar (453735127th time instead of 45375127 times).

    submitted by /u/T0rv4ld
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    This popped up on my Facebook memories today. Still the case.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:58 AM PST

    Daily Login Trash..will it ever end?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:12 AM PST

    I'm curious if we are all doomed to click "trash all" on every alt, every day, until the servers go offline for good, due to the items being offered being absolute garbage?

    CCPlease, just stop with the junk. No one wants it.

    submitted by /u/klepto_giggio
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    CCP PLEAS, Call me a weeb but can i get japanese "Warp drive Active"

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:45 AM PST

    Can you let us, set japanese voice on english version?

    I think im in love in "Warp drive Active" on japanese version. So let me have it PLEASE.

    submitted by /u/MisakiAy
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    What is the best long range sniper to take out frigs/destroyers?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:29 AM PST

    What ship is best at long range sniping frigs and destroyers?

    Warp in at range, shoot, warp out. I am not sure what will be best. Munin with long range fit?

    submitted by /u/VentureBrusier98772
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    CCP, come now - you need to fix the chat system

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:02 AM PST

    Not even angry or anything and I love getting a bit riled up when talking about Eve. From citadels to null blocs blobs, the economy and cap proliferation. All of it is a bit subjective tho, many differences of opinion which is always fun. There's nothing there that would make me quit or anything like that. Adapting to change when it occurs is all part of Eve, right? (lol shield slaves).


    But, watching the chat server die, again and again, well that actually makes me believe there's a competency issue here. I don't know if that's within the dev team, the management or funding. But the lack of communication and visible action on something that is such a simple user requirement (a functioning and stable chat system) which other game developers seem to address early in the lifecycle of their product, without much fuss, indicates a problem.


    This makes me question why I give you my money - where's the benefit to the players in what you've implemented here? Can you even fix it at this point?

    submitted by /u/Dreaded_Vengance
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    Diminishing Returns on Numbers

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:00 AM PST

    There is more than a little concern that Tranquility is going the way of Serenity. That eventually, it's going to coalesce into a couple of mega coalitions, and all of the players on the server are going to end up blue to more or less half of everyone else.

    Some people fault cowardice of the players for this, but at the end of the day, it's simply an N+1 game. In the high level wars fought in null, numbers matter a lot more than skill. How might we make skill matter more, and numbers matter less, so that there isn't such a strong incentive to form these mega blocs?

    The skill problem when it comes to alliance warfare is essentially a scaling problem both in terms of people and damage.

    The people problem is that right now, in a 250 man fleet, only one guy (the FC) needs to have much tactical competence and situational awareness. Everyone else does the most basic control of their ships, locks the targets that are called, and shoots. They generally don't even need to know what kind of ammo to use for the range of their target. The FC will tell them. The cumulative skill floor is too low. The skill of one guy (the FC) scales too well.

    The damage problem is that a 250 man fleet will always make more damage than a 150 man fleet. With the FC calling targets and everyone else focusing fire on one target at a time, the 250 man fleet is always going to win if the skill of the two FCs is even remotely similar and the individual pilots are even minimally competent.

    What if damage caps applied to ships, as they currently do to structures? Maybe they'd apply more like fall-off, than a cliff edge cap. Damage peaks with 10 ships targeting one ship, starts to fall off as more are added, and above 15 or so additional damage is "deflected".

    The effect of this would be that instead of 1 player in 250 who needs to have situational awareness and tactical skill, you'd need 1 in 10 or so. Instead of 1 monolithic 250 man fleet, you'd have one commander directing 25 squad leaders who in turn direct the actions of 10 pilots if you wanted to apply maximum DPS.

    Skill, and therefore numbers, wouldn't scale as well. Skill would matter more, and sheer numbers would matter less. A few skilled gangs could pick the 250 man blob apart if most of it's members were tactically clueless, and couldn't manage basics like range, speed and traversal on their own.

    Of course, other mechanics would have to be adjusted as well to balance this, such as the current effectiveness of logistics ships.

    This is only one possible solution of many. There is probably a better one. The problem is real, though. As long as its an N+1 game, players are going to N+1. The players can't change that CCP. Only you can.

    submitted by /u/MarcusMurphy
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    Warp Disruption Bubbles in FW

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:06 PM PST

    So FW is broken memes aside, what would happen if you were to apply similar mechanics as ESS to FW?

    What I mean by this is a small warp disruption bubble around the site? Maybe novice is 15km, small is 25km, medium 35km and large 45km? The idea is mainly to make people actually stay and fight and not just put quick aligning frigates in there and run away immediately once you warp to the acceleration gate.

    submitted by /u/skilledpigeon
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