• Breaking News

    Monday, March 15, 2021

    Eve Online POV of the beacon providing

    Eve Online POV of the beacon providing

    POV of the beacon providing

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    The Beacon Provides!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    Is the bee next to you a TEST spy?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    Mistakes Were Made

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    Don't be a F1 monkey, fly tackles and dictors!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Now that it's over

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    ���� By Extrapolating The Beacon Kills... ����

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    ���� Can't Stop ���� Won't Stop ���� ANOTHER ONE DOWN ����

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:10 PM PDT


    Can you believe it? Two supers, a titan and a rorqual in one day!

    That's right ladies and gentlemen, we have offered yet another sacrifice to the angry god Ajima. Poor LifecraverX has joined Commander Krane Vahalla, Anika Stones and razer maden on the holy pyre.

    That's a grand total of 731 billion isk for those of you keeping track at home.

    🙏 🙏 The Beacon Provides 🙏 🙏

    submitted by /u/Xullister
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    Goons finally get the even-numbers battle they were asking for and get turbodunked (

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:03 PM PDT



    Goons reffed 10 ihubs a day ago, and formed to attempt to win back the ihubs, but fail, and get dunked in the process.

    Then we had a dank brawl in 1DQ, and goons get dunked again.

    Also, praise the beacon



    submitted by /u/SublimeLimes1
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    The Beacon Providing (AJI Titan Kill)

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    Mittens gets a Monday update on the war

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 05:05 PM PDT

    ���� By Extrapolating The Beacon Kills... ����

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 05:56 PM PDT

    Apparently I'm Psychic

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    After fleet - just moving some stuff around. Notice a Rorq, a Chimera, and a Nag undock from the D-W Keepstar. I mention it in comms and we joke about how hilarious it would be if they jumped to the beacon (praise be). As a joke I type of "The Beacon Provides!" in local and go on my way.

    Next thing I know in T5Z local they start talking about a Rorq that jumped into AJI to the Beacon (praised be).

    I'm not 100% sure that it was the same Rorq, but the timing seems way too coincidental for it to be anything else.

    If anyone needs suggestions for lotto numbers or other vague predictions about the future please send me 5M ISK in game and I'll email you a fully customized prediction.


    submitted by /u/holyyakker
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    Delta Sqad would love to have sax....... with you!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:43 PM PDT

    There Goes the Neighborhood

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    CCPlease fix the disappearing Volume and Est. Price tabs. Re-adding them requires clicking the button like 50 times. Why?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    ���� The Beacon (Still) Provides ���� Not A Double Post ���� Bonus - We Found SBSQ ����

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:54 AM PDT


    Proving once again how important it is to read r/Eve every day, yet another super has seen the light and made a holy offering to the angry god of Ajima.

    The exact moment I logged back in (after logging off from the Nyx last night) a foolish Hel discovered why he should read pings, check Reddit, subscribe to Xtra Squishy's youtube, and/or at least double check where he's jumping to. Alas, yet again, this poor soul focused his fighters on a brick tanked Hic and died without shedding any blood. At least this time the Hic meant to be there.

    But hey, we found out what happened to Siberian Squads. Ouch.

    🙏 🙏 The Beacon Provides 🙏 🙏

    EDIT: 656 billion isk lost to unverified beacons. Won't someone think of the children?

    submitted by /u/Xullister
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    Goons F2 runs the program turbofeed.exe

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    EFM: battle report (fleetcom.space)

    Sov fight turns into Titan kill on the Beacon turns into Nyx fleet warped and dunked by NC Dreads in 1DQ turns into Goon rage feed. Thank you for the pew pews and have a great night I hope you all had a good time in TIDI land :D

    O I almost forgot Grrr Goons

    submitted by /u/ErodiceSGHQ
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    PGL balling through Delve with a fully armed and operational super fleet

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    The war of win conditions and a reminder of why there are issues with Goon culture

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    It's been quite fun to keep up with the war from the outside. I wanted to offer few thoughts against some misguided points Goons have been making.

    The War of Win Conditions

    • Eradication of Goons was an erroneous goal to declare for Vily.

    • Knowing that this is unachievable, Imperium leaders spun Vily's goal to mean "making 30k people quit Eve".

    • They acted as if PAPI made the worst call in this decade of Eve by going into the war.

    Actual Goals of PAPI

    • Except feeding into the Goon narratives, there is no requirement or point in win conditions being binary. Here are some goals PAPI could hope to achieve.

    • If you (like myself) have a problem with the culture the Goon leadership have been nurturing, it would have been nice to make their leaders quit. [Yet Unachieved, Unlikely]

    • Even if you can't make them quit, you can diminish their relevance by chipping away their members, ship force, infrastructure, caches. [Partially achieved]

    • Even if you have no issue with Goon leadership, you might want to reduce their power for purely in-game reasons. Goons' post-WWB supremacy was grounded on Aryth's planning and the abundance era. These are no more. If you exchange stocks with Goons, both sides end up on a more equal footing after the war. [Mostly Achieved]

    • Without the war, we'd either be continuing with the MER warfare or Goons were glassing the alliance of their choice. In both they'd be superior. Instead, they are being forced to defend. [Achieved]

    • The war created the greatest content Eve has ever seen since a long time. [Achieved]

    • Imho, current achievements completely render the war worth going into for PAPI.

    Why Would One Have Issues with the Goon Culture

    • The war has also provided opportunities to reiterate on why one might have issues with the Goon leadership and culture to start a war.

    • The Disrespect: You don't see Vily talking about "filthy backstabbers", "Simperium", "pubbies". He does not have many mocking nicknames for his enemies. He does not try to change the other side's preferred coalition name or the name they want to use to refer to the war.

    • The Emphasis on Metagame: You don't see Gobbins or Vince in any shows at all. Imperium is all about metagame, making their people artificially believe that they are winning, disbanding enemy alliances from the inside, getting their leaders banned, etc. This metagame is not much a priority for the other side. Perhaps a disadvantage, but Eve shouldn't become a game in which you win outside of Eve.

    • The Lack of Appreciation for Fun: You see PAPI people like Elise or Vily praising how much of a resistance Goons put up all the time. You don't see people in Meta Show genuinely thanking the other side for the fun, you don't see them genuinely praising and congratulating any PAPI achievement.

    • The Polarization: The "us and them" is so strong with Goon leaders that they cannot even respect a medium like TIS. TIS is crewed by people in the Imperium. All kinds of viewpoints are voiced in it including the most koolaid-drinking ones like "Goons never lose wars because they come back afterwards". The suit people of Meta Show want to equate themselves with TIS by claiming that everyone spins, and the Meta Show spins as much as everyone else. For this comparison to be true, Meta Show would have to be co-hosted by someone like RonUSMC.

    • The Cult-Like Climate: For years I couldn't have peaceful Eve balance conversations because some Goon wanted to drop in and bring all the disrespect and the talking points he's conditioned to parrot at the Meta Show or the Fireside. The suit people did not care about the truth and validity of these points as long as they serve Imperium. Like conversations on Eve balance, it now bars two sides from having rational conversations about the war.

    • The above cultural issues with Goons take away from everyone's fun and enjoyment. They alone justify the goal of removing the Goon leadership. Without them, the linemembers would play in entities that are not cult-like. We would still find ways to shoot each other. But without a few dudes chipping away from the overall enjoyment of Eve by their leadership choices. Like my last thread, this one too will probably fill with hateful comments and personal attacks from Imperium members who are conditioned into doing so.

    The Story of WWB2 that Could Have Been

    • The official story at the Meta Show has been that "pubbies have betrayed them and blobbed the entire server against Imperium in a war which PISSPI is destined to lose".

    • In actuality, PAPI united against Imperium because Imperium was the most crowded cohesive organization. Vily couldn't hope to go into war without Panfam. AKA you don't get to complain about "the blob" if you are so big that the single shot everyone else has is uniting against you.

    • Instead of folding over like many have expected, Goons offered a valiant defense. They were also tactically superior and they made less military mistakes. The NPC Delve Keepstar denies, the M2- victory and camp, the guerilla warfare in Catch/Eso etc, the (server-blocked) drop Goon titans did vs PAPI supers, were all great moments Goons shined militarily.

    • Meanwhile, PAPI passed the most important test. It was being able to sustain a war for nearly a year. As long as they could do that, their numerical advantage allows them to keep pushing wave after wave. And as such they achieved many of their goals and they are about to evict Goons.

    • If it wasn't for the televangelism, we could have agreed on this glorious story that both sides can be proud of and enjoyed Eve together.

    submitted by /u/Olmeca_Gold
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    Play EVE, stay safe!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    Anyone heard from INIT?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:45 PM PDT

    The Beacon Provides

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    Friendly reminder that "Pochven" literally means "vagina" in Slavic languages. CCP Aurora was probably on vacation the week the name was decided. This is how I anticipate the next round of names will be selected...

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    Test Blackops SIG Predditors send goons to Valhalla

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:27 AM PDT

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