• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 14, 2021

    Eve Online -I don't feel belts. -You got no belts!

    Eve Online -I don't feel belts. -You got no belts!

    -I don't feel belts. -You got no belts!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    CCP kills off Angel Officer

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:34 PM PDT

    I don't officer rat, and I don't know if this is "big" enough for a reddit thread, but what the hell, I think there should be a discussion on this.

    In todays update CCP has "Removed empty Asteroid Belts that have no asteroids left available." Which is mainly talking about asteroid belts in the south that have had no rocks spawning in them for many months.

    Wollari, developer for dotlan, has updated the database/SDE for dotlan and CCP has removed 14k old static asteroid belts in nullsec.


    The big thing here is that there are now ZERO belts in curse.


    Now for those who don't know about officer rats here is a uni wiki page with a table containing the faction, region, and best > worst spawns. https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Faction_modules#Officer

    Now people can correct me in the comments if I'm wrong here but if we take for example the Angel faction, the Tobias and Gotan rats only spawn in the home npc region of that faction. A little bit of conflicting information here but this is either because belt rats in home regions all spawn as though the truesec is -1.00. Or because the top tier spawns only spawn in home regions. I think its both. So Estamels can only spawn in Venal, Chelm can only spawn in Stain, etc.

    Zkill link for Tobias: https://zkillboard.com/ship/13544/ As you can see only loss mails have happened in curse, the home region for Angels.

    So obviously the problem here is that because CCP has deleted all belts in curse, this has killed off Angel officer ratting and specifically no more Tobias spawns. You could still get the lower tier officers in the rest of angel space, but not tobias and potentially Gotan?

    CCP did add the 1 small mining anom to all systems but the way you belt rat is find a system with a large amount of asteroid belts and continue to warp to each belt, kill all the rats, and then warp to the next, hoping for a faction spawn or a rare officer spawn. So you can't do that with the 1 mining anom in system.

    Hopefully CCP comes up with a solution for this, otherwise all them Tobias officer mods gonna be a lot more rare. lol.

    If theres anything I've missed, gotten wrong, or whatever else, please comment below.

    EDIT: fuck me I forgot to look at the title and finish it so now its all awkward

    EDIT 2: https://i.imgur.com/AsNP4RS.png Boys, am I missing something here? I warped to one of these new mining anoms and its drone rats instead of angel rats?! Kinda worse then I thought then.

    submitted by /u/tell32
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    CCP says Mining will be more rewarding.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:20 PM PDT

    Its happened. QOL change of the year, Jump bridge included in your routes

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:19 AM PDT

    Around 15 nullsec regions had most, if not all of their asteroid belts deleted.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:51 AM PDT

    These belts had been broken for months, they did not spawn asteroids at all which was dumb enough on its own. What they did still have though, are belt rats. Personally i live in the area around Great Wildlands and Curse. Curse has no belt rats left, which entirely deletes an officer npc from the game, and the wildlands only has 6 systems with belts left.

    Belt ratting was a nice and simple thing to do and get a few rare spawns with. Not to mention the belts' purposes in roaming.

    The belticided regions: Providence, catch, impass, feythabolis, omist, teneriffs, immensea, curse, detorid, wicked creek, scalding pass, great wildlands, insmother, cache, the spire (partially), etherium reach (partially), malpais (partially), outer passage (partially), the kalevala expanse (partially), perrigen falls (partially), oasa (a lot), cobalt edge (a lot).

    My suggestions to fix this:

    Ideally, restore the asteroid belts, and make asteroids spawn in them like they used to a while ago.

    Or, change the now "deleted" asteroid belts into "depleted asteroid fields" which dont spawn asteroids, but spawn rats. Miners can remove these from their overview, so the quality of life of this change remains.

    submitted by /u/Bootyratchik
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    Why EVE Online's Market System Might Be Too Efficient For its Own Good

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    Nothing being done about FW botting

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    Its getting absurd at this point, certain bots have been running for over a month constantly with no ban.


    This guy has lost 800 coercers, using the exact same script theyve been using for years. Ive reported him, my alliance mates have reported him, is CCP doing nothing? Its not a new bot that theyre gathering intel on either, its the same exact shitty script thats been active for years. Are CCP even working on this?

    submitted by /u/OY_YOU_SACK_OF_SHIT
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    I always thought he had something to do with the whiskey...

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    My Life As A New Wormhole Corp Founder. Or How NOT To Begin Wormhole Living.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Funnily enough this happened a few days ago.

    Me and a friend have started our own wormhole corp. After finding, scouting and seeding a wormhole of choice, we waited for a couple of days to get an exit somewhere near highsec. Finding one, we fit a Wreathe big enough to carry an Athanor and plopped it down, anchoring.

    23 hours later I jump on my seeded character to scan a way out, and noticed an Astero 2 holes over. It gave chase into the hole next to ours and then I lost it, before logging off in a safe spot in our new home.

    Log into my main and another alt, one in a Megathron, the other in a sub 2s Sunesis, carrying the quantum core. Thinking ahead, I park the Sunesis in the last highsec system on the route to get into our wormhole, and take the Megathron through. All looks good as I park the Megathron next to the anchoring Athanor, ready to dock it up and bring the Sunesis in.

    30s on the clock, dscan looks clear... Until... A sabre warps on top of my Mega and bubbles. Fuck.

    Before I know it, I have 5/6 people burning down my Mega in Drekavacs. I had no chance. They killed the Mega, the Heron in the escape bay and sent me out of my new home via the Jita Express.

    Now, my friend had come with me in a Stratios and had seen the encounter from about 70km away. Naturally, he didn't decloak since that would have been suicide. He was, however, streaming - giving me a perfect view as the Dreks turned their aim to the now anchored Athanor.

    We thought all hope was lost. A week of preparation and 1.1B in isk down the drain due to the combined price of the Athanor and Mega (thank God I left the Sunesis out). Then, one of the guys attacking inspects the structure, looks at the corp, CEO and hits "start conversation".

    '1.5B or we blap it'.

    Nope. No chance. We're not paying twice the price of an Athanor for them to potentially blow it up in the end anyway. Not happening. They are open to negotiation though... During negotiations we dropped a link to the stream and they tuned in to watch, as we watched our Athanor's structure health bar drop.

    Backwards and forwards went the conversation. The stream was blowing up, the attackers were finding mercy, and I'd already changed my boxers twice.

    '700m and we let you put the core in, and make sure you don't get 3rd partied'

    Well, we were losing 700m either way, may as well take the chance. Isk was sent and the attack stopped, and not a moment too soon.

    I brought the Sunesis through and dropped the core in. Of course, in doing so I had to take control of the Athanor.


    2% is all that was left of the structure.

    I'd like to thank New Jovian Collective for providing a night of content, but mainly for staying true to their word. Yes, we were ransomed for 700m isk which taught us lessons we will remember when anchoring structures in the future, but NJC stuck around for the core timer, and warped off as the Athanor finally hit low power mode and healed itself.

    NJC, fly dangerous. o7

    submitted by /u/TJSmiffy
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    The Bubble Provides!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    TOP 5 Meme Monday posts this week! If you only ever wanna open one meme post per week, wait no more.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 10:59 PM PDT

    New Joint Research Station in the New Eden system

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 03:57 PM PDT


    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:52 PM PDT


    I cant run 12 belts kill NPC any more! and all that NPC were dropping loot in the past.

    Especially that "pink distruptors"! 4 mil of minerals after reprocessing!!

    NO MORE convoy kills!

    NO MORE faction oficcer kills!!


    submitted by /u/DrSartorius
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    YF-P4X Keepstar Gank AAR + Video incl comms

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    So.. besides pvp what can we do in nullsec now?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    Honest question, what else is left for us, people of nullsec? No more asteroids, no more minerals, no more or less rats (only in anoms), less salvage ( only in anoms), no way to increase ADMs, harder times for small gang/solo play coz you can't escape by warping to a belt now, no more faction/officer drops, no more.. anything. Dafuq just happened? How.... why did we get here?

    submitted by /u/PrinzD0pamin
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    What does Eve listen too?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    If you're not listening to the Default In-Game Music (which I LOVE turning on sometimes), what are you listening to while playing?

    I like me some Deadmau5, or one of my chill Pandora stations, sometimes classic rock, sometimes house or Be Svendsen, Pure Moods is even one of the things I will throw on every ow and again. it really is quite a variety... and I am looking for more! Share your play lists, please!

    What toots YOUR horn?

    submitted by /u/Allokit
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    Just Jita things

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    So i was exploring jita and apparently the sun there has his secrets.

    Just before i get sent flying i managed to get this screen shoot. Sorry for all the white.


    Can't even get all the mods on a full screen scanner


    submitted by /u/First-Excitement2440
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    new ccp surveys

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    Has there always been a statue of Jamyl I in the Mekhios Graveyard?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    This subreddit for the foreseeable future.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    Literally unplayable

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Today is a patch day. Don't undock anything expensive, unless you are willing to be a test subject.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Given all the problems with recent patches, I would advise against: doing abyssals, jumping caps, starting new industry and research jobs, hunting for new components in exploration, and generally undocking anything expensive, untill patch is found to be free of game breaking bugs, like cyno jump bug in recent patch.

    Smaller issues like CCP forgetting to seed BPOs, certain sounds being too loud/too quiet, and Path Finder not working properly quite have already been found. Play at your own risk.

    submitted by /u/Antares428
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    CCP forgets to seed half the new blueprints

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    Who would have thought.

    Don't waste time yet, looking for these

    • Thermosetting Polymer Reaction Formula
    • Reinforced Carbon Fiber Reaction Formula
    • Pressurized Oxidizers Reaction Formula
    • Life Support Backup Unit Blueprint
    • Genetic Mutation Inhibiter Blueprint
    • Genetic Structure Repairer Blueprint
    • Genetic Safeguard Filter Blueprint
    • Genetic Lock Preserver Blueprint
    • Programmable Purification Membrane Blueprint
    • Core Temperature Regulator Blueprint
    • Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal Blueprint
    • Enhanced Neurolink Protection Cell Blueprint
    • Neurolink Protection Cell Blueprint
    • Capital Core Temperature Regulator Blueprint
    • Ladar-FTL Interlink Communicator Blueprint
    • Magnetometric-FTL Interlink Communicator Blueprint
    • Gravimetric-FTL Interlink Communicator Blueprint
    • Radar-FTL Interlink Communicator Blueprint

    Source: https://forums.eveonline.com/t/version-19-03-known-issues/305309/21?u=broadhead

    submitted by /u/Broadhead888
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    The Gobfather

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    dominix going to the moon

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:08 PM PDT

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