• Breaking News

    Monday, April 19, 2021

    Eve Online I was told PI was boring, but I have been enjoying myself coming back and feeding my boy

    Eve Online I was told PI was boring, but I have been enjoying myself coming back and feeding my boy

    I was told PI was boring, but I have been enjoying myself coming back and feeding my boy

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    Hello I have a drug problem

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    The problem I have is their market legality. Of course I'm talking about Eve's combat booster "drugs" sometimes used by pilots to increase their capacitor, self repping ability or tracking among other things. I've been involved in dealing, producing and managing space drugs on and off since about 2014. When I started it was risky to move drugs through high security space. The illegality of it encouraged people to act as dealers and buyers to seek them out. Sure you could buy them on any market in empire space but it added a layer of game play that was unique and interesting.

    While the mechanic to move drugs through highsec was obnoxious and I wouldn't want that again, I do think drugs should not be able to be sold in high sec space. This will push players to interact more with low/npc null space where different pirate groups can import/produce narcotics and have some control over their turfs.

    Making drugs illegal will lead to more content. Think about prohibition in the United States during the 1920s. Sure IRL wise it sucked and a lot of people got killed and hurt. Mafias and various gangs sprung up everywhere to control the black market distribution of it. Apply the same factors into Eve and the very same thing is what we call content. Groups forming up in part around the basis of controlling the supply of drugs? Gee golly sign me up!

    Small side note, wouldn't mind nerfing some of the down sides of using the drugs or even out right eliminating them. They seem kind of outdated and random gameplay's more tedious than anything. But w/e either way.

    Edit: Mutaplasmids affecting drugs...lore reason for new ban.

    submitted by /u/Man_whosoldthe_world
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    Mike Azariah for CSM 16

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:42 PM PDT

    Taking a moment to appreciate the insanity of the EVE universe

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    When you sit back and really take a look at the world of EVE, there are always some things that just come off as silly or strange.

    For instance, imagine being me, a fledgling miner looking at resources, with decent experience ratting in high and low sec.

    You find that omber is only found in Amarr and Minmatar space, and plagioclase only in Gallente and Caldari space.

    Now, this is cool, I love this mechanic, because it really adds to the player driven economy, but imagine for a moment-

    ORE ships shields have a massive EMP resist hole.

    Amarr space has EMP rats, which can be annoying, though ultimately trivial.

    Minmatar has explosive rats.

    Which space is easier to mine in? Probably Minmatar.

    Which means there are possibly thousands of miners slurping up omber in minmatar space and bringing it back to ever-holy Amarr.

    How, in the eve universe, would this not be a massive political problem, when we can't even stand to have minor trade deficits irl?

    Another example with ore would be plagioclase, though I argue this one is genuinely impactful.

    Afk mining is easy, right? Just toss your drones and set up your miner then afk.

    Unless you're in caldari space.

    At which point the guristas despoilers will jam your poor poor venture/procurer's lock and leave you wasting time killing them instead of eating rocks.

    But in gallente space...

    So again, imagine in-universe, how much it must piss the gallente off that caldari miners, taking one look at guristas EWAR and saying fuck that, are slurping up all of the plagioclase in gallente space and hoarding it back in caldari space for sale.

    Don't even get me started on Jita and how much the gallente and basically everyone else would have a seizure at the amount of taxes the caldari make.

    What are some other crazy but subtle things about EVE that are what make this game what it is, so uniquely fun and absolutely insane?

    submitted by /u/The_Skillerest
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    CCPlz - what are you telling us with this

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 02:09 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    My first ever Noctis will be finished in 8 hours! Here's hoping that the messed up supports at the front hold

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:20 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    Superior Sleeper Cache are scary man

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Past few months, I've been finding it hard to motivate myself playing EVE. Apart from the occasional LS PVP, been scanning and doing sites with my alt; last week, I found a Superior sleeper cache, TLDR. I've found 3 and died twice, calling it even ISK-wise. This sense of adventure, unknown, and unpredictability I got 2 years ago when I started playing this game is an awesome feeling I was desperately looking for.

    Shoutout to whoever designed this mini-game! The archive room is s c a r y stuff tho!

    EDIT: Sorry forgot IMAGES, first time posting



    submitted by /u/leanxious
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    CCPlease fix the gate buzz following ships bug

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    It's been weeks. I keep having to turn my sound on and off every time I take a gate to fix it. Please...I keep putting in tickets every time I log in. I don't want to play this game with sound turned off. *obligatory eve has sound joke inserted here*

    If you have this bug make sure you hit f12 and report it in game.

    For my sanity please fix this.


    submitted by /u/RVAMitchell
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    Fun brawl in 3-D from an Assault frig's perspective

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    Getting into Eve in 2021 - Yes or better not?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:55 PM PDT

    I have read many posts in here debating state of the game, but none that answers my specific question, so I'll try it here:

    I've been playing MMOs for years now, and Eve always seemed, like, the SERIOUS BUSINESS of the industry. I love the genre, I absolutely love "Space Sci-fi", so it has always been something I had my eyes on, but only now I have time and hardware to give it a go.

    My question is: is it worth to start as a newbie right now? Every online community I enter always has that vibe of "the golden years are gone and we have only the scraps now". Should I go all in now, or am I better investing my time in something "more hype"? (And, please, suggestions If that's the case :P).

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/PsyPurpleLlama
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    5 Things - What 5 things did you wish you knew when you first started

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    I run a newbro corp and put together guides and videos to help out newbros, hoping that they have an awesome first week or so in game and stick around for the long term.

    So I thought I would poll the wider community and come up with a list of the five most common answers to this question and put together a video on it.

    Please just simply list out five things.

    submitted by /u/htownag
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    I need help

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    Im wondering. Im a noob so its prob a bad question but https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Asteroids_and_ore here it says that gallente low sec (4-0) there is kermite. So does that mean every place thats low sec and is gallente faction will have kermite? and do i have to use a probe or something to find it?

    submitted by /u/DogePaz
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    Bug or Feature? New capital skills showing up in EVE Portal after update!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 11:44 PM PDT

    Mach and Cerb Dual DPS PVP

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    One night in Vard

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    2200 rolls around and Anure wakes to his nurse changing his bed pan.

    "Big day today Mr. Anure innit?"

    "yes ma'am, gotta get my spaceships ready to tumble with those boys from the other side of the fence"

    "Oh Mr. Anure, once we finish your Dialysis youre good to play your games"


    Anure checks his phone, Wallymarts has already made 13 memes about how shit he is at COD Warzone... this man is beautiful, i will never be as good as him.

    Anure logs in to his 13 Tempest Fleet issues, and pings the other 5 people in alliance to do the same.

    His frail fingers crack as he types his pings, this takes a while as his arthritis riddled fingers misinterpret the commands from his brain.

    He signs into mumble and is immidately greeted by his other Commanders


    Yes... this is my family, i love them.

    "Ok sonnies, lets hop on over to the joint comms on Ventrilo and get this started"

    Moments feel like an eternity to the Patriarch of NSH. He has a limited time left on this earth, one more blueball could be a significant waste of his remaining moments here.

    Local climbed from 200 to 600. Flashbacks to Normandy filled his mind as he saw the denizens of death fall upon his fleetmates and his alts. First primary is called and Anure is quick to lock on all his clients. The call to fire is given and with muscle memory he is able to fire all 13 tempest within 3 seconds. Target is dead. This is what his 140 dollars a month from social security was for. This is life, this is the epitome of his time here.


    The dream state kicks in, hes on a beach with his family, drinking beers and making sandcastles. A dark figure on the horizon approaches. Dressed in a long cloak, face like stars. Its a familiar figure but he just cant figure out who it is.

    "Dad! DAD!" He looks at his son playing with some blue crabs

    "dad what are these, they are everywhere!"

    Anure looks around, the beach is covered in Blue Crabs. They are all staring at him.

    The dark figure is closer now. He is at his feet as anure lounges in his chair.


    Anure jumps awake. The fight is over and they are aligned to Amamake. What happened, i must have passed out again mid fleet. Fuck.

    Once at the keepstar Anure got the battle report. He was so happy, they won!

    He xed his clients, took his vitamins and slept for what will hopefully not be the last time.


    submitted by /u/wallywot
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    Starting out with PI - guides?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:51 AM PDT

    I want to start PI any wanted to ask which guide would be good to use as a reference.

    submitted by /u/Korrak
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    FC Chat #69 - Phantomite, Chossuh and Captator

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    Literally unplayable. :(

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    Disciple_4 Exposes the Truth That the Wormhole CFC Has Tried to Cover Up for Years

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    Can anyone explain the purpose of Damage Locking hulls?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    In all my time playing Eve, I still haven't figured this on out (tbf, the things that I don't know far outnumber the things that I do know).

    If you don't know what a "Damage Locked" hull is, it's where a ship's hull (specifically a missile boat) gets a bonus to a specific damage type.

    What I don't understand is the purpose of it.

    Technically speaking, every other weapons system in the game is damage locked either by the system's very nature (Hybrids - Therm/Kin, Lasers - Em/Therm, Disintegrators - Therm/Explo, Vortons - Who freaking cares) or by the T2 Ammo (Projectiles - Kin/Explo - more of an issue for ACs than Arty due to short range T2 ammo buff).

    But no other weapons system has T2 Ammo variations for each damage type. The ability to use a T2 Ammo variant for each damage type is, arguably, the foundation of the benefit of missiles...right?

    There's also the fact that the Damage Locks are inconsistent. Caldari is the most affected by the damage lock, most being bonused only to Kin damage (the Hookbill and Osprey Navy get bonuses of 25% Kin, 20% EM/Therm/Explo; Minmatar Vigil Fleet gets a similar bonus of 25% Explo, 20% EM/Therm/Kin), as they are they are the faction that uses missiles the most, but not all of their missile platforms are damage locked. Most notably, none of the Caldari Missile BBs are Damage Locked.

    I want to add that all of the Guristas ships are Damage locked to Therm/Kin damage. However, in their case, missiles are arguably a secondary weapons system, and the lock is consistent along the entire ship line, from the Worm to the Komodo. I don't know that Guristas ships tangibly benefit or suffer from the lock.

    In summation, I don't get it. These Damage Lock bonuses, in my experience, have been more hindrances than useful bonuses. Then again, maybe that's the point? In any case, they feel like afterthoughts; wastes of a hull bonus that could and probably should be replaced by something more useful. Especially for ships that use a weapons system that is meant to be so multipurpose and adaptable.

    Anyways, if you know the reasoning, feel free to educate me. The more I learn and understand about this game, the more I come to enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/Thayden_R_Nordic
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    Save me NPC fleet! <three days later> They warped off before I got there

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

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