• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 9, 2019

    Eve Online C’mon now, let’s have some tegrity!

    Eve Online C’mon now, let’s have some tegrity!

    C’mon now, let’s have some tegrity!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:04 PM PDT

    Paying Isk to get rid of zkill ads doesn't get rid of all zkill ads

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:37 PM PDT

    Paying 15m Isk to the zKillboard character is supposed to make zkillboard "ad free". After paying (far more than) 15m Isk it got rid of some ads, but not the big "Switch to Brave" banner that clearly advertises the Web browser "Brave".

    In response to my evemail telling him that this is an ad and implying that it should be removed, he only said that "The brave image you see is a referral link". It doesn't matter if banner ads are embedded via advertising services or you are embedding ads because you get paid for people clicking it/ installing brave after clicking the link. They stay ads and thus should be removed or at least the text should be changed.

    submitted by /u/Dosamer
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    Horde Revenant went boom boom!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:00 PM PDT

    New halloween skins?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    one year ago ccp killed the combat ceptor, so i made a shit graf showing the kill/ship

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:41 PM PDT


    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    Smallish alliance living in Null Sec

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:05 PM PDT

    This is a follow up on my last thread where I was asking for advice about moving into 0.0.

    We have made the jump and have successfully taken a small system in a defensible pocket. Luckily the guys seem to be enjoying themselves and we've had a good few fights against some of other locals and even a big test fleet. (We whelped but it was good fun.)

    Local coming back did make things interested - we were definitely using the blackout to our advantage, so far we haven't been kicked out of our space.

    On a separate note, I have completely forgotten how much of a bitch moving capitals is. It's been an age since the last time I carrier ratted.

    submitted by /u/DiosAzteca
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    Regarding bugged Trig sites spawning millions of AU away, most of these aren't even within capital jump range

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    1 light year = 64,000 AU, approximately.

    This screenshot shows a site 11,700,000,000 AU away.

    Capital Jump Range is 10 LY in a Rorq or JF. That's only 640,000 AU. That site is 11.7 BILLION AU away. Not even remotely close.

    That 11.7 billion AU site is so far away, in fact, it's not even in New Eden, as the whole gamespace is approx 105 LY across. The site in that screenshot is 182,000 LY away.

    Just some simple math for fun.

    submitted by /u/LotusCobra
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    CCPls: WTF?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:54 PM PDT


    It will take me 5 hours to open all the boxes that i still own (other types)

    Great job, well done. Who ever coded it, ever played it?

    submitted by /u/IamSoGreedy
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    Enough dammit...

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    All of you. Right now.

    Click your damn Reddit rocket and switch the dropdown from Best to New.

    Now you can keep up to date with all the posts and see the same Trig Conduit bug has been repeatedly addressed and you don't have to spoil everyone's feed with the same REeeeEEEeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeEEEEEEEEEEEE


    submitted by /u/Fubenischinon
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    Bugged Emerging Condiut?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    AAR - SYNDE vs Dead Star Syndicate

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:44 PM PDT

    TL;DR: Reffed a fort for content and loot, DSS crashed the party, we fought, we won, a good time was had by all. Fort kill wasn't worth, but content was had and that's a good time.

    It was during the AUTZ on the 7th, when one of our more prolific scouts found a low power fort that was also close to its reinforcement timer, that this fight started. We formed up a small fleet, mostly leshaks, and quickly reffed it, leaving us with ~18hrs to get ready for the next timer, set for 1:30pm AEST on the 8th.

    Tracking down the owners of the fort proved a little difficult, but it was clearly a neglected farm hole and so we expected little resistance, if any, and made plans for what fleet to bring to the bash. While we weren't expecting the owners of the fort to show up to defend it, being C5 space there was always the possibility of someone else stumbling upon it, especially considering our lack of meaningful hole control.

    Personally, I'm not 100% sure when DSS came upon our little operation, but soon enough pings were being sent and a fleet was formed. Unsurpsingly, our desire to be lazy with HC meant someone had found us. We had good intel on the enemy fleet from the get go and knew they'd be bringing a fleet of Sacrileges, along with a leshak or two, and assorted support such as Bhaals, Scorpions etc. We also knew that we outnumbered them to a decent degree, probably in the order of ~10 people, so it was no surprise when an Apostle was reported to be undocking and warping to the C6/C5 connection in J214006, our shared static.

    It was clear this was going to be a bit of a slugfest; our heavy armour fleet, consisting of primarily Leshaks and Dreks along with assorted support and Guardian logi, was plenty beefy enough to withstand their DPS, but the Apostle would make breaking any of their line ships a real ordeal. It's also worth noting at this point that this took place in a cataclysmic variable, making the logi pilots jobs all the more complicated, with wonky skills amongst those flying the Guardians and not the most coherent of fits.

    The fight started at zero on DSS's connection, now reduced by the Apostle jumping through. Initial attempts to break the sacrileges were made, but between the spectrum breakers, their own scorpions and the Apostle reps, nothing was budging. Similarly, our own logi wing heald strong, even when facing jam pressure, losing only the ships brought by our newer players, or on lower SP alts.

    Something needed to change. Our logi wasn't breaking, their logi wasn't breaking, it was very much a stalemate. It almost changed for the worse, when while attempting to save a Typhoon that had found itself on the edge of rep range, our LC began burning the logi wing towards them, only to bring them within 15-20km of the DSS fleet. This had the potential to sink us then and there, and we were very lucky that DSS didn't or couldn't capitalise, or a fight we really had no business losing would likely have turned out very different.

    Shortly after stabilising from this near-miss, we realised we should probably be shooting the Apostle. For the most part, our FCs are somwhat inexperienced, especially when dealing with caps (C4 corp btw), so it took us way longer than it should've for us to make the switch. Another pivotal moment was when the hole was rolled behind DSS, by one of our dudes in a Megathron. Not exactly the height of space bushido, but a turning point nonetheless. From here on in it was mostly a matter of time, the Apostle would eventually run out of boosters and that would be all she wrote. Our own logi was still holding perfectly fine, and so all focus was on finishing off the Apostle. As predicted, though a little slower than we'd thought, the Apostle began to bleed well into its armour, and then finally hull, as the rest of the DSS fleet evac'd through the connected C3.

    A fantastically fun fight, was great to put together a proper fleet and really test it against a group that have plenty of experience of their own, and come out on top. I'll be the first to admit that it felt a little blobby even when accounting for the Apostle, and while I'm not a fan of the N+1 style, it was nice to see such a strong showing from the corp.

    Thanks to DSS for bringing it, hope you dudes didn't feel too hard done by with the numbers and I'm sure you'll get yours back sooner or later. The fort dropped fuck all, for what its worth.

    (Mostly) fixed battle report: https://br.inyour.space/?s=1002185&b=8818680&e=60&t=u

    The kills that didn't show up on the BR:



    submitted by /u/Oberon_Outlaw
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    A deep space odyssey - Warping to Jove Space.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:45 PM PDT

    What was a good investment that you didn’t know about until later?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 02:26 AM PDT

    During the permafrost event I bought 10 Frostline Integrated Analyzers for up to 20m each, they are at 100m now, I didn't know the price had gone up so much, I still have 7 after explo losses, so I'm happy.

    submitted by /u/WormholePerson
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    Really? Сome on more!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    Faction Warfare Alt

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    I primarily play an industrial character; mining, refining, researching and recently producing. It's fun, and I live chasing down the last fraction of an ISK profit.

    But I have been considering dipping toes into PvP, specifically faction warfare. I'll make a combat alt for it, on same account. Anyone have suggestions on the best path with least amount of skill points required to be remotely competitive in frigate/destroyer PvP?

    I mean, I hear Caldari frigates with missiles are good, but Gallente blaster frigates are good too. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Beechnut_Horseman
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    Real Talk: Can I light a cyno at one of those Conduits and jump to systems I couldn't normally reach?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    One lightyear is 63241.1 AU, so from what I've seen if you're heading in the right direction you should be able to get the cyno close enough to, lets say, jump into Stain from lowsec.

    submitted by /u/tempmike
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