• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 10, 2019

    Eve Online CCP here is a how to make your Bookmark change and keep selling escalations a thing.

    Eve Online CCP here is a how to make your Bookmark change and keep selling escalations a thing.

    CCP here is a how to make your Bookmark change and keep selling escalations a thing.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 02:47 AM PDT

    So with the Bookmark changes, CCP is going to turbofuck selling escalations. While I am all for the Bookmark changes, I think that Killing escalation selling is a bad idea for both gameplay and income for a certain category of players. Here is an easy way to have both, you even have the UI setting already, just add a few lines.

    Let's say I get an escalation while ratting. I open my Agency, go to exploration and then escalation. My escalation appears here and right next to the "Set destination" blue button, there is a Rolling menue working exactly as the "make kill right available" menue but with three options.

    1- Make available to my corporation

    2- Make available to my alliance

    3- Make available to everyone.

    Once selected, a menue pops and asks to input a price. You do so, and now the selected Escalation is available in a new Agency tab called let's say "Escalation Market". Once sold, you no longer have the escalation in your escalation tab but it now apears in the buyer's tab. Buying escalations would be region restricted such as contract.

    No more need of bookmarks, no more risk of scam, only benefits for everyone.

    Looking for a job btw CCPlz just saying.

    submitted by /u/Logan-Aigaion
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    zkillboard, ads that is for the servers, and you

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    I run zkillboard in my free time because i enjoy it. It is first and foremost a hobby website. It is also very expensive.

    At the current rate of decreasing ad income justifying the costs won't last much longer unless i decide to start accepting cash donations, something I've been against for some time.

    In response to the complaining of including a Brave referral image and link (a referral) for those who have paid ISK (an imaginary currency that represents in game money and doesn't pay for servers) to remove ads, I have removed the Brave referral.

    Right now ads are still more than costs, and the holidays are coming which helps. This won't always be the case and I will have to shutdown zkillboard.


    EDIT: okokok I will look into Patreon in the next few days, but it will be donation ONLY. The biggest reason I haven't wanted to accept cash is because some people think I must do what they want, which won't be the case.

    EDIT EDIT: I finally gave in against accepting cash donations. I setup the Patreon page tonight, here you go! https://www.patreon.com/zkillboard Mrs. Squizz pushed me to do it sooner than later too, she said "if those people want to give you money why the hell aren't you taking it?"

    submitted by /u/Squizz
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    PIRAT Fortizar Down

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    Moonapoon's first fleet as a goon.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:18 PM PDT

    moon came, moon fed, moon died.
    1 0 0 % C O N T E N T

    Horde says hello moon.

    submitted by /u/iceberg777x
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    Ares (Gallente Interceptor) for Guristas Epic Arc

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 02:35 AM PDT

    I want to do the Guristas Epic Arc and so am training for Interceptors. I don't think I have the piloting skills to use Assault Frigates. All of my ship skills are Gallente which means the only option for me is the Ares. Is this a viable ship for the Guristas Arc and can somebody suggest any suitable fits? There don't seem to be many mission fits for the Ares as it seems to be mostly used as a fleet tackler.

    I've read various guides on the arc but I'd also appreciate any tips too!

    Thanks 😊

    submitted by /u/_rubinho_
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    Seems legit.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    Awox attempt from friend goes wrong, killed dominix and cruisers. (Part 2, the 1v1)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:04 PM PDT

    https://pastebin.com/MUFdP1CH Chat logs. Read this first.

    My pride got the best of me. I challenged him to a 1v1 in hi sec (no friends) and 1 day later, he accepts. This is it. It is my torpedo praxis vs his dominix. I have 2 x-large ancillary shield boosters with 9 charges in them. I'll never survive a reload. I take a blue pill. Explosion velocity penalty. No issue. I know this is a brawling fight. Hardshell booster. I'm ready. He is flashy for some reason, so I launch my drones and fire the first salvo of nova torpedos. 2550 damage. I can kill his shields in 4 hits. This is good. Shields down, working on the armor. Looks like no buffer. Pure active. My medium neut placeholder is not going to work. Overheating guns and neut. Hull damage is now being dealt. Down to 4 or so charges in both ancillary boosters. Stop overheating at 50% damage. I should win. However, I make a crucial mistake. I didn't stop overheating the neut. And never noticed. Hull is now at 30%. I use my last charge. Now I'm in buffer. He is still repping. I watch my shield go down. All I'm focusing on is my health. Not the module's health. I watch my armor go down. I watch my hull go down. This is it. I hear a notification, and I'm assuming it's my killmail. I see the dominix explode. I am in 70% hull with all high slots burnt out. Somehow I won. Note that I did NOT modify the fit from before the awox specifically to hard counter him. All I did was add a warp scrambler. Kill: https://zkillboard.com/kill/79314879/

    Reflections on awox and 1v1

    He has 5 accounts. Why, in the awox, did he not multibox them? He has done it before.

    I have 8.5m sp and meta 4 guns and a lot of meta in the 1v1. He has 90m sp and t2 everything.

    The only reason I ran dual ancillary is because I expected neuts. It still helped me in the end.

    Fit: https://pastebin.com/RiP2vPq6

    submitted by /u/SievertSolutionsEve
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    When you ask her "Whats wrong?" (humor)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    Exploit Notification - Crazy deep safe spots

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:49 AM PDT

    RIP Server ?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:37 PM PDT

    RIP Hamster time get another one!

    submitted by /u/welcomewaggonM
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    So, how far has everyone travelled using these ultra distance anoms that happened yesterday

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    So far I have travelled 125k AU, still going https://i.imgur.com/QD2d4ik.png


    [Nereus, *XXXXX]

    Power Diagnostic System II

    Power Diagnostic System II

    Power Diagnostic System II

    Power Diagnostic System II

    Power Diagnostic System II

    Republic Fleet Medium Cap Battery

    Republic Fleet Medium Cap Battery

    Republic Fleet Medium Cap Battery

    Republic Fleet Medium Cap Battery

    Republic Fleet Medium Cap Battery

    Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

    Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

    Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

    12.35 AU/s with High Grade Ascendancies ~9000 AU per warp

    I am so far out 200k AU now, that the map breaks when I focus on my ship https://i.imgur.com/lKQQ6Gs.png

    submitted by /u/NorBdelta
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    Quick Analysis of the New Mimesis Implants

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    If you've already looked at pyfa today then you will probably learn nothing new here, I'm just covering the basics from my 20 minutes of playing with the new implants this afternoon.

    T1 Triglavian Ships

    A full set of Mimesis implants give a bonus of +65% or +80% to max spool respectively (low-grade or mid grade). This results in +215% damage and +230% damage respectively, compared to the base +150% max damage from a disintegrator. Comparing damage at max spool, you're looking at ~25% DPS increase from low-grades and ~33% from mid-grades.


    As you can see, the spool time penalty is not much of a disadvantage compared to a naked pod. A Leshak with implants takes only 8-10s longer to reach the max DPS of a leshak with no implants. After that, it will continue spooling for another 60-70 seconds.

    Nergals and Ikitursas

    I'm not sure if this is intended, but the implant bonus is doubled on the Nergal & Ikitursa due to hull bonuses. This results in ~33% more DPS from low-grades and ~40% more DPS from mid-grades.


    The spool times get absurd here, but again the penalty makes them barely less effective in combat vs an ikitursa with no implants. The only real reason not to use these (besides price) is if you already use slaves amulets or other implants instead.

    TL;DR - All trig ships get +25% DPS from low-grades and +33% DPS from mid-grades, besides ikitursas and Nergals which get +33% and +40%.

    EDIT: some incorrect numbers

    submitted by /u/Loroseco
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    Is NOW a good time to start playing this game from scratch??

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    Hey guys, so Eve is a game I've wanted to play for like a decade but never REALLY got into it. Just short spurts. But now i've got some RL friends that are looking for a good space MMO to play and they've kinda narrowed it down to Eve or Star Trek Online. So I was just curious about the state of the game right now? Is it a good time to start? Will I EVER be able to catch up to the people that have been playing for years and years? Is there much PVE in the game now? When i played a long time ago it seemed to be mainly PVP with some PVE sprinkled in there. Anyways, I'd really appreciate your opinions. Also if any of you have played Star Trek Online, do you like it better? Worse? Are there any NEW space themed games out there that I should be looking at instead of this? Thanks for your time!

    Edit: Wow, was not expecting such a response! Thank you guys SO much for your opinions and info, I really really appreciate it! WoW still has it's claws in me and I dunno if I can handle playing two MMOs at a time but after hearing you guys talk it up and encouraging me to try it out again...I think I'll download it and just see what happens! Thank you all for taking the time to talk to me about this, y'all are awesome!

    submitted by /u/2muchpain
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    Greater Seattle Meet Up

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    The next greater Seattle meet up is going to be Saturday, Oct 19th at 6PM. The meet up is at Rhein Haus https://www.rheinhausseattle.com/ Spread the word to your corps/alliances/coalitions.

    Be sure to join the discord channel for more information https://discord.gg/TAwkjpj

    submitted by /u/KiloCrimson
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    CEOs - how the hell do you herd cats into *reading?*

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 03:10 AM PDT

    As the title says - all of my corp's info is concentrated on our Discord and Website. Ore buyback, application for higher-level roles, form to put in orders for our manufacturers, our fucking HQ citadel, ect. All the links are spammed into the automated welcome mail and our corp MOTD. Fuck I've had to help people click the Discord link which is bolded and the first item in the welcome mail, and bolded in like 18 point font in the MOTD.

    Yet every god damn day I get at least two people, usually from the same group, asking where they can find this info. Short of saying "You can find that here" rather than actually answering questions and sending out a monthly reminder of "Hey dipshits, this is where all of our info is to use corp utilities - use it."

    How can I get these cats to read.

    submitted by /u/Artyom150
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    Anyone wants to play with me?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    It has become impossible for me to find anyone to play Eve with. Not even when I was in corps it was easy to find anyone to do any activities with. Are we all Eve players just play solo in the vast universe?

    submitted by /u/Hans-Paul
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    Looking for other NC, USA pilots

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:00 PM PDT


    I am a 21M SP Ishtar pilot parked in the middle of low sec. Haven't played for almost 10 years and looking to get back into it slowly, preferably with some locals. Looking for some chill older people like myself, preferably...I don't have time to treat this game like my job, but I would like to play 3-6 hours a week or so and make some progress at an appropriate level to my char's capabilities. Let me know if I might be a good fit for your group / corp.

    submitted by /u/PolymerStudent
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    Running C1/C2 WH to fund PvP?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    Hello, I was thinking of solo running some C1/C2 sites in a T3D and selling the loot for profit, to fund more ships for solo PvP.

    I was wondering how one could store multiple MTUs in a hole and how viable a Jackdaw would be for the task.

    Thanks in advance, o7

    submitted by /u/jzk21pl
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    Need help with a mining setup.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:55 PM PDT

    I was just wondering what would be best to make the most money mining. I multibox 3 accounts. Usually 1 porp and 2 covetors. It's also nice to note that I dont really use my porp for anything but holding ore. I mine everything from spod to glowing carno and ice. I'll put the details below. Also a huge thanks to anyone who helps me out :D

    Details : T1 laser upgrades T1 strip miners T1 drones T1 barges 3 accs

    submitted by /u/drew32rht
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    Shareable bookmark mass test - Thursday 10th, 17:00 UTC

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:03 AM PDT

    Returning Player

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    I've started actually playing again, does this mean I have to leave the sub?

    submitted by /u/buckyluckykentucky
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    Amarr ships for beginner?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:12 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    So i started Eve about 2 weeks ago and have finally decided what I want to be focusing on.

    For my first couple of months I'll be doing pve to get more familiar with the game and was looking at the Amarr ships because I like the designs of them.

    However I keep reading they're pretty hard to fly efficiently without having high SP.

    Atm I do lvl 3 missions in a hurricane and when I do fleet pve with my corp I fly a gnosis.

    submitted by /u/SpamBusterLoL
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    Looking for the low down on the game as it stands (Mainly Min/Amarr FW)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    It's been many a year since I last logged in, I occasionally log in at xmas to see some old faces but even that has now faded.

    Recently had the urge to start playing again but remembering how big and varied Eve was last time I played I was hoping for a simpletons update on how Faction war is going and if its still active between the Minmatards and the Amarr?

    To give you a reference point in time (apologies if these happened months or years apart... It's been a while)

    Last time I played Faction war was still a thing, although it was generally fought with cruisers and below (Gone were the days of the HAC/Recon/Logi & Battleship fleets of AB-C, CoP, Amarrian Retribution).

    Kamela and Auga were the two bases of the Amar and Minmatar FW respectively and the Auga gate in Kourmonen was the hot spot.

    This was not long after the massive POS minerals scandal that pushed up the prices of Battleships (I remember when geddon was a laser boat and cost 20-30m isk). Saying that the geddon had just turned into a neut boat when I fought in my last big fight.

    Wormholes had just become a thing and NPC faction ships were just coming to the market at affordable prices.

    Character name: Battlestar Crusader.

    Cheers in advance.

    submitted by /u/Briggany
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