• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Eve Online Eve Vegas 2019 Megathread

    Eve Online Eve Vegas 2019 Megathread

    Eve Vegas 2019 Megathread

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    It's officially here boys and girls. Use this as the Megathread for all things Eve Vegas. I'll keep the OP short and sweet because typing on mobile while walking is hard!


    Opening ceremony is at 3pm Vegas local. Keynote at 4pm.

    submitted by /u/Jibrish
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    100% Loot you say...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:49 PM PDT

    Spotted one in the wild.. and it did not disappoint

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:18 PM PDT

    Faction Warfare Patch Notes For October 2019 Players Made Release

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    TLDR : if you still haven't moved yet your FW alts somewhere else, now is the time. Hello Vegas, we are not totally dead yet. FW Discord


    The system of Halmah has fallen few seconds ago. On the 3 300 plexes we needed to run, only 150 remain for the last mission system of Auner. On the Minmatar side, the blockade is thus complete and on the Amarr side it will soon be.

    While the attention is on Eve Vegas, we can already announce the final countdown before our own home brew and players made patch.

    Patch Notes For October 2019 Release : low sec FW Amarr and Minmatar agents are no more.

    No one can henceforth dock its puller alts in the 24th and TLF stations to chain blitz the lvl 4 missions and earn millions of Loyalty Points crashing the market at the expanse of FW pvpers.

    The present :

    In terms of man-hours, the 22 mission systems represent a minimum of 550 hours spent on novice plexes or 825 hours spent on small plexes or finally 1 100 hours spent on medium or large plexes. Those numbers don't take into account the opposing d-plexing or even the form-up, travel or pvp time. The reality is therefore much higher.

    Again our hope is not to cash out our accumulated LP : we could cash out by just telling our pilots not to undock and wait for our tier to sink to Tier I. Our aim is to stop mission farming from crashing the LP obtained by plexing and stabilize our markets making it less cyclical so that the Amarr militia don't bleed members half the year and the Minmatar militia the other half.

    An year round reason to undock on both sides, making pvp more interesting as an income by plexing. A stabilized market would also hopefully make plex farmers and bots spread out more equally between both militias, cancelling each other.

    You can find a draft analysis of the potential impact here. Feel free to add your own input. TL/DR : no FW item can reach 6K isk/lp without killing its own market.

    The recent past :

    Those have been two interesting weeks : the dankest civil wars inside militias, RPers taking sides, bored or greedy pirates sponsoring some corps which you already knew from their trolling posting on Reddit, endless debates in local.



    We even had a RP war when the CCP Roleplay event crew declared us traitors to our cause trough the voice of a forum NPC. Turns out that the RP crew wanted to help us to highlight Faction Warfare unknowingly starting civil wars anew. Then the 300 posts battle ended with the RP CCPs publishing a RP reason for deleting the missions.

    "far more concerned by allegations of corruption among 24th Imperial Crusade officials [...] irregular convoy activity and suspicious financial activities."

    If you are interested by RP, you can also take a look there.

    The future :

    A discussion is ongoing since April in the FW Discord on the future of FW. You can find a pdf of all 70 voted proposals here and its excel version here. Below a quick summary of the main axis of those proposals :

    - Disable FW Mission Agents

    - Reinstate gate sliding

    - Apply penalties to FW Citadels anchored in enemy territory/Disable docking in neutral structures anchored in enemy systems.

    - Disable Crime-Watch/Introduce Suspect Timer in Plexes

    - Introduce Battlecruiser sized plexes.

    - Scale plex impact on system conquest with size of the plex

    - Rework tier system by making it less extreme/snowballing or linked to personal activity

    And on the long run :

    - Introduce mechanisms creating warzone hot-zones and rewarding fighting there : frontline system, weekly events, target systems, adjacency system. More risk, more reward.

    This is just a top 10 list : you can find all details in the pdf or launch a discussion in the comments. As always, it's a work in progress and the whole FW Discord is of course open to any discussion with the devs who could be interested.

    And beyond :

    Faction Warfare is dying so is Low-Sec as a whole.

    Pirate groups also need reward/gameplay reasons to fight beyond just honor fights. Right now most conflicts exist purely thanks to shit-talk in local, not because the game push players against each others and rewards them for that.

    Established pirate groups lost strategical objectives when moon mining became active. Before moons represented conflict driving resource points in a pvp lifestyle. Pocos still fulfil this role but on a limited scale.

    On the level below, there is no gameplay reason for small pirate groups to set up in the warzone. Or for high sec corps to day trip to low sec. Just to quote a possible example, there is no "air drops" mechanism like in Rust rewarding small pvp scale between small groups.

    Right now low-sec only survives because of the willingness of its players to stay for fights. Resource wise, living in low sec has no incentive and its players income is outsourced to alts.

    Null sec thrives when its groups compete for owning a territory. Low sec should thrive when different sizes of groups compete for resources in a same lawless territory and fight each others in it.

    Thanks for reading and thanks for your support and comments,



    Team Amarrica

    Siege Gold

    Local is Primary

    44th Recon Unit

    Yondu Federation

    A few articles :






    Announcement of the agreement : https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/dc0zfz/minmataramarr_warzone_no_more_agents_no_more/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

    submitted by /u/Strepan
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    EVE Vegas keynote megathread

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    Comment away. I'll try to update as it goes.

    Starts with New Player Experience. Stop the bleeding, fix the stupid, engage and teach, incentivize return.

    Update on the wallet to see all of our currencies in one place.

    Aura gets an update and can now "strike a pose".

    Completion rate of tutorial up from 20% to 30%.

    Korean localization...I wonder who suggested that one?

    Blackout. Lights turned off.

    EVE Portal: Adding wallet data and allowing people to trade plex without having to be in Jita. (please clap)

    20 min done, Bob please make it get better.

    Biggest challenges survey. Botting is #1. Wealth inequality is #2.

    CCP Larrakin on hunting bots: Team Law and Order. Over 100 trillons ISK banned.

    Moving from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Chaos era has brougt a lot of needed debate. PVP figures did not change in blackout but cheating went down about 50%

    EVE Core Roadmap: 4 quadrants per YC. We'll get them in advance. Not sharing plan just yet.

    CCP Rise: Team Talos - Challenge the core. Changes every 2 weeks until end of year, then evaluate. Warp drive speed changes were the first of those.

    Next is interceptor update, revigorating the wolfpacks of old. Also slowing down all Assault Frigates.

    In Trick or Treats event, all destroyed ships and structures DROP 100% OF FITTINGS AND CARGO.

    In mid November, Beat Around the Booch event. Details tomorrow.

    2 weeks after that, Rapid Fire, Minmatar ship updates. (make ACs great again?)


    15 min to go...FIX LOWSEC AND FW DAMMIT!

    64-bit client and DirectX stuff (yawn).

    Aether Wars. Next demo on 29 Nov.

    RIP Processing bulk data window.

    Project Discovery dude getting Nobel Prize.

    Bookmarks can be shared and have expiry dates...in November.

    Triglavian Dreadnought in late November...looks nasty and gorgeous. Fun and massively OP.

    Stuff about Icelandic nature being a challenge and cool pictures of planets broken in half.

    Ends with video about Invasion World Tour and EVE players being awesome.

    submitted by /u/EVE_WatsonCrick
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    6NJ8-V Trade hub - An Update

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:49 AM PDT

    A week ago, a made a post on this subreddit about my intentions toturn the system of 6NJ8-V into A - if not THE - trade hub of Venal. This post was incredibly well received, I'm grateful for all the new contacts i made as a result.

    I saw it was only fitting that i give an update to where i am now a week later, remember seeing quite a few people in the commends saying how they'll follow up on the progress out here afterall. Of course i won't be spamming this subreddit every week with updates, i will be using twitter to get future updates out.

    So...What do i wanna talk about? Well, how about the biggest piece of news i wanna announce.

    I present, The Venal Prosperity Network!


    This is...More or less the logo I'm wanting to use for this network. Like with the disclaimer in the first post about this trade hub, there's a lot of RP bullshit surrounding everything I'm doing out here, so I'm gonna spare everyone the details and not get into what this weeb shit even is. You wanna know? Ask me about it.

    So what is the Venal Prosperity Network?


    The Venal Prosperity Network is...a discord server.

    Yep! Just a discord server! One i put together after i got this influx of new contacts from that first reddit post i put out. I needed something help bring all these individuals together to communicate, thus - The network was born. A discord server that is focused on facilitating communications with parties inside Venal. Primarily to discuss trade and industry, and to advertise anything your selling or wanting to get your hands on.

    As of right now the server is roughly 15 strong, some are independents coming out here to help on their own, while some are representatives of a corporation operating out in the region. I should clarify however that nobody is guaranteed or forced to consider other members of the channel blues. This is no pact or alliance, merely a server to bring people to a table to discuss and work out business with one another

    And people are! Holy shit, people are actually using this server to do just that, and people are helping one another out. It's a small thing currently, but I'm proud of it. As it stands right now, the server will maintain an open door policy where members can come and go as they please, no strings attached. Now i would be droppign a link here to the server, but i prefer if interested parties contact me directly (Avio Yaken) to get access. You can also hit me up on discord at Fendisteel#9989

    If you're loner, hit me up and I'll kit you out with some basic essentials to get you started and give you access to the network. If your a representative of a corporation or alliance out here? Then PLEASE contact me to get involved because i need corps like yours at the table if you live in Venal. Why? Because all these newbeans I'm trying to bring in - I won't be able to retain them alone. I'm someone who can help them get their foot in the door to nullsec, help them out here and there and ultimately be there for them to talk to - But i can't offer the stability and security that an actual full fledged corporation. I need corporations out in Venal to meet me at this table and keep an eye out for some of these newbeans or veteran loners i bring out and see about adopting them so their place out here in nullsec can be more secured.

    Once again, Avio Yaken in game, or hit me up on discord at Fendisteel#9989

    Blueprint Market


    In other news! I'm expanding the markets out here with some more goodies to help out industry work out here.

    Firstly, blueprints! Now, at the moment, it's nothing flashy but in my eyes they're seeds to a more vibrant, healthy and well stocked market - Currently as you read this, there are blueprints for ALL small hybrid, missiles and rockets and blueprints for Merlins, Kestrels, Herons, and condors..

    All of these blueprints (and future blueprints) are located Y-4 instead of 6nj because Y-4 has the only research station in all of Venal, as such - it was only smart if i went ahead and sold all the prints out of the station directly so people can buy, and never have to move it an inch, just do your copying and research from there the moment you buy it.

    I need people out here to have their own blueprints, it is essential for my vision. I can't only person in this sytem producing and selling goods! I need competition! I need other people building and producing to challenge my sell orders and stock the markets with more product! I need people with blueprints to make copies of and expand into their own T2 production.

    Something as simple as small hybrid/missile charges will go a looooooong way towards the vision. If a solid foundation of basic grade ammunition can be supplied, it will open the doors to people wanting to operate out here. Not to mention - Make it easier for people to use their Guristas LP and buy some of this basic ammo and have it converted into faction grade ammo.

    Frigate prints are something I'm now just expanding into. They have the potential to be a costly investment however, sure it's cheap to buy a single blueprint for yourself...But to buy enough to reasonably stock a market? Yeah, that'll burn a hole in my wallet real quick - Not to mention that i still gotta get the damn prints out here in the first place! That mark-up price i put on these blueprints is you paying me for doing all the legwork for you to have your own original blueprints out here ready to go.

    IN the coming days I'll look into sourcing more frigate hulls, specifically starting with Gallente variants and moving onto Matari and Amarr designs. Eventually and hopefully also stocking up destroyer blueprints if possible.

    Planetary Industry


    We got command centers now boys and girls! That's right! Come on down to 6nj and pick yourself up a command center of your choice and begin your planetary colonization today! (Shout out to Hazel T for Bringing them all out)

    We got 50 more of each type in the hanger currently, so there's more than what the sell orders let on. I wanna see some P.I work being put in so that local T2 production can be that closer to reality! I myself have sat down and worked out my own Pi colonies to produce simple, yet essential components needed for T2 production (The livestock is just for RP purposes). And my plan for these components is to start selling them in 6nj at a price lower than that of hisec to encourage T2 productions out of others, this will happen once i have a reasonable stock at my disposal.

    Don't worry about hauling the goods, because i got you covered byhaving Epithals on sale to support your P.I endeavors!

    Speaking of Indus trials however...Industrial cyno beacons are now in station! Bring in your god damn Jump freighter! But do it with one of my beacons! Lowest price in Venal (Fuel however is not currently stocked on the market)

    The Miner Economy grows


    Never thought i'd see it...

    For awhile now I've been handing out ventures and other starter ships to help people settle. With these ventures i needed to give the pilots some purpose to use it. What better way than plastering up buy orders for all the different materials out here? Keep them busy and paid - and get some extra materials to supplement my stocks and keep my efforts moving.

    This in turn has been heavy on my wallet, buying up all these materials and maintaining the buy orders. God forbid some JF swooped in and maxed out the order with one trip, then i gotta go back and put the orders back up with more money to keep the miners working out here content. As a result, i probably have the largest stockpile for Zydrine for one guy in Venal, clocking in at over 300,000 units of the shit. (I'm now handing out 5k Zydrine with starter kits)

    But then...I started seeing buy orders from other people. At serious prices too! Trit! Megacyte! Mexallon! and so forth...This is incredible news to me! Because the people i bring out are starting to get industrialized and they need materials themselves. So instead of all these miners depending on me to keep them paid - other parties are coming forth and putting their own money for materials.

    As such, the demand for miners will grow...This is nullsec alright, but we still got need for someone in a Venture, and i got plenty to hand out as it is.

    Closing Statement


    This has been the most fun I've ever had thus far in EVE. I'm becoming full-time industrialist at this point and I'm fulfilling a role as a mediator of sorts with this network I'm building. I'd like to thank r/eve for the support they showed in my first post, it was received far better than i thought it would and it has encouraged me to keep pushing with this initiative.

    I hope to see this system thrive with every new sell order i put up.

    submitted by /u/-SODANK-
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    Ship Hull Mutaplasmids Teased At Vegas?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    Only ship worth flying after that keynote...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    new trig dread is coming in for a hug

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    Why the AF and Jag changes are the wrong nerfs

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:29 PM PDT

    In case you missed it, in the eve vegas keynote CCP Rise announced a nerf to AFs. Specifically, after announcing a couple of combat ceptor buffs, he said:

    "On top of the interceptor changes, in the same update on october 29th we'll also be slowing down all AFs by about 10%. We went a bit crazy with them a year back when we did the rework, and the ramjag especially is super annoying so it's gonna lose a little bit of fitting as well so you can't fit as much tank."

    While I greatly applaud their stated intent to make small changes frequently (and the combat ceptor changes are a good start), I think this particular change is ass-backwards, particularly in regards to the Jag.

    For starters, I don't think that the class needs a global nerf. They are good now, yes, but not OP as a whole. Yes, they dumpster most everything else in their size class in a straight up fight, but that's what they're supposed to do, and they don't have the specialized utility outside of direct combat of other classes. Aside from one specific exception, they aren't single-handedly defining any metas or rendering entire swathes of gameplay obsolete, unlike some ship classes, and I don't think their current performance warrants a global hammering.

    And in particular, knocking that much speed off really stings. I flew these things back before the revamp. I even flew the Jag back when it was a 4/4/4 'shield Wolf' and kinda sucked, just because it was the only AF that was merely 'slow' instead of 'molasses-flowing-uphill-on-a-glacier-in-january' nigh-immobile. I was so happy when they finally got made usable again, and I was especially happy about the speed increases specifically because one of the biggest reasons that nobody used them back then was that they weren't meaningfully more mobile than t3ds or fast cruisers. However, now they're going to be much closer to that initial state. After a 10% nerf, the Wolf will have a base MWD speed of 3100 m/s, the Jag 2950 m/s, and all the rest will be at 2700 m/s or slower. In particular, thanks to the targeted speed nerf it got post-update the Retribution will now be a whole 77 m/s faster than it was after the recamp, or a whopping 3.3% increase! A no-speed-mod Stabber will now be approximately as fast as the amarr/caldari AFs, and only a couple hundred m/s slower than the gallente ones. This is simply unjustified. (Also, see note below about post-nerf speeds on a generic ramjag fit - I don't think this is even going to solve the problem!)

    And then there's the ever-hated Jag, which is additionally going to get fitting nerfs in retribution for its sin of being too good at tackling. This is probably the single worst possible way to nerf the ramjag, because part of the reason the ramjag fit is such a natural for the hull is that the thing normally has quite tight fitting and so not putting any guns on it in its ramjag iteration means that it actually can fit things. If you nerf the fitting on it, the type of fit that will be affected least is the ramjag! All you'll end up doing is further crippling any normal use of the ship, where it is not OP or in need of a nerf.

    Consider the following generic ramjag fit. I'm not trying to claim this is some sort of best possible ramjag or whatever, it's just meant as a general example of a generic member of the class for the sake of discussion - don't get too caught up on the specifics.

    [Jaguar, Generic RamJag] Assault Damage Control II Nanofiber Internal Structure II Overdrive Injector System II 5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 50 Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 50 Small Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu [Empty High slot] [Empty High slot] [Empty High slot] Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II Small Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II Agency 'Overclocker' SB3 Dose I 

    This fit moves at 4267 m/s cold and 6071 m/s hot (3848 and 5464 post-nerf - still quite fast!) with a t1 overclocker, and has 16.75k EHP counting both boosters (no drugs, 59.8k with ADCU active). And more importantly, this fit has 4.75 (8.8%) and 9.25 (4%) powergrid and cpu left over and hasn't even compacted everything yet. The fully compacted fit has 5.75 (10.7%) grid and 28.25 (12.2%) cpu free!

    In other words, to impact this particular ramjag fit at all you have to apply at least a 9% PG or 5% CPU nerf, and even then the fit can absorb up to a 10% PG and 12% CPU nerf without even having to put on any fitting modules. If you sacrifice the nos (which is a significant hit, to be fair) then the fit has 23.8% PG and 17.4% CPU free!

    Meanwhile, any normal combat Jag fit has to spend an extra 10.8 PG and 38.4 CPU on three rocket launchers, and might want to be fitting a 31 to 40 CPU BCU too. Most actual combat Jag fits I've seen or used already require a fitting module, and even the ones that don't have no fitting room to spare. Applying any meaningful nerf to the Jag's fitting will be a massively disproportionate hit to the types of Jag fits that least need nerfing, while hitting the ramjag lightly if at all. Or, if you actually meaningfully nerf the ramjag via fitting, you might as well delete the launcher hardpoints from the thing because it'll be literally worthless for anything else. Massively nerfhammering or essentially deleting any combat use of the ship is not an acceptable way to nerf it for being too good at tackling, especially because this likely won't even solve the problem!

    If you want to actually nerf the ramjag, you need to find some way of hitting its speed, tank, or tackle ability that doesn't also blast combat fits at the same time. To me, the way to attack this seems to be to couple any nerfs with buffs to the offense side of the ship that the ramjag doesn't care about. For example, imagine you removed the shield boost bonus and replaced it with another 5% missile damage bonus. This would be a nerf to the tank, but an offsetting buff to DPS - therefore, it'd be more or less a sidegrade for combat use, but a nerf to the ramjag since DPS is irrelevant for that role and they don't generally fit guns anyway. Or imagine swapping a lowslot into a highslot and an additional launcher plus a bit of fitting to fill it. The buffs are irrelevant for the ramjag because it doesn't care about DPS and already isn't constrained by fitting, so for the ramjag it'd just be a straight speed nerf. For combat fits, though, you'd just sacrifice a damage low or rig instead and be more or less back where you started - another sidegrade instead of a nerf. Or, for a more out-there example, imagine nerfing its sensor strength (already a thematic minmatar weakness) from 11 to 8 to make it more vulnerable to having its tackle scraped off by EC drones? These specific changes are just examples, the point is you need to do something that specifically targets the ramjag role but not actual combat fits, because the normal combat fits don't need a nerf!

    AFs are my favorite ship class to fly right now, and the Jaguar in particular is a long time favorite of mine (and I don't fly it in the ramjag configuration either). This set of changes is very ill-thought-out, and I'm very sad at what they are apparently doing to my favorite ships for no good reason. This needs to be rethought, badly.

    submitted by /u/Mu0nNeutrino
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    Unintentional leak from CCP side? Mix of abyssal/drifter space and unknown 3 engine ship?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    CCP keynote thoughts

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:03 AM PDT

    I've said for a while that CCP is completely out of touch with their main game, and it's called EVE Online. The EVE Vegas keynotes proves that they are either hand tied to keep going down the same path that have seen the increase in PVE activity and a decrease in PVP activity, or they simply refuse to do anything to fix parts of their game that is broken (grr citadel spam, grr super/titan oppressing subs).

    Lots of fine talk about banning per breaches to the EULA, specifically botting and RMT. No talk whatsoever about making any sort of changes that fits this ~chaos era narrative (blackout was great for pvp, dont let CCP tell you otherwise).

    What do you think and what do you think they'll talk about on Saturdays keynote?

    submitted by /u/Jaguaren
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    Drake Redesign or New Ships???

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 05:12 PM PDT

    Happy Birthday Godofal Pappotte

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    "All caps (including those owned by Horde) in LXQ will be considered fair targets."

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    https://i.imgur.com/iYBRFsD.png Come help us kill this Wyvern: https://i.imgur.com/yG7wNoQ.png

    LXQ2-T by the way.

    It's dead jim: https://zkillboard.com/related/30002355/201910260300/o/%7B%22A%22%3A%5B%5D%2C%22B%22%3A%5B%2299009289%22%2C%2299004901%22%2C%2299002367%22%2C%2299009359%22%5D%7D/

    Ciphx ran a great fleet, I hope more people turn up next time for some shits and giggles.

    submitted by /u/gotemike
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    EZ Clap

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    [vid] Immovable (Hyperion+ PVP)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:01 AM PDT

    Big fight in LXQ2 RAW VIDEO

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:29 PM PDT


    If you don't see the full 1 hour 33 minute video its because its still processing on youtube end.

    zkill battle report: https://zkillboard.com/related/30002355/201910260200/

    submitted by /u/F3ND1MUS
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    Weekly 4-4 change, and low effort meme to accompany.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:12 PM PDT





    Go art team!

    Im also the special kind of stupid and forgot to put this on r/eve the first time, so it ended up being 8 days rather than 7 since my last post. facepalm

    submitted by /u/Flimbio
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    SMA i fucking see you. I will Resub

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:06 PM PDT

    How do you say that many words without actually saying anything?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:59 AM PDT

    EVE Vegas 2019 - EVE Online Keynote

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:06 PM PDT

    Ya'll Are Bastards...Just Wait!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    Long post elsewhere detailing my nearly decade-long resistance to EVE's sultry advances, but suffice it to say, I succumbed to my desires. Now I'm almost two weeks into the game and am starting to get a little brave. Turned the security monitor to yellow (big risky, I know) so I could yank some sweet loot out from under the Triglavians and head to the mall (Jita) to pawn the stuff. So far so good. As I'm leaving the mall with a fatter wallet and an empty cargo hold, three of you "wonderful souls" jumped me in the parking lot! My poor Algos (armor skilled to 3's and 4's) never stood a chance.

    I was pissed at first, then had to laugh!



    I know your names (EVE Handles).




    Sleep with one eye open!



    It may not be a week. It might not even be a year, but you're on the list!




    submitted by /u/StoneGiant-522
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    Trick or Treat

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    100% of fitting and cargo will drop during event!

    submitted by /u/heston77
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    Spectre Fleet HC Leaks

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:09 PM PDT


    Dank leaks from a sympathetic member of spectre fleet high command.

    raw text below STATE OF THE UNION smh, as i'm clearly in an awkward position all i can do is copy and paste from "Staff "it's shit, not what r'd have hoped, but it's kind of long overdue. Staff hasn't had a direct say in leadership in more than a year nobody in HC is more important than our fc/staff team and our community." Secondly, virion asked for full financial responsibility of all on-going projects and services. Virion presented corroborated additional points to a debate on the subject of HC, the recent history and future of spectre. Taking the above as the sign I've been looking for, I advised that Ird be transitioning out of eve, spectre and video games in general. After confirmation that all services were indeed being taken care of by his means, I initiated a full role transfer to the only long-standing, trusted, member of the command team. If you allow yourself, I believe you, virion and the team will continue to make great strides for spectre and my comment to staff. Let me remind you all that we are not bombers bar. While I will say the timing is awkward, the outcome is far from what I would have expected.

    Maded Today at 12 34 AM Your damn right mate What you think you have done will not effect you The repercussion of your action nah, virions will lead to the very thing you feared. It was not over 2 months ago virion was been asked to stand down by the pair of us. If it was a financial decision i could of taken it over. That said it is what is, two faced, and a coup. The cunt was on my fleet three hours before he pulled all my shit. The only way he could do that was your Fuck it here im off attitude. Ive enjoyed the time we have worked together sam, I really wish you and your mom the best of health.

    STATE OF THE UNION Today at 12:47 AM Look, it's as simple as I've been waiting for this to become stable so I could leave this community in the teams hands. I made the decision consciously to provide the best landscape of balance between the team, you and virion when I was offered the ability to achieve this end on a shorter timescale. With you being a powerful communicator and leader, your HC tag, or lack there of, shouldn't matter in the greater face of the direction the team is moving The ebb and flow between yourself and virion is no longer my burden. You would, and likely still could, have an entire staff department under your wings: The bal l's in your court bud., only difference is virion is now paying the bills Thanks for your kind words and though I know little of your personal situations, best of luck with the little one and everything else. Maded Teday at 118 AM Slimey is the only adjective i can really find. Dude, become stable and leave by making unstable. Fucking retarded man. Having a staff department under me is not what i want, the open public content of all NPSI has been my agenda. There is no ball in my court, you gave virion the keys to shut me down. The reality is, with you leaving it would of been virion gone. He made the move. You may not have to deal with the repercussions of your actions within the game. But many of your old friends do.

    submitted by /u/carter-a
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