• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Eve Online So you’ve heard of POS bowling. But have you seen Keepstar golfing?

    Eve Online So you’ve heard of POS bowling. But have you seen Keepstar golfing?

    So you’ve heard of POS bowling. But have you seen Keepstar golfing?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    Vegas keynote planning session (Hidden office footage)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    For CCP Rise: Use Attack Battlecruisers for Heavy Bomber role.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    The Oracle, Naga, Talos, and Tornado, are all already glass cannons designed for "oversized" weapon systems.

    Adding a Heavy Bomb Launcher to the existing hulls would work thematically, and would allow us to fly them sooner.

    submitted by /u/artworking
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    Unpopular opinion: I'm having fun playing EvE

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    EDIT: everyone also seems to ignore the good stuff ccp has done. Like the fact that they've managed to control market prices such that sp farming has been un-profitable for months now

    I'd taken a break from the game for a couple months due to being away from home and having basically no time. However I'd been checking in on the subreddit semi-occasionally and in contact with my corpmates.

    From the outside it looked as though the blackout had basically ended the game. Everyone was quitting, things were all broken and CCP needed to do something fast to fix it. At least according to everything I was reading.

    I came back recently and to my surprise, it isn't. I'm logging in, having fun, flying with people who are also having fun. I understand that the "bittervet" mentality has always been around, but seriously. Everyone is whining about the playercount dropping and the game dying. But you know what's probably having more of a negative impact than nullsec being a little more difficult to be in?

    The fact that as a new player, or someone who is considering if they should/shouldn't come back, any time they go into a community space such as /r/eve or the eve forums, they see nothing but negativity, everyone expressing how much they hate the game, how they're going to unsub because of whatever latest change CCP has announced is etc, why the hell would they come back? It sounds awful right?

    I'm upset because I very nearly DIDN'T come back to eve because from the outside it really did look so bleak. But now that i'm back, as said, I'm HAVING FUN. Could things be better? Sure! But god damn it EvE is still a fantastic game.

    There have been some stupid changes in recent history, but seriously, I think a lot of the issues the game is facing are on the community and players, not CCP.

    I like the harshness of eve. The complexity and the fact that its NOT easy. But there's a difference between that and the community actively discouraging new people from playing because "grrr I can't AFK rorq mine anymore the game is dead".

    Also, everyone is acting as though someone from CCP was going to walk out on stage at eve vegas, and announce a fix to all the problems and challenges the game is facing. Well if you expected that of course you're going to be dissappointed!

    Right now what I'M seeing from eve vegas is my friends and corpmates meeting up, and having a great time thanks to a game they all enjoy. Photos of our director and corpmates all having dinner together, and having a damn good time.

    The only thing I'm dissappointed by with eve vegas is that I couldn't be there myself!

    Eve is a sandbox game. You make your own content. It does not get handed to you.

    Maybe if you're finding the game stale its because your alliance is sat in one place, blued to everyone around them, and nothing to do but mine. Again, I'm not saying the game is in an amazing state but surely you can't expect to get heaps of content doing stuff like that?

    Get out there and kick over some sandcastles

    Bring on the Wrecking Machine and maybe, just MAYBE you'll have some fun!

    submitted by /u/Afasso
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    Fuck this particular Constellation I guess.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    Tell me I'm not the only one who saw this during the keynote

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    Lazerhawks vs. Hard Knocks in J115405

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:10 AM PDT

    Press F for booshers

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    Max 25 ships can be booshed by one boosher.

    RIP booshers, RIP Goku fleets.

    Long live the spod!


    edit: added source

    submitted by /u/Carebear-
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    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    thank you for presenting a list of reddit suggestions during your core gameplay session and saying that you need to do more research


    aka the same thing you've done the last three years :)


    glad to see that urgent problems like citadels still require more research which will inevitably mean any minor changes won't occur for another 6mo


    really inspires confidence in the game that things which have been broken since introduction still have only been seriously iterated on once


    even changes that you've agreed to implement such as moving ansiblex are half-assed, already placed structures won't be moved


    makes things pretty pointless when major blocs have had their networks set up for months already!

    submitted by /u/_god__loves__you_
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    Module tiericide

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    In the EVE Core - Gameplay Update presentation CCP Rise talked briefly about module tiericide.

    He said that it is not as interesting or as important as the other things he mentioned. He said that nobody would say that getting shield power relays tiericided is more important than something like battleship HP changes.

    Shield power relays have already gone through module tiericide.

    It feels like CCP is again trying to chase the big Jesus feature update while ignoring the important grassroot updates.

    In my opinion module tiericide would in long term have bigger impact than most ship changes.
    Module tiericide would also require less work due to having less short term impact. Most modules wouldn't really need real rebalancing, the stats of different meta variants would just need to be shuffled to make them more even.

    Lets look at what modules have not yet been tiericided:

    • Weapons (except light missile launchers)
    • Signal distortion amplifier (ECM buff module)
    • Passive targeters
    • Capacitor boosters
    • Remote capacitor transmitters
    • Armor hardeners
    • Armor repairers
    • Hull repairers
    • Energized memranes
    • Resistance platings
    • Energized armor layerers
    • layered platings
    • Shield boosters
    • Shield boost amplifiers

    Some of these can be tiericided trivially. Meta passive targeters for example are almost identical and could be all merged to single meta variant only.

    Weapon tiericide would be biggest work but would also result in biggest benefits.
    Shield/armor repairers, remote cap transmitters and armor hardeners would be other fairly important modules to tiericide.

    Rest of them are either useless or just have some stupid stats (just compare different types of passive armor resistance modules...). They would be relatively fast to tiericide but are also less important.

    What benefits would tiericide give? CCP Rise seems to think the benefits are miniscule.

    Untiericided module market is in very unhealthy state. The meta modules that are bad are not worth to be sold on market making the vailability poor and prices irrational. while the meta modules that are good are too expensive, often more expensive than T2.

    This is mostly a problem for new players who can't use T2, can't afford meta 4 and can't find enough meta 1-3. With all the talk about making EVE better for new players and this aspect is ignored completely

    Tiericide would concentrate the market on many of these resulting in better availability and more market competition.

    The tiericide wouldn't need to include any major balance changes. The concentration of market and leveling the differences between different tier modules would be the most important change.
    (some balance changes would be nice too. Some stats are just stupid like angel cartel faction shield hardener being equal to meta shield hardeners)

    submitted by /u/hirmuolio
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    EVE Meetup

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:17 PM PDT

    Worked with the tools I had to make a nice meetup sign.

    After watching the CCP Keynote of EVE Vegas and seeing pictures from many of the smaller meetups around the world I thought to myself that just because I may be the only EVE player for 2500 miles doesn't mean I couldn't have a meetup. So this Halloween I will be hosting a Wake Island meetup for one of the most isolated EVE players on the planet.

    submitted by /u/Spaminator3000
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    Everyone is following EVE Vegas and I just want CCP to release Wrecking Machine cover from this trailer

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    something something boosh nerf incoming! INIT reaction inside!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    My shitty FAX idea.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:20 AM PDT

    New Role Bonus:

    • 150% bonus to the benefits of overheating Capital Shield Boosters and Capital Armor Repairers

    Triage Change (T2 example).

    • Local Shield/Armor boost amount from +120% to +100% . Local Shield/Armor duration from -50% to -30%

    This keeps close to the old heated boost values when you are heating your repair module. But it will only have about 60% of current effectiveness now without heat. The heat bonus sounds a lot more crazy than it actually is. Effectively this increases the benefit of overheating a repair module from +10% amount, -15% duration to +25% amount, -37.5% duration. This is the same bonus that is on T3C active repair subsystems.


    In my opinion, FAXes are really terrible to deal with in the following situations.In small-scale situations or in wormholes. It can be very difficult to bring the DPS needed in order to break a FAX, as many of them tank upwards of 50k to 80k DPS with around 2b ISK invested in them, and some of the more pimped out FAXes found in wormholes can tank in excess of 100k DPS.
    They are also just frustrating after a fight is over and a grid has been won too. They take too long to die and it can take in excess of 2 hours just to kill a solo one if it is well stocked with 3200 Hoarders in the SMA if you don't have capital support with a 100 man fleet.
    FAXes require relatively little mastery and skill to use, compared to the old triage carriers which not only tanked 1/3rd of the active tanked DPS that current FAXes do, but they required combat refitting, module micromanagement and communication in order to be successul.FAXes are just better logistic ships.

    How does this address those issues

    FAXes that are tackled without support will now die after they run out of heat, as they essentially lose almost half their effective tank when they are no longer able to heat repairers. Essentially this means less FAXes permatanking fleets for hours.
    Fights that result in stalemates from FAXes (Like wormhole fights, small scale lowsec fights etc.) now have a better chance of being resolved.
    Micromanaging heat is a skill which increases the difficulty of using active FAXes effectively, this also creates more pressure for the pilot when combined with dealing with neut pressure and other external forces. This greately raises the level of skill needed to pilot a FAX at maximum efficiency.
    Creates more communication needs between FAXes, once an active tanked FAX has gone through it's heat, it will need to un-triage to recieve remote assitance and repair the heat damage it's own modules. This makes triage groups working in pairs and communicating together needed to unlock full potential in the new system.
    Promotes FAXes in small-scale to be more 'burst' style ships for short-term effectiveness and to force an escalation rather than permenant sustain ships, and I think that creates more diversity with T2 logistic cruisers.

    Why this change and not 1 max cap booster per FAX or any other change?

    Has less ramifications for capitals used in other situations (for example dual booster Dreads).
    Raises the skill cap of FAXes, and retains more sandbox aspects unlike the fitting restrictions.
    Doesn't hurt FAXes in emergency response situations, for example FAXes being dropped to save a tackled super/titan, since they should still retain the active tank for at least their 1st triage cycle.
    Doesn't change FAXes in other roles like nullsec buffer FAX in capital brawls.

    Potential Issues.

    May need some kind of heat damage reduction bonus on Capital Armor Repairers and Capital Shield Boosters, they need to be able to heat for more than 2-3 minutes in my opinion. Surviving 1 triage cycle with mostly heat on 1 shield booster and 2 armor repairers should be possible imo. May also need a paste used reduction, like -80% nanite paste required to repair modules. Since spending 50mil in paste to repair Booster/Repairer everytime would be pretty shitty.
    Could also break FAXes in Red Giants?

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/suitonia
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    100% Loot Drops... Sounds cool but horrible when you think about it...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:54 PM PDT

    So I like the idea of 100% loot drops but there are some huge issues with it. Firstly this literally is a highsec gankers wet dream. Imagine being able to use polarize weapons and not risk losing any of them? Or those haulers that aren't worth it now become worth it.

    Next thing will be huge kill board padding with MTUs. Find a quiet NPC null spot with an alt corp, drop MTU and billions of ISK in loot, kill with main corp toon, drop another MTU on alt corp and rinse and repeat! Farm the MTUs making your ISK killboard look leet like Nancy dot.

    I know it's limited time only but sorta some cons to this IMO, but I do like I could make more ISKies pvping so I don't need to do as much grind in PVE.

    submitted by /u/MatthewOHearn
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    [Not Recruitment] I haven’t played eve in years, but I just found this World War II propaganda video I made for the corp I used to be in. Pretty sure the corp is defunct now, but I was always pretty proud of this haha ��

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    Wardecs not working as Intended

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:26 PM PDT

    A trend I have noticed from P I R A T in the last few weeks. They allow the war payments to lapse for 2 or so hours and then pay to keep the same war running while changing the War HQ. This isn't a bug, this is a mechanic. When you pay for a war, you can choose a new HQ, even if the last war is still going. I doubt this was oversight. Oversight signals good intent, and accident. This "mistake" was just neglect.

    Edit: Because I'm a shit lord, I didn't add a way any suggestions to fix this. Allow me to rectify.
    1. When a war ends, for any reason, a two week cooldown is initiated.

    1. Make a "Situation Room" service module for Citadels (not engineering complexes). Limit the Situation Room to one per Alliance.

    2. When a corp leaves an alliance with a war, they cannot join another alliance with a mutual war target, aggressors or defenders. (Southern Brewers leaves TAPI who is at war with Trigger Happy. Brewers cannot Join trigger happy until the war ends.)

    3. Make war costs exponential. The Longer it goes on, the more it costs. The more wars you have, the more they cost.

    4. Make wars specific. Declare a goal at the start of the war. Make it known to the defender in the opening message.

    5. Give the defender options. Make a defender invulnerable to the attacker(outside of mutual aggression) if the declared structure isn't reffed.

    Not all of these are great ideas but they are something.

    submitted by /u/Raborne
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    Reflecting on Life After Stabs

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:15 PM PDT

    Will every old gimmick be replaced with a new one?

    CCP made a small change a while back to stop ventures from being able to run timers. This was after a gate-check that would block ships with WCS fitted. Facwar btw.

    It has felt somewhat quiet to Dscan a large while casually warping around and not see a Punisher, a Venture, or a Coercer. They used to be everywhere. Almost every large had a yellow coaster racking up LP and shaping the warzone control. There were a variety of ways to deal with them beside just better scrams.

    These days when you see a Punisher in a novice plex, you just think "bait for shinier frigates". Look how far we have come! While there are still some low-hanging fruits living in utter abandonment, not all Tristans run.

    Remaining styles of anti-competitive play such as sitting right at 30km off of the large complex button to run the timer have just exposed players to new try-hardisms such as T3C's approaching cloaked around the decloak radius and then ganking.

    After months of reporting botters in the exact same punisher fit with the exact same habits and safes in every system, the death of the stab and resulting effects of being scrammed on gaits frequently enough appears to have at least contributed to an apparent demise of plex robots. There are still bot aspirants of course, but no doubt the LP farming plex bots have taken a hard hit.

    Bottom Line

    Remembering how it used to be, the amount of signal to noise has gone way up. If you see something in a plex, there's a much higher chance that one of you is going to explode. Something is missing, but it's nothing we will miss.

    It's been good. Really good.

    PS can we have "power slide" back to get rid of camping novice plex gates in non-novice ships etc?

    submitted by /u/NanDe_YaNen
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    EVE Vegas 2019 - CCP finally knows about lack of lowsec gate to Stain!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    I see this as /r/eve victory!

    CCP finally acknowledges serious ingame issues!

    WE DID IT!

    submitted by /u/StainGuy
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    Blue is just a color.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    New Serp Caps in Traq. in the market

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    Mutating ships increases destruction while not increasing destruction.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:02 AM PDT

    Does anyone think the main purpose of ship enchanting is to add an extra mineral sink?

    Applying mutaplasmids to ships is going to end up with a lot of bricked ships. Even if you can Reprocess a bricked ship and recover some of the value, that's still a lot of minerals going poof and leaving the economy.

    Stealth Excavator buff.

    submitted by /u/Chocolate_Pickle
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    So with the announcement from the keynote that they're hunting multi-input broadcasters... How do we even report them? Am I missing something?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:11 AM PDT

    See title

    submitted by /u/T1klo
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