• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 17, 2019

    Eve Online Why can Titans still fit HAWs? Why can Supers still deploy light fighters and cruiser-tracking long range fighters? Why are excavators still a thing? How is this not fucking obvious at this point?

    Eve Online Why can Titans still fit HAWs? Why can Supers still deploy light fighters and cruiser-tracking long range fighters? Why are excavators still a thing? How is this not fucking obvious at this point?

    Why can Titans still fit HAWs? Why can Supers still deploy light fighters and cruiser-tracking long range fighters? Why are excavators still a thing? How is this not fucking obvious at this point?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    Seriously - the natural "law of escalation" in EVE so elusive to the individuals rolling out the game balance decisions? IT IS SO OBVIOUS IT HURTS - source: I own multiple supers and titans. Let dreads have HAWs, let carriers have their light fighters, give long range fighters more focus in structure bashing and reduce their tracking to where they are only effective against battleship and bigger.

    Jesus Christ kill excavators already while you're at it, if anyone is using them it's b/c they are A.) just completely disconnected or B.) the game is so vacant of hostility you can use them with no risk. Replace them with sentry mining drones that mine about 25% more than normal mining drones and make them worth 4-500m isk.

    As soon as you take care of these three things you will instantly see more risk taken with subcapital fleets = more subcapital fleet brawls mean more players engaging in interaction = more people start noticing activity and re-sub to game = larger numbers in fights meaning people might drop HAW dreads or carriers to repel subcaps = capital escalation HOLY FUCKING SHIT ON A STICK we did it boiz.

    Seriously, just press the fucking 'off' button on excavators (replace them with sentry mining drones :P) and titan HAWS, reduce long range fighter tracking by like... I dunno... give them similar tracking as 1400mm artillery.


    P.S. Also please make EVE compatible with my 3D Conexion space mouse that I use for design, that would be dope a f.

    EDIT: Stop shitting up my thread with "grrrr citadels" and "grrr AOE titan weapons" - both are good introductions to the game they just need tweaking and balancing. Bosons should consume 10x the fuel they use currently - this cuts out boson spam, and citadels... yeah... they kinda need a lot of love.

    submitted by /u/BBTB2
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    Fleet-Up is shutting down

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:50 AM PDT

    Hey CCP, you want to retain new players?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:54 AM PDT

    Fix this useless in-game corp search tool.

    Imagine you're a new player. You clicked an ad and decided to download the game to give it a try. You're not aware of r/eve, r/evejobs, Eve-Uni, Pandemic Horde, Brand Newbros, Karmafleet, or Brave. You're not even aware of zkill or dotlan for that matter.

    You're overwhelmed by all the buttons on the screen. Aura, the overview, the UI, modules, targets, and chat windows. If you figure out to ask in the corp or rookie channels you'll probably get 10 different responses each time.

    I don't know the numbers but my guess is most new players burn out before even getting through the first 2 hours of the game. Fix the in-game corp search to actually point players toward what they're looking for and NOT to what the recruiting corp is looking for. Then fix the tutorial to encourage new players to use the corp search to find the community instead of the nearest Veldspar asteroid.


    submitted by /u/-SirPsycho-
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    Lowsec Solo PVP [Dual Web Breacher]

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    New Login Event

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:17 AM PDT

    What's your dream Vegas announcement

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    Old Stront based timers/defangable structures thanks and God bless

    submitted by /u/joecuster
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    Would you take a freelance logi pilot?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:07 PM PDT

    Short version: Not sure if anyone would take an inexperienced neutral logi pilot into a fleet, looking for some [hopefully] realistic feedback on whether it's feasible before I advertise on r/evejobs and look like an idiot.

    Long version:

    My main experience with logistics in EVE has been as a pilot in Vanguard incursions, first with an Apoc, then a Nightmare, and having my ships saved on many occasions by our calm and chill Nestor pilot. I've always leaned toward support types in other MMOs (WoW, CoH, FFXIV), and with my love for EVE reignited by various life events that have pushed me toward it and away from other things, logistics seems like a really attractive option. I already have a fair amount of the necessary skills as well (remote reps, advanced targeting, logistics) though not all of them at high levels.

    A few problems with that, though:

    • I have my own HS corp with personal friends, but they're mostly new (so I'm most of the dps)
    • No firsthand logi experience yet
    • Not able to devote a ton of time to the game because terrible work schedule

    I don't want to drop the corp I've built, even as small as it is, and I'm really not sure I want to uproot everything and go plop down somewhere in nullsec - or that we'd even be able to survive out there as an organization, even if it was Provi or somewhere relatively safe-ish.

    Is there a way to learn and execute logi while maintaining a neutral stance and a corporate identity, or do I just have to pick a nullbloc and hope for the best? Or is there a third option?

    submitted by /u/asasci
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    PIRAT wimps out once again, runs away from a fleet of pitchfork wielding peasants

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    Starting "anew" in highsec

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:39 AM PDT

    Oï !

    Recently, i got kicked out of my corporation, but still managed to bring most of my stuff back (with tons of stuff locked in Asset Safety for now). It's been a while since I've been gone from highsec, and I did enjoyed my time in a big nullsec alliance, but with my game time being at an all time low I'm looking at stuff to do in highsec' and don't really know where to look at.

    So, I've had tons of fun running around nullsec with a T3C and a CovOps frigate combo, scanning down combat sites and running them. I tried to do the same up in Guristas space (first time doing it), but after a veeeery slow grind in a Guristas Fortress (being slowed down to 20m/s with every rats outside of your rage isn't that fun...), I dont know if il, run sites there again.

    I'll be able to do way more FW now, but since I'll have to replace my ships way more often, I'm searching for new stuff to do. So my questions are :

    How are FOBs ? I heard one can run them solo with a Rattlesnake.

    How are Invasions ? Had fun stealing people's wrecks when it started, but how as it evolved now that World Arks can spawn ?

    Are Incursions still a thing ? I'd love to get a Revenant one day, but I don't really know how it's done (and if i can just snatch a blueprint lol).

    And in general, what do you guys do for fun, or to gain money, in Highsec ?

    Thanks in advance for the replies !

    Fly safe :)

    submitted by /u/Sasha_Viderzei
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    CCP Triglavian ships should be unique and not best option. Please balance them a bit.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:50 AM PDT

    While there is plenty that can be said about those ships above that I like them - i think they are simply to good and there is no downside to taking them over other ships

    Of course ignoring other utility ships you want to use.

    My idea is simple.
    Give each Triglavian ship a 0.5AU warp speed nerf.

    While they will be best ships you can field you will need to acknowledge that they will be slowing your fleet a bit.

    This will perfectly fit in recent warp speed buff thus balancing them more when compared to other ship classes.

    This change can be mitigated by sacrificing one rig for warp speed - but this will be player choice. More warp speed or ship stats.


    Due to nature of Abyssal space triglavian ships didn't have to be fast in speed as they heavily utilized the gateways for day to day travel.

    submitted by /u/StainGuy
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    Questions about mining ships.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:12 AM PDT

    How's the cost performance of exhumers? Which mining crystal is the first choice to join the skill queue?

    submitted by /u/jimsoprano
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    What causes this and how can I fix it?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:25 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    Newish player to Eve, are there meta ships or anything of the sort? Just got my myrm up and going.

    Edit, well be doing mainly PvE then once I've got a good grasp some pvp.

    submitted by /u/Heretic2320
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    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:58 AM PDT

    Am I the only one who d like a little extra-block on top of the Jumpclone-window that explicitly shows the (eventual) available JC in the citadel I am currently in? I think I borked up shit a few times by misclicking/misreading and accidently JCing to the literal butt of the universe.

    submitted by /u/MuteyMute
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    Claimed Alpha skillspoints, if I then sub, can I claim the omega SP?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    Was going to sub an alt and claim the 250k, completely forgot what I was doing at the time and claimed the 25k, Alpha SP. If I subscribe the account now, can I claim the 250k SP or did I just make a big mistake?

    submitted by /u/Benzh
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    Have you heard that CCP did a change players requested for years in a correct way.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:56 PM PDT

    I am still shocked about it.
    Have no idea how this happened and how the fuck CCP managed to do it in a correct way ....
    Like WTF CCP, you can still surprise in a positive way players as old as me.
    Keep at it!

    submitted by /u/StainGuy
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