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    Friday, October 18, 2019

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - October 17, 2019

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - October 17, 2019

    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - October 17, 2019

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

    Newbies / Returning players please visit our newbie-help channel on the /r/eve discord: https://discord.gg/uHpxFaA

    Alternatively check out reddit.com/r/evenewbies

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Leaked: Rehearsal of Hilmar's keynote lecture for Eve Vegas

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    [vid] Luck V (Leshak+ PvP)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 04:00 AM PDT

    [Guide] How to Play EvE Online: Solo PvP BS | !ENG subs! by Lussy Lou \ iBeast

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    EVE Online - Starting Out in EVE

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    I want to turn 6NJ8-V into the trade hub of Venal

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:13 PM PDT


    Disclaimer: there's some RP bullshit surrounding this whole project I'm working on, but for the sake of just sounding like I'm normal, I'm gonna shoot straight and just talk about what I'm doing in-game


    Tl;dr at the bottom

    Hello! (.___.)/

    I'm Avio Yaken and I've recently started having the most fun I've ever had with EVE. Why? Because I now have a mission, that mission? To turn the Guristas Capital system of 6NJ8-V into the premier trade hub of the region of Venal. How do I plan to do this? Well - I'm gonna take advantage of the gaping opportunity out here.

    See, Venal is not like a region in low security or high security space, it is unable to receive goods in a way that's reliable aside from using expensive and vulnerable jump freighters or decaying wormholes. As a result the region's markets suffers two problems.

    Goods are both in short supply, and expensive. There are large, gaping holes on the market of Venal and stuff that would be dirt cheap in high security space. In fact I found inspiration in all of this looking at how much Kestrels cost...Wanna know? Six million a pop, no fittings - just the hull. It's madness, but it made me realize value of assets isn't decided by Jita or the major trade hubs, that out here all these normal modules and ships that are worth dirt back in the mainland, can be worth a small fortune in Venal.

    So for the past month, I've been running an industrial in initiative in 6NJ8-V, sourcing my own blueprints and materials to build a modest arsenal that's for sale in the Guristas Productions Shipyard station. All T1 goods, I dont have the logistics to support T2 mass production - But T1 mass production I can handle just fine. Besides, T1 modules are a widely ignored market that is missing, thus providing me an opportunity to seize the moment and be the sole source of X module out here.

    And yes, T1 modules do sell and have their uses out here. Specifically? I'm building a market for fresher pilots to use, I'm not catering solely to characters with high sp counts and only ever use T2 modules - I'm building a market that both new pilots and veterans can take advantage of.

    Speaking of new pilots? As a means to get some additional hands to help me gain more materials and become apart of my customer base,I've handed out free ventures and badges, exploration frigs and a few missioning frigates to newbies and other fresh meat that come to the region, it's to help themget settled in the system. I'll buy mission loot off them, or materials and datacores, I try to make things profitable for them.

    Venal's current trade hub is N5Y-4N, purely for being a hotspot of mission runners taking advantage of a station that has four level 4 agents in it. Problem with this system is that it's crammed up the ass of the region in a pipe that has a dead end to it. One way in, one way out. 6NJ8-V on the other hand has far more access to the other stations of the region, specifically it's the only system that has access to the one system that has the only station where you can do research/invention - Y-4CFK. At the same time? 6NJ8-V is just a lore significant system for the Guristas given that it's the capital of the entire organization.

    If you wanna get involved? I got need for materials if anyone feels like moving them up here. I also got buy orders up for command centers of anytype for 300k ISK a unit. Hell, I'm even buying metal scraps at 5k a unit because I've learned out here that Metal Scraps are a GREAT way to supplement your trit stocks.

    If you wanna see a complete list of all my goods currently on the market, please check out my thread on the RP subforum "Intergalactic summit" where I have a list in the original post (Note: it's note the screencap, keep scrolling.)

    Hope to see some new customers (.___.)/



    I'm building and selling T1 modules and ships in 6NJ8-V in an attempt to bring more trade to the system and make it the regional trade hub.

    submitted by /u/-SODANK-
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    Community fittings polls are open. Vote for the most appropriate fittings for new bros

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:44 AM PDT

    friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:17 AM PDT

    eve vegas coming soon and they're teasing us with a core gameplay update hype hype hype u/ccp_falcon pls deliver (◡‿◡✿)

    you know the rules, it's friday so it's time for this week's friendship friday nice thread. in this thread, we post without any caps at all and we post what we appreciate about eve and the people who play it. (◕‿◕✿) here are the rules:

    • do not use any capital letters. if someone forgets this rule or does not follow it, don't be that guy/gal. we're all about positivity and acceptance here, no matter the grammar (✿◠‿◠)

    • talk about what you appreciate or what is good with eve, or life, or whatever else you're appreciative of this week (◕‿◕✿)

    • players will agree with you in all lowercase

    • talking about what we appreciate will form a positive relational bond in the eve community

    happy friday friends, hope you all have relaxing weekends (◕‿◕✿)

    submitted by /u/Windsigh
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    flower fallen / Leshak : boat song, feat.squishy

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:14 AM PDT

    Sometimes when I krab, I just warp to sun and take some pictures. EVE is really beautiful

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    Cycling at EVE Vegas

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 11:08 AM PDT

    Somebody just sold hundreds of thousands of EMP S in Metropolis, clearing the regional market of buy orders.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    I don't know the exact amount sold, but only one buy order showing up in Eve Marketer made by me a few minutes ago. The highest buy orders in the metropolis were around 14 ISK.

    Edit: The exact amount sold was around 1,1 Million EMP S

    submitted by /u/theefmi
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    Don't worry CCP the game is not dying

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:01 PM PDT


    Newbies are joining the game, having fun, doing pvp and other activities, just the same as 2003 or 2011. We have a lot of doomsday predictors here, but I'm coming to you from the game itself with great tidings. Focus on making the New-Player Experience the best that you can, and you will continue to have yourself a vibrant game.

    submitted by /u/Sabus_Narian
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    Tengu Fit for 7/10+??

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    Just skilled into a tengu, trying to find a reliable fit to run gurista sites, any and all help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/V_Lelouche
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    Extremely rare prototype Purifier for sale, contact for price, serious offers only please.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    Eve Online Full Story Mode Trailer 4K

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    Bizarre wormhole system

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    So I was out wandering around, scanning sigs in Genesis. When I came upon a wormhole signature. 99% of the time I ignore these, but for a lark, figured let's go. Inside I found a site Silent Battlefield with almost 300 mil in containers. Upon clearing it, I scanned the rest of the sigs down.

    Thing is, this system had a shattered planet. And a beacon, something I thought would be very rare in wormhole space. The beacon was named "Epicenter". Upon warping in in my exploration ship, I found an unusual pattern of violent wormholes. But then even more to my amazement, when I pointed the camera back and aligned the central wormhole with the star, I saw this:


    EVE truly is a wondrous place to explore.

    submitted by /u/Riven55555
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    Someting completely different: Support for Python 2 ends december 2019

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 05:50 AM PDT

    Does CCP still cling to Python 2, or did they manage to migrate to 3, or any aother language?

    Just asking...

    submitted by /u/Meinereiner_EVE
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    In light of Eve Vegas, I'd like to remind everyone of CCP's "Master Plan"

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    First day of EVE Vegas promises a "core gameplay update"

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    CCPls While we are shaking up null-sec with left-field ideas....

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    I know this suggestion is likely to be howled down, but I would be keen to see the impact of military and industrial indexes on anomaly spawns inverted, so the more you rat or mine in a system, the fewer anomalies appear. Essentially, ratting pacifies the pirate presence in system, and mining makes ore belts harder to find.

    I would still have the iHub upgrade effects in place, so in order for a system to have maximum numbers of anomalies present, you need the relevant index at under 1, and the iHub fully upgraded. Indexes still should degrade at the current 1%/hour, so you can choose to leave a system unexploited for some time and then krab the hell out of it for a short time. Alternatively, you can try to maintain a decent ADM level by utilizing the scarce resources that spawn, compromising isk efficiency.

    The impacts of this proposed change that are easy to anticipate include:
    Alliances will not be able to intensively farm a highly protected core of systems with massed rorq fleets, smartbombers, and supers. They will instead be forced to move their krab activities throughout their space in order to maintain isk efficiency, or reduce their isk efficiency in exchange for improved security. As a side bonus, it may allow for better hunting through hostile space, as people will hopefully move out of optimal defensive geography to krab.

    Smaller alliances will be relatively more isk efficient in their space, as they are less likely to have the numbers to farm all their systems constantly, with more systems being left fallow and rich in rats and rocks. This would make smaller alliances attractive to a wider range of players, and help combat the increasing centralization of null-sec players into the mega-coalitions.

    Systems being left fallow will be more vulnerable to being taken by hostile groups, as their ADMs will be intentionally low.

    Bots would be more vulnerable, as they would have to move systems regularly or run out of anoms.

    There is plenty of room for tweaking of the anom spawn algorithms, so that it is possible to maintain an index of 5 with careful work, but the basic concept just makes sense to me from both a lore and a game design perspective.

    submitted by /u/Dirk_dA
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    CCP jumped the gun it seems and got the Vegas dates wrong. :sigh:

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    I am Eadrom Vintarus, retired EVE University Director of Special Projects, AMA!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    After almost three years in EVE University and having served as a campus Hangar Officer, a campus Assistant Manager, and finally the Director responsible for the Null Sec Campus, the Low Sec Campus, the Solitude Campus, and the Fleet Command Course, earlier this week I retired from staff work and "graduated" from EUNI. I'm currently working on moving north to play with some NSC alumni from last year and work on rehabilitating my undock button. I saw the "EUNI is dying" thread from the other day and now that I have retired, wanted to provide a place for people to ask questions and get answers from someone that has been on the inside at most levels of the organisation. Standard disclaimer, I don't speak for EUNI now that I have retired and left and what I'll be answering with is my personal experiences, thoughts, or opinions. I aim to keep this classy, but am willing to talk about most any of my EUNI related experiences, so feel free to ask me anything!

    (I'll be answering questions until late evening PST.)

    submitted by /u/eadrom381
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    360 Degree Screenshots in EVE

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    There are a lot of places in EVE that are beautiful. It would be great to have an ability in the game to take 360 degree screenshots and get more people interested in the game.

    submitted by /u/cloudspit
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    To really, really retain new players

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    Remove attributes altogether, remove remaps, remove learning implants.

    This single mechanic probably causes more grief in rookie help than any other mechanic. So many new players that don't understand that remaps exists (it's not mentioned in the tutorial), so many players remap not knowing the nuances and lock themselves in a terrible remap for a long time, so many players wasting free remaps and eliminating long-term flexibility for that character for good.

    Almost every other MMO has removed highly consequential, irreversible decisions that you can make early game before players understand what is going on, but not EVE. When a new player realizes how much remaps affect the development of their character, and how badly they screwed up by mapping wrong, it heavily reinforces the "I can never catch up" mentality that cause so many player to drop EVE. Remaps also cause another "dip" in player retention when players swap to their first int/mem remap, and not get a new ship to fly for an entire year.

    If you want to band-aid fix this with minimal dev time, just give new characters 255 remaps so players who mess up can fix their mistakes. Send additional remaps to every existing character.

    submitted by /u/angry-mustache
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    Greyed out MTU untargetable

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:36 AM PDT

    Would anyone know why it is that an item/ship/MTU would be greyed out and untargetable? Is there a limit to how many people can target an MTU or other specific items?

    I was out doing some fleet stuff and we were tasked with destroying an MTU that was placed. Once I had jumped in the MTU was greyed out and untargetable. This was like that for 3 other people. We then did this a 2nd time, warped in and the MTU was targetable. Though one or two other people still had the same issue.

    I know about the warp cooldown, that you aren't able to lock until you're out of warp. But that wasn't the issue. First MTU was greyed out, second MTU was normal like any other time/thing on the overview. I've never seen this before with any other object since I've started playing.

    submitted by /u/AlchemySoundedGood
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