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    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - October 31, 2019

    Eve Online Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - October 31, 2019

    Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - October 31, 2019

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    Thread comments will be sorted by "New" by default so the newest questions are at the top.

    Newbies / Returning players please visit our newbie-help channel on the /r/eve discord: https://discord.gg/uHpxFaA

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    ATTN: Eve Vegas Attendee's who did not get their Concord Pilots License

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:18 PM PDT


    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:45 AM PDT

    TWITCHPLAYSEVE makes it all the way to Titanomachy Monument!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:15 PM PDT

    Fucking Goons

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:44 PM PDT

    Resource Depletion vs. Manpower Depletion

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    Forcing empires to spread out or roam through space by making resources deplete as they are farmed is constantly highlighted as a possible way to make big empires fall apart. However, I'm going to argue two points here: One is that resource depletion unlikely to take down the empires in their current states, and the other is that a different mechanic has been at the core of the downfall of several large empires in the recent past as well as currently: manpower depletion.

    1. The Resource Depletion Challenge

    The resource depletion concept is at it's basic principle, sound. If you concentrated enough of your people in to one particular region (Delve, Esoteria being the current prime examples) you can stack players almost infinitely, and make more money as well as become safer. If we make that impossible, those players will have to spread out, lessening the intensity of the supercapital umbrella and making roaming and fleet content less terrible.

    The problem with this is that the null coalitions already own the massive amounts of space required to spread, have the resources to do so, and at no point in this spreading do big opportunities for content open up for smaller groups.


    • Legacy as a coalition owns all of 9 regions and most of another 2 for a total of 11 regions of space.

    • Panfam comes in second with full control of 7 regions, parts of Geminate and Cache, and they are currently in the process of prying Tenal from the hands of Ranger Regiment. Total of around 8 regions of space.

    • Even Imperium, as relatively compact as they are, fully control 4 regions and most of a fifth. The Initiative has also taken it upon themselves to take the high-value moons in several adjacent NPC regions (Outer Ring and Syndicate), suppressing content there as well. But we'll be nice and say that between that and some blues in Pure Blind and Cloud Ring that they have 5 regions of space.

    But won't them spreading out from their single umbrellas make it easier to get content?

    The answer most likely yes for a few select groups, and no for 90% of the others. Volta and mid-to-large wormhole groups might find whaling a little easier, and 200 man bomber fleets may find slower response times helpful. However, Legacy already operates 4-5 supercapital umbrellas, depending on how developed you would call the Army of Mango one. TEST in Eso + forward staging, Brave & friends in Impass, FI.RE in their space, and Mangos in Omist. Imperium operates 2 umbrellas, in Delve and Fountain. Panfam is currently concentrated in one spot, but that is one of the few advantages of living in the dronelands- it's geography. Also, I believe FRT has their own umbrella, so there will be 2 set up shortly.

    Furthermore, plenty of these regions don't even need a full umbrella to protect from most threats, and due to geography offer basically no content. When was the last time you went to Period Basis, Paragon Soul, Omist, or Outer Passage without a wormhole to get you there? Those areas are (except Period Basis sort of with the use of stain) completely out of range of NPC space and incapable of generating any real, lasting content or conflict. You can't really get a dreadbomb to punish a carrier ball or irresponsible super drops, you can't roam there unless you have hours to spare. And you definitely can't take the space, unlike some border region you could stage next to like Geminate or Cloud Ring.

    TL:DR- These empires have plenty of space to spread out, and have gotten to the point that they could build up multiple supercap umbrellas to defend these areas as necessary

    1. Manpower Depletion: An Empire Killer

    Massive wars in EvE are sometimes, particularly in the modern era, decided in part by who stops logging in first. This attrition is not the attrition I want you to focus on as the reason empires collapse, however. I argue that the true tipping point comes much earlier in the conflict, before it even beings. It's the loss of high value, competent PvPers and FCs who leave due to a lack of content inherent in some (I would say all) large coalitions. Once a coalition has lost a critical mass of these high-skill players and FCs, they become bloated, incompetent, and a target for small-to-midsize groups that realize they can try and take a decent area of space or get a lot of content from pushing in or harassing the incompetent coalition. I will provide 2 examples of this to illustrate how this works in practice.

    • The Drone Lords: XIX, SOLAR, and the DRF/DCU

    The droneland Russian powerhouse began as one of the most feared coalitions in EVE- XIX and SOLAR in particular were known for both putting forth big numbers, fighting hard, and often dominating opponents. Their prowess led to them controlling vast swathes of the East, which they took advantage of by renting out much of the space to increase their income. Of course, renters are blue, and between that and diplomatic agreements with other rental groups along with paying off some opponents that tried to press into their space, you had a vast blue sea that left line members with nothing to do but shoot rats and mine spod. What happened to each individual player, I can't say- some might have quit or gone dormant, some may have left for Scourge., Siberian Squads, or the many other russian groups across the game. But when Triumvirate and Skill Urself came to play, the russian fleets were a shadow of their former selves. Outdated doctrines, poor FCing, and low pilot skill contributed to them getting outmaneuvered and bullied in various fights even when they outnumbered their enemies 2 or 3 to one. Even with the numbers and supercapital fleet available, FCs found themselves without the experience and skill to take on their opponents, and pilots that broadcasted late, followed target calls poorly, did a bad job scouting / calling intel / aligning, you name it. By the time their FCs began to develop any experience or pilots learned, it was too late, and they lost a hell of a lot of supers on the evacuation.

    I will say that FI.RE has been a good resurgence- I suspect the war helped reinvigorate them. But we will see if they maintain that now that the war is over.

    • Guardians of the Dumpster: Dead Coalition and Friends

    Blues to the left, blues to the right: GOTG caught the Deklein bug and realized that krabbing was fun, and a lot easier if there was no one in range to drop on you. With blues on all sides, their FC teams and pilots got no practice and content was so far away that the folks that wanted it, left. The most visible components of this came later when groups like SLYCE and Kenshin. left for greener pastures, frustrated by the diplomatic and executive choices of the alliance that favored renters and diplo agreements to solving problems through PvP. The only reason GOTG is still alive in any form at this point is the arrival of Ranger Regiment after they moved north. RR, while comfortable with botters, are a tenacious PvP group and have become the anchoring point for GOTG's AUTZ, and are willing to duke it out in big fights for Tenal or elsewhere. However, even with RR's arrival, GOTG has continued to lose space both in the south to competent PvP groups like CONE in Fade and are in the process of trying to hold Tenal against a push from some Panfam C team pets(renters??).


    After the collapse of the Drone lords, conflicts sprung up all over. Unspoken and Prothean fought for almost a year over Etherium Reach, Fraternity began to try and expand in earnest and found space to become a player in big wars, and Triumvirate and other groups made plays to become players in the area. New groups have found themselves in the north as well, and although many of those are because of the evac of most of Panfam, the groups in Pure Blind and Fade have taken their space in some cases from GOTG or GOTG associates.

    One last thing: Hey, this seems like a good way to churn up the map and get some fresh content and wars going. How do we accelerate this process?

    Punish over-expansion. Make it so that yes, if you have to travel 4 regions to find a neutral entity to fight, it takes a long fucking time to get there. Make it attractive to move to the content. Some things currently working against that goal: Fatigueless jump bridges and Drifter wormholes with 60+ wormholes, 30 of which are connected to nullsec systems. Make content regional again. If you want to be near that content and you're in a big block, you should have to deploy and leave your krabbies back home vulnerable.

    TL:DR because this is a fucking wall of text: Resource Depletion is probably ineffective. Big blocks losing competent FCs and PvPers to boredom from too many blues has been an effective block-killer in the past. Enable the latter if you want to see mega-alliances collapse sooner.

    Disclaimer: Citadels, Entosis timers, etc. are all important problems that should also be solved. This post only talks about some components of the grand scale of EVE balance.

    submitted by /u/SerQwaez
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    Personal Offices - the needed solution for easy alt and asset management

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    Let me start of by saying that the idea of corp hangars is pretty great. You have access-restricted inventories for members to take for different needs. But, corp hangars is not ideal for managing personal assets among alts.

    So, CCPls let us rent personal offices in stations and citadels for us to use with out alts.

    Basically, it would work a lot like corp hangars: we open a space (pay a small fee/mo?) and we get our own special hangar that we can set as our default hangar in that station. We can then add our own characters to the list.

    This is much needed. Alt corps and deliveries are cancer.

    submitted by /u/Sunflier
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    I'm totaly ok, no prob!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:03 PM PDT

    Yarr....Happy Halloween!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    EVE Meetup Wake Island Success!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:12 AM PDT

    Happy Halloween from one of the most remote places on Earth!

    Our meetup was a resounding success with 100% of all EVE players showing up! Both myself and Spaminator3000 showed up to spread the good word of EVE online to any and all who couldnt get out of earshot and had to listen.

    Although one of our players was camera shy. I forced Spam to be my photographer through our EVE experience.

    Here I am enjoying one of the beaches

    Ignore my tanlines

    After a fun filled day at the beach it was time to deliver my keynote to all who attended. We had many topics to discuss that related directly to all the EVE players on Wake Island!

    Our finest venue for the event

    Alot of thought and care went into these talking points

    An extensive list for this slide

    We had to calm the crowd down when we proposed PVE as a gameplay option

    We had some fans of free SP giveaways to make players feel like they are still making progress

    Some local fan theory crafting made it into the presentation

    Cheers from our camera man at looking into this RL integration feature

    Just a few destinations we would get to as fast as possible

    Our presenter was super excited to show this proposed skin for the tristan

    A close up (Wilson made us put this here)

    All in all a huge success for some of the most isolated EVE online players!


    Happy Halloween guys from the middle of nowhere. Hope you all had fun reading. Looking foward to flying on stable internet with you guys in the future!


    submitted by /u/Spaminator3000
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    Happy Halloween 2019. Enjoy

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:41 PM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    Throughout these days thanks to the new event, we have seen intencional kills, with large market value contents in their cargo hold and/or fit to achieve a big kill. This kill is no exception, but we want to clarify 2 things:

    1.- The value of the objects is the actual current value of the market. In the past we did a market manipulation to achieve the big kill, but it was corrected by Squizz Caphinator on his website. In this case the object has not been manipulated in the market. Today it has no known utility in game, but the difficult to obtain them is what gives them so much value. Therefore this kill is 100% in terms of the market.

    Why do we have so many objects? These come from the Drifter space, a large number of pilots and hours of farming were needed to get them. Ours come from the player Ciniel, who has farmed them for a very long time. Another group that has dedicated themselves to obtaining them is the people of Arakata Research Consortium, they can contribute information about these elements.

    2.- In addition to the goal of a big kill, the pilot Ciniel wants with this act, to demand that the Drifter project, the Nexus Room and the Stargate, not completed in this Drifter space, should not be forgotten.

    Thank you very much for your attention and happy halloween


    The Bajillion Kill

    submitted by /u/Roy_BattyZ
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    PSA: CCP shortened the expiration date on Canicule accelerators, now tonight at midnight EVE time (<8h from post)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    As the title says, it seems CCP altered the expiration dates (deadline to consume) on the Standard 'Canicule' Cerebral Accelerator and Extended 'Canicule' Cerebral Accelerator, shorter by 35 hours as of yesterday at downtime.

    The Expiry Date attribute was previously 2019.11.02 11:00:00 and is now 2019.11.01 00:00:00. I don't see any patch note or news indicating the change and only noticed by checking again on a whim.

    submitted by /u/Valtrinor
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    Halloween Horror event Trick or Treat Solo Roam

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    Greetings all.

    I am a longtime player veteran and am enthusiastic to announce a Halloween Horror event themed activity that takes advantage of the 100% rate of loot drops. I intend to fly various ships fitted in a variety of themes that would either greatly reward or greatly disappoint the opposing PVP player who destroys my ship. IE my ships would be "expensively" or "Poorly" fitted. My cargo hold will also in turn provide similar treats or tricks in spirit to go along with the fitting.

    This will be a solo roam by me and I am basically going to fly around not minding my own business and poking my nose where it doesn't belong. Expect to see me out and about on October 31st (update: festivities will continue into November 1st) at all hours of the day. I suck at PVP and sensible ship fitting. So the odds are greatly in your favor of blowing me up and getting some loot. Whether that loot puts a smile on your face or has you cursing my name is an entirely different situation.

    I will post the kill mails via zKillboard here for those interested to follow along. Hopefully you will be entertained by my unfortunate deaths or windfall/disappointment of my assailants.

    This is my first ever attempt at something like this. I don't know what I am doing. This should be fun (for at least me).

    Happy Halloween and good luck Trick or Treating to all you glorious capsuleers. o7

    Track my activity:

    Zkillboard https://zkillboard.com/character/1385158247/

    Here's a couple Samples:

    Smells Fishy https://zkillboard.com/kill/79641308/

    The Grim Reaper https://zkillboard.com/kill/79641138/


    21:46 - Low Sec is quiet.....too quiet. I think everyone is up to something.

    22:01 - Best by Date https://zkillboard.com/kill/79642308/

    22:55 - Permaband Rokhs!!! https://zkillboard.com/kill/79643117/

    00:42 - Simple Pleasures https://zkillboard.com/kill/79644355/

    02:43 - Thera is a nice place to visit. Once. https://zkillboard.com/kill/79645464/

    02:45 - Update: Trying to get killed in various parts of New Eden is harder than it sounds. I will continue the festivities tomorrow. I still have plenty of Trick or Treats to hand out. So save room...

    submitted by /u/Ingtar_
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    Little things : Key shortcut to increase/decrease market order by 1.000 and 10.000 isk

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:41 AM PDT

    Combined with mouse scrollbar.

    Instead of 0.01 isk i want to do +1000 to +10.000 isk on my buy/sell orders.

    Little back story :

    Recently i stated to refresh some of my stocks and because all people got angry that i instead of following the 0.01 trend i simply affect buy/sell order by over 10% and send me nice follow the 0.01 isk trend and stop ruining the market emails.

    With the 10.000 isk iteration on scrollbar you can easily change the market order randomly by 10.000 to <100.000 with just one scroll.

    submitted by /u/StainGuy
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    Lets talk about the Eris

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:21 PM PDT

    Yes the bastard interdictor that no one likes.

    It has a terrible slot layout.

    It has bad fittings.

    Its slow.

    Its got a rather large sig radius.

    It will die to Frigs.

    It is the only ship in its class that needs cap to run its offensive weapons.

    Interdictors are destroyer-sized vessels built to fill a single important tactical niche: the breaching of enemy warp tunnels. Capable of launching warp-disrupting interdiction spheres, interdictors are of great value in locations of strategic importance where enemy movement must be restricted. Additionally, much like their destroyer-class progenitors, they are well-suited to offensive strikes against frigate-sized craft.

    Developer: Roden Shipyards

    Roden Shipyards is the fastest growing ship manufacturer in the Federation, thanks to an extremely aggressive R&D division and extensive connections in government and military procurement communities. Roden ships are distinguished by strong armor defenses and excellent electronic capabilities. They also tend towards gunboats with exceptional range and tracking systems, and less reliance on drones than the average Federation warship.

    Personally. I think the ship needs an overhaul.

    Things that could make it viable are.

    1. increased CPU to base 400 tf (so it can fit an extended probe launcher with full rack of weapons)

    2. increased speed to 315m/s

    3. decrease sig to 75m

    4. increase base PG to 80 MW

    5. Change bonus from ROF to damage 10% damage per lev.

    6. Reduce turret high slots to 6 (still keep 8 high slots)

    7. increase cap to 800 (keep recharge time the same)

    What would you do to the Eris to make it a viable ship?

    an other option would be to swap roles of the Eris and Magus.

    Make the Eris hull based on the Algos and make the Magus based on the Catalyst.

    This way the Eris will be like the other 3 interdictors and not require cap to run its weapons.

    submitted by /u/fukier
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    Permaband - Wrecking Machine MIX(Female Vocals)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    What Is Seen In Anoikis - A Story.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:18 PM PDT

    Good evening captain, Please fly safely as war has been declared against signal cartel The Search and Rescue division has asked to update you with the current list of lost pilots – please review that now. On to weather – the universe will continue expanding and cooling until the eventual heat death of all you've ever known. Mynxee is in a particularly **static** mood today. Let's hope it stays that way, ha ha ha. 

    The hell was that? I know I have been out in these dead lands for a few days now, but still I'll have to have Allison checked out next time I'm in station. Another quick D-scan, but nothing really seems out of the ordinary.

    Vast swathes of cold and empty space, illuminated by the light from the central system star. Rays bouncing off shattered planets painted a violent picture. This system was angry. Yet the ice and asteroid belts reflected a more welcoming light. Shining bright, sparkling even as if to entice one to visit. There was nothing else, no mysterious black monoliths or sleeper sites. No evidence found of pirate date or relic installations... and still no exit hole.

    This is a Class 4 system. There is no rescue cache here – you asked not to sow one here. 

    That definitely was abnormal."Allison, what do you mean I said we can't sow here?"

    System J134FFF – Request from Karomi Saaye "Remind **static** sow cache." 

    That is my voice, but I've never even heard of this system until I ended up in here.

    Reminder – D-Scan! 

    A small blip appeared on Karomi's overview. It would have gone unnoticed most any other time, but the pilot has been searching for a way out for days now. Going so far as to check normally ignored overview settings for something they missed.I-Is that a corpse? "Allison, set course for the object 300 000kms out. Engage warp, but maintain cloak. Warp to 80km off."

    The ships engines roared to life, and suddenly the maddening sounds from the system was drowned out. Karomi hadn't realised how much the white noise sounded like the screams of a long dead planet until it stopped. Now flooding the pilot's senses was the calming blue hue of a warp tunnel and the familiar whirr of ship engines. So much of space is missed, when we only ever see it like this.

    When last did you check D-scan? You'd be a lot more comfortable if you did. 

    The warp tunnel collapsed, and Karomi could see on the sensors that it was indeed a corpse. A corpse traveling towards their ship. Frantically the pilot scrambled to get more information on this. Who did the corpse belong to, a name, a corporation perhaps? More importantly, how it was moving at almost 650m/s towards the ship.

    Suddenly everything went silent. No systems sounds, no Allison, no engines. Just silence. Relentless, hungry, gaping silence.

    The corpse now was mere meters away from the ship. Cold eyes staring right at Karomi. Dead eyes staring right at Karomi. Voracious eyes staring right into Karomi.

    "I see you found me. I see you found yourself. I... See... You."

    submitted by /u/Kamiti_Arcamer
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    What the ...

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:10 AM PDT


    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    Getting Started

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    Hey, just trying to get started in Eve. I'd like to join an active guild and also would like to know if (or from what point on) it is necessary to buy the abo for eve?


    submitted by /u/eyren5000
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    10/31/19 Solo PvP

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    I'm new in the game (kinda), but thought that I finally knew what I was doing. Then I lost 3 ships in a week. I really need tips on how to become better, especialy on these points:

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 12:51 PM PDT

    1. How do I know that I can take on a structure's guardians? (I'm talking about cosmic signatures)
    2. What equpment (for a small ship) should I use to achieve better performance on the battlefield?
    3. When I kill/defeat a pirate, does his bounty get automatically on my account, or should I claim it somwhere?
    submitted by /u/colonel_Kolio
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    Gian Bal of PROVIBLOC loses his mind!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    Thinking about giving EVE a shot - What sort of play styles does a newer player have access to?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I hope you can help me with this.

    I'm a possible new player; I'd love to hear from existing players on what they feel like are the current viable and enjoyable play-styles for relatively new players. In other words, what are specific things I could work towards doing in order to have fun within the first week or two, with as much detail as you'd care to share.

    What I'm really looking for are granular descriptions; for example, if we were discussing Ultima Online, rather than saying "Mining" is an option, I might explain that running pack mules out of Britain to bulk farm ore to buy a home and set up a black smith shop is one of the things a newbie could enjoy right from the get go. Rather than saying, "PVP", I might explain that a quarterstaff thief can offer a great low risk high reward PVP playstyle for casual players who like stealth and physical combat, or that a battle mage might be great for players who are interested in a longer grind with high expenses, but also extremely high power.

    I know that there are tons of generic newbie guides out there for new players, but on searching Google and YouTube, most of the conversation seems to be on explaining mechanics (usually better explained by the in-game tutorial), rather than really giving specific details of "things to do".

    If you could help inspire me on what sort of fun directions a person could possibly go, I would greatly appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/1658596
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    Halloween event Omega time

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    Not sure about this https://secure.eveonline.com/addgametime/

    It says 3 months Omega time first for £12.5/mo then 3 month MCT for £8.5. But the actual price for 3 month Omega time should be £10/mo? It's actually more expensive. Help, I don't get this...

    submitted by /u/WilliamRoastduck
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    Bombers Bar - Liquid F*cking Ozone

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 10:35 AM PDT

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