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    Saturday, November 2, 2019

    Eve Online Extra Life Charity Stream starting at 16:00

    Eve Online Extra Life Charity Stream starting at 16:00

    Extra Life Charity Stream starting at 16:00

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:50 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone!


    You may remember me from last year. I'm Darius Caliente, Executor of United Federation of Conifers. Some of you may know me from C0NE and others may know me from past NPSI fleets, I used to FC quite a few of them. In just 8 hours I'll be starting up a Twitch stream that will last 25 hours.


    This year, for the 5th time, I'll be taking part in Extra Life and streaming 25 hours of EVE. Specifically, the money I raise will go to SickKids Toronto, my local children's hospital. Medical care for children is near and dear to my heart. When I was 14, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor (thankfully benign) and was treated very well in another hospital. More recently, I've hung out with my cousin once or twice a year when she comes down for appointments at SickKids. You can check out pics of her and I on the Extra Life website. I'll be roaming until 17:00 EVE Time on Sunday, so feel free to hang out on stream, join us on comms and in fleet (all fleets are NPSI), or donate if you can. Everyone is welcome!


    So far, we have nearly 30B in giveaways planned for the stream. We'll be roaming marauders (it's 100% loot drop and they are blingy). We'll be using capitals, trying to pull off dread bombs, running interceptor fleets, doing our annual freighter escort (last year we did 100 jumps through null, we'll try and beat that this year). If we reach $3000 raised, I plan to roam a super and we'll also be raffling off a super (either a Nyx or a Hel). Either way, we'd love to see you watching the stream and just hanging out with us... after 25 hours, I'm going to need the company.


    SickKids Toronto is Canada's leading children's research hospital. They treat all sorts of people, including having an international patient program that allows hospitals around the world to submit cases that they can't treat. SickKids will arrange transport and treatment when possible. Their goal isn't just to save children in Canada but via the IPP and their research to save children around the world.


    Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/dariuscaliente

    Charity Page: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=cms.page&id=1306

    Participant Page (read my story): https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=349551

    SickKids Toronto Info: http://www.sickkids.ca/AboutSickKids/index.html

    submitted by /u/DariusCaliente
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    y tho

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    AAR: Ranger Regiment Nyx dies taking Fleet Invite, DARKNESS Muninns sit and watch

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:09 PM PDT

    TLDR Summary
    When CCP gave us some cool Halloween skins, we thought it'd be neat to buy some Machs and just go on a suicidal roam from Jita to Tama to Deklein. After an hour in Deklein poking things to get a fight, we invited an enemy Nyx to fleet and he got warped to the sun. His allies sat next door gate camping, posturing to fight only to cower out...

    BATTLE REPORT: https://fleetcom.space/battlereport/kQPaP2KkbxZvmgkxy

    Observation: The Loneliness of South Deklein
    Deklein seems to be empty of humans for the first few jumps, there are indeed pilots in local on the south of Deklein, but they seem to be a bit cold, as if they're not human. No hello's, just weird pod scouts that warp back and forth automatically, and drone boats that warp to citadels. No jokes, no memes, no dinos, no beans, nothing human -- just emptiness and loneliness of pilots who constantly produce NPC wrecks on dscan.

    Ranger Regiment Nyx down
    We moved closer to a GoTB KeepStar staging, after about an hour roaming, blowing up bubbles and MTUs hoping for a response fleet...we start seeing some DARKNESS Muninns move about. But then, we see a Ranger Regiment Nyx pilot hanging around 3T7 KeepStar. We sent him an invite to see if he would join us, and he did! He was then fleet warped to the sun.

    Once again, here we thought -- RR Nyx on a DARKNESS Keepstar a couple jumps from their home coalition staging, surely, they would use their response fleet to...respond.

    This human Nyx pilot would be screaming on intel, and would call in for some help from the DARKNESS Muninn fleet on the other side of the gate. Or even type things in our fleet chat, saying "hey I'm purple don't shoot me". Or better yet, just simply jump out to a beacon -- because we had no dictors or hictors that actually held him down. So we kept applying damage, wondering WTF is going on...

    And then the Nyx died.

    We laughed. Seriously, WTF? Then we were curious..this RR Nyx on a DARKNESS KeepStar...a bot? Bob forbid, no!

    Response fleet setups camp then runs
    We found out later what the DARKNESS Muninn fleet was doing. Respond to tackled Nyx? Nope. They will gate camp on our exit path with a cloaky dictor. Better lock time, they've pre-setup on their optimals, more tank, Muninns could easily wipe us out. So we jump in and fight! They surrender the field and warp off after a brief exchange...no gf's. Docked.

    Happy Halloween!

    submitted by /u/alphaempire
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    Ansiblex structures bellow 500km to be offline after 12 Nov

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    CCP Please Don't Grandfather Flex Structures!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    One of the great announcements to come out of EvE Vegas was that the upwell flex structures would be changed to anchor at a minimum distance of 500KM from any upwell structure. Sadly as part of this announcement, any existing anchored flex structures would be allowed to "grandfather" under the current deployment anchoring rules.

    (A grandfather clause is a provision in which an old rule continues to apply to some existing situations when a new rule will apply to all future cases.)

    This is what I want to ask our community to discuss in this post as I don't believe it has had much public discussion to date!

    This is actually a great change for the ecosystem of nullsec. It will affect every level of game play in null from small gangs to huge titan battles. It allows people to mess around a lot more with flex structures without the punishment of a citadel (in some cases a doomsday) coming down on them.

    If CCP allow these existing anchor flex structures to "grandfather" it will be years before this change comes into effect in nullsec with how deeply some larger groups are entrenched into their space. It will well it will give existing groups an unfair advantage over any new empires that might rise in the future.

    CCP has in the past adjusted the position of all (POS) jump bridges in the game. I remember flying around adjusting bookmarks them for my corp at the time. I really hope CCP can find a way to make sure all the flex structures in the game are on the same playing field.

    We can understand that there is a dev cost to adjusting the bridges and I'd like to suggest a few deployment options CCP might use to ensure these flex structures are not grandfathered:

    1. The plan and simple option is to adjust all the flex structures to be at least over 500KM from any citadel on the patch day. CCP have done this before with jump bridges in the past. I would imagine we would see some interesting placement after the patch day such as a jump gate 500KM from a stargate.

    2. Announce when this change will be deployed in advance. With the announcement give players the time to move existing flex structures out to 500KM + then on the patch day offline any flex structures sub 500KM to a structure that have not been moved. (I know this is a huge headache for some larger groups but i'm sure everyone wants a fair and better balanced new eden so we the players can foot some of the leg work.)

    There are a lot of specific details I have left out on how it affects the nullsec ecosystem. Don't want to write a wall of text. I'm going to need you to use your imagination and think about the differences between for example a Jump Gate in range of a Keepstar currently and one not in range. I wanted to bring this to discussion within our community. Agree? Don't Agree? Have a better idea for patch day deployment? Please share your opinion because i'm sure CCP are listening!

    TL;DR Grandfathering is bad. Please Don't?

    Edit: Thanks CCP. https://mobile.twitter.com/EveOnline/status/1190322651354587140

    submitted by /u/Kendarr_IV
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    Talking In Stations Discord Drama - My 2 Cents

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    Talking in Stations has come under fire recently with this thread.

    The eve 'media sphere' has been a tricky thing lately. Every public forum - discord or otherwise - has been completely overwhelmed with purely negative and often hateful discussions. This is clearly due to the blackout and the resulting failure of it. It's the biggest 'story' to happen with Eve in many years. You just can't ignore it.

    I get that in posting this I'll be going against the 'cool to hate' crowd and probably shit on for it. But I think what Matterall did was address the right problem with the wrong solution.

    In my time as moderator here I've never seen a single topic dominate discussions quite as hard as this one. Understandably so. However, what happened this time spiraled out of control. The negative feedback loop that started prior to the Chaos Era exploded when the blackout dropped.

    This put moderators in a tough spot. On one hand you don't want to censor people for expressing a negative opinion. On the other, you need to control the 'volume' so that others have a chance to use your platform without being drown out. In effect, you have to put yourself in front of that negative backlash in order to retain the sustainability and purpose of your platform. Due to the scale of the problem though this is something that quite literally every general platform for Eve has failed at. R/eve for example - we failed to make adequate 'room' for other topics. TiS is on the other end of this spectrum now in terms of perception.

    I'm not going to defend Matterall's choice of words and to some extent the method. However, after talking with him and many other regulars on the TiS discord - the intent appears to be similar to what everyone else has been trying to do. What they appear to want is a place where you can post without everything resulting in "Fuck CCP!". They want to stop the spiral because, frankly, it's been talked to death. How many identical conversations really need to take place? I get this sounds very gestapo in terms of censorship - but these are platforms where only a handful of people can completely drown out and silence the rest. This exact same thing took place in the r/eve discord in it's early days and it's taken over a year to even partially fix the damage it caused. You don't want to silence an opinion, you just want to balance the amount of discussion real estate it gets relative to other topics. There's no exact science to this and thus you have snaffu's like what happened with TiS.

    Did Matterall handle this situation correctly? Not even close. Was he trying to solve a serious problem? I do believe so.

    Things used to be about calling CCP out for a bad change - then conveying how to fix it. They don't always listen, obviously. But lately everything has been about the trend of bad changes and far less focused on what to do about each individual change, how to improve the game and what you actually love about Eve. Feedback on what you like about Eve is just as important about what you don't. Feedback on the less fashionable topics is also very important. What I see lately though is just pure apathy. I fully understand and even agree with a lot of it. I haven't been a fan of CCP's direction overall since citadels dropped. I can't think of a single large feature or change that I've actually liked since then (think: expansion level). But at some point you either shit or get off the pot.

    submitted by /u/Jibrish
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    Just a really fun sub cap brawl! Thanks Razor GF!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    I like reading item descriptions, this one is particularly high effort

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    Happy Halloween Eve (late I know), wanted to do the Caldari symbol but it wouldn’t work so here is the Civire symbol

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:08 AM PDT

    Those little beauties

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    Silly I know but here it is.

    I'm a very new player and today I started mining while using drones for protection. I got called away from the computer and when I got back they'd automatically destroyed 3 pirates for me.

    Little beauties.

    submitted by /u/english_muppet
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    Most active Australian Timezone Corps/Alliances?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:58 PM PDT

    Who are the most active PvP AUS TZ corps at the moment?

    I would like to find one that has frequent roams in the AUS prime time: 19:00-23:00 (GMT+10:00).

    submitted by /u/Legatus_Brutus
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    RvB Cinematic Recruitment Spot

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    CCP Bug Reporting Tool is itself a bug

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    tl;dr CCP's web-based bug report tool is a bug in itself.

    Twice now I have attempted to make bug reports using CCP's web-site bug reporting tool only to have my bug report lost when I completed the report and clicked the [SUBMIT] button. In both cases, upon pressing the SUBMIT button, I was thrown to the account login screen. FWIW, I had to login to begin the report, so WTF?!

    Upon completing the login process, for the second time, the bug report was no where to be found. It was gone, consumed by the great bit-bucket in the sky. In both cases one can argue I could have saved my work before pressing SUBMIT. Though why? I guess it is a valid point now that I have less than no reason to trust CCP's bug reporting tool.

    In the last instance I'd taken my time to write a description of an issue I'd had, including uploading 8 screen shots showing what I was describing ... followed by innocently pressing SUBMIT expecting the bug report to be processed and filed. Instead, in a sense, I got a well timed FU. I realize that not every bug report receives deep analysis and immediate response. Nevertheless, I'd hope the bug reporting tool would not itself be yet another bug.

    So, being the good little minion I am, I seek support only to be told by the GM who responded that they couldn't determine whether I had a problem with the in-game bug reporting tool or the web based bug reporting tool, followed with helpful information about how to access the in-game bug report tool and an ever so helpful link to the web based buggy reporting tool. Gee thanks. I'll get right on it and use the tool to report a bug about reporting a bug because, yeah right, I should expect it to be different a third time.


    submitted by /u/Ergan_Eto
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    Solo PvP Vol. 6.66

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    I bet he must have been glad to survive the Abyss. Well .... sorry. 1,7 bil loot btw.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:13 AM PDT

    friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:47 AM PDT

    it's time to forget about in-game standings and just be nice to each other because we're good men (◡‿◡✿)

    you know the rules, it's friday so it's time for this week's friendship friday nice thread. in this thread, we post without any caps at all and we post what we appreciate about eve and the people who play it. (◕‿◕✿) here are the rules:

    • do not use any capital letters. if someone forgets this rule or does not follow it, don't be that guy/gal. we're all about positivity and acceptance here, no matter the grammar (✿◠‿◠)

    • talk about what you appreciate or what is good with eve, or life, or whatever else you're appreciative of this week (◕‿◕✿)

    • players will agree with you in all lowercase

    • talking about what we appreciate will form a positive relational bond in the eve community

    happy friday friends, hope you all have relaxing weekends (◕‿◕✿)

    submitted by /u/Windsigh
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    Any Guristas Corps out there?/General help

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! I've just got back into EVE Online after a fairly long hiatus (previously only played for a month or so, so I would still consider myself a noob). I made a new account, have Omega + 2,085,000 raw SP. I've been doing quite a bit of research as to what I want to do in the game and I want to specialize in ratting (LVL 3-4 missions) with the end result being able to fly a Guristas Gila. However, I'm trying to find some info about general faction standing, any Corporations that primarily specialize in Pirate/nullsec space (if possible), and some general links/posts about things I may be interested in. If anyone could spare the time to re-direct me to some links/corps/anything that would be of use, it would be much appreciated! o/

    submitted by /u/EliteAbola
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    Chime In If You Want To Go Back To Vegas.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:08 PM PDT

    Let's not waste time or words on why we should be going back to Vegas. Pipe up in here if you want to return and/or be interested in hosting a topic CCP is historically too tame to touch.

    By The Players, For The Players.

    submitted by /u/Scooter_McCabe
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    Is there any to for a newbie to start now?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    Interested in playing very casually, is there a place fore to join a Corp and still participate on a casual level? Like 1 or 2 hours a week during week days and maybe on the weekends.

    submitted by /u/redditpeke
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    Is there an easy way to tone down the backgrounds in abyssal filaments?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:02 PM PDT

    I've been running a bunch of abyssal filaments, but one unfortunate feature which seems common is backgrounds that are so bright as to obscure the overlay. Is there a graphic setting (or monitor setting) to make those backgrounds less obnoxious?

    submitted by /u/AlkaliActivated
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    Eve Online - Avatar Halloween in Action

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:07 AM PDT


    Halloween skin Avatar in Action - available in 4k

    submitted by /u/meow862
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    [video] The Twitch Plays Eve Official Teaser video shown from Eve Vegas (late post sorry)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:23 AM PDT

    Hey o7

    Johnny asked me to whip something up for the twitch plays eve thing, tried my best to get some in game shots with the current camera system, which were the first couple but ended up hashing in some old cinematics to cover the rest.

    TauGames did the voice over and thanks to ThatOneCrazyMonkey for helping out to o7

    TPE Teaser - https://youtu.be/uTebG98-zxI

    Eve Online Progress (Original from 2016) https://youtu.be/l4SxKgmbqus

    Cheers peeps o7 zaqq

    submitted by /u/zaqqsinternetgaming
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    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:20 PM PDT

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