• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 15, 2019

    Eve Online CCP’ers now free to fly with players

    Eve Online CCP’ers now free to fly with players

    CCP’ers now free to fly with players

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 08:32 PM PST

    F Seedoo

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:15 PM PST

    Forced PVP

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:38 AM PST

    [popcorn] The damaging mentality of the E-UNI leadership

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:34 AM PST

    Recent events in eve university give me the opportunity to explain how EVE university is currently (and already for a while) run (if you can call it "run" - It's rather being controlled). If you're currently in EVE university or, sometimes refer new players to join it, you will want to read this. For everyone else, if you like drama, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

    I will explain my motivations for this post in more detail further below, but first I want to give an account of recent events: Trigger Happy wardecced EVE university and the university formed a Ferox fleet for the armor timer of the war HQ Astrahus with Trigger Happy defending with their own smaller Ferox fleet. The engagement resulted in a complete welp for eve university.

    I only noticed it because my friend Yrgrasil mentioned it. I joined some of his recent fleets for EVE university because fleets are fun in general, and for his fleets it was helpful to have another high SP char around. I visited the EVE university AAR section of the forum a bit more often again in recent weeks and had a look for the AAR thread of above engagement.

    For the people who are not so familiar with EVE university: FCs are supposed to write a short after action report (AAR) which briefly describes how the fleet went. One motivated member wrote a tool (sadly forgot his name) which automatically adds losses, kills, and totals to the AAR. The AAR section of the forum is public so that people outside of the university, especially alumni, can give feedback. From time to time, an opposing FC even drops by if they are familiar with this.

    Well, when I visited the thread I didn't find an AAR in the usual style, only the list of losses and a crude good/bad list. The thread had already garnered some feedback but the FC showed to be completely uninterested in reflecting on her errors. Laura (EVE university's CEO) essentially claimed that the feedback of the alumni in the thread is toxic and that the only thing there is to learn is that welps happen. At this point I wrote my reply and posted it: https://pastebin.com/9U8Sz2Xk

    When I checked on the thread some time later, I found that my post was removed and I have been banned from their forum entirely. :D

    This is almost always the way EVE university handles criticism. If you read the general AAR thread, you can find plenty of comedy gold there from EVE university leadership. You can see that several people try to properly analyse and reflect on the fleet, but the senior staff in particular just don't have a clue at all. The fact that many members actually are willing to learn is the sad part about it - it's just a bad environment for it, like casting pearls before swines. My advice to recruiters from other corps would be to have a look at the people who talk sense there and poach them.

    So why am I writing this up if it all seems rather silly, and I don't care whether I'm banned from a forum of a group of which I'm no longer a part of? Because it's a good example how the EVE university directorate operates, and an example of how it hurts people on a regular basis, including friends of mine.

    It generally consists of three intertwining approaches which I'll elaborate on further: 1) Pretend to take suggestions and criticism seriously. 2) Intimidate into silence. 3) Declare a member a troublemaker, strip titles, and kick from corp.

    Handling of suggestions or criticism in EVE university follow always the same pattern: "this suggestion has already been discussed and it has been decided not to do it". This has happened for every suggestion that has been brought up, the more high profile examples of which are:

    • Changing slack to discord so that the whole corp is on one platform (currently there are a handful of fragmented slacks for several different subgroups).

    • After the wardec changes, it was proposed to move all structures into a holding corp. This was rejected because according to an internal poll EVE university members don't care about wardecs. A self-fulfilling prophecy because if you are bothered by wardecs you should better not join EVE university. CCP stated back then that the data shows that people who lose a ship to a war target are very likely ot quit the game. Some superficial checking of eve university lossmails to war targets shows that player who lose a valuable ship later either don't log in any more or leave the corp.

    Now on to the second point, a lot of people are too intimidated to speak out. As an example see this comment here on reddit:

    I'm currently still in the uni (we'll see how long I'll stay though)[…]

    Posted under an anonymous pseudonym, and I know that there are plenty of others whom also won't openly speak their opinions for fear of being kicked. In a way it's strange that people are afraid to be kicked from a group they disagree with.

    The third and final point is probably the most important, but also strongly involves with the other two. Let me cite from another reddit post

    Those that don't immediately conform to the status quo are labeled troublemakers and those that try and challenge it are managed out.

    People who start to criticise are usually kicked out. Not just kicked out, but at the same time have ad hominem arguments aimed at them to label them troublemakers. This works often enough because the person affected has usually already gotten frustrated enough by the first part of the strategy and ends up 'incriminating' themselves. Every person has some flaws for sure, but it's just plain mean to go after those. It's also successful because the person affected either doesn't consider it worth it to engage any longer, or starts ranting which offers yet another opportunity to paint him or her as a troublemaker.

    These mechanisms make EVE university very dangerous. While you can see that groups like Conoco are terrible from miles away, EVE university seems pretty ok at first, a bit bureaucratic and over the top with rules but otherwise okay. The downside of this is that it means that when people finally do notice the deep issues of its leadership, they are often already emotionally involved, having made friends with some of the more decent people (whom there are still definitely plenty of). This is the main reason why people get hurt through this. The more they try to do something good, the more they are involved and invested and the more they get hurt in the end.

    For the non unista, please still treat EVE university line members nicely, they are generally good people. The actual leadership rarely logs in, never mind undocks, so if you do meet an unista in space it's almost always a new player who thought it would be a good group to join. But please don't just stop recommending EVE university to new players, but also warn them not to join as long as following persons have a say in any regard in eve university:
    Laura Karpinski, Jilokari Kurvora, Bates Larsson, Turlough Dominian, and Conci Furiram.

    Finally, unistas who read this please consider just leaving EVE university. There are plenty enough groups out there that are far more decent.

    submitted by /u/ErwinMadelung
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    Still relevant

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:27 PM PST

    The Gauntlet has been THROWN on the ground

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:23 PM PST

    And Jita Local becomes more of a sesspit due to hypernet

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:31 PM PST

    [Leak] Redline officially removed from NC FC groups

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 10:28 AM PST

    After the incident the other night, Vince is officially pulling all of Redline's roles, effective immediately. Whether he gets to remain in NC is TBD, but it's not looking good right now.

    Given his history it makes sense, but people were pretty surprised redline would do something like that. Not what I expected to wake up to today.. let's see where he goes next.

    Screenshot of the proclamation: https://i.imgur.com/3g7Tysq.jpg

    submitted by /u/jesusrambo
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    Corp or politics?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:38 PM PST

    As a noob, by joing a corp, will I inevitably be joining an alliance which is part of a bigger alliance that's one alliance amongst other alliances which form a federation which is run by a politically oriented psycho who hangs around with other similarly positioned psychos who think of eve as anything other than eve? Or is there a friendly group of people who aren't part of any freakin alliance and are here to have fun and be nice to new players?

    submitted by /u/HR616eve
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    Amazing Song Studio presents 1'st cover.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:04 AM PST


    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 12:22 AM PST

    Is there is any information about how long the filaments will stay?
    They can be redeemed until June 2020.. is that also their when they will stop working, or will they last longer?

    submitted by /u/Grisix
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    Les Deux Mousquetaires : Episode 5

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:30 PM PST

    13 days of eve 3rd day reward

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:24 AM PST


    just making sure I've not lost my sanity.

    I remember for the 3rd day reward as omega status there was 50k skill points,

    After server daily reset I logged in and it seems the reward was changed to hyper tokens thingie.

    other than that issue iirc on one of the first 2 days I got free skillpoints as reward from the gift windows which now seems to be missing.

    was it changed or I need to train long term memory to 5?


    submitted by /u/BDliron
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    Could we get a Zarmazad All-Stars Casino Clash Skin PLZ

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 08:13 AM PST

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/Stunalicious
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    Anyone else getting lag spikes/rubberbanding today?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:29 AM PST

    So after DT this morning I have been experiencing a lot of lag spikes and rubber banding.

    Has anyone else been experiencing the same today at all?

    submitted by /u/AmaraTesoro
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    Eve Online - PvP Pilot Logs #27 (Hecate vs Fastest small gang wipe) Commentary

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:18 AM PST

    A question regarding PI

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:49 AM PST

    I'm looking at trying PI and am curious about my ship whilst I'm in planet? Mode. Am I vulnerable to attack whilst placing my CC etc or is there some sort of temporary invulnerability? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Umbramors
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    I have Spys everywhere (lytham, england)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 12:32 AM PST

    Did someone have a corp/Eve meet in the Pizza Express in lytham last night? My wife was on works xmas do and thought she 'overheard a load of nerds talking about spaceships'. Also they went to the bathroom on mass, (anchor on the FC) did not look odd at all.

    submitted by /u/FatE1vis
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    Corp mate can't see Corp Bookmarks. Help!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:45 PM PST

    Hi guys, my RL friend and I are in a corp together. He is unable to see or place any corp bookmarks. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why?

    Here's a pic of his shared locations area in People and Places.


    submitted by /u/freilock
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    Why is Eve so big?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 08:44 AM PST

    I was checking my files, and I saw that eve online was bigger than the whole of windows operating system. Its massive. Sus though

    submitted by /u/TheKv8isLit
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    New T3D confirmed, behold - the Blackate (Hecabird?)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:25 PM PST

    My friend is an idiot

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:05 PM PST

    My dumbass friend placed a million ISK bounty on me. Any way to fix this? I just lost a catalyst I spent 6 million on, and I'm a newer player so basically it feels like I'm fucked.

    submitted by /u/Anath3maElectro
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