• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    Eve Online TEST Declaration of War

    Eve Online TEST Declaration of War

    TEST Declaration of War

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:51 AM PST

    Good Afternoon guys,

    TEST is declaring war upon GOTG.

    I have come to the conclusion that through the CSM, Sort Dragon is bad for this game and the only way to remove him is to remove his voterbase. I wish i could share more detail, but obivously I cant say much about it.

    We have no immediate plans to engage in any major hostile activity against GOTG, but we will figure something out in the coming weeks. Prepare for war

    submitted by /u/Vily_R
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    RIP 240bil of hypernodes

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:11 PM PST

    CCPlease: Make the event filaments a permanent feature

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:38 PM PST

    Imagine a world where pings for casual "Edge of Tomorrow" fleets were super common. Fleets where friendlies set their clones in a market hub, then roll the proverbial filament dice until they find some memorable content. If everyone dies, re-ship and go again (without traveling 40 jumps). No gate bosons, no intel channel stalking. All the fun of rolling wormholes without the hassle.

    Why not add a 10 second delay in local for catching anomaly bots? Imagine how nice this feature would be for small gang PvP on Saturday nights with alcohol!

    Live, die, repeat.

    submitted by /u/Juris_Pheonix
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    Eve Christmas Carol

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:01 PM PST

    On the 12th day of christmas CCP gave to me:
    12 miners mining
    11 campers camping
    10 gankers ganking
    9 vexors botting
    8 alts a' spyin'
    7 sleepers sleeping
    6 goons-a-swarming
    5 use-less gifts
    4 citadels
    3 capsules
    2 jump clones, and
    a salty vet crying over eve!

    submitted by /u/b1sh0p_r4c1c0t
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    Buying your own nodes isn't the scam, it just reduces your own earnings

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:02 PM PST

    It has been wild seeing so many people talk about how people buying their own tickets makes the hypernet a scam.

    It DOESN'T. All it does is reduce the sellers own earnings. And I'll show you all the math, unlike the shitty math presented by the people that say it's a scam.

    The one caveat is that if a raffle is about to expire and still has a small handful of tickets (less than 5%) remaining, then buying the remainder would be beneficial, but that's because it is about to fail and forfeit those cores.

    Okay, so here we go.

    The scenario: Item purchased for 500m and sold at a hypernet offer for 1b (this was used in a recent one to "prove" the scam so we'll use that too), where the "seller" buys 40% of the tickets (so that the other tickets cover all costs).

    We'll simplify this to 100 tickets.

    Okay, so

    Result 1: Loss (60% chance)

    Item: 500m
    Hypercores: ~ 48m (~4.8% of auction price at current plex prices)
    40 tickets: 400m (40 x 10m per ticket)

    950m (1b minus 5% isk tax)

    Total: 2m

    Result 2: Winning (40% chance)

    Item: 0 (you get it back)
    Hypercores: ~48m
    40 Tickets: 400m


    Total: 502m

    See, this is the part where the peopel saying this is a "scam" stop. They just see there is no way to lose and think that's a scam. But just selling something on the market also has no way to lose. What they fail to provide is evidence this is BETTER than just selling the tickets. What do they forget? Statistical analysis.

    So, if we have a 60% chance of losing 2m, and a 40% chance of earning 498m chance, every offer we make has a value of 202m.

    40% x 502m + 60% * 2m

    Meaning, in the long run (provided independent random chance is predictable, which it isn't but whatever) if you did 100 of these offers, you should end up with 20.2b ISK

    Now let's compare that to just selling all of the tickets.

    Sell all tickets

    Item: 500m
    Hypercores: ~48m


    Result: 402m isk

    Now, assuming you can sell the tickets, this nets you 402m PER RAFFLE. Meaning if you ran 100 of these you'd make 40.2b. That's over DOUBLE the "scam" way.

    But, yes, this also requires selling a bit less than double the tickets, so let's break this down on a per ticket sold basis.

    So, for selling 100 tickets, to earn 402m, you get 4.02m isk profit per ticket sold.

    And in the "Scam" for selling 60 tickets to earn 202m, you get 3.36m isk per ticket sold.

    By buying your own tickets, you're essentially taxing yourself over 16.25%.

    Don't believe any of this? Here's a spreadsheet. You can put in (on the left) any arbitrary auction settings for price, number of tickets, what percentage of tickets you buy, whatever, and the right will spit out the earning per ticket sold of both the "Scam" and the normal auction. There is NO combination of positive real numbers that will result in the "Scam" being better.


    submitted by /u/kristallnachte
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    1 month in c5 space video

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:40 PM PST

    1 month delving in C5-C5 wormhole space with a small group of people.
    We are learning as we go, applies to total shit editing. Story is what matters.
    Video was meant to show most forms of daily PVP you get whilst living there and what you could expect, if you decide to take a leap into a C5 wormholes.
    C5 is a different beast, spent few years in C4, could comfortably at any point win most fights. Now this doesn't even remotely apply to C5.
    You got to try it and see for yourself, the risk, the commitment, reality checks, spanking, turbo blobs, underdeveloped characters, no Isk, unexpected twists, corps 6 times your size team up against you every week, cloaked capitals and a bunch more.
    And it's all just a scratch.
    Hope you enjoy.
    TL;DR C5s are fun and adventures are everywhere, if you seek them out.

    submitted by /u/Eddie_next_door
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    Bombers Bar celebrates 10 Years in Eve! You're invited

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:49 AM PST

    Everyone is welcome to join in and celebrate our decade of destruction!
    In game channel: Bombers BarTS3: voice.bombersbar.orgDiscord: https://discord.gg/54gHzMR

    December 14th!

    We'll be starting it relaxed at 16:00 Evetime on TS with Pilots from the original 5, special guests (like jonnypew and many more), with drinking games, stories and a few give-aways.

    At 18:00 we'll drunkenly form up a proper fleet and go out boldly in to the dark as so many times before. We'll keep it going and open until we run out of fuel for the bridger or alcohol.

    Dont hesitate if you're new to these kinds of fleets, we'll have people helping out every step of the way. Just ask if anything is unclear.

    o7 see you all in fleet!

    PS: If you want to donate sacrifices for the fleet/bob (old ships, capitals that run out of insurance soon or just stuff to hand out to newbros) please contact Nova Valentis in game or on our discord. Can be personal donation or on behalf of a group.

    submitted by /u/NovaValentis
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    CCPlease, this is what keeps me awake at night

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:35 PM PST

    Am I crazy? Would it work? I love you CCP.

    New player retention:

    -Consider revamping the mission system. Allow players to accept and turn in missions remotely, maybe adapt something like EVE Echoes' news board (but make it constellation based to minimize travel distances for combat missions).

    -Add more missions! Where are the "protect the miners" or "escort the convoy" space-sim staples? And design missions to utilize ewar modules ("[enemy] has developed scary new tech that's thankfully weak against [ewar]" or "catch and prevent the target from warping away until reinforcements arrive" or even "warp in cloaked and observe the shady handoff"). Lots of creative potential to keep new players interested!

    -Allow players to buy insurance packages that fully reimburse ship + modules destroyed in high-sec.

    Dynamic content for Vets:

    -Expand FW to all low-sec and npc null-sec systems, and allow players to join pirate faction militias. Players want to take territory for the Angels or Blood Raiders or Thukker Tribe!

    -Give some love to pirate faction LP stores! (Take and hold territory for pirates while earning sweet faction modules, yes please!)

    Including the SOV blocs:

    -Revamp corporate offices/corporate recruitment UI to actively help the big Newbro corps (Brave, Karmafleet, etc.) attract players. Also great for player retention.

    -Allow corporations to invite mission agents to stations and develop a corp LP store. Base agent/item availability on new skills and add dozens of them. Also great for player retention.


    -Allow corporations to design and walk around in their offices. Sell cool furniture and decorations in NES store. Make $$$.

    I love you CCP. Implement these changes, save EVE from dying. I relinquish any ownership of these ideas and expect no payment whatsoever forever.

    submitted by /u/justhinkin
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    Redliner gets destroyed on open comms

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:15 PM PST

    Eve University Disability Access Services :)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:31 PM PST

    Hi All,

    Apologies for the tongue-in-cheek title, but I wanted to write to this sub and ask for a little help if possible. I've created a character, but as people might be able to see from my previous post, I am totally blind. My character is consequently struggling a bit more than most.

    The problem I have is that I know the game UI in theoretical terms, but struggle to apply that practically to what my screen reader is saying. I was trying to go through the very basics of the tutorial with a friend this evening, but she was new to the game as well and was struggling to articulate what she was seeing in a way that made sense. I was asking things like, "is the thing I need to click on mentioned in the Overview?" and she wasn't able to answer because her knowledge of the game is about on par with mine, if not less so.

    I'm not sure what solutions we might be able to find for this, since the most obvious one, lots of videos, is literally unwatchable for me.

    IF there's anyone willing to get on screen share or something with me for a little while and help me connect the things my screen reader/OCR is seeing with what's actually going on, I'd appreciate it very much. Maybe we could try to go through some of the game settings to make the experience a little easier to deal with.

    Other than that, I'd appreciate any other thoughts on how best to start bridging this gap. I'm heartened by the support from the community and the knowledge that it's possible to at least do a lot of things, even if one is visually impaired. I recognize this won't be easy, but hope that we can figure it out anyhow.

    submitted by /u/BlindGuyNW
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    [VIDEO] Wormhole Small Gang #1

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:50 AM PST

    Christmas event filaments

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 12:14 AM PST

    What would everybody reaction be if the filaments rather then transport the fleet your in, simply transported whatever ships are around you, numbers still based on the filament type?

    I would love to see the 20 man fleet filament hit jita's undock, could be a pirates new payday.

    bling fit a high dps ship, drop everybody in nullsec and see if you can make it back with the loot.

    submitted by /u/Alioshia
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    CCP allow us to block linking gabling raffles in our private channels.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:36 AM PST

    I don't have to say it is annoying.
    But it is reasonable thing to ask to be able to disable linking the gambling raffles in the private channels :

    • Player made channels
    • Corporation channels
    • Alliance channels

    Can you also give people ability to disable ability to remove raffle links from emails they receive.

    This is getting out of hand.

    submitted by /u/StainGuy
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    Final Shutdown Notice of structures.eveskillboard.com

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:49 AM PST

    I've had a notice up on the website for a while now, and today was finally its last day (public version). Thanks to all that used it, trusted me with the data, and also for all the private hosters. It's always satisfying to see something you made be appreciated and used.

    You are still welcome to host your own version or fork it and make it better! https://github.com/skiedude/evestructures

    MariaDB [prdstruct]> select count(*) from structures; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 2398 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) MariaDB [prdstruct]> select count(*) from characters; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 676 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) MariaDB [prdstruct]> drop database prdstruct; Query OK, 21 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.50 sec) 

    There are currently no plans to shutdown eveskillboard.com , I just updated that this morning with the new trig ships/skills!

    submitted by /u/skiedude
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    Boosters not working

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:42 PM PST

    Anyone else have issues with boosters?

    Mine don't seem to take. I'm talking about Agency Hardshell and Exile boosters. I popped 3 of them, nothing happened. No buff, no icon, nothing in Character Sheet.

    submitted by /u/mamasan78
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    Joining Triglavians

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:11 PM PST

    Does anyone know how to fight for the triglavians?

    submitted by /u/Memes_Make_Me_Happy
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    Ignoring the obvious bait about free skins with a purchase

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:42 AM PST


    The skins are the same Operation Frostline from the past (in the small print of a code mailed with your purchase.

    The important bit is that there seems to be a reprint of the Lacrimix bottles.

    submitted by /u/Rikki_Bigg
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    Isked out

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:44 PM PST

    Right..I did my L1 missions and some L2 and I got to around 50 mil isk. I can no longer bear the tedious mining of 500k per hour. I can no longer do silly and repetative L1 missions either. So my source of income is therefore dried out. My skills aren't that bad but my isk will no longer go up as I don't know what to do. I love wh and null sec but I have a good talent for getting killed by players. Is there a source of income for a newly turned omega which contains some element of fun?

    submitted by /u/HR616eve
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    [vid] Warm Welcome (Smallscale PvP)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

    A simple idea to help make subcaps even more relevant in sov warfare.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:08 PM PST

    Turn a certain percentage (25%-50% ?) of the command nodes that spawn into deadspace-lite pockets with warp restrictions. No capitals, no supers and no cynos allowed within. Call it "Deep Command Node" or something to reinforce the idea that this is a subcap-only front. Essentially, make capitals important for the initial structure fight and subcapitals more important for the final system control determination.

    Good ? Bad ? Terrible ?

    submitted by /u/nio-nios
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