• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Eve Online Just an idea that I had

    Eve Online Just an idea that I had

    Just an idea that I had

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:25 PM PST

    It's December - that means it's time to put up the tree!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:36 AM PST

    Paladin Commission, Watercolour painting

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:17 AM PST

    RMT alliance ranger regiment.the ceo is an idiot.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:32 PM PST

    So i joined Pandemic Horde

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:19 AM PST

    After playing the game for over a year I joined in hoping to get into something more than industry and mining which I've done for quite some time. Today I jumped in with my first fleet stuff and it was the most amazing experience ive ever had everyone helps and is nice and educational than the stigma most big corps get. Thank you guys for getting my first kill mails and I can't wait to make more with you guys. <3

    submitted by /u/Theteamwebb
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    I am speed - Slicer Solo PvP

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:11 PM PST

    Faction Warfare

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:32 AM PST

    Kicking Over What SandCastles?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:45 AM PST


    My name is Kendarr and I run a small EUTZ alliance. (We are one of the groups that are the "little guys")

    Let's discuss the upcoming dev blog for kicking over sand castles focusing purely around the timer changes and what it means for most content creators in the game. I'm focusing only on nullsec in this post.

    https://www.eveonline.com/article/q1y7xm/kicking-over-castles-coming-soon?origin=launcher   This is our blessed CCP's with the CSM's support attempt at tackling an issue in the game called Timezone Tanking.  

    The term Timezone Tanking is often a misunderstood phrase, My understanding of TZ tanking is that it best described as when one alliance is being attacked by a same TZ alliance and sets its defensive structure timers to a TZ outside their own primary TZ and the attackers. For example an EUTZ alliance at war with an EUTZ alliance setting there timers to AUTZ when no one would be around from either side, locking out those structures to being defended and contested.

    What TZ tanking is not for example, is when an USTZ alliance attacks an AUTZ alliance and claims that they are being TZ tanked. The primary TZ of the AUTZ alliance is, surprisingly AUTZ so they will have structure timers configured to when they can defend them, at their alliances strongest timer.   EVE is split by TZ and there should be a system in place that supports cross TZ clashes. Clashes that have meaningful impact!

    In the current system the defender can configure the reinforcement window to a 4 hour window. They can configure the day the hull timer for structures will exit, giving the defender the ability to decide what day the structure should exit on.

    In the new system the defender can only configure the reinforcement window to a (larger) 6 hour window. The defender can no longer configure the day the hull timer will exit on. The attacker now gets to decide this.

    To try and explain the issue I see with the new system I need to break out the examples:


    The Current System:

    Alliance A and Alliance B are at war. Alliance A is an EUTZ Alliance. Alliance B is an EUTZ Alliance. Structure Timers Are Configured to 11:00. The hull timer is configured to Thursday.

    On a Thursday Alliance A attacks a full powered structure at 19:00 ET. The shield layer on the structure is removed. The Alliance B's structure armour timer is generated 24 to 48 hours after the shield reinforcement. The armour timer is Saturday at 13:00. On Saturday Alliance A and B form a fleet to contest the armour timer. These EUTZ alliance can contest this timer on the weekend because it is the weekend and it's members are not at work/academics IRL. On a weekday their members would not be around and there would be no contest.

    A huge bloody battle happens over the timer. Alliance A wins the armour timer. Alliance B has the hull timer day configured to Thursday. The final timer for the structure is 13:00 on a Thursday.

    Thursday comes around Alliance B does not form a fleet however Alliance A does not because no one is around and the structure repairs. The war goes on but is stale because neither side can remove structures in the space they are fighting for.


    The New System:

    Alliance A And Alliance B are at war. Alliance A is an EUTZ Alliance. Alliance B is an EUTZ Alliance. Structure Timers Are Configured to 11:00.

    On A Thursday Alliance A attacks a full powered structure at 19:00 ET. The shield layer on the structure is removed. The Alliance B's structure armour timer is generated 24 to 48 hours after the shield reinforcement. The armour timer is Saturday at 14:00. Alliance A forms a fleet to contest the armour timer. This EUTZ alliance can contest this timer on the weekend because it is the weekend and it's members are not at work/academics. On a weekday there members would not be around and it would be uncontestable.

    A huge bloody battle happens. Alliance A wins the armour timer. The final timer for the structure is 2.5 days afterwards which is a Tuesday at 14:00.

    Tuesday comes around Alliance B forms a fleet however Alliance A does not because no one is around and the Structure repairs. The war goes on but is stale because neither side can remove structures in the space they are fighting for.

    The system is still broken. The structures are still being TZ tanked by Alliance B.

    The real change we need to see in new eden is the following:


    The Dream System:

    Alliance A And Alliance B are at war. Alliance A is an EUTZ Alliance. Alliance B is an EUTZ Alliance. Structure Timers Are Configured to 11:00.

    On A Thursday Alliance A attacks a full powered structure at 19:00 ET. The shield layer on the structure is removed. The Alliance B's structure armour timer is generated 24 to 48 hours after the shield reinforcement. The armour timer is Saturday at 14:00. Alliance A forms a fleet to contest the armour timer. The EUTZ alliances can contest this timer on the weekend because it is the weekend and it's members are not at work/academics. (On a weekday there members would not be around and it would be uncontestable.)

    A huge bloody battle happens. Alliance A wins the armour timer. The final timer for the structure is 7 days afterwards which is a Saturday at 14:00. Again The EUTZ alliances can contest this timer on the weekend because it is the weekend and it's members are not at work/academics.

    Saturday comes around Alliance A and B forms a fleet. They fight. GF's are exchanged in local and Alliance A wins the battle and destroys the structure.


    The war goes on, many battles like this happen but eventually Alliance B loses its staging structure and decides to leave the region. Alliance A wins the war and claims the land for its members.

    If CCP leave the hull timers at 2.5 Days (For Nullsec) New Even will continue to suffer from being stale as it is even with the 6 hour timer window.

    Stale Input Equals Stale Output.

    The 6 hour window in itself is bad. Do you have 6 hours a day to play eve? Well CCP and the CSM think you do. The 4 hour window ensures players of a TZ specific alliance are around to attack or defend. With a 7 day hull timer so content creators can chain timers between weekends for structures being TZ tanked would be a better approach.

    Now I know most people think 7 Day hull timers are stupidly long also but under the current system without spending timer to code and implement a new one there is no better way to do this. This is minimum effort for maximum impact on the game development wise.

    The hull timer is essentially a structure "evac" timer for people to move all there ships and gubbins out. It also gives the defending alliance a last stand over the structure. 2.5 days might be too short a length of time for that Evac period for the average player in nullsec (ofc there is asset safety but let's not go there in this post). On full powered structures the armour timer being lost disables the structure services meaning, cloning services etc are useless.


    TL;DR Stale Input Equals Stale Output. Structures (Non-Flex) Need 7 Day Hull Timers To Resolve TZ Tanking.

    submitted by /u/Kendarr_IV
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    "Kicking Over Sandcastles" is a net loss for wormholers

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:42 AM PST

    tl;dr: I am yet to find a "sandcastle kicker" who actually likes this patch. Short summary / conclusion at the bottom.

    Kicking over Sandcastles looks like a good start for nullsec. The changes are definitely not perfect, but Team Talos have promised to iterate and so far they're following through. Wormhole space, however, is immediately worse off.

    First, a quick summary of the changes purely from wormhole space's perspective:

    • Minimum armor -> hull timer has increased from 0.5 days to 1.5 days
    • Defenders can no longer choose the day of their final timer (same as kspace)
    • Variance on timers has increased from +-2h to +-3h (same as kspace)
    • Time required to modify structure timers has increased from 7 days to 30 days (same as kspace)

    In this post I'm focusing on evictions as the context. I have broken down the changes from the perspectives of both the attacker and the defender.



    • Attacker has total control over what day structure final timers are. Decent buff that opens up a few more targets for groups who need a weekend for decent cross-TZ coverage.
    • Higher variance means that the "fort spam" strategy some larger groups use for defence is much less effective. Not particularly noticeable besides in larger evictions.
    • 30 days extra to change timers reduces the chance of attackers having to change plans for larger ops that require more than 1 week notice. Not a big deal, won't affect 95% of evictions.
    • Clearing every structure out of a wormhole will no longer take 9 days, since defenders cannot stagger structures anymore. Post-eviction clean-up will be far less painful.


    • Small attacking groups must now schedule their constant hole control over 3 days rather than 2. Eviction teams will need to get 50% bigger, or put in 50% more effort.
    • There is a 50% higher chance of a third party rolling in part-way through an eviction. More content sure, but again, eviction groups will get bigger to counteract this.
    • Variance means that the "Everyone must be available at all times" window has increased from 4 hours to 6 hours. This means that, you guessed it, eviction groups will need to get bigger yet again.
    • Low power structures now take 36 hours to destroy instead of 12 hours - this one hurts.



    • One more day allows for more planning in general, which may result in more fights in larger evictions (In smaller evictions, I would argue that if a group cannot defend themselves in 2 days, then an extra day will not change much).
    • The extra day gives larger groups with allies attempting to roll in an extra day of rolling. This increases the chance of a big epic fight (but only when the defenders are big enough that groups are actually rolling to come and help).
    • The extra day also gives bearholes owners more time to roll in with their corps. This is a big buff to bearhole empires.


    • Defender can no longer choose the day. Huge nerf, and the subject of many debates whether it was too much even before we were aware of other defender nerfs.
    • +1 day extra adds to the fatigue of an eviction on both sides. For anyone who thinks that I'm stretching with this point: go find someone who assisted with Rage's defence last year. Ask them about the time they spent rage rolling in Lazerhawks home. Tell them to imagine that all over again, but they have to do it for 24 hours longer, and Michael is 24 hours more sleep-deprived. Strategically having an extra day is nice, but it compounds an already-stressful experience by a further day. i.e the game is less fun.
    • As said above, variance means structure spam is less effective - not a bad thing, but unnecessary on top of the choice of day nerf.
    • Variance increase means that small, single TZ groups now have a daily 6 hour window to cover. If your corpmates are all employed 9-5 then your timers will probably have to be 9pm (6pm - 12am). This is pushing it for most people with jobs.
    • 30 day timer on changing structure timers means that defenders are unable to react to threats that they learn of even several weeks in advance. Wholly unnecessary nerf.

    Proposal: Leave wormhole space alone.

    • Revert back to 0.5 days armor -> structure
    • Revert back to +-2h for timer variance just for wspace (if the minimum timer stat can be different for wormhole citadels, why not other stats?
    • Revert 30 days for timer changes back to 7 days, or even decrease further (again just for wspace)

    IMO this would be great. However, if you're really insistent that this makes attackers too powerful, then just revert all changes for wormhole space and give defenders the choice of day back. As someone who runs a lot of evictions (ie someone who this patch is meant to be aimed at, judging by the goddamn patch name) I would happily trade choosing the final timer day if it meant I didn't need to keep hole control for an extra day.

    Conclusion / TL;DR

    For wormholes, the main benefit of the patch: Big evictions are probably going to be better content for both sides. Structure spam is less effective, but defenders now have more time to rally help.


    • Most defenders are unhappy with the changes since they can no longer select a day, and have a larger window to defend
    • All attackers (that I have spoken to) are unhappy with the changes because 48 hour evictions are now impossible for the first time in 10 years (even under the dumpster fire that was Citadel 1.0, evictions were a 48 hour job).
    • Bearholes, which are already a horrible target to evict, are now much easier to defend

    The effort:reward ratio for evictions has decreased significantly, which will in reality result in less actual "kicking over sandcastles".

    submitted by /u/Loroseco
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    FCing is more fun than expected

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:51 PM PST

    ever wanted to FC? Stop complaining DO IT!

    And yes this is a Hunting Fleet.


    submitted by /u/Gherti
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    Kicking Over Athanors

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:59 AM PST

    I've been trying to figure out how to express this, so I hope this makes sense.

    Fights over Sov are much harder than fights over medium structures. You have to capture multiple nodes and a smaller group will often lose to a larger group simply due to availability, especially during off times (in structures we seem to call this TZ tanking, but we don't with sov). Comparatively, killing an Athanor is quite easy. Regardless of the TZ, it only takes a few dudes to hit damage cap on an Athanor and an Athanor can't really defend itself, it needs a fleet to form.

    One thing that we've done in .UFC. is spend a lot of time mining behind enemy lines. We camp DEADCO off their R64s until our prime time and then go in and strip their moons. We've also managed to take a number of moons. I would say half of the moons we hold are in hostile sov. At the same time, DEADCO has an effective means of keeping their ADMs up… a very large army of bots. This new update includes Athanors, which makes it impossible to take new moons in enemy space. There are, of course, Tataras, but they are expensive, especially for small alliances… a single Tatara purchase would drain our alliance wallet.

    I think that this patch is a huge kick in the pants of the small groups that are willing to mine behind enemy lines and that have done a good job of securing moons. I really wish that CCP would reconsider including Athanors on moons in this update.

    Alternatively, when a bot is discovered keeping ADMs up, removing all positive ADM gains and introducing negative ADMs would be a great way to eliminate the problem of using bots to maintain sov.

    submitted by /u/DariusCaliente
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    I'm a solo pilot, how can I clear out all of these dead sticks on lowsec moons?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Basically the title. I don't use alts and am pretty much entirely subcap. Napkin math suggests a whole day for some of these sticks due to their huge health pools.

    submitted by /u/ChocoScoots
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    Venal Prosperity Network

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:51 AM PST

    It's me again, SODANK/Avio yaken from acouple of posts back about my efforts in 6nj in turning it into a trade hub.

    I hate to keep spamming updates of what's going on, but i figured this is one worthy of another post here on r/eve because i do come with some substance.

    I'd like to talk about the Venal Prosperity Network, something i briefly mentioned in one of my previous posts but never really expanded upon. My presentation of it was very informal and not really telling of the inner workings, the mission statement and the overall theme I've design for it.

    Well, i'd like to present the Official Venal Prosperity Network thread that I've posted on the RP subforum of the Intergalactic Summit...Another thing that i kept briefly mentioning in past posts was some bullshit Rp surrounding it - So instead of dodging it this time around I'm just gonna be clear about what exactly i mean and this post will go into detail about it, while also speaking plainly about the in-game relevance and function.

    To avoid this reddit post being too much of a text wall, I'm gonna let the IGS post do most of the talking explaining what the Venal Prosperity Network is, however - i do wanna tell a little story I learned about the other day that quite honestly gives me faith in my own little project here.

    The other night, i was told of a impromptu Rorqual rescue operation between members of the Venal Prosperity Network that ended in success, a freelancer of ours named Hazel T was out scooping up a structure in a combat fit rorqual before attackers logged in and tackled it. Hazel put out word to Plundering Penguins, who reached out to Hooded Underworld guys - who then hastily put together a rag-tag defense fleet to go out and repel the attackers.

    Battle report

    It's a small skirmish, but it's a story that blew my mind as i never thought the Network would come together like this. Nobody here is obligated to be blue with one another, nobody is obligated to come bail someone out of trouble - yet it happened, so naturally too that I was just dumbfounded when I was told the story of what went down and how that Rorq was pulled out of that fire on such short notice. Yes, the Defenders went ISK negative, so what? They saved their target, that Rorq didn't go up in flames alone, it wasn't betrayed by it's saviors soon after the trouble.

    The Network is to help build cooperation between residents in Venal without strictly enforcing them to help one another, I starter the Network to get people in Venal talking and communicating. And with this story I've feel like the Network is proceeding in doing just that tenfold. Can i promise that everyone here will bail anyone out of trouble whenever? No, i can't sadly. What i can promise however is the potential to make new friends in this region, so even if you come without a corp - you can meet some people who may very well watch your back in these parts and lend you a hand in your industry or trades.

    I pray those involved don't mind me talking about this story publicly, but i just can't resist talking about it. I had doubts this vision i have for the Network would even be possible, but the story gives me faith it very well could. And if it helps give me faith, maybe it would for anyone skeptical about this whole operation.

    If anyone has any question, you can ask them here - or - if you wanna get into that RP scene, ask them in the IGS thread! Also if you got twitter, would appreciate a retweet to help get the word out.

    submitted by /u/-SODANK-
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    SMA Looses it's entire home defense fleet in Capital iHub contest

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:26 AM PST


    AAR: Basically we toasted these guys capital system iHub hoping to bait out a fight, but they failed to turn up to the initial entosis ping and it was RF'd without contest. Assuming that since they live in nullsec, they would at least undock something to run the nodes rather than rely on the passive defensive regen, so we brought some small stuff out to troll their toasters. Unfortunately they lacked the intestinal fortitude to undock against our mostly frig/dessie gang in spite of the home field advantage. Eventually we were forced to log in our alts and burn actual entosis ships over the run the nodes.

    The closest that SMA managed to a response fleet was to warp a single Hurricane from their Tatara to one of the nodes at 50km and then bravely cloak up. Since he didn't move, it was an easy decloak for our frigates and even more unfortunately, it appears he accidentally brought his Secret Santa #MaxMemes fit, rather than an actual combat capable one.

    Fortunately, while there wasn't much actual content to be had, the salt which SMA were able to field was pretty impressive and mostly made the journey worthwhile.

    Edit: Grrr Title Typo... Loses


    submitted by /u/dmullaney
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    [Game World News] Galactic Hour News Roundup: Campaign Propaganda Broadcasts Edition

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:31 PM PST

    Good ole Honour Brawl at the Sun ! Thanks Test

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:26 AM PST


    Formed to fight a Test Fleet roaming in Provi... Local Broken hard to track. CCP bring back DT please

    Spoke to FC and worked out a Honour brawl we had 3 Guardians so dropped down to 2.

    BR is not working correctly for some reason.... Was about 10 moas 4 Ospreys V 6 Brutix two guardians but was a good fight got us a close to breaking a few times but T2 reps to strong! See ya guys next time


    o/ Fly Dangerous

    Cosmic Monsters

    submitted by /u/SuperPosition1
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    Invasion Tournament Online Qualifiers | Pilots, brackets, ships and fittings.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:50 AM PST

    How to play

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:13 PM PST

    Alfa to Omega

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:53 PM PST

    I am a fairly newbro. Still in my first week or so of gameplay. Absolutely overwhelmed and loving the game simultaneously. I am 99% convinced I will be sticking around this game for the long haul. I don't want to multiebox or any of that hardcore shit (impressive work from those that do)

    When should I invest in Omega? Right now, or wait until I hit a wall? I'm having fun, and don't see the reason to going Omega but if it will benefit me to sub sooner than later I will.

    Thanks all for any incoming answers.

    submitted by /u/DrWurmhat
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    RIP Daily alpha injectors

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:04 AM PST

    Now they work weekly at DT

    submitted by /u/nep_neps
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    Kicking Over Castles Little Things

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:26 AM PST

    I realize I posted about Athanors, but I had a couple of smaller points I wanted to make as well.

    1. This doesn't really address high sec wars and HQs. War HQs should adhere to NS or WH rules. Sure it's 1+1+4.5 now, but that's still 6.5 out of 7 days, there's no point in attempting to kill a structure to end a war. You should be able to accomplish your objective (ending the war) in the first half of the 7 day duration.

    2. The 30 days the change a vulnerability window essentially eliminates structure sales. If this is going to change to 30 days, there should be a mechanic where a corporation sets their default window. When a structure is transferred it should automatically change to the default window. In order to avoid abuse, the default window can only be changed once every 30 days.

    submitted by /u/DariusCaliente
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    EvE Online Soundboard

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:40 PM PST

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