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    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    Eve Online CCP - Please reconsider your stance on the Alliance Tournament

    Eve Online CCP - Please reconsider your stance on the Alliance Tournament

    CCP - Please reconsider your stance on the Alliance Tournament

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:56 PM PST


    Yo this is a rare CCPLS post from me so feel free to skip to the end for a tl;dr.

    If you've ever watched an AT match, you've probably heard my voice or had to look at my smug, sweater-wearing face. I have been an AT Commentator and EVE_NT producer since AT XI, and have commentated more competitive EVE matches than anyone else (though Fozzie is pretty close on my tail!). Last summer was the first in TEN YEARS that I didn't take part in the AT in some capacity. Yeah, I'm that big of a nerd.

    Why do I care? As an event, the competitive nature of the AT kept me around when I felt like I had accomplished it all. I wanted to pit my skills against the best the game had to offer and just straight-up out-smart them, knowing full well I couldn't out-play them. After that thirst was sated, I wanted the rest of EVE to look at the AT with the same reverence that I did.

    Early 2019 we got word that the Alliance Tournament would be put on an indefinite hiatus. The reason? There wasn't enough dev time to make a good, fresh product worthy of the AT.

    I supported that decision because having the same AT ruleset with no Thunderdome support would, in fact, make a really bad product. I wouldn't want to compete in that AT, nor would I care to watch it.

    2020 has arrived and there's still no news on the AT front. We have the Invasion World Tour - while it is incredibly cool, it's no AT replacement (nor, as CCP Dopamine pointed it, was it ever meant to be).

    As CCP begin to organize funding for the next year, I want to implore the powers that be to not ignore the AT. I know the AT still has a lot of support internally, so I hope to assure people that the support is not misplaced.

    Value of the AT

    If you look at the AT, you see that it's got a pretty considerable price-tag associated with it. EVE_NT, a player group, ran the production of it - but CCP still had to have the referees, come up with the rules, maintain the server, foot the bill for space nerds to fly out and commentate, etc etc. It's not cheap, and this is a feature that caters to small -though I'd argue vital- section of players.

    If you look at how many players the broadcast brings in, the AT very clearly isn't worth. If you look at just the raw number of players benefiting from the time investment, it's clearly not worth. And I fear those are the KPIs that CCP have been using to evaluate the Alliance Tournament and the competitive EVE scene in general.

    But, like so many things, the value of the AT simply cannot be couched in those terms. It's a veteran retention tool. It's an alliance-bonding tool. It's creating a peak for PvPers, theorycrafters, and content enablers to climb. It's a way to create quintessential EVE stories that you can't begin to predict. While CCP can't see these numbers, I think everyone who is in a PvP alliances knows someone who quit because there was no AT left for them to compete in (for better or worse~)

    While I don't want to speak for Gobbins, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be around to make Pandemic Horde if there was no AT.

    Would CCP Rise or CCP Fozzie be where they are without the AT?

    And I, for one, wouldn't be here today if the AT was thrown out with the bathwater a few years ago.

    Plus, CCP already opened Pandora's box with Hypernet - I'm sure betting on teams isn't outside the realm of possibilities~

    The TL;DR

    I've invested 15 years of my life into playing this game, and in that time amazing games have come and gone. The reason I stick around is because the community is the best that gaming has to offer, and I firmly believe in CCP to come to the right decisions.

    I just want to show them that the Alliance Tournament is a project to believe in, and how it positively effects the bottom line.

    If you like the AT, or share my sentiments on it, please share your favorite AT story. I love to hear them, and I'm really missing the AT vibes atm.

    submitted by /u/EliseRandolph
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    How to Move a Titan as a Mediocre F1 Monkey.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:40 AM PST

    So I left Test. Well, I'm going to leave Test, but I never actually pushed button last night, and I'm at work now, but for all intents and purposes, I'm not in Test anymore.

    I understand that people come and go from Test all the time, and that I'm not an FC or leadership or anything like that, but the actual process of evacing and actually leaving Test space was interesting enough, I felt like I could write an interesting enough post about it.

    I'm not going to get into why I left Test too much. I had been kinda considering it for a month or so because I had kinda been doing my own thing up north after we kinda thought about deploying but didn't actually deploy (but might deploy in the near future), and it was fun. I looked forward to logging in again. I was kinda relearning how to solo, even it that mostly consisted of trying to catch ratters, and murdering MTUs, and I was getting that small gang itch I hadn't really had since we lost Swet Mags. However, I was more or less content with waiting for Test to commit up north, hoping that when more people came up, they would find what I had found.

    Then there was some drama, and a lot of discussion about that drama, and at the end of the day my expectations of Test didn't align with leadership's vision. That's fine, and everyone was well within their rights, but it just became clear to me that if I were to stay, I would just become a toxic cunt, and no one wants to be a toxic cunt.

    The point of all that is that I am not, and will not bitter ex Test. They are great dudes who have a vision and create a lot of content for a lot of dudes, even if that content isn't what I am looking for in Eve.

    Anyway, I made the decision to leave on the best terms possible under one condition: I'm taking my Ragnarok and Hel with me.

    I know that the normal way to do this is to sell your supers and buy new ones wherever you end up, but I had some issues with that.

    I don't know that wherever I end up, I'll be able to buy new supers, and if I could, I don't know that I could afford them. I would have lost a lot of ISK selling them to Test at current rates compared to when I bought them, and I definitely wouldn't make enough selling them to pay pubbie prices to replace them. I mean, they are my ships, grinding the isk to buy them was miserable to the point I haven't been able to krab since.

    Also, I kinda get attached to my ships. I know that the last KM on my Rag was DDing Elo's dread a few months back. I kept the Hel after I bought the Ragnarak just because it was my first supercap. Shit, I still have a large rigs Nidhoggur that's going to end up in asset safety that I never had the heart to sell or welp.

    Finally, the thought of my Ragnarok ending up as an Eso Standing bridge titan until the servers shut off made me sad. I never got a single ratting tick in my Ragnarok, and I haven't given up on eventually riding that shit to Valhalla. If my Ragnarok dies, it's gonna be me huffing silver paint and riding that shit.

    They had to come with me.

    This presented a number of issues, and given the fact that anyone I trust enough to let know that I'm going to be moving a Titan and a super across Eve by myself don't play the game anymore, I needed to figure this shit out on my own.

    The first and most pressing issue is that by taking them with me, I've opened myself up to possibly be blacklisted. If they showed up for sale on the forums next week, I would certainly expect to be blacklisted, but if not for this post, I'm not sure anyone would ever notice they were gone. It's whatever. I'm not selling them, and I could see wanting to come back to Test if the meta ever changed, but at the end of the day, it is what it is.

    The second problem was where to move them to. NPC space is pretty dead these days, and there is no doubt that I could safe log one of them there and be at just about zero risk, but I still have the other (I only have one character for both. I'm old school. Big SP characters are cool to me). Also, that's not ideal, as I would love to be somewhere more central in case I get a chance to use them somewhere. Safe logging one of them in low sec was an option, but I think I had a better chance of someone hunting me down and catching me when I log back in there. I mean, It's not 2012, and people don't do that as much anymore, but it's still something to consider.

    Asset Safetying them wasn't an option because they would have ended up in Podion. Fuck Podion. Besides, If I'm honest, (and this was really them motivation for moving them at all) moving them sounded kinda fun. It would be the riskiest thing I had done in game in a really long time.

    I finally settled on the Basgerin Keepstar. Yeah, it's a Freeport. No, I don't trust it. As long as I'm careful, and don't just randomly undock until I'm ready to jump out, I figure the risk is tolerable. Also, there are stations in-system in case I end up needing to asset safety.

    The next issue was where was I going to jump to in each mid once I was out of Legacy space. I had seriously considered jumping to suicide cyno recon ships and cloaking. I'm not poor by any stretch, but I'm also on a fixed income now, and yeeting 250M cyno ships at every mid didn't seem smart. I also figured the 1:50 I was waiting for the self-destruct timer was that much longer for someone to get ready to tackle me, or warp to the cyno and decloak me.

    I also considered dropping Raitarus, but one day to anchor, and seven to unanchor didn't seem appealing, and I also felt like they had a better chance of drawing attention.

    So I finally settled on small towers, which was a shit tier idea for reasons I'll get to later.

    The final issue I had was the route. Pro-tip to anyone who hadn't moved a capital multiple mids solo before: If you just put a beginning system and end system in dotlan and start popping cynos, you're going to have a bad time, especially if you are in a ship that can't dock and has a tether delay.

    Basically, if you start with your last, safe mid, check the jump ranges from there, and find a system with a low number of jumps and zero kills, you might have a good mid. I spent a few hours finding systems on Dotlan, checking them for activity on Zkill, then actually flying there to see who's hanging out there before finally dropping a tower with an alt I unretired in an alt corp, on a moon hopefully not on scan from the gate. I also made a ping 400K from the tower for the cyno, and another in the tower to warp to in each mid.

    Finally, after weeks of consideration and days of preparation, it's fucking moving day. I decide I'm going to take the Hel first, since it's cheaper if I didn't think of something and get ganked. I toss as many of my ships as I can fit into it, put an align/warp fit on it, and start making my way through the Legacy Keepstar chain with my MR fax in tow. I make it two jumps before I run into a cynojammed system. Fuck.

    Day two: The cyno jammer is now down, so I keep moving. Fun fact: It's 8 mids to the edge of legacy space. Also, it gets weird once you get to the edge of catch. The last two mids don't have Keepstars, and the very last mid I had picked (which saved me having to mid in Providence) didn't have anything but a for sale Astrahaus, and the corpse of an old offline Test POS on grid with the astra.

    The POS was kinda weird. It was a fully fit True Sansha deathstar, just sitting there offline. I'm guessing it was left over from some previous deployment, or maybe the initial invasion of Catch, and at one time it might have the most important thing Test had going on. Now it was abandoned and forgotten about in the middle of nowhere in Catch.

    That made me pretty sad, and when I came back through with my Titan, I found a different mid. I didn't want that to be my last impression of Test.

    The rest of the trip through lowsec continued to be uneventful. In one mid, the second I Jumped, two new names showed up in local. Someone had said something on discord a few days ago about "Oynx macros that insta-tackle you", and I worried for a second, but I got warped down to the POS, and they didn't even come take a look. I got my Hel to Basgerin without any drama.

    Day three: Same long ass trip through Eso/Impass/catch in my Ragnarok without the sad, offline POS, then my first jump into lowsec.

    No one is in local at all, not even the normal locals who had been here since I started scouting this mid. EZ clap. I enter POS password, light the cyno, jump my titan and warp to my ping in the small tower.

    Shit is going smooth, I'm slowly coming out of warp in the shield, the ship model is nowhere near the tower model then BOOM; I bounce hard AF out of the force field.

    So I'm trying to hand brake, but this is one of those bad bumps. There's no handbraking. I finally get slowed enough to warp back to the tower at range, but somehow bounce again. This one isn't as bad, which actually sucks because I'm not in warp range now. I spend a few minutes MWDing into the shields, and gently somehow getting that shit to just barely fit in the force field. Refit to capacitor refit, recharge cap, fit back to travel, scoop my Nestor and safe log.

    I remembered my Nestor, right?

    Whatever, the key takeaway here is that a small tower isn't really big enough for a Titan.

    Day four: Mistakes were definitely made.

    Since replacing the small towers with large towers was going to take a long ass time, I got a second alt with a modicum of hauling skills so that I could switch out two towers at the same time. The second mid was like 3 jumps into lowsec, so I sent the blockade runner there, while the first mid was a single system lowsec island, (which I was starting to realize was also a bit of a chokepoint), so I sent the hauler there.

    The blockade runner got the towers at the second mid switched first, and started heading to Jita with the small tower. For some reason I don't completely understand, I decided to anchor the large tower in the first mid on grid with a station. I had done a pretty good job so far of kinda staying below the radar, but this was kinda the opposite of that.

    There was also a dude named Bil in local pretty much they whole time I had been there. His killboard didn't look particularly threatening at first glance, but the more I looked, I realized he was either an alt of, or friends with HTP, PHEW, and basically all the people I was trying to avoid. Also there are two Fortizars in here that I had somehow missed, or assumed were krabbing forts. Whatever the case may be, I'm realizing this isn't a great place to mid, and sure as shit, as soon as I get to Jita, I get the notification that the tower is being shot at.

    So yeah. So many mistakes. I was kinda tight on space, so I planned on using the stront from the small tower in the large tower, even though I knew it was barely enough stront for the small. I logged on my main, who was in a recon in system to cyno, and found Bil in an Ishtar shooting the tower with three Curator IIs and two Imperial Navy Curators. That shit would drive me insane, so I grabbed two Curator IIs for the dude along with about 6 hours worth of stront and head back with my BR.

    Just as I get back and get the stront in into the tower, 10 bombers from the aforementioned PHEW, HTP and friends bridge and start shooting the tower. I leave the drones in a can off the station for dude.

    It's whatever. I knew this was a possibility, and feel like it would be batshit insane to try and jump my titan into this system and get warped to the tower with this group of dudes here, so I start working on plan B. I had scouted a way around that would add an extra jump through another slightly sketchy system, and I find a Medium Gallente tower for cheap not too far out of the way, so I take off to go scoop that.

    Well, I didn't really check the system name the Medium tower was in, and it was fucking Podion. Yeah. I'm docked with a tower and fuel, but also camped in. The bombers have been shooting my other tower for an hour now, are up to about 15 or so, and have a hauler bringing them torps, so I decide to go cook dinner or something.

    I get back just as the tower RFs, and watch the dudes bridge out while trying to keep track of who stays. It ends up being a dude in a Sin, and the two dudes who appear to live here, one of which recently tackled a JF with a devoter. Fuck.

    So I'm facing the possibility of having to set up two more mids through shitty systems while my Rag is stuffed into small POS like a fat dude in a Smart car. And that small POS has enough fuel for like 1 more day. And I'm fucking sick of hauling towers and fuel.

    I warp around and figure out all three characters are docked, but I also suspect they know what's going on and are going to be undocking every once in a while to check on things, and will definitely undock when my Rag +1s. I figure if I cyno at a spot as far away from the forts they are docked in as possible, jump just as soon as I come out of warp, and get warped to the now RFed tower in a reasonable amount of time, I should be able to get in, but it's probably gonna cost me the cyno recon.

    I decide to fuckin send it.

    I warp to a moon on a planet at the edge of the system, log in Ragnarok, accept fleet invite in warp, bounce off the fucking small tower again. Decloak, cyno up, and jump.

    I get that it's 2020, and everyone has jumped a cap ship a million times, but it still hits me in the feels every single time. The effects are amazing (if you have them on), the sound is amazing (yes, eve has sound), and if you have just been staring at either a titan or a recon for hours, without a frame of reference, the size of the Titan compared to the recon is pretty dramatic.

    There is also usually this crazy contrast. You go from chilling on an undock like you're hanging out on the front porch with the homies into this clusterfuck of a battlefield, or in this case, from the frantic violence of bouncing off a tower while trying to get jumped to sitting at zero velocity in the middle of space. These moments like this are what make eve to me. In that 10 seconds, those two right clicks and F2 press where the most important thing in the world to me.

    My MWD cycle ends, and as the titan is in warp to the tower as I catch a Drake on d-scan. Even if it was the Devoter, I would have made it off grid on time.

    As predicted, my Pilgrim didn't make it. Good night sweet prince.

    My homie Bil (who never did pick up the Curator IIs I brought him) warped his Geddon to the tower with my Ragnarok in it and just sat there while I burned cap boosters. IDK if he was hoping I would come out and shoot at him, or if he was just saying hi, or what, but it was kinda a cool moment. It was kinda like the scene in Episode 1 where Obi Wan and Darth Maul have the force field in between them. Great scene in a shitty movie. Also not a great analogy since neither of us get cut in half.

    I fly my main to Amarr to fit up a new recon, and the last two jumps to Basgerin are uneventful. I trade all the shit I moved from my Titan pilot to my main, and log off my Titan for what I hope isn't, but very well could be the last time.

    Bil and his friends come back 6 hours later to finish the tower. I'm glad they got the KM after spending 2+ hours shooting it the night before, but I also realize they could have easily ended my trip in that system. I've got nothing but respect for those dudes, and considered asking them if they were recruiting.

    I spend the next few hours flying around to pick up all my towers to move them somewhere central incase I need them again, and moving my expensive jump clones out of Test structures. I hover over the "Leave Corp" button a few times, but never get the balls to press it.

    I don't know what comes next. The game is clearly either broke, or just really dying this time. I don't blame Test/Goons for killing the game, because they are just playing within the rules CCP has created. I also don't know that I blame CCP, because they just created the rules the majority of people seem to want. It's a fucking mess, and if you think you know how to fix it, I'm guessing you probabibly don't.

    I'm not going to quit playing though, and I'm not giving up on Supercap fights. I hope that someday either the meta, or the players change enough that being in one of the larger coalitions that are capable of providing these big ass fights is tolerable again. In the meantime, I really feel like I want to do something different.

    I also hope that Nirvana implants don't cause shield supers to get nerfed too much, because my Ragnarok is bae.

    So yeah, that's one way to kinda safely move a Titan across eve, and if you are still reading, and in some sort of smaller corp/alliance that is recruiting, does a lot of small gang PVP, and will let me fly my Sleipnir, hit me up.

    submitted by /u/tecnic1
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    64-bit client transition complete | EVE Online

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:56 AM PST

    [Dev Blog] PLEX for GOOD home stretch

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:24 PM PST

    ccp Im begging you to bring back the yeet filament as a permanent feature

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:31 PM PST

    1 Guy, 2 Titans, Lots of Trigger Happy dudes around the corner

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:04 AM PST

    Dead-Co and The Little Sigil that could!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Today we were fighting Sov warfare. Drone Wang was toasting a node in a Sigil, We needed one node left and had two toasters they dropped Supers on one pilot and Killed him. https://zkillboard.com/kill/81219146/ The FC's thought all was lost and we were about to lose the Keepstar I-Hub Because they dropped 99 Titans on Dorne and his little Sigil that could but the Titans couldn't hit him and they had no support so they couldn't track him. So we saved the I-Hub in the nick of time before they Finale killed him because one of the Titans bounced and stopped about 100k away and was able to track him. And they got some support in. https://zkillboard.com/kill/81219317/

    Thanks, for Listening to my Ted Talk Have a good day!

    submitted by /u/CmdSnipey
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    Houston meetup @ burger joint

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Tomorrow we gunna do a meetup.We will meet at around 8:30 in the evening at the. burger joint address for it is 2703 Montrose Blvd, Houston, TX 77006. Join us in our discord

    submitted by /u/JasonKnightKnight
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    1/24/20 - A Band Apart structure fight (Commentary)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:23 PM PST

    This person in our discord /only/ plays EVE.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    [vid] WH Settling In (for ones who want to live there)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:03 AM PST

    Advanced Artwork Classes Repeatedly Interrupted by Exploding Rorquals

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:32 AM PST

    friendship friday nice thread (◕‿◕✿)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:56 AM PST

    it's time to forget about in-game standings and just be nice to each other because we're good capsuleers (◡‿◡✿)

    you know the rules, it's friday so it's time for this week's friendship friday nice thread. in this thread, we post without any caps at all and we post what we appreciate about eve and the people who play it. (◕‿◕✿) here are the rules:

    • do not use any capital letters. if someone forgets this rule or does not follow it, don't be that guy/gal. we're all about positivity and acceptance here, no matter the grammar (✿◠‿◠)

    • talk about what you appreciate or what is good with eve, or life, or whatever else you're appreciative of this week (◕‿◕✿)

    • players will agree with you in all lowercase

    • talking about what we appreciate will form a positive relational bond in the eve community

    happy friday friends, hope you all have relaxing weekends (◕‿◕✿)

    submitted by /u/Windsigh
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    CSM 14 Update - Halfway

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:52 AM PST

    Best way to get an Alt?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Hi, What is the best way to get an alt started (happy to pay another sub).

    Should I:

    1. get the multi character training (seems very expensive);
    2. make alt on separate account and get free SPs.

    What are the pro's and con's for each?

    submitted by /u/funkychicken007
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    How to simulate ships within Eve as if you were in omega?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:39 PM PST

    I unsubbed over a year ago, now as an alpha the game is even more trash than when I was omega

    does the integrated ship simulator has an option to try fits as if you were still omega?

    submitted by /u/forks88
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    Old Dog, New Tricks

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:37 AM PST

    Tony Robbins time, folks - this year, I'm challenging myself to learn how to do three new things (successfully, ideally) in EVE. The only way to improve at this game is to get uncomfortable, take some chances, and probably lose a fair bit of ISK (remember, it's an investment in your improvement). I challenge you to do the same.

    1. Learn how to jump freighter - I've read the wiki about cynos, but that's it.
    2. Reactions - Biggest question is where, but which type, how, and when are also on the list.
    3. Solo PvP - I have never been on the right end of a solo killmail, ever. That needs to change, it's embarrassing.
    submitted by /u/Jo_Messier
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    Manufacturing and profit

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:31 PM PST

    So I just started playing this game. I mined some ore and got some blueprints of items I want to use.

    But now I am looking at the market and how to make a profit. I looked up the highest price people want to pay for every mineral in my system. I also looked at the cost of some blueprints I would like to buy and produce from. And then the market price were I to sell this item right now.

    And it turns out that for every item I checked and at this moment in time, everyone is best off selling the minerals straight away. Manufacturing removes value. Which I guess means that everything for sale right now was produced when mineral prices were lower.

    And I have not taken into account the tax I pay, the mineral bonus I don't have, the time I spend mining IRL, the cost of buying the blueprints, and the cost of the skills I bought.

    So what's up with this? I don't want to play a game where only the top 1% of the players can manufacture profitably 5% of the time. I assume that the people that want to buy minerals for so much money have blueprints for T2 items. But right now, there are thousands of T1 frigates for sale below their mineral cost. And the same thing is true for the T1 versions of some of the common items to equip them.

    So I just don't do any mining and manufacturing until the devs release something new and high end?Or do wars come in cycles and everyone stockpiled up tons of stuff waiting for it all to be destroyed in some big war, where the prices will go back to normal again?Or am I looking at the wrong items? I don't want to write some script that does this for all items in the game.

    submitted by /u/Kebriones
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    Game freezing when talking to career agent

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:26 PM PST

    So I decided to make an alt and after finishing the tutorial Aura wants me to talk to a career agent and when I try to the game just freezes. Relaunched the game and launcher a couple of times and it still does it....what gives?

    Kudos on the ' increasing the new player retention' CCP :p

    submitted by /u/Ozz123
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    Daily ship discussion: Merlin

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:36 PM PST

    caldari combat frigate with bonuses to hybrid turret damage and shield resistances. features a 3-4-3 slot layout and quite high CPU with a low amount of powergrid.

    submitted by /u/_Princess_Lilly_
    [link] [comments]

    "Last chance to buy" value packs?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:33 AM PST

    Saw in the launcher that it says it is the "Last chance to buy" the current galaxy/star/meteor/starter packs. But the page doesn't show exactly when they will stop being sold.

    Is there any info on when these will stop being sold, or what might replace them?

    submitted by /u/Golden_HC
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    A new website being made. Biscuits Industrial, spreadsheets in space!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:47 AM PST

    Hello! I may be new here to posting, But I have been playing the game since 2013, So the main topic of this post is me trying to explain what my website that i'm currently making to make you guys interested.

    So, Right now it's just a website that is for Manufacturing Ships, More stuff will be added like ammo, fighters, drones and citadels (more but too lazy to actually type it all out)

    The website is called Biscuits Industrial, it's been a verry long journey for me as i'm an extreme scrub at coding, so i have been doing my absalute best at coding it, and making it easy on your guys eyes and actually having it understanable by anyone, New bro's (Welcome new people!) or the Vet's (the dudes that's been here since day one). So i'm requesting you guys to actually take your time to check out the website but not break it too hard. As i have stated above, it's a project of mine that i have been working a lone on it, i got a few friends that can help but they are busy in life right now.

    Coding language; HTML, CSS, Javascript (no idea yay overflow), PHP (please don't hate me about using it).

    The main design of the website is to try my best at making it a spreedsheet, but totally in space and allowing the changes to be made and not waiting on Google to update your spread sheet, as this is done practically done the second that i put in updates.

    Website link: https://project.skipptekk.com Discord link: https://discord.gg/kksqmuu

    Please do take the time on actually viewing it and leaving your reviews!

    Edit: I had it in the wrong Eve post. So I moved it here. Whoops!

    submitted by /u/SkippTekk
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    What are good money making activities in Eve?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:18 PM PST

    Abyssals are meh and repetive while netting around 2 million every 20 min. Unless you have a Gila which costs shitton.

    Exploration is pretty random, but so far it's the biggest payout activity for me so far.

    Emerging conduits are undoable unless you are in battleship or it seems. So far I didn't have a tough enough tank to stay in there, even though i was in BC. I was looking for maybe pick up salvage, but 9/10 players brought their own MTUs and salvaged everyrthing themselves.

    What is left? Unrated complexes are quite manageable and good, but they are pretty low paying... ~500k in bounties for half an hour of combat with tiny chance for faction loot (i am yet to find any after 12 complexes).

    What else do i have? I am past the point where 1-2 million looked like a lot, but yet to get to the point where i can afford hundred million ISK hulls.

    submitted by /u/KG_Jedi
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