• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 7, 2020

    Eve Online CCP's Ban-Machine working at full blast ... :) Yesterday reported ... today already gone

    Eve Online CCP's Ban-Machine working at full blast ... :) Yesterday reported ... today already gone

    CCP's Ban-Machine working at full blast ... :) Yesterday reported ... today already gone

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Why filaments need to stay in the game - an AAR

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:25 PM PST


    AAR: a handful of us took some t1 bcs on a filament roam and got dropped in Legacy space. After wandering around a bit, we found a system with people in it and bubbles on gate. We did the natural thing: start killing their bubbles in the hopes we'd annoy them enough to come kill us with a super or something.

    To our surprise, they warped in a Moros and a small stream of subcap support. Fighters were skynetted from a fort about 1k off gird, because reasons. We ended up killing the Moros and then dying in a glorious fire to their reinforcements.

    GF W4RP, thank you for the fight!

    submitted by /u/bel1sarius
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    Be Nice, Holey Roamans - A Tale of Friendship and Cooperative Wanton Destruction — ROAMA AAR

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Logi Killmails

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Can someone tell me where they are? It was announced over two years ago and we haven't seen anything about it since. Yet we've seen nerf after nerf and the hypernet I'd be happy just knowing that your still working on it or not rather than living in hope and getting more and more frustrated to not see anything about it.

    submitted by /u/Stueeey
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    Small Brutix Skirmish!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:08 PM PST


    Used one of the filaments, ended up in Period Basis! So we started heading to delve, during the journey run into a Phantasm Gang in which we decided to engage, they jumped the gate. Thinking nothing of it and that they were running we proceeded to keep heading towards Delve, a couple of jumps later a Dictor lands on us forcing us to stay on grid, Tasms land in the bubble, Fight ensues. GFs all round.

    Excuse the mod management! I dont play EVE much anymore :P

    Just a small skirmish! I run NPSI fleets every sunday at 19:00!
    Check it out at https://www.twitch.tv/panthone

    submitted by /u/Panthone_Mardi
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    War Profiteers

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:46 AM PST

    Goons Blob Streamers, Salt Ensues

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:31 AM PST



    They were talking mad shit until they saw our fleet, but respect for taking the fight and not just running.

    Gfs all around.

    submitted by /u/_stnick
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    Moving from High sec to Low Sec

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:40 AM PST

    Hello wonderful people of EVE.

    I want to raise an issue as to why so many High Sec corporations that want to looking for that next step don't go to low sec and rather go to Null.

    Force Multiplication in Low Sec is a little broken.

    I run a 700+ High sec corp over all time zones dedicated to try and help new bros get into the game and we hit our 1 year marker on the 27th Nov 2019. We naturally are now looking at the next step in our next year and so we started looking for a Low sec system that we could put our flag in and call home. High sec done. Let's do Low Sec!

    The issue is that this is currently not possible. With new bros and Alphas comes restrictions and so we are limited to BS (Battleships). When the idea came up of moving into low sec the elephant in the room was mentioned and so put a little damper in our plan. If we want to put our flag in the sand and call a low sec home we have to be able to defend it. We don't really want to join an Alliance and want to do everything ourselves. We want our own identity in the game and so a sole corp jumping into shark waters is rather scary.

    With us only having Battleships and not being super rich there is of course an issue with countering us with capitals or even supers at any given notice.

    Now the issue that I have noticed is not that capitals can be in low sec but the fact that they can undock and jump to any system in low sec as long as there is a cyno up in their fleet and the system is within its jump range. We have gone on some Battleship roams and tried to play with the bigger fish with horrible outcomes. We are not experienced enough and don't have the isk to back it. So going on the offensive in Low sec is out of the question for now in big things for us.. Battleships.

    We then said why don't we have a defensive fleet of as many people as we can in BS and so if we need to defend our space and structures we can. The issue again is that if someone wants to come and kick our sandcastles in our new Low Sec home we can defend it with our Battleships but if they have Capitals on stand by or even supers on stand by we lose our defensive fleet and also our structures as soon as their cyno pilot lands.

    Now I know what you are thinking.. HARDEN up and Get good but the issue remains that if you want to live in low sec and take that next step into low sec there really is no way in defending your sand castles unless you make friends or join an Alliance with capital and super support.

    My worry is that even if you have a great industrial back bone which we do and can produce your own ships which we can, there is no way for a new player corp to be able to hold or defend a Low Sec system. You could have a fleet of 80 Battleships and still struggle to defend it from a smaller much more experienced group just because they can instantly jump in and out capitals and supers like snuff used to. For them it's like shooting fish in a barrel, their killboard is green and the new corp trying to grow and move forward has to go back to high sec or even just simply go to null with the all ready capital and super umbrella in place. Now if this is what CCP wants then nothing is broken and continue as we are but know that low sec will slowly die as more high sec corporations go from high to null.

    There is less risk for High sec to Null then there is High Sec to Low.

    Now I hate to just complain so I would like to make a suggestion that I think can fix these issues.

    Firstly, the fact that you can make capitals in low sec is amazing and you can dock them in low sec is amazing. I feel capitals has a place in low sec so why not make them gate to gate only. By knowing there is a dread, carriers or fax on their way to you it allows any corp like mine to try their best and counter them. It gives us a chance to defend the system we call home and so allows us a much bigger chance at winning or standing our ground.

    I personally would like to remove supers from low sec completely because I feel it should be an end goal for a lot of industrialists and also pilots. Having supers only in null sounds like there is a progression chain. High sec - BS | Low Sec and WH - Capitals | Null Sec and WH - Supers

    This progression works from an Industrial build point and also a pilot in security space point.

    Now I know this probably will never happen so if we have to have supers in Low sec for whatever reason I feel they should not be able to touch Sub Caps. If you jump in a super its to kill capitals and other supers but your fighters or guns cant damage sub caps. This makes supers useless in Low Sec and allows a group like my one the chance to field 80 Battleships vs a capital or 2 without having to worry about super escalation that can completely wipe our fleet.

    I of course don't have the answers and I am sure you will have better ideas around this issue so I am happy to hear them and hopefully if CCP reads this they might have some of their own.

    Thanks for your time

    Just a CEO that noticed an Issue.

    submitted by /u/Eric_Shang
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    Great ! Sub Cap Brawl with The Watchmen Alliance

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:37 PM PST

    Great fight from The Watchmen , they promised they would form anytime we came down and boy do they deliver. Thanks dudes this Is what EvE is all about.



    submitted by /u/SuperPosition1
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    [EVE] Fwaming Dwagins VS. TEST Alliance

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:13 AM PST

    Does CCP follow bot isk trails?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:47 AM PST

    Every so often I manage to convince myself fade and deklein isn't full of bots.

    Every time I make the mistake of roaming there only to be greeted by 1 day old Chinese gemini United Gila/Domi pilots. After reporting and getting mails from the same people over and over with the most predictable names one starts to wonder.

    Does CCP follow the isk? These Chinese botters must be injecting to have 1 day old ratters, and must be sending the isk off to someone.

    Sure the bots get banned (sometimes up to 30 days later judging by character age) but it's gay as hell that they can so blatantly bot and keep coming back.

    submitted by /u/joecuster
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    Returning Player, What Can I Expect?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:56 AM PST

    So I'm a returning player who hasn't logged in since 2016 and I'm just wondering what I can expect in terms of new content. I still consider my knowledge base on the game pretty limited since I played casually at the time. For some reason I had a buddy hook me up with over 3 Billion Isk and zero knowledge on what to do with it. If anybody has any ideas, or suggestions on some good corporations to join, feel free to let me know.

    submitted by /u/IAmTheDippy
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    What are the faction trade hubs in game.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:32 AM PST

    I know the main hub is Jita, but what are the hubs for Gallente, Amarr, Minmatar, and any other famous trade hubs (NPC stations or Player owned)

    submitted by /u/Myth2156
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    How to run high-sec anomalies with a Jackdaw

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Hello, i've just bought a Jackdaw

    fitted with tech 2 light missile launchers with auto missiles and fury missiles

    My question is when you run high-sec anomalies like hideaways or refuges with auto targeting missiles,

    do you group your missile launchers and shoot all 5 missiles to one target, or do you ungroup your launchers and shoot 1 missile per target?

    Basically I would like to know how normally a Jackdaw runs a high-sec anomaly, cause the jackdaws i've seen ran those sites really fast. Was thinking If i just do not know how to use the ship Properly.

    submitted by /u/bradje
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    Do you make alot more money in later levels of ateroid mining?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:32 PM PST

    Making about 8-900k a load in high sec at the moment, but I've checked the weight/price of the asteroids in low sec and the difference doesn't seem much different. I've seen barges using 10 mining drones which looked good, but just looking for tips or your experience.

    submitted by /u/TheBlackWiggle
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    New Player Wanting Veteran Players Opinions

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:52 AM PST

    I've been playing off and on for a year. I subbed for 3 months at one point. But didn't stick with the game consistently.

    I've been watching Markeedragon streams but have no idea what he's doing most of the time as I'm still learning the terminology and lingo.

    I joined the Horde and have done a few babysitter mining fleets...wasn't bad just wasn't sure what to do with the ores. Sell right away at closest hub...save and sell to Jita..refine and sell and sell etc. Lot of questions as to the smart choice...what would most seasoned vets do if they were starting from 0 again...knowing what they know now.

    I know how to hack and do the relic and data sites but have relied on the activity window to find signal source areas. I understand the basics of wormhole expiration but ha e only made 2 or 3 mill off an hour or two of time.

    So that's really my question...if you had to start over and make your main all over...what few things would you focus on doing...specifics if you have the time...type of ships...which corps would you join...activities until getting x amount of ISK etc. This info would help me figure out where to spend my time learning.

    I love space and ships and want this game to hook me but the lightbulb hasn't turned on yet and I believe it's just due to being somewhat overwhelmed and not knowing all the words as well as what all I can do at my skill level.


    submitted by /u/Dora_TheDestroya
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