• Breaking News

    Monday, January 6, 2020

    Eve Online [zkill] Insert swear words here: ______

    Eve Online [zkill] Insert swear words here: ______

    [zkill] Insert swear words here: ______

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:18 PM PST


    OK, so the last couple of months many of you have been stating that killmails aren't appearing as quickly as expected on zkill. Well, I finally got to sit down and debug the issue with the assistance of Gatt2111 from The Tuskers (tyvm btw), it is so much easier to figure things out while they're happening.

    Since the inception of killmail endpoints the killmails have been returned in descending order, so kill id 101 first, then 100, then 99, etc. Now, they are returning in ascending order, so kill id 1, then 2, then 3, etc. This is why the killmails feel like they're taking hours/days to come in, because the new killmails aren't on the initial page as expected anymore and one must get more killmails to put them on that first page. zkill didn't paginate unless it hit a certain threshold that it determined it needed to pull in more pages. I don't know when this order change was implemented in the ESI API or who did it at CCP, but lets not get out our pitchforks, it was probably done for performance reasons.

    I'm making this post, then I'm going to put in a heavy handed fix to pull everything in, and then I'll be looking at a more efficient fix.

    Thank you all for your patience on this issue!

    Squizz o7

    submitted by /u/Squizz
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    Ccpls Fire for fires skins

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:43 AM PST

    CCP if you were to release some sort of skin resembling flames and pass on some of the proceeds to assist re bushfires in Australia I'd buy them

    submitted by /u/Oldmate21
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    It's good to be back

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:12 PM PST

    I've been a resident of New Eden for over 13 years and honestly I've been involved in a lot of stuff... Though, for the last 2 years, real life responsibilities have kind of ruined my playtime and I haven't really had an opportunity to do anything but login, dick around on the odd Spectre Fleet and train skills.

    Humble brag, but I just hit 215 million skill points and honestly I can't even believe it...

    Anyway, story time. I recently decided to actually commit and joined up with a mercenary Wormhole Corporation. So, we've got this Wormhole we live in and it's got a static entrance into nullsec. For the last couple of days I've logged in and taken a Pilgrim into whatever random 0.0. system that we had connected to and messed with the locals. It's been tremendously fun.

    Tonight was different. The people who live there were clearly not happy that there was a cloaky pilgrim hanging out, and mustered up a fleet. Now I haven't been with this corp for very long, but I put the call out on Discord and we rallied the troops, took the bait, sprung the trap, and were going to have an incredible fight on gate...

    Though, what actually happened was we killed their bait as they decided that we had too much and chose not to engage. That poor Vexor...


    We decided to hang out and camp the gate - all the while they must have called in the troops as well because the next thing I know a giant fleet jumps through the gate and we make a strategic retreat to our wormhole entrance and decide to take the fight on thier side of the hole.

    It was absolutely glorious! We kept our calm and it was our kitchen sink fleet versus their kitchen sink fleet. There were heavy losses on both sides.

    Turns out, that after all of the time we have been just dicking around, they had really rallied the troops as more and more hostiles appeared on grid and on long range scan so our FC made the decision for us all jump through the hole and regroup.

    That's when it happened...

    Their Fleet decided to follow... but the wormhole just couldn't support it and only maybe half their fleet made it through and the other half was stuck on the other side...

    It was a slaughterhouse. They had no idea what to do. In my head all I could think of was, can you imagine being stuck in a wormhole with no way out and the rest of your fleet halfway across the galaxy...

    After everything had finished exploding we held the field. Though, for the next little while, ships kept warping back on grid and getting picked off as our combat probes tracked and found those who had been lucky enough to warp out.

    One wonderful pilot even sold us his ship before we gave him the pod express home...

    This! This is what I had been missing. This is why I play this game. What an unbelievable, incredible, and invigorating evening. I love my new Corp, I love internet spaceships and I love the fact that this experience is unique. There's absolutely nothing else out there like EvE Online.

    It's good to be back.

    submitted by /u/blueberrybadguy
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    Filament Fleet tonight ......close fight! Ty for the content

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:48 PM PST

    A nice idea for CCP courtesy of Overwatch reddit

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Browsing Reddit main page and came across this thread:


    I thought it was a nice idea and I think the CCP art team should make some firefighter skins for EVE to help raise money and send to the Australian firefighters.

    submitted by /u/MariusTesoro
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    You've heard of ISK positive, but how about ship positive?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:38 AM PST

    Jita local

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:58 AM PST

    I know the jokes always been that jita local chat is cancerous, but fuck me I can't even click on people's names to ignore because the chat is scrolling so fast with "buy my hypernet" I used to get some good deals in jita local.

    ccp please just quarantine that channel for the love of god

    submitted by /u/Mcardle82
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    Looking to return after 6 years...where should I start?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:30 PM PST

    I last played in early 2013. At the time, I was mostly a solo player multi-boxing several accounts and running my own mining outfit. I had 8 miners set up with Hulks as well as a Mammoth pilot, Orca Pilot, and Charon pilot for transporting.

    I don't really have the capacity to play that many accounts or for as many hours anymore, but I am still very much interested in the industry side of Eve (mining, manufacturing, trading, etc). I'm not against running a few accounts, but not 5+. I think delivery or trading might suit my availability better. Or is planetary development viable?

    I'm mostly just looking for...

    -What major things have changed in industry?

    -Does Eve still have a large/active enough population to facilitate the "real-world" market?

    -What angle should I look at to tackle building a profitable business as a casual player?

    -Is it really so bad as "you can't travel because you get ganked by spawn campers at every warp gate"?

    submitted by /u/Chipper9552
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    Pando's FC Chat #14 - Vertiso & Pittsburgh2989

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Voice to text Program for deaf player

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:42 PM PST

    Ok so I had been in alot of Corps and fleet and all of them have one common is comms or mic or voice chat whatever you called it. So that start to get frustrated as I would be left out for most of time in fleet or pvp in small gangs roam or big fleet with few or no report or rely on broadcast because usually it's just me who can not be on comms due that I'm deaf in real life. So the point is I'm try to find the program where it will translate all voices from comms to text so I would not left out from fleet or whatever going on with comms... if anyone know there's program for that please let me know!

    Eve online is literally almost perfect for deaf people because all of information you need to know is right there on the screen or in system but people make eve online not deaf friendly due that "must be on comms, no mic no invite, etc etc"

    submitted by /u/Bluvian
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    How much Caldari would earn from Jita 4-4?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:33 AM PST

    Im sure they would earn more then half of their budget, but how much?

    submitted by /u/Wall_of_Force
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    Is omega worth it?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:47 PM PST

    I've really just started in this game but it seems great. I know there are limits to what alphas can do in game but not sure if a monthly subscription is worth it. How long till the limits of being an alpha get to be too restrictive?

    I only get to play 1-3 hours a day usually so I feel like maybe it won't be worth it if I'm not a person who can dedicate huge amounts of time to it.

    submitted by /u/mtgsyko82
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    Getting into mining again need help

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:15 AM PST

    Can anyone post some training plans to help? Mainly want to build upto a barge with a strip miner and work asteroid belts mainly. Abit confused what to use for mid slots. Currently using a venture. Jihn Wolf is my in-game name. o7

    submitted by /u/TheBlackWiggle
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    Blinking Market Order Button

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:55 AM PST

    When someone buys something from me the market order neocon button blinks. But, if I want to find out what was purchased I have to click on the wallet button, not the market order button. This kinda bothers my OCD. It used to be the wallet that blinked when someone bought something.

    submitted by /u/TreeSkySong
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    EVE winter music

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:11 AM PST

    Can anyone link or tell me what's the name of the song that CCP is using in this winter trailer?


    Ty in advance.

    submitted by /u/Santiago_Issier
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    Loot Hive Position Triangulation: 25%

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:15 AM PST

    Current Value: 221 Mil (est)

    Notable Items

    • Intact Armor Plates: 12
    • Enhanced Ward Console: 7
    • Drone Transceiver: 10
    • Various datacores: 168
    • Decryptors: 14

    Crate Password: \o***

    Further information available when est. value reaches 500 million.


    submitted by /u/Treadpidation
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    <10: Cruisin' Along - Ep. 16

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:50 AM PST

    Where do unfit ship parts go (I’m a newbie)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:44 PM PST

    So all the tutorial ship parts like the laser cannons and afterburner I took off to attempt to put it on another ship and now it's not in any inventory or hanger inventory. I don't know how to get new ones so I'm kinda screwed.

    submitted by /u/Bidbot5716
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    Dead is dead

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:10 PM PST

    LoD Rorq tackled by DT. LoD drops hammer. DT show balls. Some stuff died. Rorq died.

    Dead is dead.


    DT is recruiting.

    submitted by /u/Capstable13
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    How do I make my mined ore into isk?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:06 PM PST

    I know I should be on r/evenewbies, but I'm not getting a lot of help so...

    I have a bunch of ore, but if I want to reprocess them, I lose isk. Is there a way around this? Also, how do I change the minerals into isk? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Imgreatiknow
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    Thinking of finally moving on from E-Uni. Should I, and if so, which corp would be good?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST

    I guess the thought is killing me now. I'm wondering if I should finally accept that E-Uni is making me more slowed down than faster. I've gathered 30M SP and I'm still sticking around there. I'm tempted to finally move on, but a part of me is still stopping me from moving on. I need that extra push, if you guys think if its a good idea.

    If you guys think I should move on, which corp should I join? I still want to stay in a newb-friendly corp(I still like to teach!), but something else than the red tape that E-Uni has plenty of. Its the biggest thing I want to get away from.

    So, my type? I fking love PvP. Solo or Group, both are fun. Exploration is also fun for me, but really its for making money while I do PvP.

    Any input would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Dongwook23
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    Sometimes I just don't know

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:11 PM PST


    We've all had our share of opening a killmail and being completely baffled by the fit. I sometimes like to make crazy hypotheses on the thought process behind those fits. This poor soul splashed in from highsec and began scanning while sitting next to the hole, so we got to try booshing for the first time ever. Didn't get a fight, but it was still fun catching someone sitting right next to safety. The fit though...I'm really not sure what they were doing there.

    submitted by /u/zeth_rydaul
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