• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    Eve Online Here at Brave we're helping our line members get better at online dating. Here's an update on our progress:

    Eve Online Here at Brave we're helping our line members get better at online dating. Here's an update on our progress:

    Here at Brave we're helping our line members get better at online dating. Here's an update on our progress:

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Zkillboard Has Gone Too Far!!!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:06 PM PST

    Brand Newbros - Chapter Two

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:22 PM PST

    Brand Newbros,

    After serious discussion, corp leadership has made the very difficult decision to leave TEST. I want to be very clear that our relationship with TEST has always been strong, and that we are leaving under friendly terms. We wish the alliance that we were part of for so long the best of luck and continued success. Special thanks to Dran, every member of TEST leadership, alliance logistics, every content creator that made TEST a great place to be, and every individual that helped us along the way. Brand Newbros is leaving TEST to try something new and challenge ourselves in the process. We're going to put away the umbrella, and fight in the rain. Eve is changing, and we're embracing it our way.

    Brand Newbros will focus on being a place where new players learn rapidly from friendly, experienced, and supportive Eve veterans by fighting in fun doctrines with meaningful outcomes. In the right environment, with the proper support, I firmly believe that a brand new player or a less experienced veteran can quickly transition into a corp leader or the guy you set red in local. I know because I have seen it happen multiple times now and a lot of these people are responsible for making this corp what it is today. Leadership will focus on creating and maintaining this environment going forward.

    We will be giving out more details during a corp meeting this weekend, but Brand Newbros will be forming a brand new sov null alliance with fresh challenges. We will be fighting for space and trying to keep it. We will have few blues. Take this time to decide whether you will be coming with Brand Newbros as we begin our next chapter. We will continue to be a null sec corporation, but we will not be a good place for those of you that love gameplay that requires a supercap umbrella. The path that the corp has chosen will be dangerous, challenging, and potentially rewarding, but not safe.

    One of the reasons this decision was so hard is because I know that we will have friends stay behind, but I truly believe that this decision is the best for Brand Newbros long term. Those of you that decide to stay with TEST will get nothing but support from corp. I want everyone to do what is best for their situation and Eve goals.

    Please act as maturely as possible as we amicably move out of TEST space. No memes.

    Smokes McPot Brand Newbros CEO

    submitted by /u/Hisx1nc
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    Really CCP? you couldnt stop it at 9, or even 99?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:18 AM PST

    Its still spreading

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:21 AM PST

    CCP cancel FPS to make new FPS

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:57 AM PST


    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:47 PM PST

    Look for small victories in the most adverse of times.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:41 PM PST

    These are the chronicles of the Leech. She is a a prospect class exploration frigate fitted out for gas mining. The Leech and her crew travel from one end of New Eden to the other looking for gas used in combat booster production. These are her stories.

    Capsuleers: On the night of April 19th 2019 the Leech was in the Vale of the Silent region on the prowl for Amber Cytoserocin used in Blue Pill Booster production. We had found a viable cloud and were actively harvesting the gas. This gas cloud was special in that there were objects close enough that prevented the emergency maneuver I had perfected. A hostile astero entered the system and scanned down the local anomalies. I neglected to hide while they did this. I made the grave error of assuming they were after the local data and/or relic sites. I would later pay for that error.

    The Astero uncloaked on me. Had this been an average gas cloud I could have cloaked up and ran before they got me. But as that wasn't the case the astero was able to lock me and tackle me. A moment later the astero launched her drones at me. The Leech is not equipped to return fire, but she is able to take a few punches. With nothing to do but try to cause damage I gave the order to keep harvesting gas. The gambit payed out. In just 2 cycles of the gas harvesters an explosion from the gas cloud was caused. All 5 of the astero's drones were destroyed. The crew cheered while I smiled and took a swig from my flask. I barked to the crew to calm down, we weren't done yet. The astero launched another volley of drones. I gave the order to keep harvesting gas.

    We were lucky. Another explosion sounded and rattled the hull of the Leech. All 5 drones were again destroyed. After that it was clear the astero did not have any offensive ability. We remained warp scramed but damage was no longer being dealt. With still nothing left to do I ordered to continue to keep harvesting gas. The Leech and the astero remained in a stalemate for some time. I assume the crew of the astero was calling for help. And it arrived.

    It arrived in the form of a stilletto. The new hostile warped to his friend and opened fire. The Leech, being equipped to handle some damage, was able to hold out for a while and all the while kept harvesting, hoping for more explosions. It seems the Leech was lucky only during the astero encounter as no further explosions occurred. Right at the end, however, an explosion occurred. The explosion destroyed the Leech and her crew. I woke up in my clone vat not fully aware of what had happened until I reviewed the combat report. The enemy did not get credit for the ship kill. I was killed by the gas cloud. In the end the crew of the Leech fought to the death. And while we died we did manage to deny the satisfaction to the enemy. In the face of certain defeat, look for the small victories.

    Drogon Barbarath
    Captain of the Leech
    Somewhere in New Eden

    submitted by /u/Drogon_Barbarath
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    ��K what the hell?!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:39 AM PST

    New player, enjoyed all the agents, but these trigs..

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:42 PM PST

    I've been playing for about a week now, been alpha but thinking about going Omega, but I dont see the point if I can't make any ISK.

    All I want to do is get some mining done without having trigs warp on top of me and one shot my ship, or be sent back in a capsule because I warped into the wrong part of a belt.

    Been running a venture, packing on shield rigs to try and give me a chance to warp out, but idk if its been bad luck or what, but the trigs are dialed in on me. Lost 4 ships in the last 3 days.

    Is this normal? Am I just screwed, until i can grind out more skills and/or go omega?

    Edit: this was my loadout

    [Venture, Venture fit]

    Mining Laser Upgrade I

    Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender

    1MN Afterburner I

    Survey Scanner I

    Miner II

    Miner II

    [Empty High slot]

    Small Core Defense Field Extender I

    Small Core Defense Field Extender I

    Small Core Defense Field Extender I

    submitted by /u/martymcflyskateboard
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    From today's patch notes: YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME CCP, MORE RED DOTS!!!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:11 PM PST

    I won eve

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:16 PM PST

    1 second tick rules

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:25 AM PST

    If I do an action that take place by for 1.1 second, does that mean action will be completed by 2 seconds, did I get this right?

    submitted by /u/Max_Tosin
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    He Does.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:11 PM PST

    How about you replace this red dot equivalent with local market details; such as market goods which have had the greatest change (indicated in %) in the last 24 hours, ordered by volume?

    submitted by /u/Xyic0re
    [link] [comments]

    Yes, I know. IDGAF. Can you go away and leave me alone?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:52 PM PST

    AAR: A Night Away From The Docks: Delve Edition

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:39 AM PST

    AAR: A Night Away From The Docks

    One of our favorite pastimes is, and always will be, wormhole diving. We've been fairly lucky with our WH connections lately. Yesterday was no different.

    Dive 1:

    One of our alliance mates found a wormhole to fortress delve, the bastion of carebears. The signature kiki fleet is formed and waiting. Scouts report rorquals, but we decide to continue searching. Jackpot, we find a Revenant ratting. Revenant proceeds to get safe, but wait, there is more. Revenant believes he can fight us and warps to a site with dromis loaded. Insert atomic kiki fleet. We hold the revenant, launch an inhib, and wait for the inevitable response fleet (WTB dread bomb). To my surprise, supers are dropped.

    Defang Defang Defang, Pew Pew Pew

    We lose two kikis (myself included : [) due to bad warp-in timing. Like all good stories, redemption is at hand.

    We catch an active tanked revelation in our defensive bubble 120km off the super horde. Minokawa attempts to hold revelation up with shield reps from 80km (Spoiler alert: It didn't work). Rev dies, supers leave. Our hero bubbler catches a nid off the fort with a drag bubble. We smash the occult delete key just in time to face a goon harpy fleet. The harpy fleet is removed from space and we head home to take half an hour off to rest the computer hamsters for dive 2.

    Dive 2:

    We decide to push our luck and search for ships we fear more than supers, rorquals. We often find that tackled rorqs bring more heat than a tackled super ironically.

    Five rorquals are spotted. Five rorquals are bubbled. The hamsters are overheated, and we dive in.

    We put one rorqual into panic rather quickly and, once again, begin the wait for the inevitable drop.

    Waiting, waiting, hamsters becoming anxious. To our surprise we kill the rorqual just in time. The bass dropped and in come the, you guessed it, supers and harpies.

    Defang Defang Defang, Pew Pew Pew

    Harpies are deleted, and we skirt the supers well enough, sustaining minimal losses.

    We apply pressure to a rag and get it to 30% shield before forcing more harpies to come into short range, which we also delete.

    We head home to enjoy the spoils and rest the hamsters one more time.

    Dive 3:

    At this point, we are expecting the full hammer if we attack anything. Will our luck run out? Stay tuned.

    Our bubble boi secures rorqual tackle once more. We push him into panic. This time the goons coordinate quite well between their harpy fleet and supers (3rd time is the charm?) and come in properly timed as panic runs out.

    Harpies dive on us while supers launch the horde of dromis and sirens. We kill harpies faster than we can lock, but this time it is not enough. 20+ dromis cannot be defanged quick enough to mitigate dps. We lose a chunk of our fleet before clearing enough tackle to warp. We head back to the docks with smiles and sweaty hamsters.

    Thank you to goons for the great night. We win some, we lose some, but we always have fun doing it. I hope you all did too.

    Shoutouts to our hero bubblers, logi, and support ships. The fleet would be ineffective without you.

    Seriously, anyone have a dread bomb?

    Combined Battle Report: https://br.inyour.space/?s=4736,4731,4733&b=9010170,9010260,9010260&e=120,90,100&t=rv

    Video POV:


    submitted by /u/EveMelkie
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    How to actually make eve players buy cosmetics!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

    Since they keep making failed FPS games, clearly they need cash. As we know the amount of tribalism and patriotism eve members have towards their Corp and alliance is rather extreme, so I have a proposal.

    Add the ability to commission custom skins for an extremely large amount of plex say 50,000-100,000. As we saw in plex for good, we will come together for a common goal, and what goal besides actual charity is more admirable than a skin for an alliance doctrine ship that fits your alliance.

    Another idea, that would simpler. Add for a small plex price the ability to unlock, on a ship by ship basis, the ability to display your Corp and Alliance logos on the hull. All CCP has to do for this is just add the space to display it to the model and then pull the image. All logos are approved by CCP already.

    Would be happy to hear any feedback on the idea!

    submitted by /u/Warior4356
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    PSA: The red dots have been nerfed.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:06 AM PST

    I'm not getting them from salvage, or looting MTUs.

    I call this a win.

    submitted by /u/Chocolate_Pickle
    [link] [comments]

    You Have New Photos to View

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:12 AM PST

    Sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the finer things of New Eden

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Who's agitating my dots??? (Old Nextel commercial)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:23 PM PST

    Alone in Eve - A series

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:44 PM PST

    I started a series, I'd be thrilled with some thoughts/comments or just general enjoyment on my stupidity in going it alone!


    submitted by /u/Solitary-Sam
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    Red dots?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:03 PM PST

    hello there

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:01 AM PST

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