• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Eve Online RiP EVE, we had a great time

    Eve Online RiP EVE, we had a great time

    RiP EVE, we had a great time

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:36 PM PST

    CCP Submitting to Chinese Government censorship by renaming C O R O N A V I R U S <WUH4N> to New Eden Alliance 99009767 <NEA9>

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:03 PM PST


    Our new small gang PVP Alliance, which has been successfully taking Sovereignty in Cache and Perrigen Falls against some of the worst Botting alliances in the game has now been completely demoralised by removal of their identity by CCP. CCP has claimed that our alliance name is offensive, however simply stating that something exists is not offensive.

    submitted by /u/adoptinspace
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    New Destroyer Type?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:32 AM PST

    Since 3D-Ship models are so popular, I present to you my Finest work yet. (C&C welcome)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:16 PM PST

    REQUEST :: @ccp - can we get the ability to list all relevant skills when looking at a given fit.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:23 AM PST

    Basically I would like a new option in the Ghost fitting window, a Skills breakdown tab, it would fit alongside the modules and ship tabs on the left and it's sole purpose is to list every single skill that the current fit uses, displaying the players current levels of those skills and the time to train everything to 5.

    While in ghost mode it would be really cool if we could then sim skill levels we don't have to see how fit would change for example say I'm looking at a fitting for a Jackdaw and I only have Light Missiles level 4 but I want to see what my DPS would be if I had level 5, I would fit the ship with the Meta 4 launchers, I would tab to the skill window and then click the empty box on the right hand side of the Missile Launcher Skill which would have 4 white box's and 1 now yellow box to signal that its being simmed.

    This change would allow people on youtube, streamers, and the community of people who love to make guides to be able to not only show their fits, but in an easily visualised way show the skills required.

    It would allow new players who do not have the deep background in the game to very quickly see what skills are important, what skills they should train first, does spending time on missile rig skill gain more dps than spending time on the launcher skill these are all things this new feature would help all players figure out really quickly with a few clicks.

    Finally I think the ability to import the sim-ed skills into your active queue would be obvious, as well as copy it to clipboard for posting on reddit/youtube/twitch etc.

    submitted by /u/Taiphoz
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    Ah yes, my settings level

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:04 PM PST

    It's a big universe out there

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:06 AM PST

    miners after the ore/anom nerfs be like...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:22 PM PST

    WiNGSPAN channel

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Hey all, Valdaryan Penken here with WiNGSPAN Delivery Services.

    In the past our CEO, the honorable Chance Ravinne, would play a lot and upload content to the WiNGSPAN YouTube channel. There is great content there and valuable information (though some is outdated now), however, I wanted to keep the WDS YouTube side alive and keep content flowing. Times have changed and i'm still fairly new to the Corp. but i've taken the opportunity to try and fill that gap for all prospecting pilots that have been inspired by Chance's work. I've created a YouTube channel that i keep up to date with current content and our daily shenanigans.

    I know i'll never be able to replace Chance and his masterpieces as i'm not a professional content creator, graphics designer, or master editor...but i do what i can to keep ppl engaged. Go check out my channel, sub, like, comment on the new content.


    Hope to see you guys in there, and Thanks!

    "I'll see you in the dark."

    Valdaryan Penken>>>end transmission

    submitted by /u/Valdaryan_Penken
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    The Caiman (Faction Dreadnaught) has the Vitalshift Ego Stripe now

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:10 PM PST

    Built my first ship!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:32 AM PST

    I built my first ship. It a Leshak. His name is Bob. I have mixed feelings on whether I should fly him myself until blapped or sell him.

    submitted by /u/QBall1442
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    Inner Hell, Eviction starting pack

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:15 AM PST

    Sad Day for a bot.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:11 PM PST

    TLDR: While roaming for content came across obvious botters, patience paid off and got alot of killmarks before getting tackled by a caracal. zkill BR linked below.

    Two days ago i came across this group of similarly named players listed here:

    ZZzzzzzz zza01 ZZzzzzzz zza02 ZZzzzzzz zza03 ZZzzzzzz zza04 Zzzzzzz zza05 ZZzzzzzz zza06 ZZzzzzzz zza07 ZZzzzzzz zza08 ZZzzzzzz zza10 ZZzzzzzzz zz01 ZZzzzzzzz zz02 ZZzzzzzzz zz03 ZZzzzzzzz zz04 ZZzzzzzzz zz05 ZZzzzzzzz zz06 ZZzzzzzzz zz07 ZZzzzzzzz zz08 ZZzzzzzzz zz09 ZZzzzzzzz zz10 ZZzzzzzzz zza11 ZZzzzzzzz zzb005 ZZzzzzzzz zzb01 ZZzzzzzzz zzb02 ZZzzzzzzz zzb03 ZZzzzzzzz zzb04 ZZzzzzzzz zzb06 ZZzzzzzzz zzc07 ZZzzzzzzz zzc08 ZZzzzzzzz zzc09 ZZzzzzzzz zzc10

    So i did the only sensible thing to do, afk cloaky camp and see what i get.. after a couple of hours of no bites and they were still logged in. I decided to log for the night in system.

    The next day upon log-in i immediatly warp to the structure that i suspected them docking up in.. and as they had ALREADY beat me to it from a 33.6AU warp in Covetors, i new it was a botting. But then out of the blue i saw another, random covetor warp in from the small anomoly.. so i warped in to check it out.. nothing.. but out of the blue, a covetor warps in.. i get tackle and kill him. He did eventually deploy drones but they sat on him for about 2-3 seconds before they came after me.. they were such low skill tho that it didn't really do much damage to me so i was able to tank them as i finished him off.. I was pretty satisfied with my new kill and cloaked up to re-evaluate what to do next.. but then, another warps in.. i get a kill in the exact same fashion.. then 2 min later, another.. and another, and another..

    I eventually get killed by a caracal that keeps me from continuing to serve my civic duty but im pretty satisfied with the end result. See below:


    submitted by /u/ModrnDayMasacre
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    CCP Stops doing manual PLEX character transfers?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:55 AM PST

    I tried to transfer a character to another account by having 1000 plex in my plex wallet and submitted a support ticket under "character transfers"

    But got informed that they no longer do this and to use the $20 to transfer the toon.

    This sucks :/


    Character Bazaar in shambles

    submitted by /u/tell32
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    CCPlease ads in game more then just clear vision

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:23 AM PST

    if we have to get ads in game of the in game store can we please have more then just 1 ads that is on auto replay?
    for all I care adds skins there too cause alliance or corps adds are no longer a thing but cutt off the clear vision for god shake

    submitted by /u/resixh
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    As a newbie station trader, how can I survive after the Broker Relations update?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:33 PM PST

    o7. I'm pretty new to this game (about 2 months), and last month I started trying to learn Jita station trading with 3b capital earned from wormhole exploration. This update makes me excited and panic at the same time. Excited because a new market meta may allow new players compete with veterans since both of them have to craft their trading strategy from scratch. Panic because its hard to predict what'll happen next. Hell, I don't even know whether station trader will still be a viable career after March 10...

    I'm trying to liquidize all my assets and recover invested ISKs from the market as fast as possible before the update gets implemented. In case station trading is still a thing after the update, I have some questions to consult the EVE community for insight:

    First question: What third party tool should I use to manage orders and find margin after the change? I'm currently using Evernus, but it seems out of maintenance for quite some time. I suppose it'd be unusable after the change.

    Second question: Is there any chance for station traders with small capital to survive? It'd be devastating for them every time they get outbid, because the relist cost is just too expensive. They can only hope some big consumers will eventually buy or sell a bunch of stuff and fulfill their deeply buried orders, which means it takes much longer time to earn ISK and the ROI becomes much more unpredictable. It seems that trading becomes more risky and small capital traders may be unable to handle all the uncertainty. Am I getting anything wrong here? Is there any viable alternative strategy for people like me to keep their trading career afloat?

    Third question: How will the market react to the change before and after the update? I think things will generally become more expensive due to lack of liquidity. Will people stock merchandise and expect to sell high afterward? But for small capital traders like me, it seems more reasonable to gtfo of the market before update to prevent assets from being stuck in buried orders.

    Thanks for all the answers!

    submitted by /u/johnruby
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    They will never prevail

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:39 PM PST

    Stole the lime from under their noses.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:00 AM PST

    These are the chronicles of the Leech. She is a a prospect class exploration frigate fitted out for gas mining. The Leech and her crew travel from one end of New Eden to the other looking for gas used in combat booster production. These are her stories.


    Instead of a story of my exploits I bring you a story of my brother, Rhaegal and a believer in my cause, Melku. On the night of May 10th 2019 my brother, Rhaegal, and Melku faced daunting odds and prevailed with spectacular style.

    After a time of harvesting Malachite Cytoserocin (used in mindflood booster production) Rhaegal suggested they go and get some Lime Cytoserocin (used in frentix booster production) located in the Catch region. The two located 2 possible gas sites in one system but the system was populated with not less than 70 enemies. No other gas sites could be found in any of the other systems in the constellation of 9HXQ-G. Luck was not on their side that night. The only clouds available to harvest were in the system with many enemies. They could either go home empty handed or harvest gas. And failure is not an option.

    Both men deployed their mobile depots and swapped their modules in preparation for gas harvesting operations. The selected site had 2 clouds so each man took a cloud and began harvesting. With so many enemies nearby tensions were high. Neither man could relax. D-Scan could not have been pressed more, and according to D-Scan, at one point during the operation 120 or more enemies were in system. At multiple times during the operation one or both men had to cloak up and hide. At 75% full the enemy started to aggressively look for both men so they needed to move on or risk death.

    Both returned to the safe spot and deployed their mobile depots to refit into a fit more suitable for traveling in null sec. Once ready they set out for home. X6 is less than 20 jumps from the gas grounds.

    Neither Rhaegal nor Melku willing to leave the other behind and worked together. On the way home they ran into trouble. On one system both jumped into a system that had deployed an interdiction probe from a sabre. The starburst order was given and both men ran in a random direction while activating their propulsion module and cloaking device. The enemies gave chase and deployed multiple interdiction probes in an attempt to capture the men. Both escaped.

    Later, the same thing happened. Both jumped into a system that had a deployed interdiction probe. Again, the starburst maneuver was decided upon. Once again, multiple probes were launched in a failed attempt to capture my brother and Melku. After both failed attempts there were no more bubbles, but they were perused until they were almost home. Both returned home safely without further incident, albeit without a full tanks of gas.

    Drogon Barbarath
    Captain of the Leech
    Somewhere in New Eden

    submitted by /u/Drogon_Barbarath
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    Short Tackle Compilation - Malediction/Sabre

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:15 PM PST

    5 Supers - One Good Fleet

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:41 AM PST

    Must have been a rough night in Dodixie!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Legacy Code

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:08 AM PST

    CCP is developing a 17 Year old game, most of the game is old code and when you enter new code into that it can break things. Programmers know this, older players know this. Patches will be tested but ultimately much like Windows (and people still use Windows) you can't test every combination of systems the software will run on nor the combinations of buttons that any person may press that could send said code into a death spiral.

    CCP are not bad people, nor are they bad developers, they are doing the best they can with the code they have been left to maintain. We give them too hard a time about their product given its age. How many pieces of software do you still use that has 10+ yr old code being actively developed?

    submitted by /u/Cryptocaned
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    New Player: Help! Just got myself reintroduced to EVE

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:03 PM PST

    Hi guys, so as the title says I'm a *new player*. I've had my account since 2016 technically but only played for a week and then decided to come back yesterday to try again!

    I actually had a super productive 2nd day, completing 2 of the intro agents, doing some relic hunting and mining and actually managed to save up enough isk to outfit myself with the best ship i've had yet. Took me since this morning to get my thrasher outfitted with some howitzers, gattling guns and some other upgrades.

    I ended up going out in my venture to some 0.7 sec area so I could mine resources. I figured I was decently safe since I was in high sec.... until I got ganked by some other person. OKAY no big deal, just the cheap ship and small losses. I learned from chat I could see my death history and noticed my killer used a t1 gun to kill me. Shouldn't be a problem to switch over to my thrasher equipped with 6 guns and boosters that I spent all day today farming, go right back to the area, get my revenge plus the 10 million isk bounty that was on my killers head.

    GREAT, no big deal, seems easy enough, right up until I arrived close to my death location and got ganked by someone completely different who was FAR tougher and well equipped. Seriously, my ship got destroyed in 2 shots, it was crazy. I couldn't believe my eyes.

    Now I may come across as whining or venting but I have respect for my killers as this is what eve is about, trust me, my experience learning dark souls for the first time humbled me greatly.

    My actual goal with this post is gathering information from you eve elites via the following questions...

    How can a I prevent this happening again? or at least reduce the chance of it happening?

    Is it not feasible to play solo while I'm a new player or is staying in 1.0 sec space mining until I can save up for a better ship loadout really all I can really do?

    How can I get better at pvp or more specifically, gauge if a fight is worth taking before getting blown up in 10 seconds in 2 shots?

    How can I quickly generate isk risk free?

    Thank you all!

    I should also mention, while I was mining I did get a chance to skim through eve university and watch some tutorials so I know a little and did try to research first before posting here.

    submitted by /u/Fallout49
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    CCP please reconsider keeping the trade margin skill

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:13 AM PST

    The removal will greatly hurt the market (less investments) and the small trader. We will have to invest 2x-3x the isk for less profit and it will lead to most traders quitting this activity which is definitely bad for the market.

    It will make no difference to botters. The only plus I can see is that a rare scam will no longer happen, which is good but at what cost?

    I'm in no means an economist but this looks like a disaster waiting to happen.

    submitted by /u/Rolmar
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    Trader stop whining!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:40 PM PST

    Volatility is the key word, if you don't get that as a trader you shouldn't trade at all. Sure with volatility comes risk but also opportunity. 0.01ing make prices more or less constant for a long period of time. With 0.01ing there isn't much volatility at all and with the upcoming changes that will end.

    Most people do not get why margin trading should be gone for good. It is not about the margin trading scam, it is because you can easily manipulate the market with ZERO risk. I explained how it works here a long time ago. https://forums-archive.eveonline.com/message/3910027/#post3910027

    Every time i wanted to corner and manipulate a market i used it without any risk at all. So every small time trader should be very happy that tool will be gone as the big traders with enough cash on hand can't manipulate the market with ZERO risk anymore.

    submitted by /u/JoriMcKie
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