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    Monday, March 16, 2020

    Eve Online Conform or Die.

    Eve Online Conform or Die.

    Conform or Die.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Teaching a friend of mine how to explo :p

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:28 AM PDT


    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Jita is now a Black Hole

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    to you

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I know with the corona virus thing is been this days crazy but i want to wish you all to be safe and be healthy all the time

    so don´t do sily things and take care every one of you pilots counts to make eve much better game

    Cacique Yuhasz

    submitted by /u/cubaneveguy
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    Kikis invade Delve - Goons respond in style

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Amarr Militia/Provi vs Minmatar Militia/Panic Attack/Dock Workers

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    Battle Report: https://br.evetools.org/br/5e6f262c15aaf0001748e2ca


    Minmatar Militia attacked an Amarr Militia astrahus in Floseswin, and managed to do the armor timer relatively uncontested due to unfortunate circumstances. This led to Amarr Militia mass pinging for all available pilots to gather for the hull timer. With this, Amarr managed to get together roughly 60 people in fleet, with about 25 Armor Battleships (Mainly Abaddons), with some links, support and 2 Triage.

    Due to the timer being at 23:00 - Very late EUTZ and early USTZ, we assumed it would be a timer that Dock Workers would be turning up to, in addition to whoever else would turn up (previous timers for the minmatar citadel in system has seen a big cap brawl), so in anticipation we had some friends in providence form a Ferox fleet, about 70 strong.

    We formed up fairly quickly and efficiently, and waited on the titan for Minmatar to show up. Soon after the timer began repairing, the Minmatar fleet consisting of around 25-30 pilots showed up on grid, primarily consisting of typhoons, with guardians and some other random stuff. We soon bridged in around 35km away from them, and naturally they started burning away in attempts to kite, however with scorch and tracking computers we managed to score a few kills and their fleet warped off.

    Disappointing in the lack of any proper engagement, we started preparing for the Providence fleet to stand down and return home, as we only wanted to bring them in if Dock Workers (who at this point weren't forming) were showing signs of showing up, being the dominant USTZ group easily capable of outforming us.

    A few minutes later an Arazu lit a cyno around 25km away from us, bringing in an Apostle, and a 15 man Fleet consisting primarily of leshaks warped onto grid, belonging to Panic Attack. With everyone pumped up for a proper brawl we loaded Conflag, heated our guns and began systematically ripping their fleet apart, with Minmatar coming in at range again to try and pluck things off. Fortunately we held reps and managed to kill the remainder of the Panic fleet, and between the Abaddons/Citadel killed their Fax.

    At this point we had received intel that Dock Workers had seen what was happening, Pred had logged in and began forming. Knowing at this time they can outform us, and that Pred will do anything to win because hurrdurr 'muh killboard, we signalled the Providence fleet to start making their way over. In the mean time we pushed the Minmatar fleet off.

    As we were finishing up, the Providence fleet started arriving, and the Cyno for Dock Workers was lit, bringing in two Triages, and about 25 Battleships, primarily Leshaks with some bhaalgorns and Vindis, this was going to be an interesting fight, especially considering the minmatar fleet were warping back on grid aswell. We started to primary Bhaalgorns and to our surprise we were practically alpha'ing them. However this angered pred, and as a result, he dropped about 16 dreads to kill our Fax's, in addition to a third triage. At this point we had killed vastly more than our losses even if the citadel died, so we started evacuating grid, thankfully most of us were untackled.

    The dock workers fleet made short work of our triage and the Citadel was killed shortly after. Although the objective was lost it was a massive victory for Amarr Militia, being the first proper joint fleet with solid numbers in a very long time, and performing incredibly well considering.

    I'd like to say a massive thanks to all of the Amarr guys involved in making this happen, and also good fight to Minmatar/Panic/Dock Workers, aswell as a thank you to Provi for forming a fleet and being patient enough to leave us to fight our battle until it was way too much.

    Amarr Militia is recruiting btw

    submitted by /u/nitroxc
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    Corp CEO furious that we would not fly 40 jumps to defend his structure for free.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    So the guy that owned the fortizar in Raneilles ( https://zkillboard.com/kill/82275987/ ) contacted Hogs Collective for help defending it a few days ago and.....well the exchange was amusing to say the least. Thought you guys might like to read it.


    His structures were aggressed by Pain and Compliance. One of our alliances "Aporkalypse Now" allied in on that war, because one of our directors saw a shiny Pain and Compliance target in jita and wanted to nab it next time it was there, without having to pay a wardec fee.

    The Trade Masters Consortium CEO however seemed to take this as an absolute and unconditional offer to do anything in our power to defend his structures.

    We chatted for a bit, with him right off the bat assuming we were going to come and defend his structures, and whilst we're happy for some content or to help out some smaller groups, once we found out that the structures in question were 40 jumps from our main highsec area, we were....not particularly eager.

    We suggested that a 5b fee would cover the payments to our members, SRP, and that if we were unsuccessful in defending his structure it would be refunded.

    He took this as an insult, how dare we even consider not flying 40 jumps to defend his structure for free!

    It became clear that he was not going to have a reasonable discussion and was just going to be aggressive, so the conversation was ended.

    These mails then followed:

    https://imgur.com/a/y8fN6Tn (Click link, multiple images within)

    There certainly are some colourful characters in eve!

    submitted by /u/Golden_HC
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    When new signature pops up

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    .01 iskers

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    Please stop buying all the toilet paper im on my last two rolls.

    submitted by /u/HarlyQ
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    The Initiative. - Bomb has been planted

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Stay out of the forest, keep away from the trees!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    How has station trading changed since the market changes, and what are some new methods or tips you have for someone wanting to get into it?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    The market part of the game sounds so appealing to me and I'd like to know what tips you guys have for someone new to it.

    submitted by /u/PotatoKnished
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    Does weapon disruption work on rats? And in particular does optimal range disruption work against them?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    See title. I'm pretty sure tracking disruption works against rats as I've recently done it but I was wondering more generally if it's possible to nerf the optimal range of a rat using tracking disrupters

    submitted by /u/JimmyJKKKkkkkkkkkj
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    [Solo PVP] Swiss Army Knife Machariel

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    African Atomic + friends vs 65 horde feroxes and 30 lowsec randoms

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Last week we anchored a cheap little raitaru all by itself in a random lowsec system, hoping to get some fights from the locals. The locals were quick to reinforce it, and brought a 10-15 man ferox fleet to kill it. We brought a spicy little legion fleet to force them to bring something nicer to kill it. Most of the feroxes were fitted with MJDs(????????) though and warped off lol https://zkillboard.com/related/30002651/202003091700/

    A few reinforcements later with the hostiles running away everytime eyes were logged in, we prepared for yet another raitaru defence fleet, not expecting much of a fight. However I was informed that Horde was bringing a ferox fleet under one of the guys that had previously tried to kill the structure. On the way with my cyno I spot a 30 man fleet of various battleships and 6 augorors. I handed out leshaks, bhaalgorns and an apostle to get us ready for some fun. We get ready for some fun despite only being 10 people on comms. I cyno up 20km from the battleship gang and OH NO my titan doesnt have stront for bridging lol. The fax jumps in to hold the cynoalive and make time for some quick very stressful hauling. We get the subcap fleet and oh whats this?? The chillax subcap defence fleet turns into a cap brawl when the enemy jumps in 3 dreads, 2 fax and a carrier. We quickly scramble to get in our very few unprepared dreads. With the last cyno already down and our apostle pilot being a bit stressed our new cyno goes down without any reps and only a handful of dreads get through. We manage to 3 dreads in and easily kill the enemy shitfit dreads losing none ourselves. However our fax is not holding and we mess up our targetcalling a bit. The subcaps have to bounce as they are not receiving reps. Our fax and dreads then die a slow death as we struggle immensely to get another cyno in for additional fax and dreads.

    10 minutes later and the structure being nearly dead we jump back in again with new leshaks, 2 apostles and a few vindis to support some blap dreads we bring in from the getgo. The enemy fax have left grid and the enemy battleship fleet runs away as soon as cyno goes up. The ferox fleet stay around to have a few ferox blasted by the blap dreads and run away after losing 3-4 ferox. Br: https://br.inyour.space/?s=2651&b=9048600&e=90&t=qqerar Gf! Hope to see you on the grid of the new one ;) African Atomic is recruiting btw.

    submitted by /u/Faymm
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    <10: WTF FW (ft. Btr0n and AP) - Ep. 21

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    My Other Car Is A Levi...

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Need a new game to play over Spring Break; how easy is EVE Online to get into?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I've heard it's one of the best space combat/exploration games, but I've also heard that it's insanely complicated and not that fun if you don't have a group to play with. So, how easy/hard is EVE to get into, and how would I find a group of people to play with? Thanks to anyone that can answer my questions!

    Edit: Another thing I wanted to ask about is the microtransaction-side of the game. Are there tons of micros, and do they affect the game enough to where you'll be worse off than others if you don't purchase them? And is there a Discord server for EVE? If so, can someone link it in the comments below?

    submitted by /u/Dragonspiral_Tower
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    So this is happening on PH's subreddit :)

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    New player!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    I just downloaded the free to play version of Eve Online. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/timo-el-supremo
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    What happened to Pandemic Legion?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    Literally every major alliance went out of their way to not shit on these guys and give them room to grow. It was a spoken agreement between most of the blob FCs not to put too much pressure on them, how did they still manage to failcascade? They have possibly the best source of content in years right on their doorstep, and the endorsement of almost every major block in EVE.

    How did this happen?

    (Inb4 Grath left. Thats bullshit. Even Hedliner could have kept an alliance alive with that amount of support and Avatars)

    submitted by /u/RingGiver
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    RXA content astrahus fight

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    So info for those who are interesed or who are not interested:
    FI.RE placed content astrahus, Army of Mango formed and some bombers from BRAVE.
    All drones (and bomber wing from frt) formed.
    Was fun fight till supers arrived. FI.RE FC (me) got dropped 2 times due to shitty internet.
    GF Horde, will place new one shortly :) and will look up for the next fight
    https://fleetcom.space/battlereport/hGKqbp2fgrP2Bzfu2 (Still not full, fight still going)
    FI.RE and AOM lost pretty hard, due to super supremacy, but fight was fun.

    submitted by /u/Zapp_Brenigen
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    Me showing off a bit

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    New player, 2 weeks of playing, 2-3 hours a day and I made my goal of 4bil isk. Now I have enough to buy omega and still have enough money to make money :)

    But i've reached my goal now, so im not sure what to do

    submitted by /u/MarshmelloStrawberry
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